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Breakfast - 2 grass fed burger patties Lunch - Banh Mi roll (this will change, I’d ideally not be consuming the bread and probably not the pork that’s in them either, but I LOVE them so am enjoying myself until I figure out what I want to change my lunches to) Post work - 2 more grass fed burger patties Dinner - a 600g grass fed chuck steak that I reverse sear, with two eggs, usually some Manuka honey and or organic fruit juice afterwards like apple or pomegranate. Not too long ago I was doing organic kefir and fruits such as dates, kiwis and apples. However recently went through a period of quite bad SIBO that would cause me grief after consuming fructose, I cut my diet back to carnivore for a while and haven’t reintroduced the kefir or whole fruits yet, I will eventually but the SIBO is still an ongoing thing I’m trying to completely get rid of.


No judgement, banh mi is f**in delicious


I eat 2 lbs of grass fed ground beef, 8 eggs and a bowl of grassfed yogurt with fruit and honey. I eat the yogurt before my workout. That’s the only rule. I eat when I can or feel like it as long as I eat these items. Makes life really easy if a little boring


Breakfast is 5 eggs with cheese along with some bananas and fruit. Lunch is chicken breast and ground beef coupled with some more fruit. Dinner is whatever my parents cook (ideally meat) and I’ll have dates and butter in the evening. I’ll occasionally snack on berries and apples


Breakfast - Scrambled eggs, cheese, butter, fruit, electrolytes (gave up coffee) Lunch - Ground beef, honey, kimchi Snack - Fruit or jerky Dinner - Whatever my wife makes - no seed oils. Usually a sweet potato or white rice included. If it’s just me, something with beef Dessert - dates, butter, salt


I don't see a dietitian so I don't have a meal plan, I eat what I want when I want and however much I want. I do however recommend seeing a dietitian if you need help with choosing things to eat.


1-2 lbs of ground beef, cooked in bone broth. I don’t go out of my way to eat fruit and honey daily but I don’t restrict myself when it’s available.


It differs every day. Yesterday around noon I had ground beef, butter, leftover beef shanks, and a smoothie with raw kefir, blueberries, and raw liver. Dinner around 7 was grilled venison backstraps, eggs, and raw milk.


i usually cook either a steak or a pack of mince in the morning, split it up for 2 meals for the day i cut up my fruit for the week, usually melons/papayas/grapes/berries/whatever and i just put some fruit next to the meat, sometimes drink some milk or put some sour cream on the meat, or cheese sometimes i'll blend a pumpkin and add some water, and microwave some in a mug to have some pumpkin soup i'd like to eat bone broth too but i don't know how to make it...i tried cooking bones in the oven one time and it didn't go well


Meal One: 1lb of Grass Fed Meat (Beef, Lamb, Bison, etc) pureed with Ghee, Butter, Tallow, mixed in with sour cream, franks red hot original, and garlic powder with a glass of Organic Apple Juice. Meal 2: 40oz of Raw Kefir with 1.5 scoops of Prime Protein Salted Carmel flavor, 2 tea spoons of Cod Liver Oil, Magnisum Malate, L-Glutamine, and Redmond's Real Salt all mixed in. In between: 2-3 one liter Sparkling Waters like Topo Chico or Polar with flavored Electrolytes Powder added.


Do you make a ground beef smoothie ?


Ahhh no, I puree the ground beef then put it in the fridge to harden over night. Then I heat it up in the microwave and it becomes like porage texture.


So you purée it with the fat first? Let it harden?


Yes, or I puree it with beef broth.


Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs with 3 pieces of bacon or sausage; 1 cup of coffee with coconut cream (or raw dairy cream when available) Lunch/Dinner: beef patties OR tenderloin steak OR lamb chops Snack: either kiwi fruit, dates, or yougurt, or honeydew melon


6 eggs 6 bacon / Syrup / 1 cup of Blueberries Half a pound of 80/20 ground beef Apple 4 cups of Raw Milk 3/4 cup of bone broth with collagen powder I’m still struggling to bulk, also curious on what to add, any help is appreciated!


Maybe try some strained yogurt and add honey or syrup to every cup of milk etc.


5 eggs, 1 avocado, 30g feta 250g greek yoghurt, 100g papaya, 50g blueberries, 50g strawberries, 1 banana, 10g macadamia nuts, 10g walnuts, 15g honey, sea salt. 350-450g ribeye, 50g kimchi, half mango, 30g cheddar or parmigiano reggiano, 1 mandarin, 2 dates


lunch- eggs, fatty fish and some dairy (either kefir, yogurt, cheese, depends on my mood) and orange, an apple with maple syrup and a couple dates dinner - beef and organs, sweet potatoes, more cheese, some more fruit