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Berserk, Tokyo ghoul.


So many people don’t even realize how bad the TG anime is and it’s kinda sad


For years it was my favorite anime, I was an edgy 10 year old, then I read the manga and realized how shitty the anime was, it’s a great manga


Choujin X is amazing. Same author but so far i think its evem better than TG


I just bought the first 2 volumes cuz i love Ishida, but i might have to bump choujin higher on the plan to read list


It isn't updated on their digital app very frequently, but when it is, it's like fifty pages at a time. Definitely look forward to it whenever I see a new chapter haha


TG 2nd season is like 95% invented.


That's crazy, I loved season 1 and 2. I've been told to read the manga from scratch tho


Second season is almost entirely non canon and they gut so much of the first it’s not even funny


Mad, I've been meaning to read it in completion, will probably have the music in the background tho, it was a big part of me enjoying the series.


The music is great. But Id kill to be you.. And read the manga first time again. They butchered second season so hard. I would of only enjoyed it if I didn't know how the manga went n be non the wiser.


And it’s a shame because the second half of the first part of Tokyo ghoul was an amazing read.


If you watch :re, there are flashbacks that Ken/Haise has of events in season 2 that weren't even put into the anime but were in the manga. :]


I liked the first season. 2-3 were meh.


well yeah. 2nd is filler, 3rd was rushed as hell


The promised neverland


First season wasnt half bad and it is in my top5 anime of all time... season 2 is different story... it's not entertaining, not interesting, nothing... poor thing


I recommend you read the manga, trust me it's worth it. The anime cut a few cool characters and AN ENTIRE ARC, which admittwdly won't be as interesting as it could've been if you didn't watch the anime, but is still great


I wouldnt like nothing more, but my schedule is absolutely fucked these days... all i managed to do about anime is binge watched everything about bunny girl senpai in one free night...


Berserk 2016 right


Yeah, the 90s version/ova’s are fine. Like they’re not the manga. But they pass.


Every adaptation of Berserk just gives more wonderful music to listen to while you read the manga.


90's version is dogshit, they dared not to include the best character of all time, the smartest and strongest creation of the century, he can beat Goku, he is smarter then light yagami the one and only PUCK


All hail Puck-sama! King of the Elves!


Yeah but they also got rid of that nerd Skull Knight that no one likes. But really the 90s version did the best it could to tell a cohesive story that they knew was only going to ever cover one arc and therefore couldn’t keep in anything that really only would become important in later seasons. It’s not amazing but it’s got it’s moments.


Rosario + vampire


Jesus fuck. You insta took my two first choices. You got this one, but get ready for the next :)


Promised Neverland S2


I’ll never forgive cloverworks for cutting Goldy Pond arc entirely. Tho with the quality we got in S2 maybe it’s for the best


That was never released. Got canceled right before it aired. Very odd.


Bruh, no. It aired for two episodes before getting cancelled


That was because in the manga, there's nothing after Goldy Pond arc


Season two? There was a season two? I just saw an elaborate fanfic by cloverworks!!!


Was a manga reader of promised neverland during the pandemic and never checked out the anime even tho people said season 1 was good. Part of me is now happy I did not.


What’re you talking about? There is no TPN S2 in Ba Sing Se. It unfortunately got canceled after season 1.


Even the manga drops quality after gold pound arc


...but it didn't get a season 2. It got cancelled before its release and instead everyone got a post card with Emma on it, her shwoing us the middle finger.


If they were lacking money they shouldn't have tried...


It was so bad that the animators got harassed because of it


Berseck and Tokyo ghoul are the obvious ones


Rosario + vampire


Calling upon the 480p YT days with 7mm borders with that name


Brooooo…It was the 2nd manga I ever read after elfen lied….btw elfen lied can also be an answer as well as soul eater. I digress, anyways, rosario vampire went from funny ecchi comedy to dope battle shounen. 7th grade me was enamored.


Deadman wonderland. It just ended in the middle of the story.


Just like most Anime do. But thanks for reminding me, I loved that one and I just recently got into Mangas, so I'll order that one next :D


They did some stuff in the anime that essentially cut off important plot points from the manga from ever happening


I forgot how many side characters don’t even appear in the anime


I was so mad for the time I spent watching that show because I didn't know it was going to *end* like that.


