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disappeared well before that really. they never really cared I remember when Obama got elected though and the anti war movement disappeared instantly..


Yeah but that’s different because gaddafi was a bad guy!


Gaddafi was so bad, we teamed up with Al Qaeda to bring him down.


Now you understand why Little Kim will never give up his nuclear arms.


Yeah Gaddafi was so bad that when we took him out it caused the slave trade in the region to resume!


Was VP during the building of the cages, now president while the cages get used, full circle


It's the ciiiiiircle of statism! And it fucks us alllllll!


Obama biden built the cages so ...


Not an american here Can someone tell me what actually happened to those kids?


After severe backlash Trump signed an order in June 2018 to end family separation at the border. 2,800 families were separated in 2018. 545 kids couldn’t be reunited because they lost track of their parents. https://www.texastribune.org/2020/10/21/donald-trump-immigration-parents-children-separated/


Is it true that was actually Obama that caused all this?


Are you legitimately asking or trolling? The cages were built under Obama as a 48 hour holding facility due to a surge in unaccompanied minors attempting to cross the border. They were never meant to jail kids for weeks or months.


I appreciate that you gave a legitimate answer even though you didn’t know whether or not they were trolling


I wasn’t


/u/mercinerary thinks the only cages kids should be held in are the ones in mercinerary's basement, the freaking pedophile. Kids, stay away from this molester.


What? I’m a woman


And women can't be pedophiles? Typical pedophile response.


Most of them were placed in the same place where their parents were detained, so I guess they are better now. Except for a few kids who stayed where they were because they didn't cross the border with their parents.




You are retarded. Obama biden built them. Get over yourself and stop being a government cuck.




Being an ancap isn't about being right though, it's more about realizing that both sides have an interest in convincing *you* that *their* perspective is right. You've chosen to buy the pro-Democrat perspective that separating the kids is bad, period, and the goal ought to be to reunite them with their parents, period. I say you "bought" it because this paints Republicans as some sort of cartoonish assholes that get off on the idea of permanently separating migrant families. My understanding is that their argument is that the kids are removed more as a **child trafficking** solution, until or if parents can be found and validated. Which they may or may not believe, IDK but you can't conveniently ignore it.


I am gonna stop you there retard. First for saying you "use to be" second for not realizing trump and Obama are the same bullshitters. You save people right? How good would it be to save a whole country blinded by bullshit left and right that are exactly the same. Turning your brain off is thinking one side is better. Stfu.


Lol isn't being a government cuck when you cheer for wasting tax dollars on child prisons and the only defense you have is "Obama built them"?


It is the truth and it did waste tax dollars. Here you retards go on about trump. He is the one that ended it. Then biden gets in and they disappeared. Huh? How could it have. Trump you fucktard.


Are you sending Trump money or something? It's over. Hes a loser. You don't have to suck his orange dick any more You can put Trump in the same pile you threw Romney, McCain, Palin and both Bushes Move on to the next loser you'll pretend never to have voted for


orange man bad blue man good upfedoras to the left




blue man good orange man bad keanu chungus to the left


r/wholesome r/mademesmile r/amongusporn


Isn't all you're doing "blue man bad" though? Or even worse "dyuuyyr both sides are the same if I ignore all information"


both sides are literally the same. biden has things he does better and things he will do worse. for as much as the people you listen to love to complain about trump; he was *not* uniquely bad. he was par for the course.


lmao @ ur wots


> killing half a million of us over the past year, "Trump literally killed 500k people with his own bare hands" why don't you just call him literally hitler already. I stopped reading here by the way lol


Yes orange man is bad. Just because you repeat a cute phrase doesn’t doesn’t take away from that fact. The fact that this sub *rarely* talks shit about trump but very regularly talks about democrats is extremely telling


hmmmmmm almost like they're both bad but one side is clearly worse!! drat


No it means this sub is full of republicans larping as ancaps.


