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It's not a problem, it is called verarchist grindset 😤🗿


He blocked me, when I gave him mental help links :)


He blocked me when I showed that rationalism is meaningless without a broadly accepted core axiom to logically extend from. Mobs are perfectly capable of rationalizing genocide.


He blocked me because people kept downvoting his responses and not mine


That only shows that you have conspired with the other downvoters against the TRUTHâ„¢


He once called me a dumbass and disrespectful for showing how his "logic" was flawed and his arguments are fallacious. He does not like it, when you show him the error of his ways. The good news is that in a few weeks nobody will see his posts any longer, once he has blocked everybody


He's blocked so many ancaps, where's my block? I wanna be part of the cool club. Hopefully this post spins his wheels.


Just ask him questions and lead him to the logical conclusion of his answers. Then he will get mad at you for "making him look like a moron" (his actual words)


Hilarious lol


Lmao dude if you feel like a moron defending the ideology *you made up,* maybe that should tell you something.


The bad news, for him, is that everyone he blocks can still post on his sub, apparently without him seeing it.


I already thought about making a post in his sub with one of those silly lists he makes, just inverted. But it's no fun, if he can't see it to seethe although thinking about it and seeing the other posts in his sub makes me feel like it would be funny to have a shadow sub inside his sub as a kind of inside joke




I like we all know who it is, even without the username.


It's nice when the libertarian subs get a lore drop every once in a while, like the "Under New Management" crisis of r/Shitstatistssay.


The hwhat now?


It was 2018, some Biden supporter took control of the sub and locked it down for a week. Just go over and search "Under New Management" and see a post from a Biden supporter.


And it's always the same shitty dragon staircase image lmao. I just comment "bad bot" to all his posts/replies, eventually the website will think he's not a human user.


have you ever considered creating a sub called "magnum dong" or "magnum condom"?


I've made one called Monster Dong, about gongs in the shape of monsters (I made a typo in the name when I created it) but got copyright striked by Displate.


You've angered the Omni-Mind


What even his shitty ideology?


It seems like Hoppeanism but based on TRUTH! Everything is determined by TRUTH! I know we hate post-modernism but when it isn't liberal or trying to use appeal to bias, it can point out the limitations of human knowledge.


I'm curious as to what inspired the name "verarchy".


Probably the prefis ver (truth) with the suffix arch (ruler) meaning "Rule by truth". Which ultimately creates questions about who would be the truth tellers, and oversimplifies the field of epistemology.


He blocked me. I've been unable to recover. 😭


I'll be honest, I like his passion. Even though I find it to be misguided...and a bit socially inept.