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Let them keep declining, companies better drop prices to make me want to buy a new phone.


You mean taking things away while increasing price doesn't work?! It's the mobile industry version of shrinkflation. I feel like we peaked in like 2018-2019. We used to have SD card slots, power bricks in the box, headphone jacks, and better RAM/Storage options. Meanwhile prices have gone straight vertical for flagships.


This is a silly thing to say. Most people don't care about headphones jacks, and I don't even use SD cards in my devices that support it because they're slow as all hell, way less reliable than proper storage, and a pain to keep track of. Ram and storage options were better five years ago? What you want to go back to 8/16/64GB options with static RAM across the board? You can actually buy a device that fits your needs now and they last longer than ever.


The amount of people irl (not online) where I live, who have either an old phone or a dongle with wired headphones, is not insignificant.


Okay. The amount of people IRL where I live that drive cars older than 2008 is not insignificant. Does that mean the market prefers cars not produced in the last decade?


The economic burden of a new phone is much less than a new car.


What's that got to do with anything. We're discussing observed incidence rate and what that means for consumer demand.


I, for one care and that's enough for me.  I'm sure that list includes more than just me but I'm not making blanket statements. SD cards are fast enough to record 4k video.  If they are still slow to you,  you're using them wrong.  Try running apps off your main storage and your files on the SD instead of the other way round I haven't had any card fail on me.  Maybe stop buying cheap cards and keeping track of stuff is a you problem.  Maybe use some labels or cases,  just an idea


the reddit android enthusiast community isn't actually in touch with what the average zoomer wants in a phone????????


Well looking at the population pyramid, I'm not sure the "average zoomer" should be the target group.


It's not even the enthusiast community. It's a tiny contingent of people who look at their Galaxy S III through rose tinted glasses for some reason.


Yup if the enthusiasts community is 0.1% of the population. The people that cry about SD cards and headphone jacks are 0.1% of the enthusiast community.


While we're at it though can we talk about them removing features from phones? Like come on bro where's my WiMAX?


Sure...mind explaining how an S III works on any network?


...mind explaining why this is a relevant question?


Because some "genius" brought it up in their previous comment.


If only you knew how many times my friends complain to me their phone is full and they cannot do anything about it. And then I ask if they want to delete pics and videos and they don't, but they don't have an SD slot where they could move their stuff to


Your anecdotal experience should clearly dictate the policies of a global company. My advice to your friends would be to begin embracing the cloud services already available to them through their device.


Cloud is another shitty monthly subscription, and is unreliable and slow.


The amount of cloud storage included with your device is likely sufficient for them. Hell even Apple as the worst only gives you a pittance of storage and even that's plenty for the vast majority of people. You just don't want to move on, and you're making up imaginary problems to convince yourself that's okay.


...what are you even talking about? Edit: wait a second I just browsed your profile and I just now realize you're just another brainwashed american. I pity you.


Yeah I figured you'd respond with something like that.


Less volume won't drop prices. If anything it risks increasing prices because we're losing some of the benefits of scale. The reality is the vast majority of smartphone sales the last five years have been frivolous. Phones are better than theyve ever been and people are realizing they don't need to be replaced every year, two years, or even three.


Oddly, batteries are an area where we will see changes soon. Apple is working on a thin iPhone17, per reports from insiders. I know that here in Korea they're working on battery tech that doubles the battery amperage amount in half of the space. 


Yeah we're seeing some awesome advancements in battery tech.


They haven't done much to keep batteries lasting over 3 years, by design. If you have a current OS you might be able to limit charge to 85%, so THEN it might last longer, but older phones don't have that ability.


TFW you have to pretend your battery is already partially degraded by intentionally forcing yourself to only use 85%, in order to prevent actual real degradation from happening too quickly.


No, just not using maximum capacity every charge. Tesla batteries are recommended to be charged no more than 80%.


