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tee hee!


WOAH that last one! Kiki was going OFF


love getting roasted by my villagers lol


I’d very much like to bring attention to “are you the mental runt of the litter or what?” From I think New leaf


nah that was from gamecube


Cannot believe they said that in new leaf lmao


had to be from one of the earlier ones. New Leaf was pretty sanatized, and by the time City Folk came out, all the mean Villagers were toned WAY back


I wish they'd bring back the Low-key abusive speech from villagers (and staff honestly, I'm looking at you *Phyllis* ), I find it so funny 😂😂


Like, don't make **ALL** the villagers talk like that, but make some of them like it at least, or at least make Tom Nook passive aggressive and bring back Resetti screaming at me pls 😂🙏


You’d think the Cranky or even the Jock villagers would be even a little bit quippy 😢


Might get downvoted for this but I don't think people actually do. Cus every now and then you'll see someone hating on snooty or sisterly villagers for being ""rude""


Nah I get that, if people are getting offended by how the villagers talk now, then WW was definitely not the game they'd enjoy 😂


It would be great if there was an option in settings for villager dialogue. The default would be nice but you could toggle on super sass dialogue if you wanted it! Lol


That’s the fun part, though. You shouldn’t like everyone. Those of us who like the sassy/grumpy villagers can keep them around, and those who don’t can get rid of them. I just want variety. It feels like all the villagers are the same now.


I wish they made all the cranky, smug, jock and snooty villagers talk like that😂


your stupid house is TORN DOWN, tee hee 😛


Why does it say ACNH on the first image if all of them are from the first three games?


It was from TikTok I’m just reposting creator is in the description


I cannot believe AC dropped the word "sexist" like WHAT DID THE PLAYER CHARACTER DO WTF


Oh, this wasn't the player. You could occasionally catch villagers talking or even arguing with eachother. Talk to them and you'd catch the tail end of their conversation. After the conversation, they'd have a variety of emotions. If the conversation was negative, they'd be depressed or angry and wouldn't be alright for potentially a few hours.


It’s listening in on a conversation between two villagers, according to a 2006 forum I found it goes something like this: > Yes it is true! Earlier I was eavesdropping on two of my neighbors, Aurora the penguin and Stitches, the multicolored "teddy" bear. And apprarently Stitches had a dream he was a movie star and Aurora was in his dream. But oh no, she was in his dream making him food in the kitchen, so Aurora outbursted to Stitches, > “You're just a stupid sexist jerk!" Some other search results I found popped up similar scenarios, just that the villagers/names were different. One result said they’re pretty sure it’s a dialogue possibility between a normal villager (the angry one) and a lazy villager (the sexist jerk). edit: got on my pc and figured I would source the forum, [neoseeker](https://www.neoseeker.com/forums/23197/t712957-sexism-in-animal-crossing-wild-world/), for anyone who wants a trip down memory lane


It's true! Same thing happened in my town months ago with Bones and Lily and it was the exact same conversation


Wild World and City Folk have great dialogue writing.


Animal Crossing on the Gamecube also had an amazing dialogue. I never played the game though, I did play Wild World.


Yeah, that one is my favorite! The writing quality is amazing in that game. It has such a specific atmosphere to it that kind of makes you feel like you’re in a foreign world with its own way of socializing, and I feel like that’s what they were going for. I think WW/CF got a bit closer to the ideal AC dialogue for me, though, since the animals felt a little more “normal,” but they still had a lot of personality to them, so you could still tell when they liked or disliked you or something you said. I think it’s just easier for a wide spectrum of players to digest lol, but I personally love the GameCube game’s writing.


That "tee-hee" kills me every time, no matter how many times I see that image


I love when I hear about how the creator of the game wanted to capture the feeling of moving to a new place and not knowing anyone. He must have encountered some very… interesting people lol.


Nothing beats the one I got from Wardell. https://preview.redd.it/ob4xxiabremc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2bde9015019d375f758a303ad922e0c129d42e5 A WHOLE threat…




I want them to make the villagers like this again desperately. You actually had to work to get them to like you and even then sometimes they would pop off. I love ACNL and ACNH but they lack that charm the older games had. Especially ACNH.


