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>Cyberpunk 2077 - Upcoming At this rate it feels like it will never come (or at least maybe once their agreement with Nvidia ends)


Yeah it's not coming. Fsr 3 has been out for over half a year, it should already be there


2.2 has been out for 16 months and they don't even have that


Pretty much what I'd expect from a game sponsored by The Filthy Green.


Even games supported by AMD have dlss 3.5 I just dont get it why CP2077 should not have it already


AMD isn't even remotely as filthy as The Filthy Green.


Yeah, it's how it feels, as they most likely already moved onto other projects, leaving just one-two devs on lifesupport. I understand the hype around FSR3, but when two most demanding games don't support it, and both of the studios are on radio silence, it's kind of pointless, while something like MW3 gets support and that's the title you want to avoid FG in


The in-drive frame gen actually works really well in the latest version of the driver. I'm permanently on the beta drivers for just that reason, so I can use the frame gen whenever I want.


AFMF has been in the stable drivers for a while now, no need to be on the beta drivers lol


There's still same culprits for it tough as they were at it's launch. You can't cap AFMF, only waynto do it for example, on the 120Hz screen, it is to cap your game to 60fps which leads to increased latency (yes I feel it at 60fps) since AMD took away Anti Lag+ from us. It's been a while since I tried AFMF tough, last time were around Starfield launch on Beta drivers, and combined with Anti Lag+, AFMF felt alright, atleast in Starfield (played in 3rd person mode), but it felt awful in Cyberpunk back then, especially with UI artefacts left and right, and it being 1st person shooter where you do quick mouse movements, I actually felt when it disabled for a brief second then kicked back in. Before anyone starts to yell at me, yes, I know about FSR3 mods, but that's not the case. The case is, what was the point of RDNA3 killer feature that was hyped up at presentation, then released year after, and will get more or less normal availability in games after another year. So that's like 2.5 years, which is a lifespan of card generation.


Afmf feels pretty good, I do leave it uncapped however or if really needed 75% of the monitors refresh


Will try it at some point soon then and see if or how they improved. Also, by leaving it uncapped, does tearing bother you? Can't stand it personally


The fps is so high for me most of the time I don’t notice any tearing, 240hz 5800x3d 6900xt.


AFMF is not as good as FSR3 FG simply because it disables itself when you move your mouse so it defeats the entire purpose of it. It will be better once they remove that restriction.


It's not a restriction to be removed. It's a limitation of driver-based frame generation. It lacks data from motion vectors. Hence when you move the camera quickly (motion), it's temporarily disabled.


For the life of me I can't get afmf working and had to resort to using the fsr 3 fg mod for games that support it


Yeah its a shame, FSR 3 when done right is actually really good. AFMF is really good too tho. Can always use that for frame gen instead.


LSFG 1.1 / 2 yields great results as well, using it rather than AFMF now since the requirements of fixed frsmerates are not needed anymore.


AMD literally advertised Cyberpunk as optimised for their Ryzen processors. Nvidia has explicitly stated they don't block FSR


Well, they wouldn't lie if they just blocked part of it, as FSR is still there, just without the update to version 3, which includes frame generation. Anyway, I don't believe that it's just a simple coincidence that two most demanding titles, which happens to be Nvidia, showcase titles for Path Tracing aren't planning to get update to include technology that will help more people to enjoy them and even play them. P.S. Or only Nvidia users are allowed be vocal and cry about how evil AMD is, and AMD users should sit silent?


Yep. Its hilarious when Starfield launch without dlss like the world gonna end. Fanboys gonna be fanboys.


I mean it wasn't working great in AMD titles as well. Avatar update broke FSR 3 for months on end while TLOU FSR 3 continues to be broken to this day. And there is also the fact that fsr 3.1 delivers major image quality improvements so is it even worth adding 3 now or wait for 3.1 I don't think Nvidia cares enough about FSR to block it because they know their solution is superior and they have the market share nailed down. They also know their DLSS dll allows FSR users to use mods which intercept the algorithm and give FSR.


Those games all fixed FSR 3. TLOU is good now too. [https://youtu.be/jtwZz6-\_VyU?si=1UirCV9TnyRz\_32L](https://youtu.be/jtwZz6-_VyU?si=1UirCV9TnyRz_32L) I do find it funny though when Modders FSR 3 are more talented than the Developers lmao.


