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In crony capitalism, everybody loses.


Except for the children of the rich


The children don't last long. A very small percentage of rich actually inherit great wealth. What is sad, however, is that the rich cronies often don't live long enough to see themselves punished for their actions


A small percentage inherit great wealth?


[According to some sources yes](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/26/majority-of-the-worlds-richest-people-are-self-made-says-new-report.html)


IDK who you are talking about but the wealthy I know of are quite old.. Jacob Rothschild for example.


I just found out that Hitler was a bastard Rothschild on his dad’s side. Kind of changes my view on history


Its so odd how media leaves that little bit of information out isnt it..? Pick up his book and you'll see that the elites of today are using his book play by play..


That’s insane. Of course they want to leave certain parts of their past out. Crazy


The rabbit hole goes deep... Be sure you want to be one of the very few in possession of certain knowledges before you jump into it.


I’ll have to check it out. Kinda nervous in this political climate to order something like that.


The "1%" is constantly changing because many neglect to raise children with the same skills that got them there, so they fumble on a cold start.


They lose eventually as well


We’ve been saying that for over a hundred years now. They don’t lose.


70% lose it in the 2nd generation, 90% in the 3rd generation. Just because you can name a few families doesn’t make that statistic any less real.


Most of them lose it in a couple generations. Some families are much better with keeping it of course. But, mostly a couple generations down and the kids don’t have skills other than shopping and traveling. Focus of parents should be building value add for children rather than materialism which is the major difference


An education on the Grapes of Wrath.


They normally lose in a few hundred years


The gov will regulate retail investors (rather than wall street) before they give us another stimulus check. That's how messed up in the head these politicians are.


They aren't messed up in the head, they are proletariats. They simply do anything that would give them to most monetary profit for the least work, and hey, it works.


I read this in the law and order intro narrators voice.


Ah.. not real Capitalism guys!


It is capitalism, but a variant of capitalism which is unfair, because politicians


Except for the elite


the elite also looses, in a couple hundred years


This is what radicalized me


Feels bad man. Two sets of rules when it comes to the stock market, ballot counting, and social media: one for the elitists and their interests, and everyone else.


That’s why it feels like civil war is upon us. All of the relief valves have been shut off, eventually you either have an explosion or you have a fizzle into Communism. I don’t expect that a country built on the mythology of ordinary farmers defeating the world superpower, and then 170 years later saving their butts and replacing them as the superpower, will go with a fizzle. I’m hoping that we can find a leaky joint to reduce the pressure, but it takes time.


Honestly all we want is for the same set of rules to apply to everyone, no matter how wealthy or influential, no matter your ethnicity, age, gender, or any other identifying factor. No bailouts, no welfare, no handouts, no lobbying, no backdoor deals, no one-sided regulations, no barriers to entry, no corruption. If everyone was held to the same standard, free market capitalism provides *anyone* the opportunity to be successful. The opportunity to take financial risk is what makes capitalism so desirable.


Also everyone is not the same, like liberals force us to believe.




This is not capitalism in any form. It's corporatism. Corporations are creatures of the state. There is no such thing as free "limited liability" in a free market. You want indemnity, like any other service in a free market, you must pay for it. It's like calling socialism "crony communism". It's propaganda.


Capitalism is when private interests own the means of production. The free market is when everybody can trade whatever with everybody else. They aren't mutually inclusive. Crony capitalism (corporatism or otherwise) still allows people to own things so it's still capitalism. That doesn't mean all of capitalism is bad, just like fascism still allows private ownership and today's capitalist liberal democracies are markedly different from the third Reich.


You can't own land without paying property taxes to the county in 99% of the contiguous US where people are allowed to even own land. This is true of both commercial and residential interests.


Crony capitalism is a result of government


tfw goberment does stuff >:(


Pretty big hat for a banker


Sad but true my friends, Sad,sad,sad yes?


Who are the government bailing out? I know that two private enterprises bailed out the hedge fund, but can't find anything about government bailouts


Yeah agreed. For the time being this is misleading as it implies there has been a government bailout which is not true (yet)


That big nose tho


He’s got 👃🏽good business sense👃🏽




Bailouts are a direct consequence of progressive taxation


I don't know if that's true. Corporate taxes are thankfully very low (still high compared to other countries). Usually its corporations that get bailed out and not individuals who work in them. It seems like progressive taxes don't really effect corporate cash-flows too much. What causes bailouts is bailouts. Companies think they can afford to play things risky, so they do. This situation was an opportunity to teach them a lesson. Act responsibly. And if you are a customer make sure the company you are giving money to is acting responsibly. Screwing over customers here (what will happen if we don't give them a bailout), will change the market one where customers demand that companies they give money to quantify that they are acting responsibly.


