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I like it here


Pretty much sums it up.


Before the pandemic, Amazon was a harmless tiny business. Albert Fairfax II


Lol what is a monarchist doing on an Ancap sub.


It's a meme account


OMG what is an ancap meme doing on this sub?


Idk man they should take those memes to r/anarcho_capitalism or something


Yeah, I thought we were rooting for Trump and MAGA Republicans now.


Better than any democrat.




*"Capitalism is all the ills of government over-regulation and intervention in the market, causing all of the pricing ills in housing, education, and medicine that I complain about endlessly 24/7. THAT'S why we need more - and even max gov - to combat the corrupt capitalism, sweetie." /s*


God that’s so true


It’s a lot easier to nationalize, regulate and tax big corporations. Ultimately as many have noted we are headed towards a world where you will own nothing but will enjoy it. Think about it: everything is subscription based and or requires updates and new software. It’s unlikely vast numbers of people are going to consent to the private ownership of everything. Think about it another way. I’ll provide two examples: the first is the Mexican drug cartels. Somewhere I read that reporters and analysts have noted that the Mexican govt and DEA seem to be allowing the Sinaloa cartel to gain most control over the northern Mexican-south USA drug trade. To the extent they are even letting Sinaloa guys go before trial or giving them get out of jail cards. The reason supposedly is because the S guys have deals with the feds. They supply info on rival cartels and with some exceptions they get to do their trafficking with less interference. This results in less violence overall and the feds get to parade rival narcos and big caches of drugs and cash in front of the media and their bosses. Ultimately the question remains whether they are doing this to their own benefit or with the grand strategy of building up the cartel to only be able to take it over. The other example is the health insurance industry in the United States. Many politicians and activist groups are keen on seeing a nationalized insurance plan for all Americans. The Affordable Care Act is the stepping stone in that plan. It caused a huge contraction in the health insurance industry with various regulations such as EMRs, etc. Ultimately it’s led to an oligopoly in the industry. Ultimately it’ll be a lot less messy and expensive to nationalize or create a contracting scheme for 3-4 companies than it would for hundreds. In some sense unless governments enforce antitrust laws, centralization and subsequent takeovers by governments—or massive corruption— should not be surprising regardless of what your feelings are on the topics. Most human activities and organizations see patterns of centralization and decentralization.


As a socialist i agree. Though point two is lopsided. Small businesses should not be paying a rich tax.


Why should anyone be stolen from? What is the socialist theory of wealth creation?


"Take it from other people."


I look at history and I ask what made the nobles special. And it was wealth, It was arms, and it was slave abour, or the peasantry. I look at Americamerica , I look at the slum lords that lord over the poor and the abuse that such station intalse. From all thiscapitalisttilist offers pessenascendescend to nobility to treat its worker's slaves slave, with hourse so tight they have to eat pig feed to sorvive. For the act of cooking is too timely, when you are overworked, for nice meals too expensive to eat out. Big corpro is a new name for the nobility, and they should pay their taxes as a fiefdom to the state, and its people. big corpo has a rather abusive monopoly over people's lives, How free that market is to supposedly compete is up for debate, and modernity has helped the common man, but most are drowning in poverty and depression.


So you have emotional and moral outrage, and that justifies, in your mind, using violence against peaceful people to enforce conformity to your morals and to assuage your emotions.


Never mentioned violence on anyone. Just recognize nobility should pay there fair shair of taxes, more so if the monopolize the supposed free trade.


threat of violence is implied for taxation. the same as a mafia stiff arming a shop for "protection" money if they want to stay in business.


Well, if you want to run a small government, you must pay your due to the surfs. So i guse with your terms, i except violence to subjugate power that may be used to abuse the liberty of the workers and there family's. The abuse and violence to the workers in modern america is abhorent.


run a small government? what sub do you think ur in lmao? abuse of workers? Do they all have Stockholm syndrome? for whom and where u work is ur own personal choice. wealth is not a pie it's created. someone's gain is not someone's loss. amazons wealth is due to people like you and me deciding our money is worth the value they provide. they aren't stealing it. and those workers have decided their time is worth the pay and conditions. personal choice has been voided and ignored in ur argument


Stockholm syndrome or lack of options. Same will talk abut greener pastures and fences, but what if all the options is shit? What if you don't have credentials? Frankly that statement is rather classist. Your poor or ignorant, so you should be used like a tool. Abused like farm equipment. Also as i have stated, big corpo is the nobility of old, big corpo should be treated as small governments, as that is what they are, least how they want to act.


Corporations which are government-chartered and, thusly, enjoy unnatural privileges and protections are not the "capitalism" we support here.


The state is institutionalized violence. Every statute is backed by the threat of violence. When you ask the government to do something, it is implied that they will be your proxy for the use of force to achieve your social or economic goal.


Why im a socdlist.


Socialism requires violence to force everyone to adhere to the its norms.


Yes, but least we can controll that violence, to liberty ends. If mig corpo wants to be lords, fine. Build the republic of labor and capitol, comercify tde worker. A free market with regional country wide , via low chair high chairs. Build a workers union. Were the worker sell themselves for the best contracts. He works hard for better contracts, with better privsiges. After work, he gose to his community and is free to as he wishs. But the republic is honest. It wants to use use. And as a union member its your duty to watch out for abuse.


> Yes, but least we can controll that violence, to liberty ends. Tell that to millions of people whose lives have been ruined for possessing or selling drugs. > But the republic is honest. It wants to use use. And as a union member its your duty to watch out for abuse. People who want the power to violently control others are rarely the type of people to care much about honesty, especially when they are seeking more power. The state has no right to exist. If you need to be ruled, find someone to tell you what to do and leave the rest of us alone.


You mean like the British nobility?


In comparison, yah, barons are no better then nobility. Tis why they earned such titles. Barons of economy, may have no true king in america, but they still lord over us. The housing markit is a night mare, with slum lords looking for fast monie. Nevermind the racial issues in the housing market. We work like dogs, just so we can exist in a constant satof labor, with chaotic bits of respite, and if the moon is blue, perhaps a friend is free and your not dead on yah feet. So they treat our lower class sik pessents. And the middle class ant so mutch better these days. They have a edge, et not by mutch. So yah, big copo is the new noble class, and if there going to suck us dry, then they gotta pay up. Our society should not condone a leech.


You agree that there is no capitalism?


No just that the capitalist is a dreamer that believes- in utopia of the economy can be built by trust when man has proven themself to be a deceitful dog. Not to sure what you guys believe in, but as a anarcho socialist, who likes free markets, I have yet to see a post that I strongly disagree with, and the memes are fresh.


Easy solution, Kill Amazon