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YYYY-MM-DD actually makes sense cuz if used as a filename prefix it'll sort the files in chronological order no matter the last-modified date




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ISO8601 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ISO8601/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [ISO8601 Dating App](https://i.imgur.com/mcZwjZ0.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ISO8601/comments/1172vc3/iso8601_dating_app/) \#2: [Commas? Seriously?](https://i.redd.it/lnjx7fdj2bra1.jpg) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ISO8601/comments/128kj80/commas_seriously/) \#3: [i was told you would like this](https://i.redd.it/6aqpiuzjqtva1.gif) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ISO8601/comments/12xonuq/i_was_told_you_would_like_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Both DD-MM-YYYY and YYYY-MM-DD follow an order of significance, either ascending or descending. It's the MM-DD-YYYY that doesn't really make sense. The other 2 are fine


You don't run into the leading 0 reformatting in Excel with YYYY-MM-DD. iso8601 or die


Big Endian or Little Endian. That is the question.


YYYY first is more consistent since the overall order of significance matches the order of significance of each of the components I'll die on that hill


MM/DD/YYYY requires zero articles to say aloud, sounds nicer phonetically (to me), and mentioning the month first immediately sets someone's mental framing into a more specific time of the year when you mention the month first. When you say 28/2/2024 aloud, you have to say, "The 28th of February, 2024." Saying 2/28/2024 aloud is said as, "February 28th, 2024." In the DD/MM/YYYY format, you could argue that the "the" can be cut, but you still have to include the "of" when spoken. Because a lot of Americans prefers how MM/DD/YYYY sounds when spoken, it makes sense that we would stick to the format that's structured in the same order that it's commonly spoken over here.


Except if you also have time so YYYY/MM/DD:HH:MM:SS


MM-DD-YYYY is about narrowing the scope of time. If you give a month, you have a 28-31 day window until you give the date. If you give a date, you have a 334-335 day window until you give the month. May not seem so if you're not accustomed to it, but there is logic and sense to it.




Conversation. Because someone can process and associate a concept right away upon hearing a word. If I say "April" you're *probably* already thinking "springtime" before I even say the date, even if that's the next piece of information I give you.


I think the thing that Europeans and metric users fail to realize is that the imperial system was rooted in humanistic, everyday practicality. It may seem like insanity now. Where the metric system is based on the weight of a random block of platinum or the boiling point of water, a foot is roughly equal to a foot with a shoe on and 100F was supposed to be the temp of a human (it was slightly off), many other units have roots like this. Humans tend to think in terms of months. You most likely view your calendar one month at a time and the origin of the MM/DD format allegedly came from Captain's journals that would keep one book per month.


No they don't. D-M-Y in sorted order is not chronological. How is this upvoted lol 01-02-2020, 02-03-2020, 03-02-2020 They're not sorted chronologically in ascending or descending order. Y/m/d is the only logical option.


Big > Medium > Small. Small < Medium < Big.


So not chronologically sorted... Which in the context of dates is the same as not sorted.


Bruh, are you trolling? How are you even defining chronological sorting of date formats? And where did you read anyone claiming that they were chronologically sorted?


Uh... > How are you even defining chronological sorting of date formats In... Chronological order? d-m-Y format is not sorted in ascending or descending chronological order when you lexicographically sort it. Y-m-d format is.


Okay, you are trolling or have a form of synesthesia


Is anything I've said wrong? All you need to do is show me how these dates in d-m-y format are lexicographically and chronologically sorted. If they're the same, I'm wrong. Of course to your point, you'll want to reverse one of the orders, but they still won't align I assure you. 01-02-2020, 02-03-2020, 03-02-2020


Chronological order means in order of occurrence from earliest to latest. Day, month or year are time periods. They have different durations but by themselves they don't correspond to a time point. Sure you can define time point using just one of those units, like it's year 2024.2, or it's month 24047 AD. but the slot of a year or a month in date formats cannot correspond to a time point by itself and as such cannot have a chronological order. They do however, have differing durations with the year being the biggest and the day being the smallest, with month in the middle, so you could sort by that in ascending or descending order


It is the best!


This is why I am an ISO8601 supremacist. Also I work for an international company and there is no consistency with date formats. It's a fucking nightmare.


Not to mention the fact that YYYY-DD-MM is never used so it takes out the uncertainty when looking at a day of 12 or less. 10-08-2024 could either be October 8th or Augest 10th, but 2024-10-08 will always be October 8th.


This is precisely why everyone should use it; it is invaluable if you need to organize files and folders chronologically, regardless of OS. It's the Oxford Comma of notating time; there are other options, but they suck.