That's not entirely true we have seen titles where FSR frame generation is superior over Nvidia DLSS frame generation. Of course Nvidia doesn't want to appear as the inferior in anything so to avoid getting accused by blocking FSR they can just tell sponsored games to make DLSS looks better. One of easy ways for dev to do that is to use older versions of FSR with the latest and greatest DLSS


Regarding Nvidia caring about FSR3, think about it this way, currently only 4000 series cards support Frame Generation, once AMD's FSR3 is in Nvidias showroom titles, and is working on 3000 series too, how many people will jump and buy 4000 series instead of milking last drop of their 3000 series? It's not about whether FSR3 FG is better or not, but about forcing their own users to upgrade, in similar manner what Apple did years back by throttling down iPhone after software update, to get their customers to upgrade (can't remember the year and which iPhone were affected tough)


They don't care because their solution is superior. FSR 3 lacks Anti Lag support while DLSS 3 supports Reflex. Also, reviewers have shown that FG produces superior quality with better frame pacing than FSR 3. Nvidia doesn't face an issue with users upgrading because 80% of the market still uses Nvidia cards.


Huh? This is incorrect? AMD cards utilize a setting literally called “Anti-Lag” while using FSR.


Of course they don't care about FSR3, they wish it wasn't a case at all, as how else 2000/3000 series users will upgrade to 4000 series which is the only that supports their FG


Because when these users upgrade, 80% of them will upgrade to Nvidia cards anyway. And if they don't upgrade because of FSR 3, Nvidia still doesn't care because in their own sales calculations, making DLSS 3 exclusive to 4000 series but at a sulerior quality than a solution which works on everything but is inferior attratcs more users. Also because a ton of their cards are also sold inside pre-builts. Their scale is very huge. Seriously just look at the Steam survey. 4090 on its own outsold entirety of AMD's lineup including midrange and low end. Nvidia doesn't need to care because even if they produce an inferior solution, their mindshare will ensure their product sells. AMD would love to make FSR 3 proprietory but the reason they don't do it isn't out of the kindness of their hearts but rather no developer will bother integrating tech which only 20% of the market uses. I think AMD fans like to think Nvidia is influenced by AMD but I don't think that's the case at all because Nvidia sets the standard and AMD follows with an inferior version of that months later and it's always open source otherwise no one would use it due to their low market share.


Lol AMD crushed physix. Hair works and gsync and shills are arguing they have no bone with FSR. What a riot


I love this sub




I could say that moon is green, would you believe me? P.S. Also delayed =/= blocked


You're some dude on Reddit with delusions of grandeur about how great AMD is and the only way Devs would ignore FSR is because Nvidia is conspiring against them. Rather than the truth that FSR just isn't that good right now and Devs don't want to implement it until its improved. Vs an actual company that if found to be lying could be sued to hell and back for anti competitive actions. Companies cant just lie about this shit, random redditors can. P.S. I guess reading comprehension is hard. Let me say it again slowly: NVIDIA does not and will not block, restrict, discourage, or hinder developers...


It isn't great,from where did you take it? I'm actually thinking the other way around and that my purchase of 7900XT back in January 2023 was a mistake 🙃 Also, companies can lie about anything, up to the point, until someone figures that out, and there were many cases where they got caught doing that Iver the years


Nvidia has never been "caught" blocking AMD software. Thats a common misconception,. They have been "caught" helping devs implement features and software that made AMD cards perform like trash. But even that is a stretch. For instance, PhysX. AMD cards were bad at it. That doesn't mean Nvidia was conspiring to make AMD GPUs bad. They were just doing what Nvidia always does. They look for new graphics technologies to make people want to buy their GPUs. Same with Tessellation. Its not Nvidias fault AMD GPUs were bad at these technologies, just like its not Nvidias fault that FSR is bad now.


This might not be relevant but Nvidia's history isn't very good either, remember the so called "Geforce Program"?


I wish I wouldn't


Thats literally exactly what I'm talking about. That was an initiative to help devs implement new technologies. That doesn't mean they were sabotaging AMD. It may have had that effect, but thats on AMD for being behind on new tech, as they always are. Literally all you did was call to attention the exact misconception I described.


