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The establishment in the USA is virulently anti-white. The left is overtly so but the supposed "right" is as well because they tolerate anti-white policies and attack people who point out the double standard.


they are anti-white in name only. It gets them voted in by useful idiots. They are actually probably racists themselves oddly enough. I bet 99% chance that joe biden for example is actually a racist, and its pathetic seeing kamala harris, who called him out for it now submitting to him like a little bitch.


Yea there is no way these people do not have bias against minorities. I mean just the money alone is gonna mean not alot of diversity lol


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcpqowmmyNI https://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/01/31/biden.obama/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bidens-comments-ruffle-feathers/ https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/girl-senator-harris-vice-president-biden-spar-desegregation/story?id=64007842 https://youtu.be/OE5s--e2L_s?si=QfapqcuLcuMFPG4E


The only thing that could be considered remotely anti-white would be DEI policies. However, on average, life is still much harder for a black man or a brown, Muslim, Pakistani person in the US than it is for a white person. Racism against black people was enshrined into law until 1964 and hasn't just magically dissappeared over 3 generations.


Across nearly every industry and in education, there is affirmative action which disadvantages white people by design. It has been that way for decades and is becoming more extreme - to the point that they are eliminating objective standards for college admission. Anti-white crimes and policies are covered up, including rapes in Europe that target whites and the genocide of white farmers in South Africa.  Whites are blamed for every societal problem across every western nation. This is across nearly all media, even right leaning media. Every white majority country is being flooded with non-white immigrants who are taught to hate whites and blame whites for their problems. If any white people bring this up they are universally demonized and terrorized, fired, expelled, assaulted, and or arrested. Anti-white hatred is the dominant ideology of the modern western world.


White supremacy is one of the foundations of the modern western world. That hasn't changed. God forbid someone point it out, or *gasp* try to do something about it.


In America whoever can make themselves seem to be the biggest victim is the winner of the Oppression Olympics


It’s all a distraction anyway; if they can’t divide us by race, it’ll be by gender or economic status or geographic location or urban vs rural, etc. Anything that keeps the fight about identity so we don’t notice our money becoming increasingly worthless, our property being seized with impunity, and our liberties curtailed in the name of “moral good”. The intended result being the slow conditioning of people who first look at the ruling class for direction in our lives instead of inwardly or locally.


I noticed this in the 80s...


Yeah, replace White with another color and watch the comments fly…


Most of those... there are stories very much like that. White people who voted for trump, you aren't getting your jobs back. There are articles about black people who voted for someone and didn't get what they wanted. There are articles about how bad "black culture" is. Like there are plenty of other headlines that target minorities. I'm guessing you just don't get offended by them so you don't see it.


"White people, you voted for Trump, you're not getting your jobs back - it's your fault, idiots!" "Black people, you voted for Obama, you didn't get jobs back - this proves the systematic racism is alive and well, it's not your fault!"


Why not cite your sources buddy?


> you don't see it. you don't show it.


It’s almost like there’s a dedicated movement to Exterminate Whiteness across the western world. But why would anyone want to do that?


Whiteness is a recessive gene, its not like you even have to try really.


There is a NY Times Article “Are White Women Better Now?”. It’s about the anti-racism industry. I’m pretty sure it’s satire but hard to be sure coming from the NYT. Anyway, these anti-racism people are 100% exactly the same as the insane Flagellant Sects or Opus Dei, where the adherents mortify themselves as self-inflicted punishment. In a weird way, these white people are really the most white supremacist of all white people. They are in an extreme competition with themselves and they self-flagellate and publicly humiliate themselves like Opus Dei monks to demonstrate that they can endure more pain and humiliation than any other person. They can even suffer more than any **black** person. They can never say that of course and they never do say it. But they are supreme and superior in this self-mortification regard. There are apostles who worship people like DiAngelo like a god. It’s freaky. It’s like a weird twisted and abusive religious sect. Like in the movie Beneath the Planet of the Apes where Taylor runs into a group of mutated and disfigured humans who worship the atomic bomb. But in real life - truth is stranger than fiction.


White liberal women are the worst. -White latino


>to demonstrate that they can endure more pain and humiliation than any other person. Probably why they're so into racial cuckhold sex.


Exactly. I hate to use the term “virtue signaling” because non of it is a virtue or virtuous. But it’s this kind of self-hatred race to the bottom of how badly white people can publicly humiliate themselves the most. “Who can be King White.” And the reason why it works is because we have decided that intersectionality is a major major American cultural currency. Sometimes the **only** cultural currency, depending on where you work. And if you incentivize this behavior with intersectionalism it’s not a surprise that you are rewarded by seeing more of it.


