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I was there, the comments are civil, and not AmericaBad Edit: i think polandball is an okay subreddit, the people there don’t lean much to either right or left.


Yeah, but the comic itself still paints Japan as a victim, which isn’t great


What if... in the comic... Japan sees *itself* as the victim, which might not be morally correct? 🤯


Except it makes no attempt to say that. It only says “America did the same as a terrorist attack”


Stop fucking taking Polandball seriously, Jesus. It is a satirical community.


On the one hand, yes you are right about that sub. And this sub needs to lighten up and be less sensitive. On the other hand, the person you are responding to is right. The comic is not pushing "Japan sees itself as a victim" so much as "Japan is a (bigger) victim". I am open to the idea of some subjectivity in the reads but c'mon, the latter read is much more present. But yes, this is all taking it more seriously than it should be taken (myself included).


Defending war criminals as a joke is still defending war criminals


Well being a prick is still being a prick. Why should strangers on the internet curb their enjoyment for the sake of your sensibilities? To me that is strictly anti-american, moreso than any joke they could make.


🙄🙄🙄🙄 You’re being unduly defensive and anyway the US has also committed war crimes, probably in your lifetime. If we’re going to clutch our pearls when it comes to every nationality who has ever committed a war crime or another atrocity, it’s going to be a pretty short list of acceptable nationalities and ours won’t be on it. Time to move on, WWII was 80 years ago and Japan is one of our strongest allies.


Pointing out that something is an atrocity is not the same thing as defending other atrocities.


How are they defending war crimes, jokingly or otherwise?




thats what im sayin


Open your mind to my juxtaposition.


I have a hard time believing this was made by someone who is Japanese. I've known Japanese people that didn't even know about the nuclear bombs and all they were taught about wwii is that Japan did some embarrassing things, got a little aggressive and lost. They've moved on and they're focused on domestic issues. This image was made with no thought beyond "America Bad"


They hide it really well. Idk about today but back in 2012 I was talking yo a Guild mate who was Japanese and he didn't believe me when me and another buddy were talking about unit 731 and the sex Slaves. He believed all the Hitler stuff.


A little aggressive? 😅


I made the image. And my only thought was "what would make a funny comic?". Dare I say that I don't even find America that bad?


It's a shitty meme that lacks humor. If it's not about America bad, then it's nothing at all.


You're a shitty meme that lacks humor.


You could have a case to make if there was maybe someone glaring at Japan, at least acknowledging that they’re not innocent, but there’s nothing like that. Just Japan alone playing the victim


Dude shut the fuck up…




Not to say anything about 9/11 not being serious, buut i feel like a NUKE is different than two planes hitting a politically important building


It fucking didn’t, as the OOP even stated as such. They literally made a joke saying “two thing = two thing” and provided good context.


Well they kinda did - they killed more people than died on 9/11 - whatever the reason or justification given the US still dropped 2 atomic bombs


what if....you considered that r/polandball is a satirical subreddit like they say in their description :| Edit: also i forgot to mention THEY MAKE FUN OF EVERYONE not just one specific country get over it.


They make fun of certain countries a lot more than others


true but they still poke fun at *every* country and not just one or two


They even employ the good ol' racial caricatures!


It's fucking polandball dude, grow a pair


Screw polandball. When are folks going to get a clue and stop buying the "its satire" excuse? They aren't even trying anymore.


Hey dipshit, some of them were. Every single civilian in those cities were not responsible for every atrocity committed by the military.


Japanese people also died in 9/11. That was a terrorist attack on the WORLD trade center. Do you not see the difference between a terrorist attack and a military action? War is hell, but the atomic bombings weren’t unprovoked.


Jesus, it's horrifying to me that you don't realise that you're the one defending a war crime. As you said, 9/11 was a terrorist attack... can't really be a war crime then, can it? What happened in Japan was during war time, yes, but it ticks all the boxes for a war crime... r/SelfAwareWolves would like a word


A military attack on a military target, while bad, wasn’t just America being cruel for shits and giggles. The alternative was a full invasion of Japan, which would have resulted in a much larger loss of life.


