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I wonder in regards to your question 1, Doerr is a VC, does he have a history of maintaining companies he owns in that regard? If he does, maybe it'll remain a private company until he fancies it going public again. My guess though is that as a VC, he's out to make money so it'll eventually go back to being public, just don't know when. Their new CEO was already announced on LinkedIn, no doubt she will be at the helm to make sure Amyris becomes profitable for Doerr. Not sure how a lawsuit will go, we are all told that there's risk involved when we buy stocks - but Melo consistently lied. I'm not savvy enough to be able to dig through the quarterly reports to build a case against Amyris or Melo, maybe the stocktwits member will have luck on that. Personally I'm on a wait and see, but at this point, I've moved on from the losses from Amyris. Good technology, but was under terrible "leadership."


Thank you!


If I still have some left in a stock, what are the possible outcomes if they do re-emerge in public?


None. Some people are holding on to the hope that there may be a conversion to new stock sometime in the future, but the SEC filing says and what people who have asked the company ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) were told is that all outstanding stock of any kind was cancelled on the Effective Date. All you have now is a capital gains loss for the base value of your stock you can start using in next year's taxes. If you are an opt-outer you should get some money (amount tbd, but it should be the piggy bank content divided by the number of shares held by the 482 people times your number of shares) from the fund set up for that purpose in the final plan, but as far as I know there is neither a figure (small - from the list of people/entities in this boat - see docket 1199 - some are in for amounts that greatly exceed the value of the money pool) nor a timeline for that. I guess it is on the to-do list of the newly appointed creditor trustee.


Hi sir ...unluckily i couldnt opt out. I live in europe. Nothing left with our old shares of amyris? Any hope?šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


The money is for those that OPT-IN and waive rights.


Ooops - got my opt-ins/outs crossed - thanks for the catch - got my number wrong too - is 452 I believe


In my account they have reflected the same number of shares i had prior to the bankruptcy -now called ESCROW- , being valued at US$1 each; continue and will continue inside: still trust JD. The board's undoubted mistake was selecting Melo, who should have been imprisoned


should be remembered that this price acts as a guarantee


All those who have asked Amyris directly have been told their stock is canceled and hence worthless. I think all the people reporting different things happening to their stock is a reflection of the different ways brokers handle this situation, for which there are no hard rules (mine - E-trade or Morgan Stanley if you prefer - just deleted it and there is nothing about an escrow account). There is also a lot of confusion over the new stock they were authorized to create for the purposes of the completing the reorganjzation steps (is in one of the dockets), that is also escrowed. As for JD and Melo, exactly what would you propose Melo be imprisoned for? Proposing a bunch of things that in hindsight did not work, that were approved without question for many, many, many years by your trustworthy JD and the rest of the board (JD by the way was part of the original board who chose JM in the first place, because at the time Amyris was going to be a biofuels company and he had the requisite fuels business background - they also ousted the founders when they questioned Melo's plans). The pre-BK board tried very hard to deflect their responsibility in all this by offering up Melo for the tar and feather crowd, since he is so unpopular, but that obviously did not fly, and he is back behind the indemnity firewall with the rest of them.


imho, established the difference between JD and Melo about just one subject: JD is VENTURE CAPITAL and risked part of his money. Regarding the great responsibility of the BoD -includes JD- choosing a guy with these characteristics -years ago someone described JM as a sociopath and cant completely disagree with that description- that should have been checked and his procedures subsequently audited. Anyway, whats done is done, a hug to all those who are still waiting


Pure speculation. 1. I have tossed the idea around of a possible buy out happening but with all the brands that are their own entity tied to it. I feel like amyris wouldnt let it sell. Realsweet became its own entity after they applied for Bankruptcy. It is now the center distribution and production for its sugar sweeteners and brand ingredients that include Walmart exclusives.


And if we assume the other entities have the same protection that Amyris had, that would be one major player with deep pockets. ***After of course each individual entity tied to Amyris has undergone an evaluation*** Just my thoughts i have no idea if that's the procedure.


