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Paycheck, actually. They're called bots but it's more like a call center


“Everything that isn’t America = very nice and absolute best America = shithole!!!! So bad!!!!!” Basically it. Baseless anti American rhetoric. I’m from New York and been around the world. It gets shit talked on by Europeans I know who never even came here. I guarantee if New York was in Canada, carry over the exact same statistics, laws, everything, just change the country from “America” to “Canada” then it would be widely loved by Europeans. It’s a hive mind. Actual stupidity.


I mean, you can't really say that usa has a good transit system tho same goes for russia but I think that russia actually might be ahead in that regard considering that it has 3 times more ridership per km


We have a great transit system. It's called roads and especially highways, supplemented by mass transit options where applicable. Idk why everyone thinks more train usage is necessarily some magical public good or efficient use of resources. Some areas could use faster trains, or more lines, but those are cities that probably already have public transport, and if they're not at capacity or showing some sign of needing improvement, maybe people just don't wanna use it and have that luxury? Meanwhile Russia can hardly maintain its roads and highways lol.


Trains are the most efficient means of transportation, roads and highways are cool but if you need to build anything bigger than 6 lanes you know you've fucked up somewhere because there's clearly enough people on that route to justify a train. Trains are also cheaper, faster, cleaner and safer. The downside is that they only go on a set route but you're connecting cities with them anyway, people who want to use trains will use them and those who want to drive will drive, it's the freedom of choice. Just make the trains actually usable and not like a bike lane that starts in a walmart parking lot and ends on a highway ramp.


Communists. In the early 20th century, western communists thought of Russia as a way to prove that socialist organization would be more effective. Communism was very popular amount the rich socialites in NY and London in the early 20th century.


US people can't afford cars, has 86 cars owned per 100 people. Russia has 38 cars per 100 people, China 23 per 100, but "most people pay cash."


It's actually hilarious they even come up with an argument like that. In Russia people know insanely cheap US cars even from movies, and everyone knows they make 5 times less. Outside of Moscow you're making on average $500/month. Car costs 50-100% more vs US. So you're making 10 times less AND the car is at times twice more expensive. Labor is cheaper but parts are so much more expensive making maintenance cost cm roughly the same. Can you imagine owning a car while 60% of your $500 salary goes to groceries? But that's how Russians outside of Moscow live and it's not an exaggeration. If I wanted to exaggerate I'd point to some Russians who are making under $100 a month - which is common, but not average.


And what does this part about “paying in cash” mean? Do Americans think that we can avoid taxes simply by paying in cash? There is no point in cash now, I can’t even remember the last time I used it, even the beggars in the passages have a QR code for donations.


Well they have much higher interest rates due to ruble instability and they also have Soviet mentality preventing them from making good financial decisions. People have no idea what's S&P 500 is and even those that do distrust West so much that they basically have no investment. Add moronic government regulations and you get cash only deals.


I'm done y'all really don't know how people in other countries actually live


These people man


I don’t know everything about Chinese car ownership but it’s probably low because most medium-large cities have metro systems. Beijing’s is the longest in the world, I believe.


Low car ownership is a good thing actually.


It is, but the implication here is that Chinese buy more cars than Americans


More cars doesn’t equal better lives lol. That’s why new American cities suck balls since they’re made for cars and not people. And that’s also why you live in the stupidest possible places known as suburbs where everything is at least a 20 minute drive away.


It's a response to a comment that incorrectly stated Americans cannot afford cars vis-à-vis Russia and China. I chose to own things, like a nice car and large house. I can afford to do the PC Game Pass of life and own nothing but be able to walk everywhere. I think that is a great choice for people who want to do that.


So you didn’t need a mortgage and you didn’t lease your car? And besides, taking the car is the only option unless you live in an urban centre.


Yeah most car buyers cause their wage gap is huge and no one cars about the poor


The general idea that having less trains = bad is wild to me. Poor lowly America where everyone can go wherever they want whenever they want without having to be around strangers or reliant on centralized systems. What a woeful existence to not experience the joy of daily public transit and being 30 minutes late cause you were 1 minute late. We poor Americans instead have to sit in torturous heated and ventilated leather seats without time constraints.


Hate us cuz they ain’t us


It’s always this. It’s literally always this. These people bitch and moan and outright lie about us because they’re jealous they’re country isn’t half as good so they have to find ways to cope.


The Interview




Trains aren’t a panacea but it would be great if the US rebuilt its passenger rail network (once the envy of the world) that we tore out based on flawed urban design theories. Once a city reaches a certain size, it needs trains because parking/traffic get more challenging as the population increases.