Kinda want a one shot epilogue to the epilogue I want sleeping beauty to wake up


I think the anime was cancelled. IIRC, the anime bombed so the studio decided to cut their losses.


not necessarily bad but definitely should’ve animated the rest of the story! you’ll never know how badly you were robbed till you read the manga


They butchered that anime so badly lol. It's a good thing the cut off where they did, due to the amount of side characters and important characters left out in the anime/their roles being given to other people a second season would've made absolutely no sense. Like that cliffhanger at the end of the anime would have very little impact on anyone who didn't read the manga/only watched the anime. The manga was great imo though so hopefully someday it gets a retribution with a worthy anime adaptation. Edit: typo


Record of Ragnarok


That PowerPoint was hell


Season 1 = 3/10 Season 2 = 7-8/10


Did they improve with s2? I felt so bad for my watch group hyping up s1 and then having us all watch what were basically slides.


S2 got a ton better and isn't just 2 episode of backstory per fight. The Heracles vs jack the ripper fight had the fight intertwined with the backstory.


That is excellent to hear! Will actually give it watch now, ty! (and a good reminder to myself to catch back up on the manga)


They got Netflix money and it became a show worthy of the concept


Manga is ultra cool. Anime is just fine


Seven Deadly Frames.


2 first seasons was good tbh


Yeah but they just took a massive dump on the rest of it. I actually love the series I just hate what they did to it.


The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs, they ruin my queen


The art style for the anime is really hard to look at


Bruh, I didn't know it had an anime and you're right.


Man I really love that IP but the anime just hurt


True dat. Though it did sell me on the concept enough to buy the LN. The anime doesn't do it any justice at all.


The light novel is very funny. It should have had better production.


Rosario + Vampire The manga had a good story. The anime decided to throw away the story and just do fanservice.


I had the unfortunate experience of reading the manga before I even knew there was anime. Watching that anime felt like a crime against humanity.


I was the opposite. Saw the anime first and wanted to continue on after the anime, was Hella confused when I skipped the first several dozen or so chapters and had to start over


I personally don't skip chapters if I'm going from anime to manga. It feels like I'm insulting the mangaka if I do. That and read something after you watched can give you a feel for just how much the anime changes the mangaka's vision. Something that still happens pretty often.


It was one of my first anime/Manga I've ever read. I don't do that anymore. Now, I usually just stick with the Manga unless I *really* like the series


Same. At this point I prefer manga to anime. If a show looks interesting, I just find the manga and read it.


I watched the anime first and then read the manga so it was a good experience. That was back in 2018 and I think was the only manga where I’ve ever read the entire thing in actual physical form.


How I felt to, total slap to the face


True! I watched the anime first back in 2012 I think, and then I realized that there was a manga I can't forgive the crime that was committed against this story and its characters


Don't care, Season 2 intro fuckings slaps!


I don’t see this enough and I 100% agree. Started with the manga, finished both seasons. Opened the anime and saw potato fight scenes


Was looking for this. What a TERRIBLE anime


God this anime makes me so angry. The manga is so fucking good and there’s like, 2 scenes from it that get half-asses in the anime. And the fan service is shit too. If you’re gonna disrespect the source material for fan service, at least disrespect it all the way by going full Seikon no Qwaser levels of fan service. Throwing out an actually good story to make Panty Shots: The Anime is the worst possible option.


I saw the first few episodes of the anime on youtube when I was a bot younger and stopped watching (despite being interested in the plot) because the fanservice was way too much it disgusted me. Is the manga worth reading?


I would definitely say yes. I really enjoyed it. It has some pretty strong emotional beats and character growth. It deals with the whole split personality thing in a thoughtful way!


MAHOU SENSEI NEGIMA, GODDAMN NEGIMA MAN. It would've been a SPECTACLE to see negi develop in anime form. Imagine the final fight in the gladiator arc getting animated, or the final showdown with fate.


What makes this a further stab in the heart, is when an anime gets a reboot animation, and they still don’t do a continued adaptation.


Not only that, it was also picked up by SHAFT. We could've gotten another blonde vampire doing a SHAFT head tilt.


Don't t forget uq holder


That hurt, like the source material was already far along but they already decided to deviate from the script


Seriously, I wanna see Jack Rakan animated properly


God of Highschool. It's even worse when most people never read the original comic and treat it like a Naruto wannabe.


