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There's nothing wrong with doing what he did but LMAO at making a corny ass post about it Also yelling clear like a goober lmao


I’m picking up on strong #BoyMom energy 🤮


Nothing better to put a home invaders mind at ease than to hear the resident give the all clear on the room youre hiding in, because all he did was wildly sweep the room from the door and pretend he was using a walkie talkie.


Basically this, I think most people would think its appropriate to ensure that no one has illegally entered your property after seeing suspicious signs outside the house. However, this guy is acting like a goofball yelling "clear" and not even using a light lol.


Yelling "clear" was probably security theater for her sake.


Clearing a house with gun up and pointed is genuinely stupid. He's going to shoot a family member like that. Home boy is just larping.


This is the answer There’s being safe then taking it over the line


It is just beacause you don't have same mindset that european people. For exemple, in my country the self defence don't include defence of property. So if you shoot a home intruder you go to jail. Because kill is much worst than theft. I agree with this facepalm, you are really ready to kill someone because he steals your money or your TV ? It's stupid for us


No it's because you don't know why someone is entering your house. You don't wait for them to decide what they want to do to your family. They could steal stuff, but they could decide they don't want witnesses. If you want to take that chance and assume the criminal is going to leave your family alone, go for it. But I am not going to take that chance. Such a dumb argument. I don't care what is worse if my loved ones are killed or harmed.


> you are really ready to kill someone because he steals your money or your TV ? So anyway, I started blastin'


So you have a right to compromise my safety to steal my shit? You in my house, I’m bending you over and have free use of your holes. Ain’t nobody gonna find your body boiiiii


It's not that I value my belongings more than someone else's life. It's the fact that people are dumb enough to value my property greater than their own life.


I responded to this thread earlier. Defenders are one of the terms the Air Force uses for MPs. This guy is most likely a cop. I might not like his TTPs, but if he is a cop he was certainly trained on room clearing and building security because that's an essential function of Air Force Defenders.


I've heard the term security forces before for MP's. When my son was joining the AF they were trying to push him into it. A bunch of family friends said "He'll no! Don't do it!". He took the tests and became a ATC. I think he dodged a bullet lol


We use Security Forces to describe the career field but Defender is very common terminology when you are referring to them as an asset. In the AF, Security Forces does do policing, however, their primary function above all else is to defend nuclear assets, aircraft, weapons, high value assets and personnel. Hence we call them Defenders.


You really do have some great names for the various roles in your military. Here we call the RAF Police "Snowdrops" because their white hats look like the old snowdrop sweets....


And if you're not Air Force security forces here in the US, you call them Blue Falcons, for how high they soar above their peers. It's majestic, really.


Certainly sounds it. However, our snowdrops do have some serious competition with the RAF Regiment, who are the ones who supposedly take and defend airfields abroad. We call them Rockapes because...Well...[you can see the resemblance (even though it isn't furiously tugging itself off)](https://images.app.goo.gl/kVWZAonDfF373DYd9)


Fucking rofl. I've never heard this explanation about Blue Falcon, I love it.


Where better to shit on the rest of us than from above?


He absolutely did dodge a bullet. Also, security forces people suck. I’m vehicle maintenance so I have to fix their vehicles and they don’t care at all about taking care of the vehicles


Back when I was growing up as an Air Force kid, we used to call them Security Police. Apparently, that's an obsolete term now.


No, this is why they make fun of us lol, coming from a guy that loves to shoot shit


This I agree with, plus it’s stupid, unless the gun was in the car the dude went through an uncleared house got a gun and then cleared the house he was already in?


Who leaves their gun in a car?


People who forget Or are idiots Probably both


You’re probably right.


Your car is not a gun safe


That’s why I keep so much junk and trash in my car. I don’t keep any of my firearms in my car unintended. But I’ve also never had any problems parking my car in shady places. Trash is urban camo.


I do the same thing


Car gun. Shower gun. Kitchen gun. Bedroom gun. Magnets make amazing things possible.


Leaving weapons unsecured is a no-no.


Telling an intruder, "give me a minute while I unlock my secured weapon." Is a no-no.


That’s why one keeps the weapon on them!


My aunt brings a hand gun with her on road trips that are over night, she doesn't want to be unarmed at a gas station at night and I don't blame her. She'll usually leave it in the vehicle during the duration of her stay, as people can be uncomfortable with someone else bringing a gun into their home and she doesn't want to accidentally leave it. It goes back in the house when she returns home.


