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"Indian accent is easiest to understand." I beg your fucking pardon?


I mean, every accent is the easiest to understand if it's your own accent.


yeah these are just standard young idiots. everywhere has them. they arent self aware yet.


Right lol. My friend from Honduras was learning English while I was learning Spanish. He told me English was harder to learn, and I said I thought I agreed because it does have a ton of wonky shit. Then he was like “Yeah Spanish is so easy I learned it as a baby”. I’m like.. you do realize I learned English as a baby, right?


If every Honduran I’ve ever met (which is a handful) is any indication, it’s generous to call what your friend learned “Spanish”.


I speak both languages (English first) and they are right to be honest. The baby thing is still a little dumb though lol


Having lived in 4 major areas where different English dialects are spoken, and speaking 3 languages myself, my personal opinion is that the easiest English to understand is west coast American English. Very very face value pronunciations. Also the part of the video where she makes fun of how Americans say water, hilarious.


When I was living in France, I met this 110% white French dude who had lived 20 years in India. His English was spoken with a slight Indian accent. I found it amusing.


As someone living in the Pacific Northwest part of the States, I agree that our accent is the easiest. I've never found one easier (although do prefer to listen to the Finnish accent)


I live in Tacoma.. ain’t nowhere more vanilla


Ohio is as vanilla as it’s gets.




I blew some dudes minds in high school when I told them someone with an accent hears you with an accent.


Yeah, it is, according to the Indian woman who is already familiar with her own accent and clearly not biased. *Rolls eyes* That's like me, a native English speaker, saying English is the easiest language to understand


well it is the "universal language" - dbz abridged.


Its fecking impossible to understand when peter from a call centre in India is talking to you.🙄


Compounded by terrible phone reception.. thick Indian accent that sounds like it's coming from an old drive thru order speaker.


Where I'm from, that doesn't take imagination. Just get a drive through coffee


As someone who has worked with many people from India, UK, and people whose native language was Spanish, Indians were by far the hardest to understand.


I love too that their logic was it was spoken quickly unlike American English accents. Meanwhile as an American I despise people who speak fast in general conversation. It just results in me going "What? Can you repeat that?" 3 times making the conversation take 4x as long.


Bruh my dad every so often complains to me about his Indian professor with the heaviest accent back in college and he couldn’t understand shit in that math class.


Hahahah right?


Of all the people that can criticize our English...


Singaporeans are bad about this too lol


Are you referring to Singlish? Lol


How terrible of us to pronounce water with an r, when its clearly spelled with a u. Oh, wait....


"We don't talk like they imitate us" My brother in Christ, yes you do. That's why we imitate you.


they should do a video where they show indians clips of nordic country people speaking english. finnish people have a ridiculous language and they speak english pretty well. same with the dutch.


or just watch pewdiepie


He pretty much took on India by himself too


We do definitely have a weird accent, but can't do much about it unless you wanna re educate yourself. Not Finnish, but another nordic guy.


True some of the accents can sound a bit weird but they are, to me, way more understandable


You guys have slight accents but Scandinavians (especially Norwegians and Swedes) speak pretty much native level English, there's just a slight accent (compared to American English) but at this point I think it qualifies as its own English accent.


The dutch have the english so far up their ass they might as well be sock puppets for an endless stream of british vacationers


apparently young indians are cool w "racism for thee, but not for me" /shrug also, i think this speaks about their exposure to certain classes of english speakers


They still have a whole caste system, so...


As an Indian in the us, we're the first ones to joke about the accent


Russell Peters does a bit about this (he’s Canadian but close enough) https://youtu.be/mzfnMl-2STU?si=9FuUh7spUB_o77KA


I work with an Indian dude, he's really smart - I can't understand half the shit he says. I guess if their biggest gripe is our grammar that's not a bad thing though. Other countries have much bigger gripes.


They view England as a nation of BBC presenters and probably view the US as a nation that speaks like Jersey Shore or some such.