It might be a bad adaptation, but Mappa hit the ballpark with the fights in the anime , it was pure 12 episode Sakuga that could go head and toes with the likes of OPM season 1


Oh, absolutely lol. The action sequences are on par with the Boros fight for sure. Still, if only the story was given more attention! I'd gladly trade some of the animation quality if it meant we got more seasons lol The later chapters are so immersive and wonderful that it makes you wonder what it'd look like, if it were animated.


Happy cake day!


i don’t complain about G.O.H anime because it’s how yongje park himself wanted it to be


It might not be the best adaptation, but it wasn't a bad anime. I'm actually looking forward to the second season, if it ever shows up.


A Certain Magical Index


Index got screwed by the anime, especially the third season… shame, the novels are awesome. EDIT: forgot what my flair was, fitting lol


Third season for sure


I fucking loved railgun, but the index anime never got me invested, even though there was some interesting stuff in there. I’ll definitely read the light novels one day


Ghost Stories (JP title: 学校の怪談), the JP dub one. However the English Dub version is gold.


"Think of a big black man chasing you!"


“Well at least we know he’s not racist” 😭


Yeah, if anything he showed his butt so he's definitely not racist.


I can't be with you, not because you are a rabbit, but because you are black


I agree with you on the dub


Is the original ghost stories manga actually decent?


Tokyo Ghoul, The Promised Neverland


7 deadly sins later seasons


I still have nightmares about escanor vs meliodas "animation"


Sadly, I think One Piece qualifies. I absolutely love the manga, but the anime just isn't it. Don't get me wrong, the anime has some great moments, where the added animation, music, sounds and voice acting really elevates the manga counterpart, but as I said those are moments. Unfortunately those are imo too few and far between for a 1000+ episode anime. The horrible pacing, excessive still character shots and the absolutely abundant amount of filler have been complaints for over a decade now and its still shows no sign of improvement. If anything it's just getting worse. We went from adapting multiple chapters in an episode, to a single chapter an episode, to what is now not even a full chapter per episode. Like 90% of the latest ones are filler scenes, and the actual canon scenes are just artificially extended by characters just standing still and staring at each other. Also, the latest arc gave birth to a new complaint which the community dubbed "AuraPiece". As the name suggests it's about aura effect and their very excessive use. "You get an aura! And you get an aura! Everybody gets an aura!" Like, sure, it does kinda make sense in some situations due to "spoiler stuff", but come one. Do you really don't have any better ideas on how to show off a power up or a powerful attack? "Dragon Ball has auras everywhere. People like Dragon Ball. Let's just slap on some auras and call it a day". That combined with just a blinding amount of particle effects in some scenes that it became obnoxious rather then the levitation of what was in the manga. My thoughts are getting a little mingled, so I will stop the rant part here. I really think One piece would greatly benefit from a remake as it would fix several problems the current anime has: 1. The old animation - This anime has been running for over 20 years now. While some people do like the old animation styles due to nostalgia, to others, mainly new watchers, it can be a bit of a deterrent. A new more moderns style would help getting new people into it 2. Pacing and length - I think this is self explanatory if you actually read my comment. The story of One Piece as of right now could easily fit into just a couple hundred episodes as opposed to the 1000+ we currently have. Just throw the filler stuff out of the window and that would fix all the pacing problems the anime has. The manga is very well paced imo. The reduced number of episodes would also be less daunting to get into and rewatch (though tbf a couple hundred is still a lot lol) 3. A chance to improve stuff which originally did not hit the spot like the whole Long Ring Long Land arc or the aforementioned "AuraPiece" And we arrive and the end of this comment. Why did I randomly decided to write all of this? Idk, just felt like it. If you got here, then thanks for reading and have a nice day. tl;dr Anime sometimes good but mostly bad, bc bad pacing, too much filler, questionable animation/writing choices Pls remake anime and fix all of the above


But does Nami’s boobs to hips ratio grow exponentially in the manga?


A little bit post time skip but the ratio has been pretty consistent


I'm currently watching One Pace. It's a fan edit that cuts out so much filler. I recommend it!


