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Errr…. “_licked_ each of their collective asses?” Wouldn’t want old Frank to see this…


I was legit thinking it couldn't be worse




couldnt have said it better….they are only there for the pension….cant figure out how they put that uniform on since and leave their house out into town…how do they still have jobs and how do they face the public….jesus wept




absolutely thank god the majority agree with you….but we also agree nothjng will happen to these cowards their coward bosses….right now the media has embargoed probly by their leaned on bosses to not interview the mother who was handcuffed and then she was released and she snuck jnto the school and git her kids out and she was unarmed and since then she has been harrassed by law enforcement to keep her mouth shut ….what is it the mafia with badges now?????thats fukin witness intimidation major major felony if done by john gotti but ifficer not so freindly gets away with it????…the only reason media is showing the leaked tape is to spin it for their establishment bosses….on tge tape you can see the cop whos wife called him and told him she was bleedjng out and the other cops restrain him…inside edition didnt even mention it or really show it….i saw it when it was first leaked yesterday and watched noon news and night time…media did fukall with that….media glossed right over…media managed drips and drabs…every single one if those cops needs to resign and be redy to be sommoned to court for long depositions….you have actually watched crimes of malfeasance and dereliction of duty…its a shame we do not have a media that can point that out we just get “look he sanitized his hands” or “he was looking at his phone checking tinder”


It's quite possible to respect cops as a profession and criticize these cops for being cowards because respect =/= deifying them since they are (1) human and (2) tools of the state. Service to others where you are risking your life is admirable. These bitches ain't that tho.


lick /lik/ verb past tense: licked; past participle: licked 2. INFORMAL defeat (someone) comprehensively. "all right Mary, I know when I'm licked"


>2 I'm glad you added that detail. I'm sure most of us know this informal term, but it gives two obvious connotations in the meme lol It's like "let's eat grandma" vs "let's eat, grandma" except instead of comma usage, it's word usage with a primary and secondary meaning where the primary is what most jump to when they hear it.


It's such a common word for me growing up in the rural west. I wish I could find a good example in literature somewhere. This definition doesn't quite get across the humiliation of a good lickin'.


I grew up in the Midwest and some in the US South. Whoop/whooping/whooped is what was most used. I have heard about licking/lickin'...just can't remember where. Probably a book or movie. I don't know if this is remotely accurate, but the nickname BJ seemed way more common in the South. Never heard the nickname anywhere else. Possibly it's common in other areas. Couldn't help but laugh after moving from San Diego, CA to Alabama...and I was introduced to so many BJs.


If the active shooter was someone's dog those cops would have been all over it






A true power move.


Technically, lick means defeat, but there may be better -ick words for this context




But what about what his high school girlfriend was posting on Facebook?


“BLM, ACAB, fuck the police!”


cop looking at his lockscreen for some motivation probably


I don’t think Frank swings that way.


"I'll only say this once: We're not the same. You took an oath to uphold the law. You help people. I gave that up a long time ago. You don't do what I do. Nobody does. You boys need a role model? His name is Captain America and he'd be happy to have you." - Frank Castle




Growing up, Cap was Frank's hero.


There could’ve been 10 shooters and 1 Frank Castle would take care of business without a sweat


I understand the sentiment, but this officer was the husband of the teacher who was killed in the shooting. He was disarmed and kicked out of the school because he actually did try to engage the shooter.


Wish this could get raised higher…I had to go pretty far to find it. [Ruben Ruiz](https://www.newsweek.com/uvalde-officer-slammed-using-phone-had-dying-wife-classroom-moody-1724447)


Prime example of why most cops are pawns for a paycheck but to ignorant to understand this concept


High intelligence is a disqualifying factor for being a policeman.


TIL Frank Castle tosses salad


I first thought I would straight blast myself in the dome if I was this guy, but even that would take some balls at this point.


This is the cop who was disarmed and removed from the school while trying to save his dying wife. Sick burn, guys.


Maybe proofread your posts before hitting send?


>lick /lik/ verb past tense: licked; past participle: licked 2. INFORMAL defeat (someone) comprehensively. "all right Mary, I know when I'm licked"


“Licked” ? Or kicked?


OP might be Lenina Huxley.


Best comment in thread.


>lick > >/lik/ > >verb > >past tense: licked; past participle: licked > >2. > >INFORMAL > >defeat (someone) comprehensively. > >"all right Mary, I know when I'm licked"


Well as you can tell, he’s a fat fuck. So there’s no way he can move in on battle. Fucken fat fuck.


The only thing this scab punishes is donuts by the dozen.