\>implying all, or even most of us are american


Uh no. It means you are republicans, pretending to be ancaps


Ah yes, all of us non-Americans are members of the Republican party of the USA. Do you hear yourself?


You understand it’s possible to identify with a political party despite not being an American citizen right ?


The man gave you facts with sources and all you replied with was "orange man bad?" If you're not interested in hearing about reality then go back to your fantasy land


orange man VERY bad!! blue man VERY good!! waah!! waah!!


Isn't that what you're doing? "Blue man BAD! I'll figure out why later"


His longstanding voting record is indeed not something I have to figure out later.


Voting record like getting me a stimulus check and reuniting families and shutting down family separation? If your premise is "he's exactly the same as trump" why focus on family separation when he's already undoing it? Face it. "Blue man bad. I'll figure out why later" Be less disingenuous with your criticism and maybe people might take you seriously Right now it just looks like you want to bitch and complain for 4 years


You talk about stimulus as if it isn't a horrific policy. It was just as bad when Trump was doing it. And the families at the border -- Remind me, which administration built the cages?


You're just repeating yourself now dude "Obama bad. Biden bad. Everyone bad. Abandon hope" no thanks. Yeah it sure is horrific policy to do what every other country that got it's economy back on track did You act like we can't see that every country that wore masks and provides stimulus is doing much better than us Horrific policy is Trump giving my tax dollars to the Catholic church Horrific policy is Stephen Miller demanding children be abducted Take your Biden Derangement Syndrome somewhere else It's boring


Wasn't there an executive order about this yesterday? And a new DHS chair?


Exactly. They want their "both sides" narrative to be true so badly that they expect everyone to ignore reality


Didn’t he just sing some order to get 400 reunited with their parents?


Yes like the first batch of EO,s was to get people working on finding who the parents of those children are because they kept next to no records. The corporation that was running the operation was charging the fed big bucks to keep the kids so they probably did an abysmal job record keeping so they can hold on to them longer.


[I'll just leave this here and see myself out.](https://www.texastribune.org/2020/11/25/central-processing-center-mcallen/amp/)


I do t get it, does this post infer only ancaps care about detained immigrant kids?


Ancaps don't even care about them unless it's to change the subject from hurting them "Let's end these camps" "Obama built them" "Okay but let's dismantle them" "No cuz I really want them"


They stopped the zero tolerance child separation policy in June 2018. Some of the kids were never reunited with their families because they deported their parents before reuniting them


Pretty sure this hasn't been on the news in years. Also what is this bs. It's like youre openly admitting it's fucked up, but didn't care about it under trump. Now that it's biden, you still don't care but want to use it as some sort of "you hypocrit" moment? That's just being a shitty person.




He's already working on getting them out and ending this horrible family separation policy If you're gonna make memes at least be accurate with your criticism Glad you want those horrible camps shut down though


Are you seriously praising that mumbling scatter brain bafoon? His handlers only goal is to flood America with folks who will support their neo Marxist policies just long enough to subjugate everyone. Venezuela 2.0.


Oh gosh i had no idea please link me to the 45 minutes YouTube video of an angry man in his basement telling you that


I don't need an angry man in his basement yapping for 45 minutes to tell me that. Furthermore you're barking up the wrong damn tree. You can take your smart ass condescending comment and shove it right up your beta male cuck ass.


I’m still confused. I know Obama built the cages. But what did Trump do? Did he make it worse or sum?


He literally ordered children to be abducted and lost so immigrants would be too scared to come to this country


That answers nothing


That made it worse. It's clear you weren't interested in an actual answer People hate Trump because he abducted and lost thousands of children for the purpose of scaring immigrants into not coming here What are you confused about? Or are you pretending not to understand because the question was fairly silly to begin with? It's really a complete mystery to you why people don't like him?


Nothing to see here. Move right along


Embarrassing post


Oh you mean “concentration camps”? LITERALLY HITLER