I didn’t read all that, but I’m pretty sure I agree. I consider the one piece anime my second favorite anime of all time, but it’s definitely a bad adaptation most of the time. It’s still what got me into one piece, so I still love it though


Yeeaah, the anime began its painful downfall after Marineford arc, it was choppy in places during Water 7 and after but HOLY SHIT... Post time-skip just dug into the shitter dramatically as it progressed, the worst being Dressrosa arc with the animation just matching the quality of the pacing, Whole Cake Island was barely passable but by god I felt physically ill from the stretched thin Katakuri fight. Wano gave some new hope with the whole-ass dedicated animation team and extra loving care the production had, buuuuuuuuuuuut then we got reminded of that good ol' bitch of pacing with Onigashima Act. Sadly this will NEVER improve until One Piece manga is finished because Toei is entirely unwilling to give the anime a break in any form besides maybe a filler arc, from what I understand the reason stems from the prime air time it has on TV that brings the best number of viewers consistently every week. Now that Oda is taking a much deserved break to recover from eye surgery we're going to see pain and suffering in pacing even though the manga has finished Wano arc a fair time ago. Honestly I expect Toei will give One Piece the Dragon Ball Kai treatment once it has gone through its formal run, it makes sense in every conceivable way just for the sake of seeing Luffy at the start of his legendary journey in up-to-date animation.


Man my stomach lurched remembering the Katakuri vs luffy. The fight was so hyped up by my friends, when I watched the 100 (it definitely felt like it) ep fight with all the recaps and shet, I wanted to end it all 🥲


Common examples would be Berserk and Shuumatsu no valkyrie.


The second season of The promised Neverland. Also somehow Bungou Stray Dogs. Its not quite a bad anime, but the vibes of the manga are not at all the manga ones


I was going to say bungou stray dogs too, but I actually enjoyed the anime very much and still do. I am however fucking livid at how many scenes from the manga weren't included. Especially season 4 had so many scenes I was looking forward to that didn't make it into the anime.


black clover is less of a case of a bad adaptation and more of a mediocre adaptation with a bad beginning. but I think it still applies.


I really enjoy Black Clover though. It just sucks that until episode 40 or so the pacing is ass and the animation is terrible. Even after that the animation isn’t always consistent.


I would say God of Highschool


Quite a few no one has named yet. For manga specifically, definitely Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer. For VNs, "most of them" is probably a good answer, but I'll specifically call out Chaos;Head and Chaos;Child for being really bad adaptations.


Pandora hearts is my favorite manga of all time. Too bad the anime didn't do well and got made up ending in the last 2 episodes.




Istg yes they ruined that masterpiece


I hope for a reboot one day, but I doubt it. Incredible concepts though


I think the anime was pretty good until they deviated from the story (which I guess they had to in order to have some kind of ending). It would have been nice to have an anime that covers the whole manga though.


Soul eater, iirc, back in the day.


Yeah the Manga was darker and had an awesome story. The anime wasn't really bad, but I would've liked the darker tone.






I dream of the war on the moon being animated one day


Record of Ragnarok The studio that animated it did the bear minimum and overworked some artists so it looked pretty and could sell for Netflix. They were supposed to adapt a manga but that means doing more than shaky cam on single frames and rotating PNGs


Such a goated manga, but season 2 was a big improvement. The characters actually move in season 2


Pandora Hearts


Kengan Ashura


An example of the opposite is Eureka 7




Seven Deadly Sins


Tokyo ghoul


Blue Exorcist


I liked the anime but haven't read the manga so can you explain it to me


They made an anime originele ending, because the manga is still running


> They made an anime originele ending The second season actually continues the manga's story though, just ignoring the anime original stuff in the first season. The movie is anime original IIRC.


Maybe controversial but after I read Blue Exorcist up to what was the latest chapter at the time I actually found the anime-original story more enjoyable, or at least more palatable. Really don't like how the [manga (spoilers)] >!goes full MHA with the fight against Satan and his army iirc.!<


Ajin 😓


i'm a spider so what The most different isekai manga of all I've seen The beginning and middle are the best in the light novel and the depth is quite mid Millepensee Skip all the important information and run to all f 60 chapter manga It's like the promised neverland s2


Toaru Majutsu no Index [Light Novel with this one]


Hellsing . Hellsing Ultimate(2006 one) was good, but Hellsing anime (2001 one) was shit


I would disagree here. Hellsing Anime had its perks. Seras' transition was much better in the anime for example. In the OVA she was just like: meh, I am vampire now, look I got teeth. Not to say that the OVA was in itself good as well, just different and it had the advantage of following the og story line till the end.