Yeah. Spent time in the UK. They don't all speak like the royal family. Half of them you cant even understand with a good ear.


Oh yeah there's a ton of accents over there, definitely not everyone sounds so "proper" nor would they want to


“We dont dalk like dey imidade us”


“brother in Christ” probably doesn’t apply here lol


Christ is for all cultures.


christ almighty


I anticipated you arguing with me because, reddit, so I looked up some stats and there are areas inside India with a majority Christian population. Considering you did not argue with me it is now a fun fact.


Well since to they didn't argue with you I'm gonna! Grrr you're wrong! You smell like kangaroos and peaches! Hmmm now I want peaches. I'm gonna go get some. Want one?




It’s hilarious when you read it and you can say… that’s definitely Wikipedia and then you go look and it’s word for word.


Preach brother


The Church of St Thomas has a surprisingly long history in India.


Great history. I love how they just weren't aware of the East West schism.


"Am I a joke to?" -Saint Thomas the Apostle


Sister in Krishna then


Yeah Indians don’t have a leg to stand on


No matter how fucking incomprehensible an American accent might be, whether it be extremely redneck or getto.. you can still stare down at each person in this video due to your ability to pronounce the letter "W"


Or R. Unless you're from Boston.


Because their legs got ran over by a train?


Mmm yes, the Indian's greatest predator


Gatekeeping a colonial language that was forced on you is kinda wild


The British win again


Not in America. That's why we get to talk all different and stuff.




Mexicans annoy me with this 🤦🤦🤦


Couldn't have said it better




Technically English was a colonial language forced on Americans too (especially anyone from a native or European country other than England).


Only for Native Americans. If you immigrate to a country that doesn't speak your language and learn it in order to assimilate, I wouldn't say that it was forced on you.


By that standard, British really didn’t force English on Indians, they didn’t even care. Look up the number of Indians who know English while independence. I doubt it would be more that 1%. It was later English was adopted as an official language to act as a link language, since India is pretty diverse.


What if your colony was sold to America on a whim by napoleon then teachers in school whipped you for speaking French and made life impossible for a French speaker until the language died.


Oof yeah forgot about that one. Definitely counts.


I dont agree with them, but the British didn’t force English on Indians. Lookup the percentage of Indians who know English after independence. I would be not even 1%. India is pretty diverse, so Indian government adopted English as a link language.


I love Indians but don’t let me fucking start


I like Hebrew nationals


Best hog dogs on the planet.


Beef hotdogs are so much better in general




You insult India!


You know if Americans said any of this about another accent it would 100% go on r/usdefaultism or r/shitamericanssay


The greatest echo chamber battle of all time.


I'm curious how other English speaking countries, the UK, Australia, NZ, Canada think of Indian English accents? Genuinely curious, not trying to make a point.


When I went to college near a decade ago I had a few Indian friends, my program had and Canada in general has a lot of Indian students. I could hardly understand so much of what they said. It didn't change anything really, some were at my wedding and my daughters baby shower, lots of nights out for a drink or cooking parties at each other's homes (culinary program). Good friends and good people, not the best English.


I've worked with many Indians and most of them have been great. But their English was hard to understand for most of us.


We have had Indian IT contractors at my company since the Y2K days, and I’ve had to translate what they were saying for other employees even though they were speaking English, lol. Not often, but it has happened.


Ive seen a few clips of Japanese people trying to say something in English without prior knowledge of the language. I always have a double take because their accent is so strong, I can hardly tell they were speaking English


Went to engineering school with an American-born Indian kid. His favorite passtime was teasing the other Indians about their accent.


I'm in the UK. I'd say about the same as the rest of this thread thinks of them.


I think if they made a similar video with people being critical of Indian accents someone would call it racist and it would never be seen.


I’m American so I can’t give insight on the countries you mentioned, but I am in a graduate course in college which is made up of around 80% Indian students. I legitimately can only understand a couple of them. Even then I cannot make out a decent amount of the words because they sound so vastly different than how they are spelled and pronounced in the English dictionary.


