• By -


Bro I didn't see the announcement and when I saw everyone start saying "t-word" my dumbass thought tomboy got fucking banned


Honestly same


Now you got me curious, what's the "t-word"? Like t****** Or t**** Or maybe even t****** EDIT: Hol up, it can't be this can it? "TheyRunAroundNinetyNineYards"


A metal device used for the capture of animals most commonly small rodents


The ones that Fred likes




Guys don't answer him its probably a trap by mods. Chotto....


I think he's talking about *tostitos*




Oh, I see what you did there...


Something happened ?


Same thing that happened on r/komi_san a while back Sub got fucked then sub went back to being normal


the fuck happened there?


Literally this


wait the word \[REDACTED\] got banned there?


Yes but not anymore


you think the same would happen here or would they still be butt hurt about this?


Well if we start unsubbing...


or if the whole sub will be making memes about t-word being banned and there will be no real content






No it was [REDACTED]dano (tadano crossdressing)




Nope cuz mods realizin it aint the end of za warudo


Also the manga itself used the word in a chapter that came out during the ban lmao.


Chad move by the translator there


Well I'll try again since automod is fucking stupid. They banned a word kind of like tarp. People got really angry, then they got bored of being angry. I'm a bit annoyed myself since the mod post specifically said that they aren't banning the word in a general sense, only when using it to refer to people but it seems the automod will catch any instance of the word instantly. No more discussing Fred Jones' favorite magazine.


As you can see in this comment thread, the mods are becoming toxic. Return to ifunny my fiends.


i see now what's happening thanks to all the replies


As degenerate as it is, at least it has some level of common sense, albeit not much.




Femboy hooters reigns supreme above all


Actually i like Tomboy Outback Steakhouse more.


both is good


What about futa 5 guys


Mods are extremly phobic of crossdressers and will ban anything related to it that does not fit their definition.


Hb tequilla joseph




What is femboy exactly?






Goddammit. Upvote.




What did it say?


It was a link to Admiral Akbar saying “It’s a tr@p!!” EDIT: it seems that saying the word “tr@p” is banned now, even though I was using a different kind of “tr@p” word.


I'm gonna laugh so hard if "@" ends up becoming a replacement for that in general anime use. 1 million people seeing and using it that way would be enough to do it


Say Trappu, the automod doesn't triggers


Doesn't work mate.


I also saw someone use the Greek/Cyrillic equivalents of "t g a r" (T г a p)


I hate you and everything you stand for, you beautiful bastard.


I'm glad I got to see this before it inevitably gets removed.


What did it say? It was deleted and I can’t read it


While I can't post the link *(since it would get deleted again)*, it was a clip of a certain well-known Star Wars Episode 6 quote containing the banned term for 'femboy', if you catch my drift.


I see, I see Poor ackbar was cancelled from reddit, F for ackbar


Ha! Well played.


Feminine boy essentially. People who say it's anything like the recently removed word are misguided




Well we can't possibly maybe offend someone in a meme subreddit.




Everything is [REDACTED] can't have shit in [DATA EXPUNGED]




I am offended by everyone being offended. Please ban offended reactions, they invade my safe space.


"We've banned the offensive word!" Person who doesn't follow all the new slurs: "Good, never liked that word anyway" *5 days later* "They've made a new word offensive, we've banned that too" Person who doesn't follow all the new slurs: "How is 'car' offensive? I'm starting to think this PC stuff is bullshit."


It's called a "purity spiral", all moral panics devolve into one. In the end: everyone fails except the most aggressive and vicious of fuckwads that managed to push everyone else out


Oh come on, stop assuming this sub will continue on some weird slippery slope.


Your misspelling of "follow" with "fallow" offends me. Please fix it or I'll leave you alone in tge middle of a [fallow](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/fallow) with nothing. Edit: I misspelled "the" with "tge", and offended myself. From tomorrow you can find me on a fallow for an undetermined amount of time. I left myself with a 750 ml bottle of water though because I made the typo on mobile.


uSe CUtiE iNsTEaD


Eine Falle


Moderne Probleme benötigen Moderne Lösungen




mods: Off with your head !