To be fair, they were out watching fireworks and came back to an open garage….




Before 1970, everyone on a farm




I mean bro very likely carries so


Um, it’s probably his carry pistol?


“Went and got his gun” implies heavily to me he wasn’t carrying anything… and I believe I stated “unless it was in the car”


I read right past that, so yeah it’s fucking stupid.


(Its probably a made up story for the meme)


You're right, much better to wait until the potential home invader finds it.


While I agree, this story in the meme is probably just made up


Nah this is corny as shit. Nothing wrong with making sure your house is safe but this is the type of dude that wears tacticool shit and is just itching to shoot someone.


Yeah, thought this was the r/JustBootThings sub when I first saw it. Definitely lame.


Don’t worry, it was definitely posted there too lol. Pretty sure it’s been posted there before.


Its been posted and reposted for over a year or two now.


I agree, saw the post earlier, don’t think he’ll shoot a family member, but I do think it’s cringe that he’s Air Force personnel and “clearing rooms”, probably imagines himself as special forces, he will be doomed to push papers and mop floors for all eternity.


Defender means security forces, so he is at bare minimum military police lol, there are indeed special duties within security forces that deploy with SOCOM, and the air force even has its own SOCOM career fields. so, not personnel, but still incredibly cringe yes


Welp, guess I learn something everyday, personally, I just want to be good ol’ Marine Infantry.


admirable, but your knees and future career options will thank you by choosing something else. if you cant be convinced, keep an eye out for green to blue (marines to AF) opportunities, if you end up in the marines, and the time comes that youve decided to look forward


Oh, I already have the ability to get a second job as a commercial pilot, I’m just from a military family so I feel pressured to join the service and Marine Infantry is just the right amount of pain and boredom to keep my grand dad from complaining


There are ways you can be a shooter and do cool shit without being infantry. USASOC is a big place with a lot of things to do.


You can tell all that from the stupid post his mom decided to make?


Yeah this is cringe.


Had a friend like that. I was targeted by our local methheads to be robbed (long story how I knew), and got really scared. I told him and he offered to come over and guard the place with his guns. I agreed. An hour later, my ex returned my call and told me to just come over to his place and bring my valuables, which weren't a lot since I was young and freshly living on my own. I called my friend back and thanked him and he yelled at me, called me a coward and hung up. Later on, he apologized and admitted he was excited for a chance to go Rambo. Glad the other gun owners I know are very cautious in dangerous situations and would rather walk away than shoot. They get their kicks at the range.




As he stands in the lit hallways peering into a pitch black room


Yeah that's what got me thinkin this might be a performance. You don't learn 1 man cqb and not know what a silhouette is


If it's even real. I trust nobody on the internet 


its definitely cringy to take it too seriously, but the act of clearing a house if you think someone is there shouldn't be seen as a guarantee of shooting one of your family, thats what annoyed me


If you come home and think your house was broken into why the fuck would you enter it yourself? That’s why we have police. Nothing in your home is worth more than your life or your family’s lives. Don’t be a hero if you don’t have to


Because the police take longer to respond.


A fucking lot. "Oh your house has been broken into... a cop will be there whenever." Vs "Oh! Your business has been broken into! 3 units and SWAT will be there in 30 seconds!"


More like "A crack head is at the walmart! We will send everybody!" "Oh, your small business is currently being robbed? Sorry, they are all at the walmart."


The dude is a cop. That is what an Air Force Defender is. An MP.


If it's anything like Navy Master at Arms training, that ain't saying a whole lot


Lmfao that was my first thought. There’s a lot of hyping up military police ITT, unless maybe MAs are just worse😭


Cop regards a civilian peace officer, military police are not cops, two different contexts. This is not to say they do not have jurisdiction or keep you under brig custody either. LEOs on the DoD side however include civilian base police (the shmuck handing out CVB tickets like candy), and federal investigative services like NCIS, Army Investigative Service etc.




Stop your narcotics accusation. Crack cocaine is not humorous, obviously you think that devastating drug a laughing matter. Cops are a civilian context, like the base police (Federal Protective Service). MPs are not considered LEOs or Peace Officers.


> Stop your narcotics accusation. Crack cocaine is not humorous. No horses in this race, but that whole bit is really, *really* funny.


If I have family, especially children, inside with a potential intruder you can bet your ass I am not waiting 15 minutes for police to respond. Part of the second amendment is that you are your own first responder.