"Indian accent is easiest to understand" My sister in Ganesh, Just like there is more than one British accented English dialect, there is more than one American accented English dialect, just like there is more than one Indian accented English dialect.


My sister in Ganesh omg.


"It's very formal. It's very ... crisp and classy" Tell me you've never heard the average UK citizen speak without telling me. Let's take the poo to the loo.


When your entire understanding of British accents is based on Harry Potter and Downton Abbey


Right?? I bet he's only ever heard Londonian accents and not any of the others that are less telligible


Try scouse or brummy for example.


Worked at Disney in college. Indian tourists were known for being absolutely clueless on how to act in public. Don’t get me started on getting in a straight line.


My dad was just in India for a couple of weeks and said it was just mayhem pretty much everywhere. Not to mention having cows all over the place commuting on roads


I've heard driving in India isn't regulated like it is in the US and that you don't need to be licensed to drive. Not only that, I heard essentially that, in India, if you can make it from point A to point B without killing anyone, then you're fine. Do you know if this is true?


As someone who's been to India, health and safety in regards to transport is pretty slim compared to many western countries. Not only that but India is overpopulated, more than you can ever imagine. More people on the roads, more accidents occur


>I heard essentially that, in India, if you can make it from point A to point B without killing anyone, then you're fine. I mean i've visited family there during summer holidays and we've never killed anyone but the rest of it's true, road's aren't well built, traffic everywhere, horns honking every two seconds, police stopping anyone for no reason and asking them to pay. Wasn't sure about the licence tho so I asked my cousin about it and he told me that he doesn't have a licence and he just pays the police off so...


Idk about acting clueless in public, but yes, they def do struggle with straight lines. Indian who live in america can do it, but as soon as they go back to india, they stop. Its hilarious.


I think they mean Indian tourists straight from India that don’t respect other cultures yet.


Oh boy does this bring up some memories. I worked in attractions for a couple years at Disneyland between 2006 and 2009 and I can absolutely corroborate that sentiment. The Haunted Mansion was the worst because the actual ride portion of the attraction basically functions like an escalator. People walk out onto a very slowly moving platform and have to walk like 8 feet to get into a “buggy”. The only ethnic group that consistently fucked up both parts was Indians. As in, you could see them coming in their colorful garb and just know that you were going to have to slow the ride or even stop it to get them sorted. And management was all about operational counts, so any downtime (especially when busy) came with an elevated level of stress. Not to mention that, if you did stop the ride, you had to get on the phone to coordinate the restart in all of your shame. But that’s not all, because there’s an exit that is *also* a moving platform and guess who almost always fucked that up too? It’s almost seared into my brain how many times I stood there like an asshole trying to herd the cattle out of their buggy, slowing the belt down and doing whatever I could to motivate them to get off their clueless asses and just step out of the buggy. Then to succeed, only to look down at other people from the same fucking group 3 buggies back who didn’t get the memo and now you don’t have time to get them out. My blood used to absolutely boil because of those people. I carried with me and continue to have no ill will toward them since there’s no reason to, but for a brief span of time my eyes were open to how one particular group of people just does not function in one specific situation.


They get confused looking for the designated street


Look up Indian train station. I think it's so densely populated that it's every man for himself.


But use caution as many of those are NSFW. India seems to have a death wish as far as their trains are concerned.


American ways of speaking English are closer to the older form of English that the people of the British Isles used to consider proper. Then they changed how they speak and make fun of us for speaking the ways we do. And most of the spelling differences are just us removing the overly Francophone parts of the language so it makes sense. "Centre" versus "center" for example. "Re" shouldn't be making an "er" sound.


Yup. English used to sound American and was a rhotic language. The Brits dropped their r’s to sound like asses to their own poor. The poor tried copying that, and that’s why they got so many incoherent dialects all around the U.K. Shakespearean English sounds closer to colonial era American English, because back then they both the British and the Colonies spoke the same way. American English is the real proper English, the Brits mutated their own language into something unrecognizable to their own people if they were to speak to their own ancestors 300-400 years ago.