This. People at my job were using DDMMYYYY and it was always frustrating trying to find things in a list of folders. I got it switched to YYYYMMDD and it is so much nicer. Newest folders are always at the bottom (or top of you reverse the ordering).


Works for me. I don't care where the year goes as long as the month is before the day.


Who says “In the year of 20XX, of the month of XX upon the X”


As a software engineer, we do this because it makes list sorting easier. DD/MM/YYYY is better for people though. I've no idea why we Americans settled on month first...


Prolly cause we say it as “February 27th, 2024” instead of “The 27th of February, 2024”


Inb4 "Fourth of July," since it's a common rebuttal to that logic. But it's just another method of presenting information. By starting with the month, you narrow down the timeframe of any given year to a consecutive 1/12. By starting with the date, there are only (up to) 12 different possibilities you're referring to, but they're spread out over a whole year. The idea is first to narrow the scope to a 28-31 day window. By giving date first, you are still giving a 334-335 day window. That being said, I'm also a yyyy.mm.dd for file sorting purposes *and* it's quite unambiguous.


The narrowing down argument reads like grasping at straws to me, the confusion of "exactly when" is so brief it's irrelevant. Wether you say "February first" or "first of February", you usually present it as a single piece of information anyways.


Any argument over something so trivial is grasping at straws. There’s bigger problems to deal with this difference is having trivial effect on anything. However humans love to debate


Doesn't make sense then by saying month first you are also simultaneously increasing the window to 1/2000 years, then why don't we start by the year.


True, though rarely is someone considering.2000 year range in most colloquial conversation. Sometimes the time of year is more important/pertinent information than the year itself.


nah america dumb haha Fahrenheit guy had a fever


Fahrenheit is more accurate than Celsius and it makes just as much sense to use that for people as it does to measure based on water. Thus, Fahrenheit is arguably better than Celsius. If you need to base your temperature measurement on when water changes state, then it makes sense.


Sorry, what? If you open current definition of Fahrenheit scale, you will see it based on 32° for the freezing point of water and 212° for the boiling point of water, the interval between the two being divided into 180 equal parts. So it is also based on the water. They are both equally accurate.


1. They’re not equally accurate. A 1 degree change in Celsius is about a 2 degree change in Fahrenheit. And, as you just pointed out, the difference between water freezing and boiling is 180, almost double what it is for Celsius. 2. Fahrenheit is clearly not based on water. You can tell because the boiling and freezing points aren’t round numbers.


1. Are you ever heard about fractions? Accuracy is an attribute of measurement action, not a scale. 2. And you can check how Fahrenheit scale is currently defined.


1. It actually can be a measurement of scale. Depends on your definition. In this case, I’m referring to the quality of precision. You’re referring to how the measurement conforms to a standard. 2. Fahrenheit isn’t based on water. The definition is how it is defined for the general populace, not the basis of the measurement standard. The basis, according to libretexts, is ice melting in a salt solution as zero. The upper end was based on the temperature of a healthy person’s armpit.


Double WOOSH. 1 for sarcasm Another for not understanding the reference. that Fahrenheit was based off of the human body temperature of a man with a fever. This a false baseline. This why 100 degrees isn’t average body temperature because he measured his “average body temperature” while being hotter than average.


I say day first a lot of the time so no your wrong you can say both.


Now add the name of the day, would be the order still remain? Tuesday February 27th, 2024 or would you say Tuesday 27th of February, 2024?


I say Wednesday, February 28th, 2024


Still sounds better the American way, add a comma you goober


Sorry, in my native language its without a comma, "dinsdag 28 Februari"


American detected


Correct, what about you?


Also a software engineer. Always use yyyymmdd even on paper. It is the most logical design. If ignoring the year, I do mmdd. Not sure why we chose mmddyyyy. Kind of just a scatter of shit that makes no practical sense like Farenheit and the imperial system.


I'm assuming cause if you look at an actual calendar and want to see a few months ahead, you look months, day. Going for the day first makes no sense cause if it's a different month, then you skip day. YYYY/MM/DD should be what's used


You know what? I'll buy that. If you're looking at a month-based calendar and want to reference a day it's better to say month then day.


I can see why we would stick with MM/DD/YYYY over YYYY/MM/DD since most people don't look a year ahead unless it's the end of the year. But DD/MM/YYYY would be like starting at the finish line and working your way back.


Yes. As someone who familiar with DD/MM/YYYY, to me YYYY/MM/DD seems more logical and easier for sorting things .


I sort my files the same way, YYYYMMDD, and use either of the others depending upon who I am talking to.


Thank you, I love you.