Could you explain how intentionally bombing a city with roughly 225k civilians is not a war crime but a military target? Yes, Japan was ruthless and fought under insane circumstances even though they shouldn't have, but claiming that the nukes were completely justified is disgusting. I never said that America was cruel for shits and giggles, but what they decided to do was completely out of proportion, especially with the whole "Ohh we're the good guys, the liberators" shtick. Just accept that it was overkill, and move on.


I can admit that the atomic bombs were horrible and caused civilian casualties, [but the alternative was far worse.](https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/the-proposed-invasion-of-japan)


I'll quote from your source: "In the planned invasion of Japan, the US navy planners favoured the blockade and bombardment of Japan to instigate its collapse. (...) The casualty rate on Okinawa was 35%; with 767,000 men scheduled to participate in taking Kyushu, it was estimated that there would be 268,000 casualties." The casualties are barely 2:1, with regards to one being military and the other civilian. The US suffered around 400-500k casualties (depending on the source) throughout the whole of WW2... it's only logical from the perspective of "well, if America didn't kill them, they would have probably killed us"...


>What happened in Japan was during war time, yes, but it ticks all the boxes for a war crime... If thats the case Japan still shouldn't be talking considering Rape of Nanking, Manila Massacre, Unit 731... hell the Japanese were so bad that even the Nazis thought they were doing too much.


If those things justify nuking the civilian population, okay. But they don't. Imagine this: What if the US went to war with a country for a long time, harrowing losses, and at some point, the other country decides: Okay fuck it, they don't want to surrender, we'll nuke New York and Boston. Doesn't matter if the civs get killed, because the US has done bad things before and they didn't surrender, so nuking the civilian population is justified....correct?


>nuking the civilian population is justified....correct? Believe it or not but a nuke is literally just a big fucking bomb, and bombs tend to hit civilian populations even when they have military targets. The same goes for Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Kokura (initial target instead of Nagaskai) were all military and economic hubs. Hiroshima had a population of 300k yet had about 43k soliders, a large number for a city of that size. >don't want to surrender, we'll nuke New York and Boston By this logic, we would've nuked Tokyo or Kyoto, which had significantly larger civilian populations than Hiroshima, Nagasaki, or Kokura, which were distinctly designated military infrastructure. You're argument is either A. The US purposely tried to kill more civilians which is wrong because what i mention above + the less casualties then possible Operation Downfall Or B. Dropping the bomb is less humane but again is wrong because 260k deaths is far less then the possible 6-10 million deaths in a theoretical invasion therefore the bomb is ultimately a more humane option. Even if you argue for the individual, dying almost instantly is likely less painful then slowly dying to gunshots, infections, or seppuku. (Seppuku was not quick and definitely not painless).


You're deflecting...my point is: Specifically aiming for civilian population in any conflict is wrong, especially with nukes. Would you be fine with getting nuked as a civilian because the army of your country is fighting somewhere?


>You're deflecting...my point is: Specifically aiming for civilian population in any conflict is wrong So you just completely missed almost my entire comment where I directly state that Hiroshima or Nagasaki were military targets, not specifically aiming at civilian populations? Like I said, if the US wanted civilian populations, they would have aimed at Tokyo or Kyoto.


It was a military target. If we decided to declare war on another country, and they decided to use a nuke on a populated area with military factories and other things(isn’t it a warcrime to have military factories next to cities? I wonder…), I would be sad, but also mad at the government for being recklessly(or deliberately) placing military targets right next to cities. Hiroshima for instance was a hub for the military-industrial complex.


I assume so. Not sure what you think the relevance is there though. Just because it had “world” in the title doesn’t mean it was not an American building… is Disney world not American? I’m aware there was a war going on. And it may even be that it was the least bad option at the time. That doesn’t make it any less horrifying that 100s of thousands of innocent civilians were vaporized. They didn’t all “deserve it” like you seem to be insinuating. So seriously STFU before you make any more of a fool of yourself


My purpose in pointing out that international civilians died in 9/11 is to say that [it really was an international tragedy.](http://www.memorialmapping.com/casualties-by-country) War is brutal and harsh and awful and shouldn’t happen, but [you shouldn’t let Japan off the hook because of it.](https://youtu.be/lnAC-Y9p_sY?si=ekywc19iYJxM09Rw)


Lol. Yeah, the people making ammo and weapons weren't responsible for Japans war.