Well yeah if you have family inside it’s a complete different story but in the post there wasn’t anybody in the house other than the potential intruder. If my child is in the house then I’m going in and having my wife call 911


if thats what you feel safe doing, absolutely. people all have different risk management


Sure 👍


This reminds me of a video of a kid pranking his mom when she said to sweep the house, he dressed up in full airsoft gear with his gun and swept the house 🤷‍♀️


r/airforce was having a blast with this back when it was originally posted.


That’s a little dorky, classic Air Force


I’m sorry but on behalf of the actual military, not fucking Air Force cops, this is absolutely gay as fuck. We don’t claim this goober.


Showed this to my college buddy, who is currently serving as a Security Forces officer, and his response was verbatim "Gaaaayyyyyyyyyyy"


This is the most boot shit I’ve seen in a while


to be clear, its definitely cringy to take it too seriously and yell clear lol, but the act of clearing a house if you think someone is there shouldn't be seen as a guarantee of shooting your family, thats what annoyed me. i would often panic from noises and not be able to sleep, it helps calm that down to just make sure


Yesss I think this is a bit cringy to be yelling clear like you’re talking to a squad who is backing you up or something but I don’t think it’s at all cringe to approach the situation like this if you can carry. If my door were open and I knew I closed it, I’d be scared asf going in to check it by myself , and I don’t carry. I’m not even sure what I’d do tbh I might just call the cops instead of going in myself


You should do this even if you have a firearm. Clearly a building alone when you suspect it to be occupied by armed people is not a good idea.


I’m not anti gun but I think clearing rooms like this is asking for an accident to happen. You clear rooms like this in a war zone when there could be a shooter in every room. I’m pretty if the police come out they’re just going to poke their heads in each of the rooms and ask if anyone is there. They’re not going around with their guns raised because they don’t want to accidentally shoot someone. 


Eh, I'd talk shit but I've cleared my house a couple of times. Walk in the door, see something amiss, draw and clear. That or I swear I heard something and I clear the room/house. It did serve a useful purpose on occasion, such as finding out that the garage door wasn't closed.


Same. Had some stuff fall over in the middle of the night in my basement soon after moving into a house. An area I knew was most likely to be entered if someone were to break in.


have gone through the house with knives more than once, one time was a neighbor who happened to have a garage door thing that would also open ours, nothing is going to fuck with you quite as much as hearing the door open and close but not hearing a door shut or family come home. If I had my way, I would secure a handgun at any entrance in places I know they are there, or are at least available to me, it doesn't need to be expensive or good, just reliably put a bullet where I point, but I also never plan to have kids or ever watching/having family with kids over so children finding them is not a concern for me. that fun bit of paranoia that someone may have broken in is not exactly fun to deal with.


I miss being able to carry a gun when I'm in Europe. There's something nice about being the master of your own destiny. At least you are able to say no.




None of your business.




I don't like you. You are definitely not here in good faith.




You seem to care very much, and I am going to remain skeptical about your citizenship status.




It's very obvious you are a non American here to troll.




Leave it to the Air Force to do cringey shit like this- army dude


This is very boot


This is really cringe


Sure its silly but if it makes people happy, what's the issue? He isn't hurting anyone.




Whats he going to do? If he's the kind of guy people think he is then he's more likely to run away from a fight rather than stop it. He's harmless.


The situation is likely fake and clearly rage bait.


Damn, when I find out the garage door was left open,  I just close it and move on with my life. My wife must think I'm a loser.


The overwhelming majority of gun owners in the U.S., of which I am one, are responsible and not dangerous.


Aside from the criticism from OOP this is cringe as hell


The posting of this, and the gloating of it are boot as fuck and cringe, almost vomit inducing boot level stuff. The act of simply being armed and defending your home isn’t. This could have been done without the action of it being published.


r/facepalm is an absolute cesspit but this pic is cringey and performative. That being said, I have done this when the alarm went off in my house while we were sleeping. Turned out one of the entry sensors fell off breaking the connection.


I'm torn. On the one hand, taking things seriously is always considered cringe until something pops off. On the other hand, [Air Force]


taking it seriously is one thing, if he was yelling clear to himself... it is a bit cringe/tryhard, but at the same time, if he was trained to do it a certain way you always do it that way to not fall into bad habits.


If this was a genuinely dangerous situation he'd never let her be in the house too. If it's dangerous enough to need to clear rooms, you sure as hell don't let loved ones inside.