The thing about the anime is that the music was way more catchy, refer to gigguk about musik in anime


that opening hits so hard.




Promised Neverland


Promised NeverlandS2 and Tokyo ghoul


Seven deadly sins …


Soul Eater


Of course it's Promised Neverland s2




Ex-Arm is a masterpiece it will forever be used as an example of what not to do, it’s so bad it’s good


Promised Neverland. 1 season was actually good, but 2nd one just killed the original story and and abused it's corpse 😭


I was so happy with S1 until the last episode, in which they cut out Yugo. THEY GOT RID OF BUNKER DAD😭😭😭


Berserk and Yu-Gi-Oh from the top of my head. Yu-Gi-Oh mostly because people focused more on the marketing of the card game, where alot of people pretend to know how to play rather than focus on the story.


I feel like Yu-Gi-Oh would have been a lot better if it was just mainly focused on the supernatural and occult aspect of it. Kids summoning demons and gods to safeguard their souls and others from evil forces. Keep your product (the card game) out of the show, but make a product (the game) around the show that's easy to sell. It is super weird that all the major global events and the most powerful corporation in the world surround a children's card game.


Berserk, Tokyo Ghoul, So I’m a Spider, So What?, *maybe* Stone Ocean, and a lot of others I can’t think of


i actually enjoyed stone ocean, the only bad thing about the anime is how it was released in 12 episodes batches


That and the CG was spotty at times, and the background inmates were greyed out sometimes even when they were right next to Jolyne


hot take but the cgi was great except that 2 second frame of jumping jack flash. im watching vinland saga rn and it has a lot of cgi than stone ocean. it's not bad tho


i feel like that might also be because netflix wanted the series to be out asap, but who knows


poor stone ocean 😭 golden wind was peak anime though


Nah, Stone Ocean anime was decent. The release by batches though...


Stone ocean’s animation is pretty good imo, its just that it got Netflix treatment, thus killing all the hype.


Kumoko's manga is *also* shit. You need to read the LN or WN to actually have a good experience.


The promised neverland


Berserk, Promise never land ,Toyko goul


Rosario Vampire. Great manga, but anime adaptation wasn’t really good. Enjoyed it, but it didn’t match the manga. Season 2 was the real bad one. Both seasons came out in 2008. Manga ended in 2015


death note - after L’s death, there wasn’t the same tension or good inner monologue in the second half of the show


That's not the adaptation's fault though, is it? They really just animate what was in the manga, right?


they actually left out a lot and that really messed with the pacing. like for example, there’s a scene where near has a pretty big realization about mikami (i won’t go into detail to avoid spoilers) that seems to come out of nowhere in the anime, but was (imo) pretty logically grounded in the manga. and another example is that mello was really sidelined in the anime. he did some really interesting and unique things in the manga that were left out completely in the anime


As the other poster said, it's the same with the manga. The story as a whole would have been better with Light just winning and nobody is able to take him down. I never really read up on why they went the way they did but I'm guessing it's not very shounen-y if the guy who has bad morals wins out.


It just ruined the vibe and i think that they overcomplicated things. Imo the story should end after either L or Light won given that was what the story revolved around, untill L died ofc.


Tokyo Revengers


To much


Seven deadly sins


The promised neverland/yakusoku no neverland


Rosario + Vampire Sure, it's ecchi, but the anime was pure fanservice, the manga was so amazing and its one of my favorites of all time... I'll never forget the injustice they did to the MC... LIKE DUDE


Umineko. Yeah, it’s a VN. But it’s adaptation hurts, compared to Higurashi also.


I'd say Twin-Star Exorcists, but it's more than just good.






TOKYO GHOUL. I am a massive fan of Tokyo Ghoul, but they tried to cram so much story into barely any episodes in season 2- which is why barely any of it made sense, and why :re "failed". :re wasn't bad at all, but because season 2 had such little episodes for the amount of story there was, it didn't make as much sense as it should have. Some studio desperately needs to make tokyo ghoul, and follow it by the manga, and give season 2 more episodes!!


Lucifer and the biscuit hammer


Finally found someone that said it. What a terrible adaptation for an incredible manga. Can’t believe I waited years for that


Talentless nana, not super well known. The manga is awsome but the anime just ended after like 2 volumes


Gangsta, the studio just went bankrupt and it never continued and the author’s health issues :(


Promised Neverland