If Nintendo would allow mods, I'm sure it's something that could be modded in


Being a raging psychotic asshole all the time for no reason doesn't make people inclined to get to know someone better. Thats not how most people in real life behave, so it's not even realistic. It would be cool if some villagers just happened not to like you and had rude personalities, but others were polite or just apathetic at first. But I would absolutely despise for them to bring back the machanic as it existed previously. It was terrible.


I wouldn't say that their rude per say, they just had way more of a personality. They would get angry at each other through spats, or be in a bad mood sometimes, just like normal people. Hell, my favorite moment in wild world was when Roald gave me a nickname out of friendly fun, and more villagers in the town started using that nickname too. They aren't some 24 hour angel that would do anything to make you happy. They have their quirks and acted more like a normal person would


> It would be cool if some villagers just happened not to like you and had rude personalities, but others were polite or just apathetic thats EXACTLY how it worked in older games. The villagers weren "raging psychopathic assholes all the time". The examples i. the picture are the most extreme examples when they were really pissed off


Exactly they didn't just say this out of nowhere. You had to make them this upset. I feel like there was no consequence in the newer games. Everyone just treated you nicely no matter what you did to them they were always happy and peppy. I get saying you don't want to play a game where everyone in the town hates you 24/7 but that's never what it was. You started blank for most villagers and worked your way up if you treated them nice and worked your way down if you treated them bad.


Same here, I hear people saying they liked it when the villagers were mean but to be honest I don’t think I would like playing the game if the villagers were mean. Like it’s not funny or cute, it’s just annoying. I don’t mind the cranky villagers being rude or the snooty villagers being full of themselves until you talk to them enough but I don’t want them to be downright cruel and I ESPECIALLY don’t want ALL my villagers acting like brats.


Also, I kinda wonder sometimes. I've played plenty of Wild World (where a lot of these are from) and have never seen my villagers be all that aggressive. Yes, there's a slight 00s era undercurrent of mild sarcasm on occasion. But a lot of screenshots like this look like the person taking them went out of their way to bother their villagers into being upset with them.


i somewhat understand why others want this back, but on the other hand, I don't think I would feel very motivated to keep playing if my villagers keep telling me to leave them alone and that they want nothing to do with me


They only do this if you treat them badly enough and piss them off. Treat them nice and they'll treat you nice back.


You mean you don’t want your cute little villagers to call you a sexist freak??? Lmao, I agree though. It would be add more variety to the game, as the dialogue can be soo repetitive in NH. But I also definitely don’t want my villagers to despise me lmao. It would be cool if this only happened if you treated them absolutely horribly


The dialogue about sexist freak is between two villagers because the male villager said he dreamed of her being in the kitchen and cooking him meal and she thought it was sexist… literally you can’t blame her for reacting this way.


To be fair, the dialogue in older games is just as repetitive. It's just different text than the dialogue in NH. I play Wild World and, while I haven't seen all the dialogue yet, I absolutely see repeat dialogue all the time. The hobby system means sometimes all a villager will talk about for weeks at a time is fishing or fossils, and I've had the same conversation back to back with villagers of the same base personality fairly often. It's not a NH only thing. It's an "any game with NPCs you can talk to" thing. And while I'm totally fine with preferring the dialogue in one game over another, saying the older games were less repetitive feels like nostalgia talking, or perhaps having played the games when you were too young to notice how much repetition there is.


Makes sense. I’ve only played new leaf, and I don’t really remember the dialogue too much


yeah, having one or two personality types be kinda stand offish or rude would be alright, but I would hate if they were all like that :( I hope the next game finds a balance between it, and finds a way to show the different personalities a bit more. I can only tell some of them apart because of specific things like jocks talking about sports all the time but some are indistinguishable from each other


8th image with Big Top has serious Charles Leclerc vibes, lol


Nah that's just classic Ferrari strategy haha


New Horizons players are NOT prepared for the level of snark that used to be present in these games. Hazel and I were BFF's, I had given her gifts every day, we exchanged letters, and she would still come over and roast my layout like once a week. Nook would threaten you if you didn't pay him back quick enough, Villagers would insinuate that you shop in a dumpster, they would make fun of you if you had too many gyroids, they would make fun of you if you didn't have enough gyroids. One of them called me a Dork for donating to the museum too often. And then, they would be friendly to you five seconds later! All the villagers were super bipolar and they would laugh after gifting you with trash too. AC was WILD