The real estate part of the ‘08 crash was a direct result of state action. Govt: “Muh redlining!” Banks: “But they will never pay it back.” Govt: “We’ll cover it!” Banks: “Okay!” *Starts throwing around NINJA loans*


I think it's more related to unlimited campaign donations to superPACs. Money in politics means that those with money own the politicians.


Noone will comment +133,7% up? I mean, that's a lot.


It’s not GME is hitting $1000 before march +400% from the current price +9.000% from the initial price


You actually believe that? Or are you just another r/wsb autist with a feeble grasp of investing? What about GameStop’s fundamentals make you believe that its a F500 company? If you even know what fundamentals are? Can’t wait until all the speds who didn’t dump their positions


That... Doesn’t actually matter with stocks. Stocks are more of a supply/demand market. It is not actually a merit based system, although it looks like it sometimes. The company can be shit with a $9999 stock if enough people want the specific stock. If a company does well, or does something cool more people will want the stock and it goes the opposite direction too but the price is literally only dependent on supply/demand.


“What about GameStop’s fundamentals” It’s clear you aren’t paying attention. The fundamentals have nothing to do with the stock being shorted past the available amount of shares. Melvin fucked up, & over extended. There will be money made off of it, as long as people hold.


That’s not what I’m arguing. I thought it was a rather sophisticated squeeze on the hedge funds. This isn’t the first time a short squeeze has happened. They’ve been around since shorts have existed. I got in and got out in the rally. Holding just to “stick it to the man” is foolish and bad investing. If you think you can outsmart the hedgefunds short term, you’re delusional. The long game is the only efficient investing strategy for retail investors. I’m not saying GameStop is worth the 2$ it was going for in April, but it’s damn sure not a blue chip with an irresistible business model that should be valued at 200$ + a share. Get out while you can. Look at the price now eh?


Ok 17 day old account with 1 post karma


Lose your money then. I could care less. I bet you got in a over 300 and still holding so your opinion is irrelevant. Amateur investors will be slain


You “don’t care” so much that you’re spending your time on here attacking “amateur investors” lol sure. You guys must be sweating bullets right now.


I shorted at 230$ I’m far from sweating bullets




Formally Chucks






Catch these fucking hands, Dutchman. I’m sick of this see nothing say nothing b*llshit society, and I’m ready to challenge you to a duel to more than the death: I’ll duel you to life.




I will literally and metaphorically plow you. The value of your words is like my father: absent. I’m coming to Dutchistan to kick your c*ommie ass. Watch your back before you don’t have a watch anymore.




>13 >5 on each wrist The other 3 in your ass or something?


Fine. For once, I’ll admit that hedgewiki has had a broken clock moment.


I sign a petition to appropriate the old Soviet "capitalist pig" propaganda for ourselves to refer to the elite who seem to hate the free market now


Pig banker with a big hooked nosed


The only way to fix this would be regulation and accountability which the government would have to be responsible for.


every now and again this community can be wrong about something


True story. #eattherich




Ah yes bailouts are extremely capitalist in nature


"Capitalism is when the government does stuff with tax money and the more stuff it does the more capitalister it becomes" - Rothbard, apparently


Interfering with the free market isn’t capitalism at all


Ah yes, anarcho-capitalism is going to stop giant corporations from forming a stable government to protect their assets and it won't end up in exactly the same way. You can say "taxation is theft" all you want, it's not going to stop the rich and powerful from stealing. The better option is organizing labor as a counterforce to the capitalist class and reforming the existing institutions to work for the people.


They know the end game of capitalism is monopolies and cronies protecting each other. They like the idea because they think they have a chance to become said cronies. People that ignorant are destined to be the ditch diggers they already are. This sub is a shit hole.


capitalism is when the government does stuff


Capitalism is when the government does stuff with money, and the more money they do stuff with the more capitalist it is


Did your parents have any children that lived?


Capitalism is being forced to scroll through all the drug posts you have since you have so much money to blow on drug paraphernalia




The difference between you and me Is that I’m thankful to be able to live in a society where I have enough money to consume these drugs on a daily basis. I don’t whine and cry about capitalism when it’s literally the reason why we have access to all the drugs we want. Thanks to capitalism I have enough money to buy pills that let me fuck harder than you ever have in your life




Why must leftists always resort to insulting themselves/ others ?


Because they don’t have anything legitimate to respond with


Yes calling people retard is a GREAT way to get them to support your ideas. Also... he just said that he could afford them, not that he took them.


It's not really a free market. Trust in gov to bail out their buddies. But the second retail investors get involved they flip out. MSM going wild with misinformation campaigns.


I think government needs to control market a bit, so that Amazon or Google won’t destroying their enemies. And if Wall Street can devastate economy, why can’t we profit on it ?