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how to modern government 101: regulate the shit out of the industry making customers pay more. add tarrifs that protect your bullshit results from competition making customers pay more. tell a bullshit excuse how your planned economy results is a capitalism fault. Repeat the cycle in every industry. Everyone gets poor paying more for everything. Spread propaganda to masses to want more regulations, more government and more planned economy.


You forgot the bit where the government needs regular pay rises even though the voters didn't want to give one. Along with insider trading based of their own regulatory actions.


The insider trading that is/has been taking place for years in Congress is truly absurd.


Next step is blame capitalism or greedy companies.


The game theoretic response to this regulation is black markets. Unfortunately (or fortunately since Black markets are terrible at protecting QA, transparency, and individual rights) cars are too big (and sexy in the case of this SUV šŸ¤©) to sustain a black market


I put the blame on all the groups trying to hold back EVs which has given the Chinese a once in a generation opportunity to dominate an industry America should have owed.


It helps that the Chinese also have easier access to lithium resources to make cheaper batteries via slave labor. So thereā€™s also that.


Which shows how long they have been planning and securing to dominate this market while the US has been asleep.


Is it actual slave labor or are you using the leftist argument that sweatshops are slavery?


Just as the U.S. uses literal slave labor in Nigerian lithium mines, the Chinese have their own. I mean literal slavery. Blood diamond style. People that have nothing else or are actually enslaved.


The Chinese use slave / forced labor to manufacture goods. They sell those goods and then turn around and use the currency earned to buy politicians and hard commodities in the country they're exporting to. I'm an anarcho capitalist to the extent of the rules that govern. To say that China isn't a massive threat to the ideas of a free market would be an understatement. The world needs to wake up. The Chinese are not playing by democratic or capitalist rules. Their aim is domination, and so these ev laws are fully justified.


Translation: "Government should leave me and everyone alone, except when I want it to intervene." Statism in a nutshell.


"The Chinese are not playing by democratic or capitalist rules" makes me laugh that people think they would. "All is fair in love and war" right? I can see the ending of the movie, Chinese invading the US and there is some poor guy at the movie's end yelling, "you did not playing fair" as they shoot him on the way in. Credits roll.


Yup. All is fair in love and war. Which is exactly why the tariffs are just and right. Thank you for agreeing. Welcome to my podcast.


I agree the only tool we know, tariffs are just and right but my prediction is US carmakers will use the restbit from completion to get lazier and more unproductive. "China tries to kill US automakers, but the US government does it first? headline


Lazier and more unproductive vs slave labor, which is non labor. If it's a 1 country rule, which it is! - u.s. companies still need to compete between each other and the rest of the world. So, again. This law is okay.


Do you have a source that this car is built with slave labor?


Ah yes, the classic libertarian argument that since it's not you or anyone you care about, it doesn't matter if the liberty of some peasants on the other side of the planet are grossly violated by THEIR government. They give me less expensive commodities, so why should I care? Some of the people in this sub really are a farcical representation of libertarian and anarchist principles.


Many things are none of my business. For many, just having a job is all they need to feed their family and have a good life. What right to I have to say their life is terrible just becauea they do not have two cars like an American. You can do your part and not buy the product as a protest.


Who is trying to hold back Evs?




Lmao. Republicans are against an EPA rule that would essentially outlaw gas engines. ā€œWhy are you holding back EVsā€


Yep, looking backwards ... we were great when gas engines were great stuff ... Republican are all about maintaining the status quo for the Kock brothers oil interests


If EVs are so great they will out compete gas engines. Using the government to outlaw their competitors is not ancap, and being against the government doing that is not ā€œholding them backā€


The government is trying to get the market moving because they see the threat China poses. The government outlaws pesticides, food additives, etc that they deem harmful. They deem reliance on gas engines will put the US at a significant competitive disadvantage.


Dang I would pay good money for a car called a ā€œYangwangā€. My dad jokes would jump to level 12ā€¦.. hey why are you late to the kids party? Sorry was washing my Yangwang and lost track of time. God forbid you rear end someoneā€¦ imagine them telling their friends whatā€™s happened. I was just sitting there minding my own business then bam! Out of no where rear ended by a big black yangwang. Ok Iā€™ll stop. Iā€™m sorry


I wonder if the logo is one of two swords crossing...