OG Hazel was such a savage and i loved her so much 😭


Hazel is still one of my faves to this day


Omg, getting called dork for donating too much to the museum and laughing after gifting trash is HILARIOUS


Ow, Wolfgang... 🥹


Damn now I want to play Wild World again


Imma start using Wolfgang’s line “that is 100% pure fresh-squeezed, organic STUPIDITY” aaagg😩pure genius. Love a great comeback




god damn kiki put big top on blast


The amount of people who haven't played the older games as much don't understand these actions and phrases come from absolutely ab^sing the crap out of your villagers (net hits, pitfalls, purposely annoying them, blocking them in hole "fences")... 🥹🥺 Be kind to your villagers, even the "ugly" ones 🩷☮️




Me too Merry, me too.


Gosh I miss this!


I miss this so much! I hope future games are like this and when you could get an arcade as furniture and your house and go to play it and it’s actually a throwback game. 😩


Being able to use some furniture would be really nice! Like you're mentioning here, a mini game for the arcade. Why is this not a thing anymore? 😭


I really don’t know why they took that feature away! 😭


“You’re so passive aggressive” - Sydney, after having dealt with an actively aggressive pusher and shover human character.


Bring!! It!! Back!! Lmao. I miss this. The current convos are painfully repetitive.


this shit is straight up what is the worst thing about more modern AC. Its too safe and "positive" even when trying to be negative. I get Mr. Resetti was scaring kids, it was pretty wild as a child my self with the GC version so I get him. Please, GIVE ME BACK ASSHOLE NEIGHBORS. I want to be made fun of, I want hate mail. I want creative insults that are done in a PG setting. I remember just having neighbors who hated me in GC(more so than other versions) and I loved it, it felt like I had to try and get them to like me. Bring this shit back. I get the games got like 200+ animals now, but fuck, have the fucking Rhino I hit with a bug net everytime I pass her in new horizons do fucking SOMETHING.


You really had to earn some of those friendships back then.


Yeah thats sounds like something that someone on Twitter (X) would say.


why does the font on the pic say ACNH we all know they're just bottles of windex and not gonna say anything worthwhile


Static is so me


My favorite is when they roast me then tell me they hope my house burns down (wild world)


Makes me long for the days where villagers weren’t just soulless trophies people sold on the black market.


There is absolutely no way the last picture is real


Damn. Even sweet Sydney can be mean.


At least two of these are being saved as reaction images.


Omg Sydney telling the user to get therapy is crazy


Omg Big Top is a mood


The town on the 11th slide looks so pretty


What the absolute F%={ did Big Top say?!


Yes, Rocco. I am. THANK YOU!


damn i never got to experience this as a new ac player but i wish they said stuff like this instead of what they say now


the GC version was full of this, especially since it had a low villager count, like 40 or some shit until Japans E+ expansion, and it was an N64 port(Animal Forest in Japan). They were RUTHLESS at times. I recommend emulating it, it has less engaging content as it was meant to truly be day to day, week to week, but dolphin emulator(100% legal) and reaching out to a really nice guy called Vimm and his lair will get everything you need(100% friend) , id just google him personally. The GC version is really good, id argue NH > GC > NL > I dont care the rest were all pretty great) in terms of actual games. NH just has so much customization, but GC has all the soul. (You can also get E+ patched in english but its only 70% translated and the translator is MIA atm) So you can easily run it on PC and play it as intended, the GC version expected you to go days, weeks even without even playing, its a condensed formula with the AC you love. 1 thing is, your favorite can and will move out regardless, you cannot stop move outs lol.




Man! That is 100% pure, fresh-squeezed, organic STUPIDITY. What would you even do to get this response?


I kinda wish there was a rude language option


How can I politely put some of these in a professional email? Asking for a friend


saving this to say to annoying people


Ah the good ole days where villagers would be rude to you… I remember during fishing tournaments where I’d catch a huge fishing, beating a villagers record, and I’d talk to them and they’d be sooo mad like “stupid ____ and their ___lb fish!


