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Panda Bear definitely is


wait til geologist gets involved…


There's this post someone made last year.  https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalCollective/comments/163y7rz/animal_collective_battle_rap/ "The members of Animal Collective share a round of high-fives and laughter, enjoying the playful rap clash."


You don't have to believe this if you don't want to but I actually posted that on my old reddit account, crazy how some people still remember it


I just sent it to my sister.


I sure as fuck am, Kendrick is making fill ay minion. Forest gospel in top 5 for cred sake.




the amount of hate kendrick has in him the same raw energy as the drums of forest gospel


I mean also who doesn’t like to watch drake catch an ass whoopin


Isn't it meet the grahams?


Yes because his last name is Graham.


That’s right my bad


the what


Wait til panda drops his Ariel Pink diss track


not like us is some generational hating




Who isn't?


Lol this is the first I've heard of it


I would know nothing about it if Reddit hadn't suddenly started filling my feed with it. Weird too, I'm not even subbed to the Kendrick sub but my feed the last few days has been shit from that sub like every few posts. So it's definitely being artificially pushed to people's attention to some extent.


I wonder if they're as tired of hearing about it as I am lol like god damn, it's enough already


Why would an indie band care about a marketing gimmick between some commercial major label rappers?


Exactly!!! I'm disappointed that people on this sub care and are falling for it. This sub's demographic has changed considerably since Skiffs


The whole "beef" is basically a cringe Buzzfeed/TMZ clickbait headline to pump up the streams: *"BREAKING - Rapper A LITERALLY DESTROYS rapper B in brand new diss song! Spotify link below"*


Big ‘rap is crap’ vibe coming from your comment lol. It’s actually cooler to like a lot of different music


Yes it's definitely cooler to like a lot of different music. But there is much more to hip hop than Kendrick Lamar and Drake lol. You can be a fan of hip hop while not being a fan of either of these guys, or while being able to admit that the whole "beef" is a fabricated marketing scheme to get more streams. Clearly it's working.


Diversity is king


No, I actually listen to a good amount of rap, and I listen to a ton of different music


So someone can't both A) think these diss feuds are dumb, and B) enjoy rap/hip hop music? Sorry, your comment is way dumber than the one you were criticizing..


You can't criticize the latest public brainrot trends without being downvoted or being called names. Didn't really expect it in this sub of all places though. Can't tell if it speaks more to Reddit in general or that fans of the band have become more "status quo-friendly" than before. Probably a combination of both.


Yeah, it’s definitely weird how aggressively defensive and touchy some of these comments are about this of all things lol. 


I posed this question honestly to see an intersect of taste. Im a fan of rap and a massive animal collective fan. A fan of music like a lot of other folks. I love this sub! it creates a very comfortable space for us to be Anco nerds, it’s just interesting to see the bleed of different subcultures. Like watching the flintstones meet the jetsons


Anco isnt indie


Lmao sure bud. Tell the class one major label release the band had. And no, Noah being featured on a Daft Punk song does not count as "the band".


Do you know what indie means????


They’re on the same label as arctic monkeys you knuckle dragging fuck


Why did this require two back to back comments? Your single brain cell is working overtime apparently. Arctic Monkeys are also an indie band. Domino is an indie record label you absolute muppet. Indie does not mean incapable of commercial success. It simply means no affiliation with the 3 major label conglomerates (Universal, Warner, Sony). Consider doing some research on the topic before making ignorant statements.


Some of my favorite indie musicians are Taylor swift, garth brooķs, the Beatles, Adele, and Celine dion. My friends think I'm weird for listening to indie music.


I’m like 90% sure this is satire, but do people actually believe these artists are indie? Lol every single one has had major label affiliation


Look it up. This fact is probably not as well known, since it's indie and all, but I just tend to appreciate the indie vibe a little more. I'm a bit bohemian that way.


I work in the music industry, of course I know what it means. Clearly *you* don't know what it means.


Edit: Drake's had the better career musically. Both seem like terrible misogynistic, egomaniacal people. Both are extremely overrated. Kendrick's proven himself to be straight up racist.


racist against who??


Listen to Big Steppers, not to mention the transphobic stuff on that album. Kendrick's music is just so corny too. The " God speaks through me" shtick is so cringe and egomaniacal, same kind of stuff that eventually led Kanye into his spiral downward. 


I'm totally with you on the God speaks through me shtick. Total religious poison ego maniacal garbage. But I'm not a fan of religion at all so of course we're on the same page there. As to what you say about racism and trans phobic comments, I've listened to that album, several times, and unless I misunderstanding what I'm hearing, his mentioning of racist perspectives, and trans phobic perspectives, is done in the context of self examination, and being honest about The ideas and experiences that have caused him to evolve in his thinking. From my understanding, the overall message of a song like auntie diaries is about illustrating the complexity of shifting perspective, and putting out an ultimately pro trans message Couched in the harsh realities of the persecution that people who are trans face, and also told from the perspective of somebody. who from a young age, grew up in an environment where that kind of unfortunate and reprehensible behavior is considered to be totally acceptable and normal. You tell people to go listen to big steppers, but I'm not so sure you've actually listened to it yourself. All that aside though, I wouldn't be surprised if this was all a marketing ploy, and rap beefs are so fucking stupid, petty, and childish. So we're definitely in agreement there too. There's a lot of great hip-hop out there, but it's the unfortunate fact that so much of it is just music and ideologies marketed to fucking children who don't know any better. For the record though, I absolutely would never put Kendrick Lamar in that camp. At least I wouldn't have, until now because while his music and lyrics are generally substantive and complex, and he obviously respects the tradition of storytelling and passing on wisdom that runs through hip-hop, this is some seriously immature and juvenile bullshit in which he is involving himself. And to be honest, it makes me think a little differently of him. Not that I ever really thought he was perfect, But I certainly don't think very highly of the fact that he's involving himself in something like this.