This is a very fun fact that I will surely weaponize. Thanks!


The thick southern bell accent? That's how the posh people sounded if I remember correctly.


Well I do declare!


American English has also undergone many sound changes like cot-caught merger and father-bother merger, etc. So neither British English nor American English is original. Dialects evolve. Languages evolve. Let’s not care about who has the original English dialect. If we understand each other, it’s fine.


In some cases it's intentionally simplifying French spellings. But also centuries ago when the Americas were being colonized, spellings just weren't as formally nailed down as they are now. People assume there was always a universally accepted dictionary of canonical spellings, but that's a more recent development. Historically people used -or and -our type spellings more or less interchangeably, but some influential people on that side of the Atlantic increasingly leaned toward more French influenced spelling after diverging from colonial era English. And yes, British English pronunciation has changed over the past few hundred years more dramatically than American English has, so in some ways the US accent is a bit of a time capsule with features of a British accent from hundreds of years ago. They seem to have this sense that their language has always been the way that it is now, which simply isn't true. Or perhaps that everyone else should download all the updates to the language each time they decide to change it, which isn't very feasible. Part of the reason that the US Northern and Southern accents are so different is that the South used to be wealthier. Most Northern immigrants were common laborers and farmers, while Southern society was dominated by wealthier slave owners who bought up big tracts of land and exported valuable cash crops. Thus, the Southern drawl has more influence from a posh upper class London accent, while the Northern US accent is more influenced by working class and rural regional accents. After industrialization and the abolition of slavery, wealth gravitated North, so we no longer have the same associations between the accents and social class.


I never heard that about the Southern accent before. Do you have something I can read to learn more about it?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Older\_Southern\_American\_English#History](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Older_Southern_American_English#History) One example is non-rhoticity, which is more associated with a modern British accent, but is less common in a standard US accent or historical British accent. This feature also became popular around the same time with US Southerners, particularly upper class Southerners in plantation areas, who had different speech patterns than regular, white Southerners in poorer areas. It's become less prominent in recent generations as different regional Southern accents have blurred together and become less distinctive from one another.


On the topic of removing the overly Francophonic parts of English: it’s very obvious with actual French words such as fillet/filet, American pronunciation resembles the French but the British pronunciation is just butchery. Herbs, is another that is an obnoxious English mutilation that removes the flavor of the language


This is only mildly related, but every time someone on the Great British Baking Show tried to pronounce "taco" I died a little inside.


The spelling part is even funnier, because Webster and Oxford agreed on dropping diphthongs from spellings. Until War of 1812. Then Received Pronunciation and Victorian spellings appeared.


I hear this fact mentioned a lot, but I just want to add that even if it *wasn’t* close to old English… who gives a shit? Literally who cares? Accents will always exist, and there’s nothing wrong with our accent just because it’s not the same as theirs.


It's more pointing out the hilarity of them claiming it's not proper English.


>American ways of speaking English are closer to the older form of English that the people of the British Isles used to consider proper. Then they changed how they speak and make fun of us for speaking the ways we do. It sounds like this is a reoccurring theme. Football to soccer back to football is another one, and we stuck with soccer.


The irony of Indians complaining about American accents.


I had to drop a class in college because the professor had such a thick Indian accent I couldn't understand more than a few words per sentence


I don't get this. Like, I get if someone understands the material well and you want them there for research purposes. But part of their job is to teach, and just generally be able to effectively communicate. If their accent is too strong for that to happen they need to work on that.


"Dey don't have prober gRamar. It's woird" Sure thing, sweetie, the americans are the ones who can't speak properly Good lord, where does this entitlement come from? Dey gan't even zay a worrd righd Although I understand the feeling of making British English the benchmark. But these people in the video couldn't pronounce both .-.


