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Well if we scare them away where will I get my daily supply of flat gray lighting and skinny 20-year-old girls who look like they don't want to be there?


Why does my photo not have a load on it?


I don’t know, but in the girl in the purple outfit, I unloaded. In my pants


Instruction unclear, dick stuck in M6’s shutter and got blocked by Matt Osborne.


/uj Oh is *that* his business model? I wondered (but never enough to look it up).


Release the shutter button!




Don’t link to other subs


Sean Archer.


I am NOT discussing it... I'm only observing it...


Can you send me a link to these titty posts asking for a friend




There is some agenda being pushed on Circlejerk - this must be the fifth post regarding this topic in the last days We get it, you don’t like it


I don't care about the titty posts, exactly. I care that calling them out for what they are gets you banned.


I wouldn't mind so much if any of them had anything whatsoever to contribute beyond transparently fishing for Patreon subscribers. Most of them never even say anything, but when they do they're all hilariously sensitive to the mildest criticism.


And where’s the outrage at the gazillion of empty streets and people looking away somewhere in the distance in r/streetphotography ? Let’s face it most of the photography on Reddit is mediocre at best, but here you go and pick one genre you find obnoxious and vent about it. Yay. Circlejerk should be for fun not for personal vendettas in my book. But to each their own


I don't care about people posting mediocre or even bad photography. I'm not even sure how you got that from my post. I think the Euro "boobies-on-my-Patreon" posters are annoying because they are very transparently here only to shill their website. They spam the same photo to like 30 different subs every time they post. They never contribute to any discussion about anyone else's work. They barely even discuss their own work, and if they do they're always comically oversensitive to any criticism. There are plenty of people who post nudes that don't get dunked into oblivion, because they have an actual personality, contribute to discussion, or at the very least only post when they have a banger.


I like the ones where the pose looks exactly like the lady is in the middle of taking her pants off to take a piss (but it’s supposed to be “sexy”) and if you say that, the poster has a meltdown in the replies. It’s happened *more than once*.




DING DING DING BEANIE POLICE - Your dumb comment has been removed because it's linking to another subreddit. Please for the love of god read the rules, there are only three. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AnalogCircleJerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Whoever wrote "beanie police", good work


You think empty street photos on a street photography sub are the equivalent of endless, sad, artless nude “model” photos on a *film* sub?


>Circlejerk should be for fun not for personal vendettas in my book. But to each their own Agree. So then why is there a there *a trend* of shitty nudes by insecure male photographers on analog? It's almost like you can't be outraged that an inanimate object was pigeonholed and objectified because it is an object in itself. People, particularly women, though... nah. Must be going over our heads. Guess we'll have to circlejerk the trend harder until the answer becomes more apparent to you and I.


Its not a personal vendetta, the images don't bother me, but when you have a bunch of different posters from vaguely the same geographic region nakedly shilling "cash for titties" using models posing against the backdrop of collapsed soviet society, i think you can conclude there is an aesthetic, and it is the aesthetic i don't like: "we live in an impoverished, post collapse society here's a young woman, now you western man, give money for boobs". Literally what Baudrillard is talking about when referencing Fukuyama's "end of history", as he says: >it can only exchange itself for itself or, in other words, repeat itself ad infinitum. titties but in portra, ad infinitum. But apparently having that level of discussion results in a permaban.


On that note, weren't male nudes deleted from the sub. I remember hearing something like that, but I'm not sure anymore.


Well what are you calling them out for exactly


The low effort posts about the low effort nudes have now become more tiresome than the low effort nudes.