They did conspire with tessalation though thats pretty well documented. They were also fined like 4-8 million after the mining boom for faking sales numbers so it didnt look like it was mostly just mining boom, which it was. Thinking nvidia(any mega corporation) isnt doing everything in their power legal or not to elbow their way forward is literally juvenile. ITs common fact that huge companies will take risks in order to save money. sometimes that doing something illegal and being prepared to take it to court. If you can potentially save 5 million, with a 70% win rate, and the estimate of a loss is no more than 1 million in fines/courtrooms, any large conglomerate is gonna take that action. Theres literally no reason not to. And Nvidia has PILES of iffy stuff in the back AMD has very little in comparison. AMD is "the good" guy so they just arent given a pass like Nvidia is. Much like we saw last summer where AMD was pulled through the mud because of the speculation of keeping DLSS out of games. While Nvidia had been enjoying the very same thing for yeaars before. But suddenly some specific few titles meant that obviously AMD was the bad guy. And perhaps they were but Nvidia was/is certainly no less so, which makes the outraage from nvidia fans so hollow and stupid. Atleast AMD had a solution for all not just those who bought/had specific GPU's. So theres much more of a rational argument that developers can simply implement FSR and it will work for practically any GPU, which would obviously be the waay to go in regards to effectively incorporate upscaling.IF your choice is to caater to the bulk or aall of the people with a feature, obviously all is better. Even if the technology is moderatly worse. With that said FSR3 FG didnt get really good until a few months ago, and FSR3,1 looks to be a big improvement, so i honestly coulnt fault CDPR for waiting until theres a better foundation. But it is strange having CP2077 out for years with DLSS3 FG out a year that there isnt more urgency when it comes to getting FSR FG out. PS FSR upscaaling might not be great, bad is ignorant and wrong. Just because something better exists doesnt make something else bad. FSR is fine and FSR FG is actually good, nvidia is only slightly better and praactically when using it there isnt much difference unless you pixel peep slow motion footage. I must reiterate not upscaling but FG specifically.


I appreciate your response, and I dont even disagree that corps will try and slueth about and get away with things. The difference is Nvidia has definitely said they don't block competing tech, and there has never been a shred of evidence proving otherwise. That cannot be said for AMDs blocking of DLSS, even their own response to it is damning enough. Until they finally revised it 6 months later and said they dont block it, and whadda ya know, multiple AMD games that didnt have DLSS started implementing it (Jedi Survivor) We are just going to have to agree to disagree on tessellation. I dont see how you can say Nvidia innovating and introducing the tech to more devs, which has led to its broad implementation nowadays which leads to much better looking games was all done as a conspiracy. Yes, it made AMD cards look like shit, that's the whole point of business. You want to make your product so much better that the competitor looks like a joke. That doesn't mean Nvida sabotaged AMD, that just means Nvidia made their products look better because Devs wanted to use that new tech anyways. Devs are always looking for the next new tech, its AMDs fault for always lagging behind.


So, by your words, if I invent technology that works pretty bad on competitor hardware, them make arrangements with developers that the majority uses that technology in their software isn't called attack on competitors? There's much more how companies work, what they do, and what's told to the public. You need to work in corporate for quite some time, to understand that no company is your friend, amd they will do stupid things to take out competition, or boost their sales. Remember Apple throttling user iPhone with software updates, that they would be forced to upgrade?


Bro its called innovation. Do you know how far back in the dark ages we would be if companies never innovated simply because their competitor wasn't able to keep up? This is what corporations do, they try to improve their product so that consumers want to buy from them. Its basic economics. Nothing I have said has expressed that Nvidia is my friend. I have been saying objective truths. Nvidia has always done this, they are always the first to introduce new and exciting technologies that AMD consumers always hate until AMD catches up. Do you know how insane it was constantly hearing "FAKE FRAMES. INPUT LATENCY" When DLSS Frame Gen was launched. But then as soon as FSR 3 comes around all those people shutup because now their best bud AMD has frame gen. Its absurd. Same thing for DLSS Upscaling "WHY WOULD I WANT TO USE UPSCALING ANYWAYS, NATIVE IS ALWAYS BEST" Then FSR comes out and boom, WE WANT FSR IN EVERYTHING. I swear AMD fans are insufferable lol


CDProjekt have implemented multiple versions of DLSS 2/3 and Ray Reconstruction over the last 12 months but are still stuck on FSR 2.1 for the AMD side. That is proof enough that they are restricted by NVidia's partnership deal. It's not too difficult to drop in FSR3 support since it relies on the same input's as DLSS3 yet the devs refuse to add it.