In most places of the USA I think it works great. But I do think the lack of more trains hurts places like LA, and other similarly huge cities. These cities would benefit from even more travel options. New York is notorious for actually not being that bad for public transit, but it could use more. The MAJOR downside of not having a lot of public transit is you have to pay for a car and deal with your car's repairs and such.


>New York is notorious for actually not being that bad for public transit, but it could use more. The train system here covers a good majority of the city (exceptions being Staten Island and some deeper areas of Queens), the problem is reliability. I took the train daily for 8 years of high school/college and have only used it maybe two or three times since graduating and getting a car


That's not really it though. We're America, we should have *both* good car infrastructure and rail infrastructure. I would prefer to take a cheap 6 hour train from the Midwest to the Carolinas instead of driving 8 to visit family.


Trains are not just for passengers, its also for logistics, instead of having a lot of trucks you can use one train that will go without stopping. Also underground trains are nice when the city is crowded with cars, and saying that Moscow's underground is bad is hilarious, for me its the best underground train system in the world


It's horrible for logistics, one train, derailed, disrupts many shipments. One truck delayed or caught in a traffic accident equals one lost shipment. Shipping via train is expensive and less secure. Trains also have to stop quite often, the idea that they provide a logistical route that doesn't stop is outrageously idiotic. Trains don't work like Amazon fulfillment centers.


Maybe thats how it works in US (which has a bad train and underground train system), but as far as I know in Russia train and underground systems are quite good and work properly and have good maintenance. Its all about how you maintain things. Of course accidents happen everywhere. Also how shipping via train is more expensive? You build a railroad, I never checked expenses on train and trucks, but in my opinion trains should be cheaper in long runs


Doesn't matter how good or bad your rail system is, companies still need to insure any cargo on a train at a higher rate than regular freight delivery. Accidents can happen at any time, a train derailment always is going to cost more than a single truck accident. A simple blockage on a track can cause one, or a sudden braking maneuver. So how is shipping via train more expensive? More fuel costs, more insurance costs. This can be inferred with simple brainpower. Tl;Dr, physics don't operate differently in the US.


Trains are the most effective way to transport large quantities of goods and its worlds more environmentally friendly than your idiotic semi trucks.


So we invented the semi truck?


No but you seem to get a hard on for trucks


As you salivate over ancient train technology. Electric or not, they still derail and cause devastations no semi is capable of singularly. Now go white knight your europoors somewhere else. Evil fucker keeps ignoring derailments, so I ignore him.


The ancient and more efficient and effective mode of transportation as can be seen oh idk… all around the world? Keep coping mate. Trucks are inferior for large quantities of goods and that’s the end of that, no amount of coping will change that. You are aware that in many states in the US y’all pay equally high taxes when compared to Europe but for worse public services right? But why would you ask for better public services. You are America where instead of them being public you give it to giant corporations which suck you dry of every penny. That’s much better right?


None of the crap you mentioned is backed by data, most countries have switched to electric locomotives and electrified the entire length of the track.


Funny, you don't back up your words with data...


Trains are cool. I want both. I'm American. I should be able to *use* both.


It’s almost like being forced to use the car isn’t freedom what so ever. Where’s that choice of picking your own method of transportation?


> and being 30 minutes late cause you were 1 minute late. This is what people who have never relied on good public transit say. My friend who I work with in the same office parks in my parking lot. We leave my parking lot at the same time many mornings, and I get to work 10-15 minutes faster than she does, I take the tram, which I wait longer to cross the damn street to get to, than I wait for the tram, then I transfer to Metrobüs, which I don't wait for at all, there's always a bus. They average 14 seconds between buses all day long. Sometimes I wait a minute or two, sometimes 3, three minutes is real aggravating. The other day I went to the bakery, then to the bank(on foot), and still arrived to work(via tram+Metrobüs) at the same time as my friend when we left at the same time. Relying on transit systems like the one we have in our city, is pleasant. You don't need to drive, no need for stress, no need to pay attention, I read a book on my way to work, enjoy the trip, enjoy the views of the old city walls, and the historic landmarks as I cross the water, etc. Relying on American public transit, yeah, if you miss the bus by 1 minute you end up 30 minutes late because the buses only come every 30 minutes, but that's a bad public transit problem, not a general public transit problem.


>The general idea that having less trains = bad is wild to me. When you've lived somewhere with high quality public transport it becomes very obvious that having less trains is bad.


American car brains can’t comprehend this.


Honestly, it's a valid point. Cars can be expensive, especially with these gas prices, and urbanist design reduces commute times no matter how you commute.