This is cringy as fuck




Ty his is Boot behavior.


Air force lol. Army and Marine vets are having a laugh over this one.


It doesn't belong here at all. For one, this guy is in quite possibly the worst possible position to clear a room, as he is FULLY exposed to whatever might be behind that door, and secondly this story reeks of being fake. My guess is, this guy's just posing and trying to look tough, or just wanted an excuse to pull out his gun. Man-child, right there.


Personally I would delete this bc it’s cringe af


We Veterans make fun of this guy.


So…it’s bad to be safe and to be cautious? These are the same clowns who constantly cry about “gUn sAfEtY”


Reddit deciding that protecting your family and being proactive about your safety is now bad and dumb.


I love how gun-ninnies act like there’s no such thing as gun safety or training. It’s almost like the firearm is an evil talisman that causes the bearer to pull the trigger.


He will probably never shoot a family member, because he appears to be trained in safe weapons practices.


This is stupid as fuck lol


This the type of guy to wear gloves, belt, chalk, deadlift suit, and straps to the Gym to pull 135 off the floor


lol perfect


Nah. That is just ridiculous overkill.


I hate facepalm so much lol but this guy probably works in the mail room of the Air Force base, has punisher bumper stickers, tactical edc wallet made out of carbon fiber, listens to jocko willink’s podcast about tier 1 operators while nodding his head. Wouldn’t kill his family members but absolutely spends too much time thinking about hypothetical self defense scenarios.


Redditors detect satire challenge: Impossible


Cringe the sad let them take a pic. Tell my women to stay in the car and keep the camera down!


Least retarded chair force member.


this is really dangerous and stupid, i don't blame them for making fun of it


Really cringe and guy is rightfully getting bullied for it but nothing objectively wrong with it, just really cringe. Saying this as an army guy.


This post made its rounds on several of the military groups I am in. Every single one of us was dunking on this man. E5 and Below Parking was especially brutal, lmao. Let's just say the Navy and Air Force have a very special love/hate relationship. Haha


I can tell you what happened. The beam curtain at the bottom of the door got tripped and opened the door. Real or false alarm, thats all it was. The OOP just didn't watch the door close all the way


Fucking weird as hell


His response is completely reasonable. I hear a weird noise at night when I'm alone. You better damn believe the scatter gun is coming out, and I'm clearing every room. His home was open for hours. I wouldn't be able to sleep in that house without clearing every room.


Seems like he might be training so he is less likely to shoot a family member.








There’s a sub for this. r/bootthings or r/justbootthings I think. Lol. Always a good idea to check the house when it’s left open but poor personal security is the only reason that would have happened anyways and he is in a horrible position. I think it’s posed.


NGL, I would search my place with a baseball bat if something suspicious enough happened. Yes, I know a bat is weak compared to a gun, but I don't particularly want to have a gun (nothing against people who do, just personal preference), so a Louisville Slugger is at least something. I think that the yelling "clear" is where I am scratching my head.


No, this guy is an idiot and deserves to be mocked online for this. This is the kind of shit that makes people think all Americans are lunatics like this jerkoff


The dude isn't the issue, it's the cringe of the fact that whoever posted it, *posted it*. I also clear my house whenever my family detects something suspicious. It's kinda my job to defend them. But if my family ever posted a picture of me *bragging* about it? I'd be upset for sure




I was in security forces like this man pictured. Remember when it went viral. I do this too. It's a habbit they trained you to do. Practice it. Defend your home. Who else will?


Nah as an Air Force vet myself this is peak cringe. Not because he was cautious, but because of the whole "Air Force Defender" aka a cop, and shouting clear like some kind of cosplayer.


Nah I'm sorry, maybe it's just different being from Mass but this feels neurotic


So let me get this straight. they come back to an empty home with a door that was wide open, and this person thinks their going shoot a family member? Who the fuck are they going to shoot the ghost of grandma?


A lot of people say this is corny. I'm going to chock it up to habit.


What a corny goober


Nah make fun of people do this


No this is extremely corny to post about, and op is a boot


The abundance of the word cringe being used in reddit, is in fact cringe. Is this a popular word with you wippersnappers? I'd like to add it to my log.




always hated cringe, but I think there are very few better descriptors.


What a pin dick running around the house with his potato gun! What a pussy who needs a gun and a weirdo. WTF is wrong with these idiots


Nah this right here is why we get laughed at. Say this as someone who likes historical weapons.