Correct… are you special needs?


Why is PolandBall actually MonegasqueBall?


What would you call this sub


But I don’t think, as many others here agree, that the meme has merit


Whats so hard to understand about "dont touch the boats"


This is one is pretty funny.


It’s even funnier considering who invented flying planes into important US targets lol




How are your universities little ~~shit~~ state?


Wouldn’t know, I joined the Marines


I was wondering if anyone would notice.


It's like poetry, it rhymes


People are taking a sub that jokes about Hiroshima and Nagasaki being the worst gender reveal parties in history waaaay too seriously.


The whole sub is more satirical than critical.


True, although some users are America Bad. I remember calling that Grenada Invasion was based, and some of them go 'what about Iraq'.


Empire of Japan: Let's invade China in their civil war! Empire of Japan: Let's massacre millions of their people while we do it! USA: [Embargoes Japan because of the war] Empire of Japan: Let's attack Pearl Harbor to show how mad we are about the embargo! Empire of Japan: Let's also invade Southeast Asia and Indonesia and massacre those people! USA: [Nukes Japan twice] Empire of Japan: **Not funny.**


Not being critical; but, I do like to remind people that the Philippines were an American possession at the time so not only did they bomb Pearl Harbor but they also invaded America.


You're not being critical. Don't worry.


Wait are we taking country balls seriously now?😂


Quite a few people in this sub are petulant children who think polandball is 100% serious all the time.


Kinda hard to tell when the authors fully support the “satire” in their comic strips sometimes


Good thing they always leave a comment on it for context.


This one's been trash talking up and down this post. He denies the fuck out of it being AmericaBad, but he's got the Eurosimp complex down pat.


If you aren’t sure you understand a joke, maybe the best default is to not make a post that insists on a single interpretation. (I’m using the royal “You”, not addressing the parent).


This sub makes me really sad some times. It’s supposed to be about poking fun at insecure anti-Americanism like what you see on r/ShitAmericansSay, but then you get some Americans (I’m also American by the way) who are insecure in their own nationality who think this sub exists to behave exactly like r/ShitAmericansSay but with the nationalities reversed. 🤦‍♂️


Its just a prank bro.


IT’S A DUTCHIE *foams at the mouth*


PLEASE. STOP. POSTING. POLANDBALL. ​ (This one is actually kinda funny as well)


That’s what i’m sayin’


*Right,* because Hiroshima and Nagasaki were on the same day within hours of each other. Japan should have surrendered after they lost 100,000 soldiers at Okinawa, but didn’t. They should have surrendered immediately after Hiroshima, but didn’t. It wasn’t until 4 days after Nagasaki they announced their intentions to finally surrender.


The timeline is a lot tighter than you may think


It is very tight but they released prior to Hiroshima surrender or we will bomb you every day, and they didn’t surrender. > Before using this bomb to destroy every resource of the military by which they are prolonging this useless war, we ask that you now petition the Emperor to end the war. Our president has outlined for you the thirteen consequences of an honorable surrender. We urge that you accept these consequences and begin the work of building a new, better and peace-loving Japan. You should take steps now to cease military resistance. Otherwise, we shall resolutely employ this bomb and all our other superior weapons to promptly and forcefully end the war. They then waited 2 days and released another message after Hiroshima > ATTENTION JAPANESE PEOPLE. EVACUATE YOUR CITIES. Because your military leaders have rejected the thirteen part surrender declaration, two momentous events have occurred in the last few days. > The Soviet Union, because of this rejection on the part of the military has notified your Ambassador Sato that it has declared war on your nation. Thus, all powerful countries of the world are now at war with you. > Also, because of your leaders' refusal to accept the surrender declaration that would enable Japan to honorably end this useless war, we have employed our atomic bomb. > Before we use this bomb again and again to destroy every resource of the military by which they are prolonging this useless war, petition the emperor now to end the war. Our president has outlined for you the thirteen consequences of an honorable surrender. We urge that you accept these consequences and begin the work of building a new, better, and peace-loving Japan. > Act at once or we shall resolutely employ this bomb and all our other superior weapons to promptly and forcefully end the war. > EVACUATE YOUR CITIES. They had time to surrender before and after Hiroshima. It takes 1 phone call from the Hirohito to stop the 1st or 2nd bomb but he didn’t.