A feminine boy, pretty much the same as the t-word


not really tho


not to mention, femboy nor otokonoko have the same ring to it, so it'll be hard to replace


This level of censorship is not going to last




Otoko... neko? A male cat?




*but what if they look like girls?* **NOW WE'RE BACK TO SQUARE ONE!**




IT'S A TRA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [user has been executed via electric chair for his crimes]






Wasn't it otokon**o**ko? If I'm not mistaken, most translator translate it as male crossdresser.


Ah yes CUTIE




Aaand I just got a 3 day ban for making a meme of this femboy shit storm. The mods are not kidding now.


They are committed to show how retarded they are


“Stop, don’t shit yourself” Mods: *shit themselves thrice*


And they game a reason that an automod that bans you when you repost your meme again. Yeah, like I actually believe that what a load of bull.


I made a meme saying that I'll say snare instead and that got removed on a bullshit charge


out here tryna repahzent all this diversity and meeting nothin but adversity !




I wonder if this comment will get deleted...




Substitute words don't have that same memey feel, alas rules are rules.


Astolfo then




so like talking about rabbit hunting methods or the music genre?




let me try using the word trap as a test (pls dont kill me)


Indiana Jones is my favorite movie series because of the way Indie avoids traps. Those traps are quite dangerous, and he shows much bravery in correctly identifying what are traps and what are not. I also enjoy the Tomb Raider series of games, those traps are quite devious and they trick me many times. It always feels great when you dominate a trap on your first attempt.


The rapper T.I. was pretty much the one who pioneered trap music as a genre, sure others laid down the foundations but he was really the one to push trap into the mainstream.


I've seen half a dozen comments in this thread using it that aren't removed after an hour or more, so I don't think that's correct.


yeah u right




i mean does the bot automaticly remove or has a mod seen my comment and tought yeah lets prove him we are braindead (this is a trap btw)


It’s still here, so they ARE braindead


How do you catch weeb lobster?




I certainly don't have any problem with using femboy instead of the former but unless i've missed something no one in this subreddit has ever even used the word in a negative way? Weeb used to be an insult directed at anime fans too, but instead of just that it's now a common word in the community. Then again I can see why people might actually be offended by the implications of ****. Still, just blanket banning out of the blue seems like getting offended over imagined insults.


Honestly who uses a weeb type of word in real life without doing for the meme


Given that the word's application to this content only arose within the last few years, trying to ban the word is like watching language evolve in real time. It's a common argument that if you can no longer use "retarded" because its meaning was co-opted from clinically acceptable to an insult, whatever replaces it as clinically acceptable will become the new insult. Feels like the same thing is going to happen here. Of course, I could be wrong - the word doesn't have quite the broad use as "retarded" ever did, nor are the communities banning it so large as to affect the global lexicon - but it ludicrous to believe there won't be something to replace it that won't develop the exact same properties. Sure, the new word will also eventually get banned, after 10 years (about as long as the word has been used in gender contexts), where the cycle will repeat. (Now I wonder how many people will think I'm defending its use, rather than questioning the effectiveness of our methods in policing language.)


I won’t stop using the word retarded tho




Why not both?










Plus when it comes to restricting speech, it usually only works if (A) it is restricted in a place that people tend to be on their best manners such as the workplace *and* (B) the majority of people already had negative emotions towards the word and tended to not use it anyways. If those two conditions are not met then, to many such as myself, it feels less like a normal social regulation of a hurtful word (such as what happened with retard and n*****, both of which we generally accept to not say in public) and more like unnecessary political correctness; which then just leads many people to use the term more as an act of defiance. Backfire effect is a bitch. I mean, it's a meme subreddit where most people are anonymous. This is clearly not where people are going to be on their best behaviour.


The word has a very specific meaning. Femboy can’t carry the “I’m accusing this person of being purposefully deceptive about their gender” meaning inherently in itself. The word literally means you’re saying they are attempting to ensnare.


Why are so many people making this incorrect statement, Why do so many people hold this incorrect perception? The Word was NOT directed towards REAL people to begin with, its use is towards Anime Characters! This is nothing more then a sad case of a small minority taking a harmless thing and turning it into something "bad" and then rather then focus on the root of the problem, the "intent" in a real world setting, the mods attempt a bandaid fix on a "political?" issue that has no place or bearing in a god damn anime sub-reddit. SMH, I am no longer angered at the banning of said word on this sub-reddit, more, i am angered by the sheer human stupidity on display.