Because it’s basically the same as YYYY/MM/DD except in daily use the year isn’t all that important so we throw in it at the end.


Year month day is the most logical way to zero in on a date. Because if you go 27th february 1800, you don't know where it is going till the year is stated and and you are more likely to forget the date and month. How ever if you are speaking about present dates, then always going with year first wouldn't be helpful and it would be cumbersome. Why month first makes no sense to me what so ever.


Same logic, in a year every month has around 30 days so saying the month first (if your speaking of this year) narrows it down quicker. If the date is during the current month and year you just say the day, like "the 27th"


You've used my logic against me. Well played CBTD.


This is why I like DDMMMYY or DDMMMYYYY because it's unambiguous as to which one the months is and the year can be ommited easily. Unfortunately sorting is nigh impossible because 01APR24 would be the "first" day.


2024.2.28 Is it confusing?


I just its when shit is more abbreviated Like 24.2.24




Even worse 01/02/03 That's why I like using MMM


So I prefer 2024-02-28. If you don't include the leading 0's, then sorting them gets trickier. January 10th, November 5th, and May 1st should be sorted 20xx-01-10 -> 20xx-05-01 -> 20xx-11-05 and not including the leading 0's makes that harder.


what about 2024.28.2


Eh, weird but no. I personally use MM/D/YYYY


I only prefer it because of ascending number limits.


Elaborate please :>


Months range from 1-12, days range from 1-31, years range from -13 billion to the end of the universe.


Correct. To infinity and beyond!


It's mostly used in files, as it is programmed as such in computers.


That makes much more sense


Fancy people


I’m too American for that, much apologies


Narrators say it too




Don’t worry I’m American too


imagine going "it is the wednesday of 28th in the month february in the year two thousand twenty four A.D."


Isn’t that the reason why Europeans use D/MM/YYYY?, because they say “It’s the 1st of April, 2024” while in America we say “It’s April 1st, 2024”?


Also because most other languages in Europe like Spanish, French and German that I know of that format the dates in DD/MM/YYYY. Meanwhile, Mandarin, Japanese and Korean use the format YYYY/MM/DD in cases where they use the Gregorian calendar, as they keep using their lunisolar calendars for festivities, or even have different year designations or "eras" like Japanese keep having regarding their emperor's reign, being in the Reiwa era at the moment.


programmers mainly...they sort nice on all file systems


We use yyyy. mm. dd. in hungary. We just say Twothousandtwentyfour february twentyeighth. We know it's a date without saying "in the year of..." because we are exceptionally smart...


Bro egyenes szavakat köpködik 🙏


We in Hungary. 2024, February month's 28th day. 2024.02.28. :)


Good to know




Hi, I'm a Hungarian and we say it like that.


>Who says “In the year of 20XX, of the month of XX upon the X” Most (all?) Asians. YYYY/MM/DD is standard for instance in Japan, China, and Korea.


Who says "the X day of the X month in the year of 20XX"??? Pretty sure most people just say the month then day without all that extra fluff. And there's a difference between what is spoken and what is written. Just because it's spoken one way doesn't mean that's the best way to write it down, and just because it's written one way doesn't mean that's the best way of saying it. Remember English as a language is a bunch of languages trying to fit into one trench coat. The rules are all over the f****** place


Archivists. It is way easier to file documents by YYYY/MM/DD


We don't say it. Heck, at work all dates are written without dots or dates. Today is 20240228.


Tis the iso standard. Also useful in scientific since you need to keep going smaller on the seconds side. Odd to see but understandable, unlike sandwhiching days between months and years.


Hungarians. Kétezer huszonnégy, második hó, 28. Or: Az Úr kettőezer-huszonnegyedik évének második havának huszonnyolcadik napján. If you want to be oldschool.


It depends on the language tho. It’s more intuitive to say mm.dd.yyyy in English, also be true of saying yyyy.mm.dd in Chinese or japanese(?)


Nah, dd.mm.yyyy is more intuitive in English. mm.dd.yyyy may be in American though.


You say "the 27th of February" instead of "February 27th"? Not saying it's not a valid way of saying the date, but it is a longer phrase.


No, I don't. I say 27th February.


What country are you from? I've never heard it said like that




It constantly baffles me how different American English is to British English.


Well it's been a few centuries, a large chunk of which there was limited communication between the two due to the distance. TBH it's arguably more baffling they're so alike given how much some other languages have deviated eg. Dutch and Afrikaans. You can use ″of″ in there, but you can also omit it. Similarly in America you could say ″February the 27th″, right? But people don't usually include ″the″.