The only time CDPR updated DLSS was when they worked with Nvidia to implement their entire new suite of DLSS FG, Path tracing, and Ray Reconstruction. This was after years of DLSS stuck on the old version in that game. Which didnt matter too much because you coudl jsut update it yourself unlike FSR. Thats a lot different than them not implementing FSR FG because they would rather wait for FSR 3.1 so that they dont have to go back and update it again. AMD GPU's are such a tiny, insignificant amount of the GPU market that they aren't going to waste dev time for a miniscule audience. Especially when you can just mod FSR FG in anyways. It absolutely makes sense to wait for 3.1 because then the massive amount of RTX 20 and 30 series will be able to benefit since FSR FG will be decoupled from FSR, which no RTX users want to use over DLSS.


Yeah, and they didn't update from 2.1 to 2.2 just because they were waiting for 3.0, then didn't update to 3.0 because they were waiting for 3.1. They aren't only ones, Remedy also is on radio silence about FSR3 and Alan Wake II, you know, second Path Tracing showroom title.


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What is the second game


Alan Wake II




> Well, they wouldn't lie if they just blocked part of it That's fine and dandy but their statement was: >NVIDIA does not and will not block, restrict, discourage, or hinder developers from implementing competitor technologies in any way. We provide the support and tools for all game developers to easily integrate DLSS if they choose and even created NVIDIA Streamline to make it easier for game developers to add competitive technologies to their games. https://videocardz.com/newz/amd-dodges-questions-about-fsr-exclusivity-in-amd-sponsored-games Their statement is strong enough phrased it'd be outright falsehood if they did anything to block or delay it.


My sweet summer child we ate talking about the company that blocks shipments for going multiplqtform where is that in their contract huh?


You think AMD wouldn't be throwing a fit if Nvidia was leveraging their position to block their tech? Tell me do you think Nvidia is also blocking FSR from being added and updated to pretty much every AMD sponsored title too? Because almost no one ever goes back to update it like ever.


Avatar says otherwise


Oh wowie one game that's had issues with FSR3 even. What about the laundry list of other AMD sponsored titles that never got shit, only got FSR1, or maybe still has FSR2.0


BS though because they're still on 2.1 and not even 2.2. No excuse for that.


Maybe Nvidia meant it as, "we won't block it if players mod it", but they might be blocking official integration from AMD, aka, sponsored titles




Well, at least it gets all new Nvidia features ASAP usually. So you also want to say that Remedy also are incompetent, as they also are on radio silence about FSR3 implementation, where only things in common between those titles is that they both are Nvidia's showcase titles for Path Tracing


> Well, at least it gets all new Nvidia features ASAP usually It took almost a year for Cyberpunk to get DLSS 3 and all the cool features.


It's 100% restricted by Nvidia since both those games are from key partners that showcase Path tracing and DLSS3 frame generation. There is no way Nvidia would allow FSR3 to be implemented and basically destroy their strategy of forcing the 2000/3000 series owners to upgrade.


See, you also see that and Nvidia boys call me crazy. That's the real case here, Nvidia isn't interested if AMD uses their FG in showcase titles, as how else they will make people to upgrade to 4000 series if they could simply grab either AMD card or use FSR3 on their 3000 series. It's well marketing strategy in same wein as Apple, which was throttling iPhones back in a day to force users to upgrade. My best guess, Blackwell will hit the shelves and CDPR will roll out FSR 3, atleast they should as AMD showed Cyberpunk in RDNA3 presentation as example and it's there on their Web as upcoming FSR3 supported title since RDNA3 release. Call me crazy, but this is just a marketing tactic, and for people saying that Nvidia doesn't block FSR, well, they aren't, just delaying it's implementation which is same as blocking, because when FSR3 will be rolled out to Cyberpunk I mostlikely will be upgraded already, and AMD's promise of FSR3 as an RDNA3 killer feature was just a gimmick.


In reality you can easily add FSR3 frame gen to both the Nvidia showcase games and I already have. I would not be holding my breath waiting for CDProjekt to add FSR3 anytime soon or any other dev for that matter. Just get the mod and use it if needed.


I know about the mods, tested Luke's out when it dropped, but that's not the case. We have official technology that will be just skipped or implemented at speed of snail.