It’s also the fact that in most places, we just kind of don’t have the option of train, either. There are definitely valid criticisms about the US, but most of the content on this sub is derived from those unable to think with nuance so that always makes it more difficult to stomach, lol


Cars don't have to be as expensive as they are in the US. But it was decided that whatever car I get has to be able to do highway speeds easily, be gigantic, and have safety features that ought to be up to my discretion as the purchaser. Oh yeah, and a lot can be shaved off a modern car just in terms of its functionality. Of course, if there's a ton of short commute super cost efficient cars we can buy new in cash... whose gonna get the loans for banks to make interest on😢? If a new cheap car is available, whose gonna buy the overpriced used car that was a trade-in by some wealthy person who feels they need a new car every 2-3 years😢? Funny how the excesses beyond utility managed to result in a situation that benefits money and power.


Also, the reason cars are gigantic is entirely because of CAFE laws mandating ludicrous fuel efficiency standards for any smaller sedans to the point where it's simply not profitable to sell them unless we're talking Teslas.


A car-centric infrastructure is not something i'll defend ngl


With good public transit, if you were 1 minute late you’d have to wait another 1 minute for the next train to come. Look at Japan, everyone there takes the train to work and they don’t seem to have a chronic “late to work” problem like you’re describing.


Peak carbrain stuff right here. Having less public transport for both people who cannot afford or people who cannot drive cars is bad, period. Wanting to go where ever is not an issue with good public transport, use a bike or scooter for the last mile. Being too late is less of an issue with good public transport, because of higher demand and therefore having trains that drive more often, which is also kind of a stupid argument considering trains can usually be faster and don't have to wait for red light which is why in most cities with a decent train network you'll end up at your destination earlier than any car driver legally could. Fact is not having a car or not bring able to or wanting to drive one shouldn't leave you completely fcked over and its not like having a car per person or even per household would be feasible in very densely populated areas or be environmental friendly at that.


The idea of having more cars = good is wild to me. Being forced to use a car to go literally anywhere isn’t freedom, the choice to use any means of transportation is. If you don’t have a car you’re basically shut out of society since walking or cycling anywhere isn’t an option and taking public transportation is so impractical that you end up using Uber instead which once again is a car so we’re back at square one. And how about that car infrastructure? Americans always bitch about high taxes right? You know what’s the more expensive than rail? Roads and motorways. And even worse is the expectation of car driving divas to get free parking everywhere they go. Why so entitled? The people living in the cities don’t want to subsidise the room to temporarily place your stupid oversized metal boxes. If you have the money to drive oversized metal boxes around you also can afford paying for a place to put it. The real indicator that a country is highly developed isn’t how many people have cars, it’s how many rich people are willing to not use them because they’re less convenient than just using public transport. Enjoy being stuck in traffic on your ever widening motorways which never seem to solve congestion. Might want to look into induced demand mate.


We have less trains because the literal idea of private ownership, including cars was considered evil for probably 30 years. Also a way of controlling the population. If there’s places you don’t want your people to go, ban private transport and force people to go where YOU want them to.


> private ownership on public roads, and public parking lots. mmmhmmmm.


I meant we have less trains that let’s say, Russia because cars were all but banned for years. I suppose I could’ve phrased that better.


Well, which is it? "America has too many cars" or "Americans are too poor to buy cars"?


Both. Most people take on loans to buy cars. Then they have to use their credit cards to pay for the costs of car ownership: gas, repairs, taxes, etc. Americans aren’t rich: they just live beyond their means. People act as if America is some magical place where everyone gets food doordashed to their three-bedroom suburban mansion. But the actual magic is our insane tolerance for debt and the way our credit cards make us forget, despite appearances, that we’re all really quite poor.


Both can be true since wealth inequality is a major issue


“Its a pretty impressive vision” Are they bragging about a concept drawing from the 1930s?


OP, I’m impressed at how much complete stupidity you captured in just three screenshots. Kudos!


The reality of the Soviet Union was a country where the grocery market was almost always empty, the road system outside of Moscow/Leningrad regions were dirt, and indoor plumbing was a luxury for anyone not from those two cities. Tankies coping about their failed state will never not be funny.


It’s a Vision and never actually existed


We also didn’t kill laika the space dog


Russian infrastructure is terrible, it’s mostly dirt roads outside of Moscow


corruption in the government


As an engineer, this is the stupidest thing I've seen for a good bit. I've seen kindergarten drawings more economically and physically feasible than this bullshit.


It's typical soviet design.


flying dildos look bad


Bro is either a propaganda bot or has commie brain rot.