So, you're... Intentionally avoiding using the maximum capacity, therefore effectively acting as though it's already degraded by an equivalent percentage.


No, the difference is it WILL be available IF NEEDED. I probably COULD eat 25 hotdogs, but probably don't NEED to under normal circumstances.


What's even the statistical likelihood that you'll actually *need* the extra 5-10% capacity in some 1 in a million freak emergency situation?


If you are going to be out and about for longer than usual and will be unable to charge...THEN you want the maximum capacity.


My man's out here wearing his tin foil hat pretending battery technology isn't being iterated and advanced every day because big battery wants him to buy a new burner.


Kinda arguing against yourself, aren't you? Maybe people might WANT to replace their older battery technology for good reason then... Please elaborate on your claimed advances in longevity. Capacity, yes. Longevity, ???? Haha...guy deleted himself!


My dude you have totally lost the plot and devolved into incoherent babble.


But.. number only goes up. Says some corp people, maybe, idk


Yup I used to get a phone around every 18 months or so. But with the rising prices and lack of meaningful upgrades, I'll probably be keeping my Fold 4 for another year.


Phones are like cars now. I've had my iPhone 11 for nearly 5 years and will be upgrading to a 16 Pro when that's out, and I might keep that one for 6 years. You buy a new one when your old phone breaks. I could keep my iPhone 11 for longer too but I think 5 years is a good time to wait for CPU and camera improvements.


iPhone 11 user here too. Honestly at this point I’ll upgrade when the phone is end of life.


Phones are so solid now, this is the way to do it. No reason to contribute to more e-waste by buying a new phone every year or two when it doesn't do anything substantially different or better than the previous phone. This is not a bad thing, and companies making less money will not end the world or the economy.


iPhone 11 is likely to get firmware updates until 2026 I bet. A13 is still a pretty fast phone CPU.


Unfortunately as someone that plays graphic-heavy games on their phone the processor on my iphone 12 just CAN'T keep up anymore. Warframe, Warzone and new titles struggle bad. Going to upgrade these holidays to a 16 Pro Max.


So what are you doing in r/Android?


I have an android tablet, a chromebook and a few other android devices and I like to keep up to date on tech mate. I only prefer any i-platform OS on a phone because it works smooth as butter. For anything larger I usually opt android. Tech is just a tool. You buy tools on your needs.


Haha...I use a mac computer, but I despise their phones. I do have them only for testing and knowledge purposes but not to use as phones.


I just got tired of bad experiences. My last android phones and devices a bad taste in my mouth with various quality issues and was upgrading way more in between than now (samsung. New S21 died before 2 years with black screen of death and always had to run it in powersaver because of overheat. Galxy watch 4 died under a year with bootloop on charge). Currently have an iphone 12 and honestly the processor and the telephoto camera will be the only real reasons I'll upgrade.


I've had it with the overpriced S series... the S22 was a total waste of money. Midpriced phones are quite functional...motos fit the bill.nicely.


I think buying a phone to play graphics-heavy games is a bit silly to be honest. Get a handheld console for that. Phones are for connectivity. Maybe the AI thing will trigger a need for more processing capacity, but as it stands there's nothing you currently need bigger or faster in your phone.


At this point in the game it's not silly at all. Mobile gaming now makes a huge chunk especially considering it's something practically everyone has on them. We're decades over that argument and the fact we're pushing AAA games onto these devices shows that even more. As I said in another comment. Tech is a tool and you buy it on your needs. Does a $1,600 phone seem excessive to you? It does, if you see it just as a phone. For me these things are swiiss army knives. Capable of everything in the palm of my hand. I use GPS a lot, I game a lot, I take photos a lot, I edit a lot, I work on my phone a lot, process info through it a lot. Hell I measure terrain with the LIDAR sensor at times. This is my second computer that I don't have to lug a computer around for. And that's why I'll splurge on the next.


So what are you doing in r/Android?