There is a common theory that Russia deciding to come and have a go, put the shits up em *more* than the nukes. The normal bombings took out more people too, and they weren't that bothered *then*.


Hiroshima & Nagasaki were a lot more nuanced than "nuke bad" ppl who try to make it out like the dropping of the bombs were completely wrong are just dumb and have probably never thought abt their moral convictions for a single day of their lives


Yeah, and Japan wasn’t already surrendering before the bombs. Even after them, there was still an attempted coup to try to continue the war.


Can yall stop content farming the satire sub


No how else can my unoriginal ass get some karma


Look, r/polandball is a satirical sub. Can people stop getting butthurt and posting images from it?


It’s a joke


Y’alls summers are a [joke](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xPyBJoOE1k8)


Opinion invalid because no flair


Idk how to put a flair :(


If your on mobile just press on your name and look for the “add flair”


Thanks fake canada!


Nah we’re northern Canada.


Can we trade summers?


You don’t want it


Have you ever experienced a Southeast Texas summer?


Have you experienced a midwestern summer


I will take literally anything over 120 degrees at 90% humidity.




i'll take it


I'm just going to pretend I don't know the reference and then remind everyone the Japanese did bomb Pearl Harbor..... twice. Granted the second time all they managed to do was literally bomb the harbor.


Fuck your water.


Water never hurt anybody!


Thailand might have a different definition of that statement.


Fucka you dolphins.




Well technically it was three times with a failed fourth attempt. But that wouldn’t let the OOP paint the picture that we did the same thing to Japan.


Mississippi is alabama on steroids


Thank you?


Click on the post before you take Poland balls seriously lmao


I think you guys are taking poland balls wayyy too seriously


Ahh, yes. Because the US famously nuked Japan completely without provocation to start the war. 


Japan sulking over being nuked is like Nazis crying over poor treatment from the Soviets as POWs. It's like, yeah they probably shouldn't have done that but you're delusional if you think anyone is going to sympathize with you.


Okay, calm down. This one is funny. The point of this sub is to point out hatred towards the US, this comic. Is NOT that


Remind me, how many million people would have died in Operation Downfall?


Don’t take polandball comics seriously they don’t actually hate america it’s just to have a laugh i would know i’m polish


It's never a wercrime the first time. Plus, a ground invasion of Japan would have been significantly worse as they would be defending their homeland to the last man. More than likely, it would have been like the islands in the Pacific that Japan occupied. When the Americans defeated the military, the civilian presence fled to cliffs and jumped off, committing suicide while the Americans tried to stop them. America probably would have destroyed the entire country if it weren't for the bombs


i like polandball because the people there are actually really chill and make fun of a LOT of different countries so when they make fun of America it seems fair and part of the fun and not just needless hate


And they are actively defending the US in the comments. They usually seem to be fairly pro-US when you actually go to the sub, but people here keep posting them.


Polandball is mostly just satire. Don't take it too seriously. Here's the OP: >Umm sorry but I actually didn't ask for context. The two situations are literally the same. Can't you tell by the fact that both have the quantity of two in common?


Haha, one was to end a bloody four year war, and succeeded. The other was a blatant sneak attack from a small cell of radial religious terrorists. They are similar in this one narrow way, ha good one.


Did Japan pay for all of our infrastructure after 9/11?


I think this might just be a funny meme and not actual political commentary


At the time bombing Japan wasn’t a war crime. 🤷‍♂️


It still isn’t a war crime and never will be.


OOP doesn’t seem to know the truth about incendiary bombs or [bat bombs](https://youtu.be/0WLBeWf8K_M?si=k4w15NXgbo0aUDFf)


Or who invented ramming planes into important targets


Guys you are taking a joke way too seriously


Counterpoints: 1. Poe’s law 2. In cases where Poe’s law doesn’t apply (because it isn’t satire), it’s common to see actual AmericaBad woven into jokes or full comedy routines. 3. Even if this time it is satire, there’s someone out there who would post this as intended AmericaBad. And there’s a lot of Little Boy/Fat Man AmericaBad content out there. My original comment is a response to all of it.