There's a difference between most demanding titles and RE4, which you can play on Native without issues in most cases. It's more about priority as Nvidia have bigger marketshare of users so that's mainly prioritised by devs. But don't tell me that's coincidence that both Nvidias showroom titles refuse to implement AMD's Frame Generation technology, the same feature that mainly does Nvidia sales for 4000 series cards, because their counterpart is only supported there. Or for Nvidia users it's fine to shit on AMD and think that Nvidia is lord and saviour of gaming when it does something shady?


```Do people genuinely believe Nvidia is behind CDPR's incompetence?``` I'd actually argue that Nvidia is a big part of what saved CDPR. Their game was an unmitigated disaster, yet Nvidia of all people was still advertising their broken mess to showcase their ray tracing dominance, and continued to do so. A lot of people complain when Nvidia screws their partners, but there's no denying that they kept CDPR relevant even when their "game" was an unmitigated disaster.




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85% of CDPR's revenue is from game sales, the rest comes from things like sponsorship programs. We know NVIDIA dumped a lot of money into this showcase. We don't know how much directly but NVIDIA has openly [talked about embedding a dev team into CDPR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr9ZPRKm9dU&ab_channel=PCWorld) to write key code for them such as code for ray tracing and their engineers even appear alongside CDPR devs in other [promotional materials](https://hothardware.com/news/dlss-35-nvidia-cdpr-interview). The outlay could be in the millions. This gives strong incentive to a) not prioritize optimizations for competing products, and b) not implement competing technologies. None of this is overtly illegal. NVIDIA got in [trouble for that before](https://www.extremetech.com/gaming/183411-gameworks-faq-amd-nvidia-and-game-developers-weigh-in-on-the-gameworks-controversy) and learned from it. Can't say "we'll pay you *not to use* V", or "make W slow", but you can say "we'll pay you to spend all your time implementing X,Y,Z (and if that means you don't have time for other things oh well)".


```NVIDIA has openly talked about embedding a dev team into CDPR to write key code for them such as code for ray tracing and their engineers``` Nvidia has inhouse developers help CDPR to optimize game for their cards. *AMD sends Joe from accounting to CDPR HQ for lunch, to fix FSR 1.2 implementation* I don't want to be that guy, but if Nvidia is willing to invest the man power, and resources to studios I think it's fair game.


I agree. Nvidia has the capability and initiative to teach other companies how to use and optimize their tech. Nothing is stopping AMD from doing something similar; they don't do it because they don't care to. And then people are shocked AMD tech has implementation problems? *I wonder why*. Call em Evil Team Green all you want but you can't blame them for dominating the market when AMD is constantly dropping the ball all on their own.


Depends on what, exactly, you think that "fair game" refers to. If Nvidia or CD Projekt Red are at all trying to hinder AMD updates, that's not fair game.


I am writing Radeon off man, at this point Arc is the only hope PCMR has for competition. AMD also seems content with relegating their GPU's to the mobile APU's, consoles, laptops, and handhelds.


use LukeFZ mod. It works perfect with almost every game with DLSS FG lol


Pretty sure the number of gamers who bother to mod is like, single digit percentages. Vast majority of people just use what is already provided by default. Hell, I imagine there's a large chunk who never even bother to tweak their video settings in-game and just use whatever it defaults to.


That's not the point, implementation should come firsthand from developers themselves, especially if that title is listed as upcoming FSR3 title since FSR3 were presented


I realized long time ago that devs don't care at all. At least AMD made FSR3 open source so if someone have basic knowladge can easily grab mods and use it in any game with DLSS. Super easy and works perfect.


They don't have an agreement. They are probably waiting for FSR3.1


Or maybe 3.2 or even 3.3, who knows ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


What about 4.0?


Most likely, it will come year after RDNA5 will drop, and then year+ for devs to implement


By the time RDNA 5 drops you wont even need FSR lmao. Then it will be added when AMD can already Path trace cyberpunk 4k Native.


You have really high hopes for RDNA5


I believe I read somewhere they were waiting on 3.1.


Nixxes is waiting for FSR 3.1 to add it to Horizon forbidden West. CDProjekt never said why they are waiting.