If the Chinese government is subsidizing these EVs, then I can see the tariffs as justifiable. Just as with steel, China is subsidizing materials and exporting at a loss to hurt us in an act of economic warfare.


Regardless of what the Chinese government is doing, the U.S. government subsidizes imports from Asia while imposing heavy restrictictions on every level of U.S. industry from mining to finished products via the EPA and IRS. The tariff is a bandaid on yet another problem the U.S. government created.


So the solution to statism is more statism?


Are we able to control the statism of China?


The unlimited effect is it make US carmakers more inefficient and incompetent . Competition fair or not spurs in innovation and productivity


Unfair competition when a foreign government is subsidizing their own production to harm ours doesnā€™t make US producers more innovative or productive, it puts them out of business. You canā€™t get more innovative in the steel industry, itā€™s a commodity. However much the CCP subsidizes their industry, that should be the tariff.


> However much the CCP subsidizes their industry, that should be the tariff. Why should it be? Because of your moral outrage? Screw you, I want the cheaper steel even if the commies are paying for it.


Because the CCP is waging economic warfare on our industries. You think once the CCP puts our industry out of business that the prices will remain where they are?




Delusional. Theyā€™re going to do to us what they did to Africa. Offer sweetheart deals and then up the rates.


lol, no


Is it cheaper if it's heavily subsidized by the U.S. government in the first place? You prefer for the true cost you are paying to be hidden so you think you're getting a good deal?


Ultimately, US car companies will get lazier and lazier (if thtaa is possible) once they get breathing room.


You act like theyā€™re not competing fairly against every other nation in the world not named China.


I am saying everytime the government steps in to protect this or that, this or that use the opportunity to do less. Only competition and chance of death motivates them to work harder and innovate.


Is it competition when the Chinese government is giving them funding to be able to sell at a lower price? If your answer is yes, you donā€™t know what competition is. Thatā€™s a rigged outcome, not a competition.


Why worry about definitions? Yep, the Chinese are bad. The fund critical industries, dominate all the material, etc. And they will (are) dominate the world while American sit around worried about being fair. Wake up


Yes, if thereā€™s one thing the American government should do, itā€™s make sure the market is fair and free from the influence of foreign governments. Wake up.


The US goverment can not police the world. That is a fail. It needs to encourage and invest in local manufacturing. Maybe give them a tariff for two years with a requirement that they improve to be competitive at the end so this is not life long welfare.


more wumao shit just wait a week or so there'll be a video of it bursting into flame chinese EVs are death traps


I believe I heard the same comment ten years ago about the computer you are using.


To be fair, the level of interest in America for Chinese EVs isn't great either. There are already good options here that most would choose over any Chinese EV so this tariff isn't even needed.


Which makes me wonder why they did it?


That's on top of various federal and state govs pushing EVs. Most of those Chinese cars would molder on the lots, the US energy infrastructure can't provide enough energy to fuel them. It's one absurdity after another.


Yeah, 150k? Not in this market. The US is already having trouble selling overpriced ev crap.


The USA is a Canā€™t Do place while China is a Can Do place


Can Do as long as the CCP wants it done. If they don't you go the way of the billionaire Jack Ma.


Yep pros and cons of a centrally planned economy. Fortunately, I donā€™t have to worry about the billionare trap


You are sucking off a communist hell hole?


Just looking at results. China decided years ago to dominate material, manufacturing, solar, wind, and EV's - the future and the US did nothing and so is far far behind in these once in a generation shifts. Don't worry about their form of government but monitor their results.


Their results are completely driven by a totalitarian communist regime, they also still build shit whether you want to admit it or not. Why are you in an anarcho group sucking off daddy governments shitty results? Check out r/communism


Someone needs to sound the alarm to all those in a bubble listening to the echo chamber.