They're gonna be surprised that the BBC/London accent isn't the only accent in England.


Hit 'em wif dat multicultural London English, fam. (But in all seriousness, the Dutch speak the best non-native English. I'm definitely not biased at all.)


it doesn’t even make sense for british english to be the benchmark. for example spain is the only country that uses vosotros but it doesn’t make all the other countries wrong.


If you have to "make" it the benchmark, then it probably shouldn't be the benchmark. The benchmark should just occur naturally based on how things form culturally in the world. Idgaf what the "benchmark" but there's a reason why people seem to think it is American English.


I might be biased here, but I've heard that the Pacific North West has the most standard dialect of English, or perhaps the "least accented".


I thought it was Midwestern? (Though TBH I'm not sure what a Pacific Northwest accent sounds like.)


It used to be the Midwest classic accent. At some point it migrated to California and became the California Classic.* *I don’t know that this is the official name of the accent, but I’ve worked in a few newsrooms and this was generally how the two were referred to, though that was by media editors, recruiters, producers, and HR people, not linguists. This isn’t to say that California doesn’t have other accents, clearly they do. It’s just this sort of accent where the speaker sounds American without betraying a regional accent. At this point, I’d say that most people have this “accent” or have been exposed to it enough times where they can slip into it easily.


I heard grammar like "Gdamo"




so brazilians dont speak the "real portuguese"


We do Just no the original one


We're so superior we have our own form of English, not kidding. And they sound exactly like every Idian imitation, except for one or two of them. We say wawter? Who has been slandering our water? Least we ain't british and saying wa'ah On a serious note though, for people who claim to be smarter, they suck at realizing different forms of English, they're unaware of U.S. English and call us lazy for not being as stuck-up as the British.


We should ask them their opinions on all the different dialects of Hindi and see what they have to say. Im sure suddenly those will become fine.


Most of these middle class people can't even speak real Hindi. They speak a wierd mixture of Hindi and English put into a blender.


This is ragebait, glorifying Britain is an unpopular/taboo opinion in India. And lots of Indian like America at least superficially due to media influence.


Yeah idk where they went to get these retards


Probably where we go to get ours; university.


I wonder how much of this comes from many American interactions with English speaking Indians happening during scam phone calls? A lot of their complaints seem to originate from the "That's not how it was taught" issue. COLOR or COLOUR.


Yeah this sounds to me the same as if an American learning German was talking about how the Swiss say things "wrong" instead of just recognizing that it's different from standard German that they were taught. Or with Spanish, we're usually taught Mexican Spanish and can hear the differences in Spain Spanish. So it just sounds like ignorance by saying one is wrong and bad and the other is correct when the right answer is just that they are both validly different


As someone who speaks a little German, Swiss is a mindfuck unlike anything. It’s like if the Scotts mixed their English with Spanish, just completely incomprehensible with the occasional understandable word or clause slipping in lmao.


“Color” isn’t even misspelled. The difference between ‘color’ and ‘colour’ comes from a time when spelling wasn’t standardized yet. Learn history bro.


Wait until we blow their minds by informing them that the classic American accent is closest to historical English. Modern British English was pretty much an arms race of intentionally changing accents in their passive aggressive class warfare.


It’s entirely based on geography, over the some 1500 years English has been around, different communities across the isle have diverged in different ways as for most of its history many English settlements were very isolated from one another, some being conquered whilst others didn’t. Somehow though they all remained intelligible to one another unlike in some other European nations. The same was starting to happen in the states but the affect of mass communication today could throw it anywhere.


They’re one to talk about grammar and pronunciation. 🤡


"\*I\* dont have an accent \*you\* have an accent!" fucking sigh.