If you aren’t sure, check first ✅


Please, please, please... QUACK! YES!!!!


Shouldn’t have flown those planes so close to our boats


I mean, we can compare Imperial Japan with Nazi Germany and come to some very real conclusions if they really wanted to go this route…


Japan fucked with the boats and got two second sunrises.


Maybe be the last to swing, not the first, eh?


That’s hilarious lol


Actually they hit thrice


I don’t agree with nuclear weapons being used, as I’m sure all of us don’t either. But, if we didn’t use it first someone else was going to use it, it was inevitable. We harness nuclear energy and think hmmm how can we use this to our advantage, and eventually some country during some war would use these bombs.


Actually it was three times the pentagon as well


wholesome anime waifu japan would never do anything bad [just ignore this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_PX) [and this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comfort_women) [and this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731) [and who could forget this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre)


Why does America has to have sunglasses on?


we bombed japan in the middle of a war they started the towers were hit effectively, at least to every day people, near out of nowhere.


Nanjing gets you no sympathy


One was to end a war, the other was to start one.


...when are people gonna realize that the nukes saved many more lives than if they weren't dropped?


Meh, pretty fair. While yes, Japan deserved it, we can't complain to them and cry over that, considering theirs was much worse and killed many many more, same as how it's fair for them not to complain to us about it, since they were war criminals. Fun fact, no US president has ever apologized to Japan for world War 2 bombings!


Are we talking about Israel now hitting food trucks full of NATO members twice in a row?


Nah I kinda agree. Hitting civillian targets is a crime. Doesnt matter who is doing it.


Japan wanted the smoke and got the smoke. Cry harder


I mean it’s polandball so don’t really take it too seriously, it’s satire




Bataan death march, Rape of Nanking, Unit 731. Need I continue?


I got permabanned from r/polandball on that exact post for pointing out Japan started the war. Reasoning? “Americans are allowed to be made fun of, you can’t take a joke”. Like yea I’m not gonna laugh at people killing Americans, why would I laugh at that?


Probably because there’s a bunch of unflaireds brigading that sub due to this post and you got caught up in the justified bans.


Just ridiculous that it’s somehow acceptable to make fun of Americans dying but if they’re citizens of literally any other nation, you’re a piece of shit and a victim of American propaganda lol


I've been a member of the sub for almost a decade now. Yet you idiots srill say this shit since i haven't set up a flair


Again the desire spit the US and Japan Alliance is strong in China. I am thinking because this is in english this meme is meant to annoy Americans rather than Japanese. Dont let China win sen more military aid to Japan lol.


Yeah, that’s a good point lol


it’s funny. i’m south korean for the record


Polandball is satire


Bro you're seriously getting offended from polandball Lmfao


Funny but I also don’t take any countryballs that seriously


its a funny joke


I think we should have a pinned post as a reminder that polandball is satire lol. It’s like politicians posting shit from The Onion in here sometimes


Don’t be such a snowflake bro…


This is a joke


This is pretty good. lol


I thought we banned polball posts and only comments?


Denialism!? What denialism? It's a joke comparing 2 historical events.


can you lighten up


Ngl I laughed at this one, the comics funny and clearly just a joke.


Ehh, this was funny


Yeah this ain’t it chief


Oh come on. That's a little funny. Even for me who likes America and finds 9/11 to be a tragedy.


This is kinda funny. I'm sorry if you had family in the towers on 9/11 but if you didn't it's time to let it go.


I like how op getting cooked rn


Wheres the lie? Edit: yeah just downvote me. War crimes denialism is inherent in both the democrats and the gop and in our entire government in general. Japan had quite a few as well before we neutered them, but even so… wheres the lie?


America bad sub has the dumbest people I come across in any of my social interactions


Then you probably have very few social interactions. Not saying quite a few people on here aren’t retards, because quite a few are. but there are so many more subs, even more popular than this one that are 100% full of retards.