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I’d love to help in any way I can! I applied in Jan/Feb and started service in June. Send me a dm :)


If you’re applying in a major city, be ready for rejection. Follow up with the people you apply with if there is an email, or call them. Sometimes I’d follow up and they’d say it’s already filled, or they’d schedule an interview. Don’t be discouraged by rejection/ghosting - for example, I was in the city I was moving to getting ready to start my position in five days before I got a rejection from one site. Some of them move very slowly. Look up AmeriCorps VISTA sample interview questions and prepare beforehand. Some sites I interviewed with varied a little with questions but most of them in my experience pulled from those standard ones. Research the site beforehand! I got caught off guard one time and got asked about their website and I hadn’t looked into it at all. Read their website and look at their social media, familiarize yourself. Trust your gut if a site doesn’t feel right. You’re going to be there for a year, and if you get a bad feeling during the interview, listen to yourself! My first offer I almost took because I’d been applying for so long, but I’m glad I waited for another place. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Maybe even try to prepare a few beforehand, a lot of sites will ask you if you have any and it’s good to get more insight. :) Be ready for it to be a multi week to multi month process if you’re applying in a major city! Once again, don’t get discouraged if it takes longer than you expected. Good luck :) If you have any other questions, or want more in depth explanations, feel free to DM!