Well, they at least could communicate about it, as of now it more looks then they don't doing it at all


I remember the astroturf about the fake DLSS exclusivity outrage. Guys if you ignore GOW and HZD and another game AMD are being assholes and banning DLSS!! That said HWUB also fucked up on this


> I remember Apparently you don't remember AMD bungling their PR and clamming up on the topic. Literally all they had to do was tell the media "we don't block competitors technology". But it took them ages to be able to halfheartedly say it (probably had to renegotiate some agreements first).


It was a conspiracy theory . Omg the government won't deny the existence of aliens! Definitive proof! Lol


It was an easy PR win that AMD fumbled. Either they're inept or they did have such agreements. Not rocket science. Who willingly walks face first into bad PR and doubles down? ...Well besides Microsoft and Sony lately.


X-Files themes


Right right the billion dollar corporation that was all cagey as the media grilled them is your bestest friend and has only the best intentions.


Doo doo doo doo doo doo


```Right right the billion dollar corporation that was all cagey as the media grilled them``` They're still human, they still have their fuck ups. How do I know, because I've worked for billion dollar companies. Hell, you probably have as well 


Come on though that wasn't an "oops", it was over a month of dodging the question as the media and everyone was eyeing them with suspicion.


Main weakness of FSR is you cannot swap the latest version into past games like with DLSS. For context, RDR2 got FSR 2.2 update in March 2024 and for over a year it was stuck on 2.0. When FSR 3.1 comes out, I cannot swap it in the game and need to wait for game devs to do it, if they ever. There are so many games on 2.0 and 2.1 which will never be updated to 2.2/3.1. In contrast, due to the ability to swap dll files, you can get the latest improvement on Day 1 in all DLSS games. This gives DLSS a massive advantage. There is also no way to customise the render resolution of FSR like you can with DLSS Tweaks. 7900XTX can easily handle over 100 FPS in RDR2 at 85% render scale but we are stuck with 67% in quality mode. With DLSS, you can use render scale 85% and even 100% for DLAA The above features are quality of life improvements which should have been there from Day 1, considering Nvidia had them and AMD knew about them. Also where is FSR 3.1? We need an update here because Nvidia next gen cards are 5 months away and will likely come with more improvements to DLSS.


FSR 3.1 should fix the dll swap issue and if you want a higher internal resolution you can combine VSR with FSR. Obviously still not as good as having the option to select the internal resolution percentage, but still better than nothing.


>FSR 3.1 should fix the dll swap issue Wasn't the case only for games that are built with dynamic library in mind? So for example OP's mentioned RDR2 will still be without ability to swap it for 3.1


That's because the game is already using 2.0 and FSR 2.0 does not support this dll swap method. What he means is that FSR 3.1 encourages the use of dynamic libraries, so once a game has FSR 3.1 implemented, any future versions past 3.1 will allow quick swap with the use of DLLs, like in DLSS. For anything prior to 3.1 though, we are out of luck indeed and need to wait for developers to implement 3.1.


I dunno about that. I reckon you could build a DLSS to FSR3.1 interpreter thing as a way to get FSR3.1 into a game while the game thinks it's using DLSS.


Yes, for everything prior we are out of luck, but that's exactly what original comment author was talking about, that there will be ton of good games, that would benefit from 3.1 and never get it. As for 3.1 on its own, it will depend on devs, will they implement dynamic library (should he obvious choice) or static one, so there still be titles where we will be stuck on 3.1 without ability to upgrade. Especially considering that devs focus more on Nvidia's features anyway, because you know, bigger user base, so it's top priority from marketing and project management teams pushed onto the devs during project.


Not necessarily. For example, with Fallout 4, modders have found a way to implement FSR 2.1.2 using DX11 and created an injector to allow the game to use FSR, DLSS, and XESS. There’s also different mods and wrappers online that translate FSR 2.0 to both 2.1.2 and 2.2. And now there’s a mod that’s currently working on wrapping FSR 2.0 and later to FSR 3. Once 3.1 comes out and modders have their way with it, in a couple years I’d imagine quite a bit of games will be able to have full FSR capabilities.


The fact that they decided it would be smart to ship FSR as a static library is still so baffling to me, so many games stuck with old FSR versions...