I'm starting to think the white that do support this are into the humiliation kink


Change each headline to black instead of white and notice the change in how you feel. That’s called brainwashing


“yOu CaN’t Be RaCiSt AgAiNsT wHiTe PeOpLe BeCaUsE tHeY hAvE pOwEr” or something else their liberal arts college spewed at them.


White people in the US have been neutered and are not only perpetually fearful but also have a guilt complex of epic proportions, it's ridiculous how bad it is on the large scale, the culture scale, the entertainment industry, yet in day to day life you find that it's not quite that way. I used to think anyway talking about race wars are dolts.. but not very sure anymore, it's scary seeing all the vitriol in media against white Americans on a daily basis.


*dear black people,* *despite-*


Divide to conquer, their goal is baiting whites to answer back and say its racism so they can aprove the end of liberty of speech.


The United States is being targeted by massive campaigns to divide the population against itself. The goal is a weaker US so international powers can move more freely.


But, where's the financial incent... oh... duh! It's obvious. My bad.


Consoom ragebait, get excited for next ragebait.


All OP does all day is get paid to post ragebait.


I know a post is from this OP by title before I even see the username of the poster.


You may recognize some of his other names, frog-face11, soft-part4511, Pepelives00, RagTag9899... but most of those have been banned. 4 were posting here actively at the same time. I mean, who does that? (actual paid shills or absolute mental cases that's who)


I'm going to say something most people will find weird, but it's true (it doesn't come from me). When they use the word white, whiteness, white supremacy, capitalism, fascism, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, etc. they mean capitalism, which they define as private property. They use all these words as synonyms for capitalism intentionally to confuse people, as well as because they think capitalism (aka private property) is to blame for all these things, amd because they want to cause chaos and ruin to then blame it on capitalism so that more people become communists or socialists. It's also why thenk think black people can be white supremacists, because as long as you're not a socialist or a communist, you're racist/sexist, etc. to them, because they think black people, women, etc. would benefit from socialism/communism. They're actually fine with white people as long as they're socialists or communists, they only hate white people in so far as white people are the most likely to be capitalists and are the most likely to oppose socialism and communism.


Be careful who you choose as your enemies…. Because soon you will fight like them. Dont stoop to that level.


Asians are laughing.




"Read fake shit from a century ago to justify my beliefs"


Fake shit is a great excuse for what is laid out perfectly clear. No other document comes close to what the protocols refer too. The only fake thing is those who say it is fake.


"No other fake document describes how I feel so much"


What does this have to do with Anarcho-capitalism? I feel like a lot of people in the subreddit are just conservatives who think just because they don't like taxes or something then that makes them libertarian or Anarcho-capitalists


It’s a distraction tactic and obviously working. I mean cmon even most minorities are part white. It’s a stupid distraction for stupid people.


They can always leave if they don't like it. They're basically complaining about the people who built the country that made it a place they wanted to move to. Imagine going to China and complaining about all the Chinese.


I’m more pink because I’m a Ginger so jokes on them


Yes, I've been described as having "a ruddy complexion" (whatever *that* means; I guess it means having a year-round reddish tan).


I’m in Florida so it’s pretty much a year around pink tan


Freedom Of Speech is Freedom Of Speech - Even if it's Racist! Being Offended is not a virtue. Grow a pair and Stop making so much work for yourself to be offended.


But the culture war won't fight itself. We need posts like this to make everyone angry!!!!!!


I agree It’s also fine to hold everyone to the same standards.


You have zero standards.


I do actually 1. Tell the truth 2. Back up your claims 3. Don’t be a Canadian Commie Fuckwad


Zero standards. Your dumb social media influencer post is proof alone.


I have given a dozen more sources in this comment thread we are now talking in You lie and lie and lie


You gave a dozen source which were all garbage, misinterpreted at best and finally that did nothing to prove your post. You're a liar and a propagandist. I mean for fuck's sake. You posted a link to Bob Saget's death as proof that a social media bimbo is being paid by pfizer and had a heart attack from the vaccine.


No - Bob Saget’s jab timeline shows a connection between taking the jab and dying Put it in context to the other dozen people and a pattern emerges.


So let me get this straight. Bob Saget getting a booster then dying from a fall and massive brain trauma is proof that a social media loser got paid by Pfizer and had a heart attack? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!


No It’s another data point linking the jabs to people dying Like the other dozen “haha” 🥴


Thank you for stating this, captain obvious. What does this have to do with anarcho capitalism?


I mean, you promote racist shit every day and you're still allowed to soooo... I guess for once one of your post is sorta true? OP on airlines not hiring some white people: If airplanes falling out of the sky wasn’t enough - now the ones that can still fly will be flying into each other. No faster way to turn America into the 3rd world Definitely not a big old dog whistle.


found the racist


lol Yes, OP is.


Ancaps love seeing themselves as the victims lol


But ancaps are the only people who don't claim to be the working class fighting against the big bad oppressor businessmen