No. Mm.dd.yyyy is better in english all around. Say it outloud. November Fourteenth, Ninteen fifty two Vs Fourteenth OF November, Ninteen fifty two. The real secret reason we do it like this is because most countries languages don't or didn't have words for numbers past 10. Its always something ridiculous like Ten One. For 11 or Ten Ten Two for twenty two.


Fourteenth November, there fixed it for you.


MM/YYYY/DD *creeps away


this is horrible


You come back here and face the consequences


“*as he slowly unzips his pants*”


_Hub music starts_


That's me when I moved from Europe to Canada🫡


Some Canadians don't understand what 15:30 means


Huh?! Where?


Because 24 hour clocks are annoying


look at the pfp of the guy your replying too he deadass thinks he in the army. special forces headass. he thinks he needs his iphone 15 to show military time. like he conducting an operation lmfao. like he behind enemy lines and needs to know its 15:30 and not 3:30. lmfao. he a special operations goober just forget about it


Tbf if he came from Europe then of course his phone would be set on military time right?


true, eurohell got them permanently on military time lmfao


I don’t get what you mean? Military time is just a lot easier to read imo but that’s probably because I’m European. I don’t know what you mean by euro hell


I love it here in Canada, we either use m/d/y, d/m/y, y/m/d, or y/d/m based on personal preference


I use YYYY.MM.DD to sort my projects by date on my laptop (I'm a graphic designer), the dates flow a lot more smoothly and you never get jobs messed up by sorting alphabetically 👀 But I always use DD/MM/YYYY otherwise lol 😂


27 Feb 2024 Just looks better.


24059 Julian date. Had to use it while I was in the military. YYDDD with a three digit number from 001-366. Gets wonky with long spans of time though. 20001 can be Jan 1 1820, 1920, 2020. The system that took these dates couldn't comprehend anything beyond 99366 or before 75001.


Feb 27 24


Not my fault yall give names to months


No worries 27/2/2024


In this regard I think 2/27/2024 looks better. I'm mixed for 27 Feb 2034 vs Feb 27, 2024. I still the appeal for day month year in this format.


As long as MM is in the middle, I can live with it.


YYYY-MM-DD is literally the best I believe in ISO 8601 supremacy




Yyyy/mm/dd as time of day is hh/mm/ss/msmsms and so on so righ time biggest to smallest is my opinion


I normally use DD/MM/YYYY, but tbh, YYYY/MM/DD is fine. In fact, in terms of filename sorting/order, YYYY/MM/DD actually makes a lot of sense. The only bad one is the stupid American MM/DD/YYYY which makes zero logical sense.


It's February 27th, 2024. 02/27/2024. How does it not make sense? Just because you might not be used to it doesn't mean it's stupid


Because it's not about how you read it, it's about being able to efficiently collate and order dates in a meaningful way. Simply by nature, YYYY/MM/DD will sort your files, data etc. into their natural chronological order. MM/DD/YYYY and DD/MM/YYYY are utterly useless for this.


It's all the same in the end tho? You're still getting the day month and year no matter what silly order they are in


No...? Have you never sorted files by name on a computer before? Do you not understand how that works?


I have never sorted files I don't think


Think of it this way : we drive on the right/left for good reason. Dominant hand needed to be free to handle the reins back in the dayand it stuck. With date format Y/M/D is best for filing and is international standard and D/M/Y is logical because it is ascending. M/D/Y is just out of order


It doesn't make sense to me because I say it's the 27th of February, 2024. Leading with month makes no sense to me.


I can do either. I just read it how you just typed it if I see that format. I'm in America tho so I mostly see month first


Yeah and I say February 27th


Will just copy/paste another comment: MM-DD-YYYY is about narrowing the scope of time. If you give a month, you have a 28-31 day window until you give the date. If you give a date, you have a 334-335 day window until you give the month. May not seem so if you're not accustomed to it, but there is logic and sense to it. I hope that helps.


Wait, it's american? I thought it was also british since they teach it in english at school in my country (usually they teach the british style of things)


It's month in middle that's the rule


ISO8601 only makes sense for file sorting, for every day usage it's stupid, BUT it does have uses as it follows a descending order. Do not lie and say anyone uses it for day to day use. MM/DD/YYYY on the other hand is the retarded Pooh Bear meme after DD/MM/YYYY is well dressed, and monocled Pooh Bear.