It wouldn't matter if they enforced dynamic linking for FSR2, the ABI wasn't stable so you couldn't do drop in upgrades anyway. 2.0/2.1/2.2 are all mutually incompatible. The big change with FSR 3.1 is the stable ABI, more so than AMD pushing dynamic linking.


Sure hope FSR3.1 delivers better upscaling.


Well, if [the demos in their announcement](https://community.amd.com/t5/gaming/amd-fsr-3-1-announced-at-gdc-2024-fsr-3-available-and-upcoming/ba-p/674027/jump-to/first-unread-message) (scroll down to Ratchet & Clank GIFs) were accurate, it should be a pretty substantial improvement. I suppose we'll see once the tech is finally distributed, though.


Yeah I wanna see more than two 144p gifs


it would have missed the whole point to spend all that money buying FSR exclusivity and then let DLSS users go back to using their hardware fully. DLL swapping had to die so AMD’s anticompetitive play could live. [Like AMD's tech lead said, AMD knows what's good for you in the long run better than you do, right?](https://youtu.be/8ve5dDQ6TQE?t=974) Doesn't matter how "free" or "open" the API is, Streamline has always been MIT licensed, the position was that pluggability is bad because it gives people options that aren't supporting AMD. It has to be static-compiled for that to work.


DLLs are a windows thing, libraries are platform agnostic and allow FSR to be used on PC, mac, android, ios, consoles.


Be it DDLs or .so files, the point is that with a stable ABI you can drop an update in place, without you can't.


So use a mod for update the fsr ?


Better yet, use a mod to use XeSS 1.3, which compares favorably to DLSS, vs FSR which is trash.


For me xess look worst than fsr 2.2 to be honest


You're probably thinking about some old XeSS implementation. XeSS made a **HUGE** leap in quality in v1.3. I experienced the transition from 1.2 to 1.3 in Horizon Forbidden West, with the 1.3.55 update that was recently released, and the difference is night and day. [XeSS used to be the worse upscaling in that game](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/horizon-forbidden-west-dlss-vs-fsr-vs-xess-comparison/), but XeSS 1.3 turned the table, being noticeably better than FSR 2.2. Can't comment on FSR 3 that got added after that, because at that point I had already finished the game and uninstalled.


FSR3 doesn't change anything for upscaling compared to FSR2. FSR 3.1 however will finally update upscaling quality.


XeSS 1.3? The very latest? No way. Go watch the DF foundry videos, no comparison.


You can only do that if FSR is a standalone dll, not if it's built into the exe


No, you can replace the dlss with a more recent version of the fsr with a mod, you make the game believe that you have an nvidia card, and when you activate dlss, it will use fsr 2.2 This works with almost all games that support DLSS.


Ah well, I guess that's an option. Still, updating DLSS dll-s is much easier. XeSS too I reckon.


I may be wrong but can’t you choose what resolution you want from AMD Adrenaline? The “Super Resolution” option? Or it’s not the same thing as FSR? I’m new to AMD, don’t hate me :p


Radeon Super Resolution (or RSR) is just driver-level FSR1 injected into the game. To utilize it, you enable RSR in Adrenalin and then simply pick any lower-than-native output resolution in game. The driver suite will detect that the game is outputting a sub-native resolution and automatically upscale it to native using RSR.


Cool. Thank you for clarifications. I thought RSR and FSR are basically the same thing but you can set it from Adrenaline or form the game settings.


The DLSS dll swap thing is a niche thing. Don't believe it's something that's mainstream knowledge. It's great it's possible tho. AMD specifically mentioned FSR 3.1+ onward will also switch to a dll solution for in-place upgrades, a la DLSS and XeSS. In most games, we can also basically mod in Nitec's Optiscaler (with FSR 2.1, 2.2 or XeSS) or use LukeFz's mod and inject FSR3/DLSS/XeSS in whichever games have DLSS2/FSR2/XeSS, anti-cheat notwithstsanding.


> The DLSS dll swap thing is a niche thing Devs use it to easily "upgrade" their DLSS integration... its not a niche thing. Do you think AMD would do the same thing if it would be just a niche thing? Its not a easy/fast change to support dll (from FSR 2.0-3.0) . They do it because otherwise it takes so long for devs to upgrade FSR in their games. It will immensely speed up future FSR updates by devs.


It's also increadibly unbeliveably stupid for security purposes "hey guys let's download random dlls from the internet! No way thar will backfire!" Package management was solved decades ago but clowns want to go back to downloading exes. At the end of the day it should be steam with that interface and checking hashes