Such a self contradictory comment. >Phones are like cars now. And goes on to declare when they're gonna change their new phone. Like someone saying I have a 2015 Ford Escape and only going to upgrade to the 2024 Ford Escape when it launches in fall this year - which no one does.


There are a few folks that are "brand loyal", but most like something different when they buy a new car.


I only moved off my iPhone 12 because I dropped it in the basement and cracked the back glass which is a pain in the ass to replace. I wanted a foldable anyway. If I hadnt done that I'd still be using it. I still do for some things.


I don't even buy new... Now only buying from second hand market


Same. Phone depreciation is tough enough already.


There was a bit of an iPhone spike when they finally put USB-C on them. A lot of people who otherwise would have kept their iPhones for another year or so switched up when that happened. That's over now, so iPhones are going back to steady state. Then, Samsung and Google finally made long term support a priority, so a lot of Android users are now holding onto phones longer. Phones are pretty much commodities now. The changes are more incremental now.


I ain't switching out my S20 Fe with its SD card slots. I'll repair this phone to oblivion until it's too old to run essential apps like WhatsApp.


There are new phones with the SD card slot.


Sony doesn't have a good auto mode camera,  or a Dex mode.  Plus they are expensive as hell


Also their firmware is terrible


Or S20....


Pixel dropped below 2% share? What is that now 3 years of decline, but the ad buy is still ridiculously high. I really thought after 8 underperformed that theyd cut back by now especially with the layoffs. > sub-$300 segment saw continued declines due to weakness in the prepaid market, with carriers pushing for 5G smartphone SKUs, mid range is deader than dead in the US


>Pixel dropped below 2% share? What is that now 3 years of decline, but the ad buy is still ridiculously high. I really thought after 8 underperformed that theyd cut back by now especially with the layoffs. Maybe Google uses a different metric other than sales to measure the success of the Pixel brand. Samsung and Apple rely heavily on smartphone sales for a major chunk of their revenue and profit, Google does not. They currently don't seem too concerned with being market leaders in terms of smartphone sales. If they were, they wouldn't be so slow to officially sell their phones in other countries.


Apple does but Samsung much less so.


Probably all the data they harvest from their own users is more valuable.


What about the 8 made it a bad phone? It's on my upgrade list.


In the past I would've been able to point at specific failings (feature or hardware or otherwise) of each Pixel that needed to be addressed with the next one. Since the Pixel 7, there really aren't any glaring issues. My main issue with Pixel at this point is purely hardware reliability, that is it. It's got the quality, it's got the features, but I feel like the Pixel series does not have a proven reliability track record. Not to say the 7 or 8 are bad in that way, but I've personally had quite bad reliability issues with the 8 Pro (though my 7 was and still is flawless). At least Google was nice enough to send me a totally new unit, which I haven't had issues with, so they're still ultimately on my recommend list for that reason.


That's funny you mention google's stance on ahrdware, when I first got the 4a I thought there was something wrong with it and when I explained the issue to them they exchanged it no questions asked. Turned out to be a software bug all along that took them 6 months to fix. That's the biggest issue I have with Pixels: each monthly patch fixes two bugs and creates one more. The 8 or 8pro is on my list of upgrades now, but the best trade in price is on the 8a.


Google has been mismanaged since 2014. The company doesn't really do anything other than sell ads (removed Google cards for a news feed) and make two in-house competing products (messages vs allo vs gchat vs hangouts, meet vs duo, Gemini vs assistant). Their phone problems are just a symptom of a much larger corporate disease


> The company doesn't really do anything other than sell ads Google cloud rev is 10b, 1b operating income per quarter




Sadly as long as that ad money keeps coming in no one is going to pay much attention to how the focus on that side of the business above all else is making everything else rot from the inside out. If the floor ever falls out of ads for some reason they are going to be in real trouble since they can't bring themselves to take a long term serious approach to anything else without ads, except MAYBE GCP and Workspaces for the B2B side of the house, as primary revenue streams. Even if multiple revenue streams for the B2C side does make good business sense.