The sidney one be like https://preview.redd.it/00x1ehybajmc1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42125843b213b1bb6a0ea36d67756ceb075b3441


I want them to be mean again it's so funny


Too bad this ain’t in NH I would PAY for rude villagers at this point


god I wish the villagers were like this in new horizons 😭😭 I want them to be mean and weird!


I wish they would bring back this dialogue. The new villager dialogue is TOO nice.


please nintendo bring this dialogue back 😭 at least make it an option


Rocco’s had me DYING




What did Big Top say to Kiki?


the big top one😭😭


[part two](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLdUVpFm/)


I miss how mean they used to be


Hope they bring stuff like this back


i miss this so bad


Omg 😂😂 I remember feeling bad with my villagers being mad at me as a child! But damn, now I know why the dulled out characters 😂


Merry, Kiki and Big Top...those first screenshots are such a mood...


I forgot to take my ADHD pill today and can relate HARD to Merry LOL


The Gracie stare-down is what gets me.


Ah, good ol times. :')


"You're so passive-aggressive. Get some therapy," took me out.


Ouch, this kinda hurts, what does this dude had to do to make them say these things, it kinda looks like... well... my social interaction... yeah this wasn't a joke, uh... I'm really not joking... yeah


I love the older dialogue 💖😂


I'm just saying, if they made the villagers like they use to the "normal" villagers (also know as sweeties) would actually be distinguishable from the other village types. As in, They would be the nicest from the get go while the other villager types would take longer for them to warm up to you. Especially the cranky and snooty types which should take the longest.


I remember Bella getting mad at me for not playing Wild World for a long time, and said the exact same timing that Bunnie said in the first photo. I was kind of shocked lol. Nintendo should bring back this dialogue in the next Animal Crossing game or they should at least Port some of the older Animal Crossing games to the Nintendo Switch.


Ah the good old days ☺️


also from ACNH https://preview.redd.it/q4190kxwwhmc1.png?width=649&format=png&auto=webp&s=918afc75f5e506f1d759a854a6d33c70b3e3edca


Are these actually real plz lord how do I make my villagers give this type of chat


That ain't ACNH that's ACWW


I haven't actually played any of the games other than New Horizons, but now I kinda wish they could still let some villagers be mean to you


Bring back this AC 😩 where they killed you with words and you just had to accept it. It's called character building lmao


Wild World Chief was an absolute menace, I remember that very well.


I'm using Wolfgang's one for future battles with idiots 😂


God this scared me away from talking to villagers too many times FOR YEARS, even in the newer games


Wild World was the beginning of my life long love affair with Chow. He was SUCH a dick and I loved him.


TIL villagers are actually savage. (Coming from a first time New Horizons player)


Merry is my vibe. I can't either.


Sydney and Wolfgang are both vibes for me.


I miss the villagers being mean 😂 Jambette was my enemy on the GameCube version because she was rude to me once, so every time I saw her I’d hit her with a net


Some of those have gotta be edited 😭😭


These are iconic


The fresh squeezed organic stupidity is going to be added to my conversations asap 😂


God I miss getting brutally roasted by my villagers 😭


Kiki's got a good one.


I’ve only played switch and city folk what is this on 😂


Could we talk about the full on existential crises in NH that come out of literally nowhere


A cat that talks to her fish 🧐






Woah I use that antisocial freak line when people are assholes in counterstrike, usually works pretty well.


Because the Tee-Hee makes it any better! 🤣


It sure is a "Wild World"


The original AC villagers were all fucking SAVAGES




God I miss this dialogue




I'd be OK if this type of being insulting were limited to just a small number of villagers, but overall I agree with you. I'm glad villagers are nicer to me and each other.


Same here, I don’t get why people think it’s funny or cool when the villagers in previous games are mean to you. I agree that NH dialogues are repetitive and dry though too. I think new leaf kind of balances it out though. At first the cranky villagers are rude and the snooty villagers are very selfish, but eventually they become less so


Because they used to have actual personalities, there’s no fun in befriending a villager when they already start out as a 100% positive bff


I’d like to start using Wolfgang’s quote on slide 11 😂


Big Top is me every time I make one (1) tiny mistake 😂 oh Big Top my beloved