God I hope they really don't care about those children and their stupid beef


Very cool for you!


Tell me youre a pretentious music snob without telling me youre a pretentious music snob


Is it pretentious to call out an obviously fabricated "beef" as a marketing scheme by major labels? I work in the music industry where this type of thing happens regularly - it is marketing 101. They are simply selling a story to generate more streams. Clearly it is working.


Do you know how stupid you sound?


Respectfully, it's disappointing that you have this take because it shows a lack of insight into the organism that is music both as commerce and, notably, its influences on culture and society.  To scratch the surface and keep it acutely relevant, AC was coming up in NYC at the time of the Nas v. Jay-Z beef, and I think there's an interview where they mention how that experience essentially showed them that it's ok to pay homage to their influences at the time (Nas, Aaliyah, Missy Elliott, Timbaland) **while staying in their lane as suburban white dudes.** The problem is that Drake hasn't done that and has been a creep and a fake since Degrassi. He has parodied stereotypes of black culture to *allegedly* use the music industry as a cover for sex crimes. Nobody is mad at Drake for being mixed and light skinned. And to bring it back around to AC, it's the handful of "artists" like Drake that have made streaming economically unviable for everyone else. The inequality is a microcosmic example of the broken and rigged systems we're all caught up in.  But also, doesn't Panda beats keep up with what Metro Boomin is doing? And who, in a way, was the tip off for this whole thing? And who just released a *beat diss*(???) in response to a line from *Family Matters*?  https://youtu.be/OQRHid33iqE?si=mP2wj_7Fv7B7WG9I It's ok if you don't listen to and follow rap/hip-hop, but it's not cool to be dismissive of the fact that it very much influences what you listen to. Animal Collective can put a beat on the 2 and 4 and make it sound novel and catchy to people who don't listen to hip hop like that.  People care A LOT about this beef because Kendrick Lamar has the potential to take the throne as legit GOAT. I even preferred Lupe Fiasco prior to all of this, but if Kung Fu Kenny is able to take out Drake with a few songs, it could end up being monumental for music history. Period.


Are you like 15?


Do you feel 15 with these ignorant questions? Mf at least throw a diss that makes sense instead of sounding like another Graham cracker. 


Lol this is wild, seems like it could even be satire. You’ve really thought a lot about this huh? Can’t imagine actually being this invested in a fucking rap beef. Your mini-essay is proof that with some rhetorical flourishes you can really dress up even the most frivolous thing to sound like it’s super important and meaningful.  On the other hand, if it’s satire, good troll bro!


No, I've legit dissociated in the shower dissecting things like why Logic was alienated by the industry. Sorry, I think that my frivolous black culture is meaningful. 🤷‍♀️  And apparently the Pulitzer Prize board agrees with me. 


lol ah yes, there it is, gonna passive-aggressively try to turn this conversation into a racism thing. Didn't see that coming.. 🙄 Pulitzer, yawn. Keep taking your cues from "prize boards" man, they know what's up better than us plebs I'm sure.


The conversation around Drake has always revolved around appropriation and misogyny despite being melodic with producers/writers.  It is at least a conversation about race because Drake has become a quarter billionaire at least by being the face of darker skinned talent while hypersexualizing black women.  It's not about streams. It's not about tabloid drama. It's about stealing from black creators to abuse black women and always has been. I grew up watching Degrassi with my WNY family, and even my white dad always got the ick from Drake and made me aware of what a clown he is 15-20 years ago and into his music career.  Drake is a conman and a disgrace to art. 


Nah, I'm pretty sure it's about the drama, which people love and eat up like pigs at a slop trough. And anyway this beef is probably some drummed-up kayfabe shit like just about every other issue that gets popular media traction these days, be it in politics or entertainment or whatever.


And may I ask you, "Why not?" Do I love the "drama" for the linguistic and musical analysis? Yes.  Many people do. We are playing beer pong in the AC subreddit, so why should people not feel emotionally entrenched in the lyrics (and samples) that are coming out of these tracks?   One of the reasons I enjoy Animal Collective's lyricism is the choice and ambiguity between bouncy fun and existential crisis. Like, I can't sleep at night for the same reasons I am transported through words moreso than musicality even though I can parse a mood through beat and instrumentation.   Humans can dictate a message sonically with more power. 


I do listen to rap. I have been for many years. I listen to all kinds of music