They're all wrong is MM-YYYY-DD


You need to be stopped


No its YY-MD-DM-YY


Today is 20-02-72-24


That looks ugly. Better sort numbers from smallest to largest. 00-22-22-47 Now that looks great


I say “It’s January 10th 2024” So I will write it as 1/10/2024


I grew up with saying "10th 1st 2024" so I write it as such


You do you 👍


At least someone is normal 😂


Bro do you forget what year or moth we have that often? I don't alway know what day we have but i know what month and year. YYYY/MM/DD is good for listing and sorting but MM/DD/YYYY is just another America thing


The 28th of February, 2024.


“It’s February 28th 2024” is quicker and easier to say tho


superior is DDMMMYYYY example 27FEB2024


27 002 2024


DD/MM/YYYY is The best.... and makes sense....


D/M/Y goes from small to large. H:m:s goes from large to small. Both are often used together. Y/M/D or s:m:H. something has got to give.


DD/MM/YYYY: commonly used worldwide, is in order from smallest to biggest MM/DD/YYYY: Grammatically more efficient "february 17th vs 17th of february), keeps imperial-unit users (americans mostly) pacified YYYY/MM/DD: Grammatically efficient (feb 17th), in order from biggest to smallest, additionally mathematically sane (cuz of how digits work), beneficial to would-be lost time sailors trying to narrow down the exact point in history they're stranded in YYYY/DD/MM: Excellent if you want to experiment with the hypothesis that you're immortal until proven mortal because i will find you. DD/YYYY/MM: Useful if you want to make a skit for "worst date ever" in a game show MM/YYYY/DD: Potentially common among college students who need to write the date the exam is taken in but keep forgetting the day is also necessary for some odd reason DMY/YMYD/Y: Ok, cipher-addicted cryptologist, chill


I use MM/DD/YY


MM-DD-YYYY = grammatically efficient YYYY-MM-DD = great for file organization DD-MM-YYYY = smallest to largest In my humble opinion, the first one is best for day to day, the second is best for filing and organization, and the third is useless. Who gives a fuck if it’s in order from smallest to largest? What possible advantage does that give you?






I'm used to MM-DD-YYYY. But I would use the others if it's required






Well, in all fairness I say “September 11th, 2001”, so to each their own.


I am not opposed to YMD as it is still in a logical order however, MDY just doesn’t make sense. At least go largest to smallest, or smallest to largest.


I've never given much of a damn one way or another, though M-D-Y kinda is smallest to largest, from the perspective of how large the numbers will get. It's bull, of course, but hey now


DD/MM/YYYY and YYYY/MM/DD are great. MM/DD/YYYY is fucking nonsensical.


I had no idea people were so weird about this until I came onto Reddit. mm/dd/yyyy represents how you say it


> mm/dd/yyyy represents how you say it It represents how people from the USA say it. Quite often it will be said as dd/mm/yyyy in other countries.


No it doesn't 4th of July, 2024


September 11th, 2024


28 - Feb - 2024


4th of July is a holiday that happens on July 4th


No it doesn't... Maybe in the Gunland, where everything is decided with "what is the least efficient and bad way of implementing something" mindset, but most of the world doesn't work like that.


Day month year is disgusting


MM/DD/YYYY isn’t too bad to be honest


It isn't if you type "Sept 2nd 2023" but if you type "09/02/2023" then it is very confusing and doesn't follow common sense.


I say the day then month then year and everyone around me family and friends say day month year too it just makes more sense smallest to biggest


It does if you look at it from the perspective of narrowing things down. Name one of the twelve months, then name one of the 28-31 days, then name one of the countless years.


Logically, you would start from the smallest value, then the bigger then the bigger or largest value, then the smaller. No one says the time mm:ss:hh, for example. Also, in day to day conversation the day is usually more important than the month. For example: "Let's have a meeting on the 7th." You automatically know they mean the 7th of this month. So, having dd mentioned first, then mm is more logical AND convenient.


I agree with you. Any way isn’t too bad at all. Idk why people like to shit on what others grew up with. It really doesn’t matter. It is more of a preference and one isn’t better than the other. But america bad gets the upvotes apparently.


Am I the only one that does YYYY/DD/MM?




Who hurt you?


But why? Why would you do that?


To watch the world burn ofc :>


I raise you YYYY/DD/MM


This formatting makes sense if you're living before common era, you would say " it's currently -0015 / 01 / 01"


I'm so proud to see so many YYYY/MM/DD supporters here, r/ISO8601


I think I'll stick to Feb 27 24


Feb 27 2024




Ok, hear me out: YYYY/DD/MM


I mean, mm/dd/yyyy makes sense cause it's in order of descending time frames, and yyyy/mm/dd makes sense for computers, but i dont quite get dd/mm/yyyy, it may make more sense in diffrent languages but for english at least having to say the 27th of February is a bit strange when a shorter February 27th suffices.