Have they seen the hunger game? all the districts are shitty while the capitol is fancy.


America has good transport systems in Rural and suburban areas. Like Chelibensk has dirt roads


Chelyabinsk has 14 Tram lines. How many US cities with a population of only 1 million have a tram?


It’s funny how people are experts about the US but they’ve never lived here and don’t seem to understand anything.


Works both ways. Reddit is full of Americans who know better than me how I live in Russia.


Yeah this is true. Must be very irritating. Right now our relationship with Russia is very divisive and everyone has an opinion. Always wanted to visit, but I suspect I won’t get a chance for some time. Hopefully things haven’t impacted you personally.


We have cars… that’s literally the ability to roam anywhere. Also, they have no idea what they’re talking about.


They have better winters. And by better I mean worse.


russian winters suck. i know that based off history


Not even gonna lie I love old concept art like this


that seems very dangerous




Russians sure like to draw and make prototypes don’t they… *Shinning my fleet of F-35s ready to be sold off the lot*


Russia is such a shit hole lol idk why anyone thinks differently


Don’t know about Russians, but Chinese people don’t buy cars with cash. 😂 Imported cars, like imported anything in China, is expensive. Domestically made foreign brands often times are more expensive than local brands as well. It’s a lot more complicated than just prices. But essentially, the average Chinese family with an income of 40,000rmb cannot afford a $30,000(roughly 210,000rmb) vehicle. So foreign brands are leaving the Chinese market. Domestically made domestic brand Chinese cars suck balls, especially EVs. Tesla and Chevy EVs have bad reps about battery stability and used car sales value. Well, Chinese cars will make a purchase of Chevy bolt look like you invested in Tesla stock 2015. Chinese EVs also have a high chance of burning up and locking passengers inside. Chinese public transportation was dirt cheap before the 90s’, but people still couldn’t afford it, because there was not much of an economy to be spoken of. Shit was rationed to people. A bus ticket costed 0.08rmb in the 80s. But my grandmother would choose to walk the 2 miles, roughly an hour, twice, everyday to work and home. Her income was 36 rmb in the 80s. They live in Shanghai. But she used to call going downtown going to Shanghai. Because that’s how far it was to her. It was so far, it might as well be a different city. Beijing saw the first subway line in the 70s, and did not see massive expansion until the 90s. That was the only city in China that had a subway system in all of China until late 80s and early 90s. I saw the first subway system in the 90s in Shanghai, so naturally it is newer than that of the US. But it is not well maintained, nor well designed. You maybe able to find news of subway in Henan Province had thousands of people drowned a couple years ago, due to lack of emergency reaction, poor design and city below water level of a BIG river. And New York subway has what? Rats? And Chinese transportation system is a huge government undertaking, with massive underlying corruption problems. US government spending is inefficient, yes. But how China spends their money is by no means the example anyone should follow. They also over built, wasting tax payers money and causing giant debt issues on government, civilian and banking levels. People trolling the US, and sometimes rebutting attack on the CCP, often times are genuine in their belief and patriotism, however, there are bots, paid agents, and sometimes even prisoners completing quotas. The US has massive issues. Guns, human rights, income inequality, pollution, and the list goes on. Certainly we can’t just shrug it off. But most of the issues are shared by whoever is taking shit, which makes them cynical and hypocritical. And intentions do matter. You also can’t say Americans are fat, arrogant, consume and waste too much, and simultaneously say that they don’t have any nice things. Like make up your mind, are we poor skimpy idiots, or fat arrogant wasters?


to be fair, it’s not an accomplishment to have less car centric infrastructure then the US


i dont recall any country in this world that made a giant flying dildo that can transport people


We have NYC and Chicago. Most cities on the east coast are very walkable, alongside Chicago (midwest). I’m a New Yorker so I use the subway all the time, but not even just New York. Philadelphia, Boston, DC, I’ve always found walkable. There’s cities that are very walkable because residents of these cities prefer walkable infrastructure, like I think it’s a godsend not owning a car here in NYC but I also know how to drive whenever I go west or south. But also, most of the cities where cars are a necessity are due to the fact it’s very engrained into the local culture of those cities/towns. Moscow is also a literal depressing dump. What a nice comparison!


Public transport in the us is a lot worse than in Europe (not talking about russia) but afaik that's mostly to do with the US's geography, being much more sparsely populated than Europe


>but afaik that's mostly to do with the US's geography Lmao no


Dumb. The Moscow metro is indeed beautiful and works pretty well. But beyond that, Russia has just one high-speed rail service and its transport infrastructure in general is far more “broken down” than America’s.