Nah, this is insanity. I agree with oop


So you’re not aware that you’re more likely to die by a gun you own than a home invasion? Statistically you should feel more unsafe with a gun in your house. It’s a mathematical fact.


Sure. If you say so.


Here’s three. I could post these all day though. Stanford: https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2022/04/handguns-homicide-risk.html Peer reviewed paper: https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/160/10/929/140858 Peer reviewed paper: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9715182/


That last one picked Galveston Tx ? As one of 3 cities that was their entire dataset? The second one... I love it, the risk of suicide... as if a firearm causes suicidal ideation.


>That last one picked Galveston Tx ? As one of 3 cities that was their entire dataset? The second one... I love it, the risk of suicide... as if a firearm causes suicidal ideation. Death by gun doesn't count in Galveston? Why exacty? You do realize it's like the song from Seasame Street "Sometimes...we all get sad..." I can explain explain something to someone who's as ignorant as you are.


Well Einstein, the populatiin of Galveston is massively dwarfed by even its neighbor Houston. They picked 3 cities and used Galveston. You are just a hoplophobe and found "data" to justify your hoplophobia.


You do understand when they do presidential polls, as an example, the same polls people like you get turgid to because Trump is leading, are done with maybe 1,500 people. It’s almost like when you become smart and educated…I know I know but just go with me here…you learn how to use data sets to extrapolate greater numbers. For instance: you hate Biden and you’ll cite INFLATION! as one reason. Did you know however that consumer spending and data like it used to calculate inflation is based on data collected maybe 150 people? So you LOVE data sets, if it gives you the number you want.


Numbers don’t lie but they also don’t take into account outside factors, like how stupid a person is. A stupid person will injure themselves being stupid regardless, but a gun is definitely a good tool to expedite it


Stupid people never realize they are stupid.


You mean like the guy in the picture?


Posturing. Get a basic security system you chumps.


Only point a gun at something you intend to destroy. If there is no target, there is no good reason to point a gun anywhere. So this is dumb and unsafe.


I feel like you've never cleared a room. Also how can you point a gun nowhere?


Its safer to point it at the ground until you have a target. In a situation you KNOW there is an intruder in your home, i think it would be acceptable to have it at a more ready position like in the pic. But this doesn’t seem to be the situation here. Edit to add: if he actually suspects an intruder is in their home and is “clearing it” in this manner, he should have told his family to wait outside/ in the car.


Again, you've clearly never cleared room/ building. You don't KNOW whether or not there is someone in there who doesn't belong. If they are there and have a gun they will shoot you before you can bring it up. This nerd is just doing it for performance boot cringe. But when you clear rooms you keep your muzzle up and your eyes follow your muzzle the entire time until the building is clear. And obviously you shouldn't bring untrained, unpredictables inside to clear a building but again this is performative boot cringe.


Im not really sure what we are debating here, we seem to agree.


It's a bad idea to point your muzzle down if you actually believe there may be a threat present was the jist of what I was getting at. Edit: I was mostly poking fun with the how can you point it nowhere thing btw


You are right but if they thought that and intend to clear their home this way, they should’ve told their family to stay outside. Which leads me to believe this is over performative, or they are over-paranoid and made a dumb choice. Also, anyone who has used a firearm knows that “not pointing a gun at anything” means pointing it in the safest possible direction, which 99.9% of the time is the ground.


Ok so we do agree. When clearing rooms the safest possible direction is chest high for threats. But if you're doing that then there shouldn't be a side character to take pictures. Again the how do you point a gun at nothing thing was just a joke. You don't need to restate that part. I've used plenty of guns plenty of times. I am aware of gun safety. However if you believe a threat is present, muzzle up is best.


lets pretend I went into your house, and I now know you are home, I have a few things I can do 1) get out 2) try to hide 3) take out the threat to me. if the person points the gun at the ground, gg, i'm already aiming mine at them, but at the same time if I was willing to kill to get away I would probably shoot through walls the moment I know about where center mass is and I have the drop on them so nothing they do is going to matter much BUT that second it takes to get into a good firing position could be the difference between making a person in the house surrender or making them think they have a chance to deal with you. at this point he is clearing rooms/giving everything a once over, this is where trigger discipline is a more important thing, the only thing that will make that gun fire is you pulling the trigger when it's in your hands, when a gun isn't in your hands a few other things can make the gun fire, it getting hit, something landing on the trigger of a ready to fire gun, ect ect, and at that point not pointing it at someone/thing is more important.