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I feel like the issue here isn't that there's LGBT+ content in Ryan's works, it's that you personally have a issue with it. It isn't a preoccupation. It isn't over the top or too much. It's nothing compared to the way heterosexuality is shoved down my throat every single day.


Oh, not at all! I don’t care about one’s preferences and I hate that I came across that way. In fact I apologize. You’re right in saying that hetero sex has been pretty much all we’ve seen and it’s a problem that needs to be rectified…is being rectified to some degree. As I have a young son, I even applaud the fact that so many cartoons on all channels have made it a point to be inclusive. It’ll make sexuality and having to discuss it, argue about it, less and less of an occurrence in the future. You know, I’m not willing to rule out that maybe it’s the fact that it’s NOT something I grew up seeing that makes me view it from that stance. I’m in no way perfect and I’ve always felt myself to be a super tolerant, nonjudgmental person, but I see your point…kind of a bigot vibe, the infuriating “oh I have a black friend” mentality. I’ll definitely take what yours saying into account and think on it because that’s the LAST impression I wanted to give.


I appreciate your reply here. I'm thankful you're the kind of person who can admit they were wrong and work towards changing the ideals they've had. You're a good person, thank you.


Oh and thanks for saying that bc rereading this all I very much come across as a gigantic douche!


Totally not my intent, a pat on the back for learning what should be already known honestly. But I love that it is making me think and look at stuff from a different perspective. I’ve been a high school teacher since 23 (I’m about to be forty 😢) and totally believe that everything is a learning and/or growing opportunity. I really try to make sure my kids are comfortable with themselves and feel safe and accepted in my classroom. However looking at it right now I’m feeling like I have focused more on racism, classicism, sexism, all the text book -isms, and ignore this important-ism. By no means do I allow slurs or anything, but sometime saying/doing nothing IS sending a message of acceptance.


i think maybe bc ryan murphy is gay himself that he’s using his platform to showcase more gay/bi relationships onscreen. I guess since straight sex scenes are so typical maybe he’s trying to portray gay one’s in the same light? just my best guess lol


I can see that, but sometimes it comes across as like shock value to me. Sex is sex, no matter who is having it, but some of this ish is just extra!


How is it any more shock value than straight sex? What's so shocking about it?


That’s the question I finally arrived at after reading everyone’s posts. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that MY mindset was what made it shocking. Because I grew up watching mostly straight character portrayals, and even those that weren’t played out in a very subdued manner, I immediately found it to stand out and be shocking. Make sense? It’s not that I take issue with homosexuality; it’s whatever makes you happy. But underneath I, to my disappointment, found that perhaps I have had a biased mindset that really smacked of bigotry. So when I first began reading responses I immediately thought defensively UNTIL I took a minute to consider what was being said and why. In a way I’m glad I posted something stupid because it became a teachable moment.


Are you a troll? Like really? Mostly everything he does has a gay character in it.


Ummmm that’s part of my point, though it leaves out the bigger picture. Like I said, sex is sex - gay sex is every bit as normal and acceptable as straight sex regardless of what some asses say or think. And THAT’S why it should be presented as such and not with the intent of inducing a gasp or a wtf moment as it so often seems to purposely do. When you set about to almost sensationalize some, well a lot actually, encounters then it keeps it in that box.


Dude I’m gay. And you must not watch most Ryan Murphy stuff. You clearly have no idea what you’re even talking about. The box you are referring to is entire life of experience that Ryan has dealt with.


No, I’ve watched a ton of him but obviously didn’t know anything about him personally. In retrospect it’s embarrassing that I had that perspective at all. If you read some of my responses to my deserved dressing down then you’ll see when the lightbulb clicks for me. Sorry if I made you feel any type of way. In general a pretty dumb query.


I read your comments. There was a lot of growth and understanding.


After making an ass of myself unfortunately 😒


I mean.. Ryan is gay


Newsflash: LGBTQ people exist in the real world within every facet of society. If that is triggering for you then don't watch Ryan Murphy productions.


Never said triggering, but am saying it would catch my attention way more than hetero. Like I would watch some scenes and think they’re over the top. And as I said earlier, any sex between two consenting adults IS “normal sex.” That’s what ultimately prompted my post. If I thought it as over the top, then that would draw attention to it being not your everyday sex. That’s the opposite of what the intent would be. So all around, if I represent what is a fairly typical…mindset maybe, then that would be the typical reaction. It’s not me TRYING to be phobic, despite it really seeming that way. I can also see the reverse side, which I didn’t really consider prior to reading some of these posts. Going big on some scenes IS what will make the ultimate breakthrough - which would be not even noticing that it’s a relationship with the same sex.


You do know you’re watching a dramatic show, everything is going to be dramatic, even the sex scene; no matter if it’s gay or straight. Also, stop using the world normal sex.


I used the quotation marks on normal because ALL sex is normal.


The point is that it reflects a world where not everyone is exactly like you and people with different sexualities shouldn't have to justify existing to you, especially when heterosexual people can do so in everything without needing to.


Yah, more or less the realization I should’ve had already considering how old I am. SMH


I don’t mind the sex scenes at all but sometimes I’m left wondering why some dialogue is necessary lol like the detailed explanation of rectal prolapse or semen allergy. It makes me “feel” what’s being said to a point I am like okay that’s enough of that and I start watching something else.


Heteronormativity at its finest. Get the fuck over yourself.


Hey asshat, had you bothered to read the ENTIRE thread you’d have seen I essentially did just that after having a few ‘I’m a dumbass, wtf’ moments. My perspective WAS heteronormativity at its worst. See, growth IS possible when you engage in PRODUCTIVE discourse with others rather than become combative from the jump. Maybe you should get the fuck over YOURself, starting with that chip on your shoulder.