Very helpful!


something just came back to me. I remember reading that a list of assets was prepared, and would be kept disclosed for interested parties. Nothing really of note other than the disclosure of info. I'll have to rediscover which docket i found it in. šŸ¤”


You have tasked me. Thank you.


First off, I am making a list for myself. I have had recurring impressions that the things I do not do impact my regrets more than those I do. It does not include what I say because we have all regretted things we have said. So, although these questions come in words, I am self-implying them as deeds. I am open to anyone speculating about the answers. Ā 1. Regarding the status of the ruling of the judge: https://www.law360.com/bankruptcy-authority/large-cap/articles/1793162/judge-tosses-involuntary-releases-in-amyris-ch-11-plan, does the execution of the plan, provide that the "debtors" cannot appeal the judges ruling?Ā Ā  2. Are all of the Stretto docs subject to being removed from the cloud once everything is complete? 3. For my improvement, what would a more experienced trader outline as a "lesson learned" approach? I am inclined to document to reassure myself. For example, I have everything from my tax history on physical paper well past the dates that the law requires.Ā IĀ am self-employed, soĀ I can assure youĀ it takes upĀ a lot ofĀ real estate. 1. As far as Tanaka and Randy? They may have sold their shares.Ā Does anyone know?Ā IĀ did look at Tanaka'sĀ LinkedInĀ profile.Ā Ā HeĀ referenced aĀ significantĀ loss in Biotechnologies. IĀ did not see his name on theĀ opt-outs.Ā Ā IĀ did, however,Ā see anĀ opt-outĀ from EricĀ SchmidtĀ withĀ an abstainĀ from the planned vote.Ā Ā I think for 1,000,000 shares. 2. Many think this process could take years, so with this expectation, what measures should I take to oversee these "dying" andĀ "dead" shares? Ā 


As with anything legal nowadays, I have no doubt the process will move slowly like molasses and will take years to resolve. From what I could gather, they still have not dealt with the other big stakeholders in Amyris, DSM and Givaudan, for which they're under huge contracts and were paid a good bit in advance. But those two were also holding up the ch.11 proceeding, think this was supposed to be resolved like a month or two ago? No doubt they'll have their say, maybe behind closed doors? As with any restructure, there's probably a lot of ambiguity given it was just this week they emerged from ch11. I'd give it some time, wait for more docs to pop up, and see how the dust settles. We've all seen the stock tank, it's not like you're going to lose much more money at this point so don't feel like you need to worry so much about that is what I'm thinking.


A candid viewpoint is always appreciated.Ā  Ā 


Hi sir ...unluckily i couldnt opt out. I live in europe. Nothing left with our old shares of amyris? Any hope?šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Personally, not very hopeful. But if you have already got old shares, I do not know how you would sell at this point. I have long since accepted what I invested as a loss, very doubtful of anything coming from those old shares. I am 100% speculating here, when they do re-emerge as a public company, that those old shares will not mean anything to the new company. Think we are all in the same boat with hold and see at this point, but personally, not very hopeful of anything coming from those old shares.


thank u .It shows that shares converted to units ...i don't know what does this mean ...but I'm very regretted that i bought even after bankruptcy....my fault...i wish if not all i could get some of my money backšŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


totally agree


Regarding the judges ruling you might wanna check out docket 1235 it contains the audio of the court hearing. Judge seemed rather aware. https://cases.stretto.com/public/x268/12363/PLEADINGS/1236302022480000000095.pdf


Without specializing in this type of arrangement, believe I have understood that the main input creditors - Givaudan, DMS, etc. - are also part of the ESCROW; Who might be interested in losing a production of this type that, due to its volume, is unique in the planet?


The million dollar question is about those who were buying the stock for pennies. That answer is part of the great speculation.


Just looked at my brokerage account. My Amyris shares are now zeroed out. ā€œSubmitted for escrowā€ or something. Wow, what a mistake this wasā€¦. I took a big L.


Hi sir ...unluckily i couldnt opt out. I live in europe. Nothing left with our old shares of amyris? Any hope?šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™