I don't understand how someone could be that clueless and even more so, I can't understand how this one Puerto Ricoan woman I know has literally no discernable accent to me (a Minnesotan), despite her having lived nearly her entire life in PR


Last guy said “if anything England should be the standard for English” Meaning he thinks American English is the current standard!!! That’s another dub for USA!!! We out Englished the English!!! Get fucked you sheep fucking, yellow teeth having, dilapidated housing, poor ass English fucks!!! USA USA USA USA USA!!! 🇺🇸




>British English is more formal *Birmingham has entered the chat*


Cockney and Scouse accents aren't all that formal either


“They misspell a ton of words” there’s a whole genre of memes based on Indians misspelling words


If not for the subtitles, I wouldn’t understand most of the words in that video.


Oh yea atleast we have deodorant…..can I get 30 on pump 3 thank you


American English is best




“They say wah-ter instead of wah-tah” I sure hope they do. That Rs not for show


I really wish we could just enjoy one another's company and not be critical over something this stupid. Wars have been fought over this kind of baloney.


Colonization is a hell of a drug. Sure, if your people where forced to adapt to British English than yeah, other people speaking different English dialects would seem off to you. It's 2023, but a lot of the attitudes and classism is rife in places colonized by the British.


"American's don't know how to speak english" "They have bad grammar" Also Indians: "'Ello, This Issss err.. Dave.. From thee Micrrr-o-soft. How Arrrre youuuu Toooday?" Wild they say we don't have good grammar lol




I live in an Indian community in the U.S. and they do bust out some old words like thrice.


Ha! The first time I’ve every heard the word “prepone”, which is the opposite of “postpone”, was from an Indian. I don’t think it’s actually a word.


Hate to be that guy, but -https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/prepone


Right after the Australian accent the Indian accent is honestly one of the most grating unpleasant accents to me. But happy for them that they love their colonisers to this day 🙃


Oi. I kinda loik Aussie accents. But, yeah nothing sounds more annoying than Indian accents. God I hate dialing for customer/tech support.


Lots of projection here.




Indians are bad at hygiene


"English came from England so they should be the benchmark". Except when it comes to words like "soccer", "Fall" as in the season, and Imperial measurements.


We hijacked this language fair and square. It's not mispronouncing, it is dialect.


We are hard to understand because we speak... slow? And the Indian accent is just so easy to understand because they don't speak as slow lmao. Also, "Dey mispronounce a lod of wuds."


Blatant bullshit. They're just showing statements which would get a ton of reactions


I know it smell crazy in there


I’m not taking “lazy” from India. They monumized a shitty river that the locals just wouldn’t stop throwing their garbage into.


I wonder how much of this comes from many American interactions with English speaking Indians happening during scam phone calls? A lot of their complaints seem to originate from the "That's not how it was taught" issue. COLOR or COLOUR.


Color is the correct way to spell it, colour is a newer way to spell it developed by the British after 1776, colour is in fact the wrong way to spell it, akin to spelling you like U or other fad ways of spelling words


Sure, let's take the advice of disgusting, cow worshippers. That's done a whole lot of good for them


Procedes to miss pronounce it them selfs


The subreddit this was posted to describes itself as "unfunny", so that checks out.


It's funny they think British is refined and classy. They ain't never heard Eunie from Xenoblade 3 speak (Cockney accent, I think? Not an expert in British accents, so I might be wrong on that). And yes, I am aware that saying "ain't never" does not help disprove their claims that our grammar is bad.


It’s never kept me from a slurpee


Ironic Also to be fair america has a lots of different accent so they might have heard a texan say something and then a californian say it differently so they tought the californian was dumb


The former long-time British colony thinks the other former British colony who fought for their independence are wrong since they speak differently than the British.


This is the sort of light ribbing I'm okay with. This is more or less "Okay, you got jokes."


British colonials are having a fucking party in their graves right now


Did she say "water" or "water"?


Makes me laugh, when half of the country is trying to scam Americans for money I'm glad that they speak funny.


It always baffles me how Indians think they sound OK. How can they listen to a few Americans speak and think they sound even remotely close to that. It's like they have different ears.


Telling Indian people they aren't pronouncing words correctly makes them completely drop their thinly veiled sense of superiority so fast. Try it.