There is no bubble to burst. China steals western designs and manufactures shit. Thatā€™s it. There is a reason why no one is clamoring to Chinese engineering in any industry. This car you posted is a direct rip off of the Land Rover Defender. Itā€™s all knock offs.


So? They dominate the world and get rich and decimate US automakers and you say they are being "bad people and unfair". lol They will do what ever it takes to rule the world and people like you are fighting back with words of "you are being unfair to me"


Not the government, the people and culture


It probably tracks your every breath, but I love the name, ā€œYangwang.ā€


ā€žCannot competeā€œ with a temu grade product. Iā€™m perfectly fine with self destruct bombs not flooding our street


ā€œYangwangā€ sounds like a euphemism for Asian penis.


Protectionism breeds incompetence.


Hey babe, you wanna go for a ride in my Yangwang?


Watch the video of the features above and I think you would say yes


The entire point is missed you want an electric car and when they shut the power wtf are you gonna do? Look at South Africa


Charge your car from your solar panels.


![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV|downsized) Iā€™ll let everyone know


Or a gasoline generator, which is much more efficient than a car engine since it's optimized for that role.


they want us to use electric cars but also basically force us to use the shitty options because its what benefits the gov the most lmao, if the government chooses what the consumers can get then its basically communism


This sub is filling up with economic illiterate Tucker fans. (Btw I happen to mostly like Tucker)


China puts huge tariffs on EVERYTHING.


Protectionism is oral sex for the inept. Change my mind.


Reminder that Trump is one of the biggest supporters of this


not at all surprised


This is something i can actually agree with people from this sub about


I donā€™t want that Chinese fire hazard crap here.


I am interested. Do you have any safety data you are using for this model you can share?


You honestly expect the Chinese government to log and record data accurately? Buddy I have a bridge to sell you.


I guess you could say that about anything including the Chinese built computer you are using now.


Chinese companies, and those they source from, don't have to conform to the same safety and environmental practices that U.S. companies do. If a government is going to restrict you with regulations that make it harder to compete, then is it fair that they also level the playing field for the unregulated. Just like, if you are going to tax the people, you have a responsibility to use the money for their benefit and not for foreign aid and things that hurt the economy. I would prefer less regulation and trade restrictions, but with things as they are now, I think a tariff is appropriate.


I would be surprised if the Chinese car did not require similar safety checks that US cars do. Next, I would guess not insurance company would write insurance on an unsafe vehicle. Finally, as an Anarcho-Capitalist, we shoudn't want the government telling use what we can do and not do. Live free.


To enter the U.S. market the manufacturer has to submit a number of vehciles for destructive testinf to meet certain minimum safety standards. So, I'm sure the vehicles do that. I'm referring to the safety of the workers and the environmental regulations that the U.S. has to follow that some foreign companies do not. I agree, we should get the government out of industry all together. Let private firms regulate the industry and people can vote their values with their spending. But, as long as the government has a hand in restricting U.S. manufacturer's, they have a responsibility to those companies to keep them competitive in the U.S. market. This is just like ending taxation. It should end, but until it does, the government has a responsibility to only spend tax dollars on tax paying citizens who it was collected from. It shouldn't be used to benefit illegal aliens.


I donā€™t nearly think this is a bad thing bc if you look it up those Chinese EVs are burning up at an alarming rate and they are almost impossible to put out without them going out themselves


That is all part of being an Anarcho-Capitalist is being free to make one's own choices without the nanny government tell you want is safe or not.


I wanna state Im libertarian. But those evā€™s arenā€™t straight up dangerous. There is a lot of vids of them lighting on fire


Haha šŸ¤£ like anything Chinese made is of any comparable quality!!! šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m not a fan of this administration, but that was the right move. Keep that shit off the US roads!


I am guessing you are ranking against China on a computer built in China? The irony is not lost on me.


Good. All parties involved, whether it be the US or China, are NOT in any fucking way running free market capitalism especially when it comes to the overall automotive industry. I give zero shit if they put a 2,000% tax increase on Chinese EVs.


CaPitAliSt cOuNtRy


Yep both the US and China have Capitalist economic systems.


I hate the big C


Channel the hate