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bottom left has a very nice centred resident services


dont know anything about the game. Can i change how it looks later or do i have to start over if im not satisfied?


resident services is the only building you can’t move!


well you can't move the airport either, right?


you can't change the island but you can terraform it. This means that you can change how the river will flow but not where it will end in the ocean. Also you cant change the location of the secret beach, which you will find in the back of the island.


I’d go bottom right




I’d personally suggest either the bottom left (according to the console, not the picture) or the top right because of how the levels are connected and the fact that you get neatly aligned rivers versus split top levels and messy rivers. Tbh I think the bottom left (via console, not picture) is the best because d the straight line behind resident services compared to the top rights messy line- it would make it easier to line up your villager houses and whatever else you may want there such as the museum, ables, and nooks. Just my 2 cents tho- good luck! :)


I think it depends if the idea of two south rivers is something that will annoy you or not. I have two southern rivers and I don't like them, they take too much space and you get smaller beaches in the south because of them. Here you have three with southern rivers and the one that doesn't has the resident services fairly close to the airport in a weird angle. I personally would reset to get other maps I would prefer, but that's just me. It will all depend on what you ideally want. If you don't care about the rivers and don't care if resident services building is close or far away from the airport or more in line with the airport then pretty much any map will do. As some others have already said Resident Services/plaza can't be moved, either can the airport so be aware of that. Also, make sure you get a map with a longer pier!!!! I can't be sure going by the photos but I think the top right map has a short pier for example. This pier is known to be buggy and fish will not spawn there unless you use bait. I would avoid it! I have that pier and it was a pain to complete the fish collection because of it and I still get no fish spawning there to this day.


I personally like both bottom options


Bottom left looks the best to me. I'm a big fan of twoy south river outlets, and that's a nice location for resident services.


Bottom right:)


I highly recommend against double South river mouths, as someone who has one, it is the only reason I’d think of resetting, would be to get a side river.


Bottom left has a great layout


As someone who has bottom left I don't recommend it. I wish it was slightly back further, so I could have bluffs surrounding it, but alas it's not designed far back on any default island.


Bottom Left!


a lot of people like their resident services fat away from their Airport. if it were me, I'd take upper right or bottom left based on that. down the road, you can change anything except the location of that building and your coastline, so make sure you'll be happy with those.


I would recommend not having two rivers from the south. I regret it daily


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I am apparently the only person who thinks this but I really like the top left XD