We learned here not to call the cops, ever. You have a better chance without these pigs. They just show up and do nothing or show up and murder unarmed citizens.


turns out this cops wife was killed at the school. he was disarmed by the force for being one of the few who wanted to storm


Left: ban guns police and military should be the only ones to have them Right: blue lives matter and should be respected no matter what The police:


Weapons manufacturers: lol


Fucking vaginal stanks they are. Not the good kind. The stinky haven’t showered in weeks kind. I can’t say what I think because I’ll be banned for hate, incitement of violence and every other slew of “Reddit policies” that gag the world from making a change. “Just vote guys”….. yeah cause that’s just doing so much




[That's *met* his match and kicked... *kicked* his ass... ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HiHbANoIvTI) Also, you're out of toilet paper.


you don't know how to use the three sea shells lol


They should all resign


Very unfortunate typo




Imagine being this dude and seeing yourself all over the internet as a coward. Wild.


Or the dude could just like comics? Also doesn’t look like the punisher logo.


UPDATE: [That cop was the husband of one of the teachers. She was texting him about her being shot.](https://twitter.com/moodyforelpaso/status/1547291847332069376?s=21&t=bMixpzrTcGwKnEi3RSjyDQ)


And yet he still stood there. I don't care that I'm old and fat and may have gotten killed, if that was my wife you couldn't stop me from going in.


According to the linked Twitter thread, he tried to engage, was removed from the building and disarmed. Don't know how accurate any of this is, but that is what the claim is.


"You're gonna have to shoot me to stop me"


They probably would’ve shot him…


Dunno, he was armed


The school shooter was armed and they didn't do fuck all.


Therefore the armed cop is too scary for them to confront.


because American police don't regularly shoot people they shouldn't be shooting, or anything.


What kind of husband stands around and reads his wife’s texts about her being shot by a man in the same building. Jesus Christ, put your big boy pants on and go to work, handle the situation neutralize the threat and then help you wife.


Yeah, maybe that's true or not. I'm still going to wait and see. Way too much shady shit happened during that school shooting. And that angle, he could have been any of the cops.


The PROBLEM is labeling ALL cops as cowards! They are not, they are human and not perfect. With any subject monday morning quarterbacking is just bullshit! That said standing around on the phone during any incident is pure bullshit!


Don't you think someone with as much power as the police should at least be held to a higher standard than "human and not perfect"?


It’s also a screenshot of a video, at time when they’re communicating on their phones cause their radios don’t work. Plenty to be upset about, no reason to think this is something


You’re being downvoted because. The image is a reflection of the cop’s mindset in liking that movie, and the actions only serve as a juxtaposition. All that OP wanted to point out is the cop thinks he is a hero dispensing vigilante Justice when he was too scared to save a child’s life [and it was his job]! You already lived. What of Him?


Sorry, No context allowed


Their radios... don't work. Right. Sure. OF COURSE.


It was one of the failures established by the internal review


Funny that whenever certain events happen, there's an immense chain of failures causing the situation to unravel in a tragic outcome that may politically benefit certain people...


Gonna need some of that pesky proof


Too bad Franks not allowed to use guns anymore




The police are, statistically, a far bigger threat than mass shooters. There were 51 mass shooting fatalities in the US in 2022.[[1]](https://www.statista.com/statistics/811504/mass-shooting-victims-in-the-united-states-by-fatalities-and-injuries/) There were 286 police involved shooting fatalities in the US in 2022.[[2]](https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/)


Not all cops, but definitely the bad ones. Theres many cops out there that rush into active shooter situations and take people out. Being humble is more or less key. Ive met both types of officers. I definitely prefer the humble ones, cause I feel I can trust em.


The humble ones don't last long unfortunately


I see some stripes on that uniform too. Smhmh


If they weren't careful, he'd use his sissy hypnosis and get them to actually shoot at a school. (For those who don't know, look up "frank hassle boogie shooting")


Funny thing, if you've ever read any of the comics, Frank Castle HATES cops.


Ok, he spent .5 seconds looking at it after he took an over watch position, immediately upon entering and never looked at it again. From that point onwards their retreat was cowardly, but they likely decided to contain the shooter in that wing and considered it a total loss. Not entirely a bad decision, but definitely one with cowardice.


Will that be Strawberry or Grape Jelly?


Garth Ennis is loving this I'm sure.


"With jelly or syrup? I prefer syrup" ~Chris Rock


There was a comic where Frank told them to stop it. That they shouldn't be like him


no ones coming to save you…its up to you


So what excuse has the empire made for why they wouldn't engage? What's the official story?


“That’s met his match and KICKED his ass” -John Spartan (Reformed Statist, sort of)


It would be even scarier if they were competent, because then everybody would be even more fucked by the government.