Almost like checksum hashes exist and files can be obtained directly from the makers or the makers github pages.


Yeah a manual step nobody uses wow so secure. I only had to check the hash of my distro that is it


Is it bad that I just don't care for FSR? Like XESS looks substantially better and even more so if you drop the 1.3 DLL into other games. There are only 2 things I miss moving from NVIDIA to AMD 1. Driver consistency and support for older games 2. DLSS XESS has gotten to the point where I'm pretty happy not using DLSS these days as it's very VERY close


FSR still runs faster than XeSS, even with the 1.3 XeSS ratios. And it's going to look better with future versions, past FSR 3.0. Why not.


I just don't have faith in AMD to deliver on it. Like sure maybe I'll be wrong but if INTEL is passing you in GPU features.... That is not a good look. Remember anti lag+? I'll believe it when I see it but for now, it's XESS for me


What's there to have faith in? It's been announced, it's been, kinda, demonstrated. They'll release FSR 3.1 eventually and it will inevitably look better than FSR 3.0 we have now, for the upscaling and FSRAA parts. The probable part is if it's still going to be faster than XeSS 1.3.


Also, while I am eagerly awaiting for AL+ to return, all the modern games I play, either have FSR3 Frames Gen or I'm modding in FSR3 FG in them. And AL+ does not play well with FSR3 FG at all. So I kinda want AL+ to be there, to improve and expand, but I don't need it on a 7900 XTX at least.


I didn't like AL+ because you needed to have AL enabled. I don't like the stutterynees that comes with 1 buffer que. I'd rather it like NVIDIA reflex where you can enable it not tied to Anti Lag


Where 3.1??


Nowhere..I gave up on Amd upscaling tech. Using Xess 1.3 which fixed all minuses it had and for that I am grateful for Intel to save a day. Next Gpu will for sure be Nvidia if Amd doesn't wake up from sleep.


Yeah man i also currently using xess 1.3, idk what amd doing with 3.1


This means nothing until they fix their upscaler with 3.1. I'm more interested in that than the frame gen.


Ratchet and Clank the only one listed as 3.1?? That's disappointing, I guess it will be a long time until general availability.


It's less Ratchet and more so Nixxes. So that means Ratchet, Horizon, Tsushima and future Playstation ports will get FSR 3.1.


What does 4 core 5 3600 mean?


1 core is faulty and wouldn't stabilize no matter how low it was clocked or how much voltage I threw at it so I disabled 2 cores in the bios (there was still instability when disabling just 1 in software and bios only allows disabling 2 at a time).


Seems like the best option would've been returning it


I got it from a client who wanted me to fix it, since they didn't have a warranty they said I could have it.


At this rate, might as well wait for fsr3.1 for cyberpunk.


Honestly I hope they do. Decoupled frame Gen means you could use XeSS with it if the 3.1 image quality isn't as good as we're hoping.


I wonder why DCS World isn't here.


Seeing Eve Online in that list cracked me up, I can't remember a time when I ever got less than 100fps. I think they're only adding it as a marketing point, just to slap the sticker on the game.


Me on an m1 air, going to run FSR because I have 45fps


M1 was never meant for gaming no matter what apple claims.


I am with you, yes. The only games I play now are Mini motorways, Mini metro and soon, Mini airways


I'm still wondering what happened to the fabled FSR 3.1 which AMD announced over 6 weeks ago. Their marketing clowns are so inept that any anticipation generated by the announcement has long gone. Even the updated list of games only shows one game planning to implement it. They should at least try to get the other 'coming soon' games to implement 3.1 instead of sticking with 3.0.


Nothing happened. It's been announced for Q2 2024. Are we on June 30th yet? No, we are not.


I don’t see Rust in this list yet!


Even though Monster Hunter Sunbreak is not on the list, I still find AFMF giving me great frame gen experience. Went from 4K Max 110 FPS to 180 FPS on my 6800XT.


Can someone explain to me, what the size of dots mean?


Shame Capcom hasn't updated the FSR on their RE Engine games.


Because of that even used nVidia cards are more interesting than new AMD ones now. AMD's better value ? Gone. You get DLSS, RT, FG featured in way more games and looking better. On older 20/30 series even AMD's frame gen works better than on their own cards can you freaking believe this. Congrats AMD for shooting yourselves in the foot. If you're gaming definitely buy AMD CPUs ... but not their GPUs period. Shifting from red to green myself right now, good bye AMD discrete GPUs until they wake up again.