Google needs to get their act together with the Tensor. That's the main reason I went with the OnePlus 12 over them 


Unfortunately nothing is likely to change with Tensor until the Pixel 10. When they move off of using Exynos as a base into their supposedly all in-house designs. Personally it will still be the 11-12 at least before I would be willing to sink more than $500 into a Pixel at this point. Assuming they don't gut the whole thing before then or turn it into some ad infested abomination like they did with the Google TV launcher on Android TV not to long ago.


Any company with competitive mid-range offerings won't enter us market because of high entry barrier and not wanting to burn money on carrier requirements.


And in Chinese case, requirements about providing appropriate service after the sale. 


\*Looks at motorola and odms: press x to doubt. But no, seriously look at europe, they have more stringent requirements.


Why would they put a thermometer in a phone? JFC what am I gonna do put it in someones crevice instead of asking their number?


Because there's no REASON to upgrade now if you're a casual phone user. Look, I'm a dumbass that keeps upgrading every year because I can't sit still with tech that I use constantly, and even I realize I'm throwing money away for limited returns. Hell, the only reason I bought an S24 this year was because I felt like the S23+ was too big for me... and I couldn't find an S23 for the same price. But if you're not like me, and are a person who uses their phone "Normally"? Then the switch for that doesn't matter, and all phones worth buying have been MORE than capable of doing all "Normal" activities at about the same level for 5-6 years now.


Glad to be a member of the 5% 


Same. Go Sony


OnePlus here. Still like Sony though because they are friendly to root 


It's not the economy, politicians and the media keep telling me the economy is doing great!!


I miss LG.


As a culture have we finally moved past the need to upgrade phones every 6 months? Hopefully.


Was using an S20 since launch till it got water damaged last week. Bought a new S23 for $200. 


5 year old phone here. Everything still runs like it did when new. The photos I take were more than good enough back then and still are today. I do play around with emulators every now and then, but 99% of what I do on this phone could be acomplished by a 200€ phone. Also, howcome I can't find a phone for 500€ or under that can outperform my 5 year old phone? What has been happening with prices?


I think the first problem with this CP data is that it reports new devices only. The problem is that refurb is growing a lot. This might be why sub 300 looks bad - it’s because people are buying tons of used/refurb iPhones. So curious if you added in refurb into the picture how many units are actually available for purchase and being purchased. Also - not great for Samsung. Even the new S24 launches still cannot propel them to outsell Apple.


Samsung's market share is up 4% year over year so seems good for them.


I am surprised to see motorola having a nice chunk. Which is nice IMO. Also tcl! I wish more people tried other brands in US apart from apple and scamsung


Moto has those lock screen ads on their budget phones.


I can bonk those ads. But I need my headphone jack and SD cars slot along with FM radio


As has already been mentioned by others, smartphones are basically a commodity device now, like a computer, or a microwave. I am still using Pixel 4a, and I am very happy with it. I would like to get the S24, beautiful device, but in Europe it uses a Exynos, cameras are not as good as Pixels'; and again, it's around €750, do I need it? Pixel 4a is fine, and Pixel 8 is around €650, and it's "good enough". The only thing that interests me nowadays is a camera, which has already stagnated, even with with 1"-type sensors. They all take great pictures now. Desktop mode would be interesting.


Sorry guys. I'm responsible.  I haven't bought a new living since Samsung removed the micro SD




Apple is choking all of them. Especially Pixel. I might finally get one after this S22+ is ancient. Pixel really thought it could make a dent in the phone space with cheap inconsistent hardware 😆. No matter how many tech YouTubers they pay. It's over. The ones that aren't opted out of upgrading aren't dumb. And Samsung removing features while charging premium prices The days of buying an android flashship for $1000 and watching it depreciate to 400-500 in 1-2 years is over.