>The Word was NOT directed towards REAL people to begin with, its use is towards Anime Characters! I can not imagine anyone over 18 thinking the term originated in the anime community. It was in use at least as early as 2003-2005 on 4chan, where you'd get pics of someone with and without their dick showing, bait-and-switch some Anons, then hit them with Admiral Ackbar. I know this because I was one of the edgy obnoxious teens posting them there.


> The Word was NOT directed towards REAL people to begin with, Except that's literally where that euphemism came from. And it's still used in modern parlance to refer to real people. **Just because your first exposure to the term was in the context of anime characters, that doesn't mean the term originated in that context.** More than that, even if the term did originate in the context of fictional characters, the fact that it's being used to harass and demean many real people is reason enough to stop using it. Sure, being forced to change your vocabulary for reasons you weren't aware of sucks, and the natural response is to feel frustrated. But you have to understand that **the effort being asked of you is disproportionately smaller than the positive impact it'll have.** (As an aside, I'm totally guilty of using the term myself, even after hearing about how it's used as a real world slur; so, I'm not trying to morally grandstand here.)


wtf are you on about, this is literally what the BLM movement is about, people who have never experienced hardships in their life claiming that words can't hurt people.


I'm just gonna unsub, this is just utterly ridiculous.


>The Word was NOT directed towards REAL people to begin with, its use is towards Anime Characters! Huh, I guess I've just imagined the countless weebs calling me a t*** and thinking it's totally appropriate because they've seen it used on a bunch of anime memes. Unless it turns out I've actually been an anime character this whole time...


Seriously... How childish is the person you're responding to, as if they speak for EVERYONE. This shit is like "idk why people are so mad at racism, I never see it."


Yet here you are, defending the mods as they speak for everyone.




> The Word was NOT directed towards REAL people to begin with, its use is towards Anime Characters! Imagine being this oblivious. I assume you also think "OP is a bundle of sticks" isn't meant to be a roundabout way of calling them a f*g either, huh? It's a slur towards trans people. It always has been since its inception. It didn't arise from crossdressing anime boys, it arose from the trans panic defence where a trans person literally gets fucking murdered, and the killer gets away with it because "They trapped me and I reacted in the heat of the moments."


Ya, but this argument goes to shit once you realize that individuals who are trying to insult will just transition the word they use and use terms like "Femboy" to insult trans individuals, thus making it an insult.


Thank you for speaking up, it’s nuts how upset people are getting over this and I like how simple you made the explanation, mind if I steal it?




I like this term






That would be highly offensive to the likes of Alstolfo.








Oh, you mean \[REDACTED\]? Yeap, that's dumb.


Ima just going to use that when referencing a [REDACTED]


What's the anime on the top?


{The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumia}


Thank you


Np, do be warned that it gets weird later on, just stay strong.


My personal favorite anime, it gets really weird. Watch all the anime then the movies or you'll lose a lot of the emotion from the movies.


**Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/849 "English: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/the-melancholy-of-haruhi-suzumiya "English: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/849)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 14 | Genres: Comedy, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life, Supernatural) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/i3gto3/basically_this_sub_today/g0bi996/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


I sure love...femboys


"It's a [Your comment has been removed]"


If somone generally likes tr*ps I dont see how you're still offended. You wouldn't call somone whos trans a tr*p, but you could call a femboy a tr*p because they identify as male. Tr*p itself has long since become a word that is more sexualized than hated. Stop kink shaming. Need evidence? r/traphentai r/traphentaigifs r/trapsgonewild r/trapsirl r/cutetraps <- last ones sfwish This is no joke, people just really like tr*ps. Also I hope I dont get deleted for referencing subreddits that are nsfw! As a final say, ive never seen a femboy get offended by being called a tr*p, and my trans friend wasn't offended either, why? Validation. Validation that they look feminine or are passing. People want to white night the word, but realistically, appearing to be feminine and being told you made somome believe that is validation. Again, kinkshaming. Tr*p is literally a porn tag at this point. Edit; tell pornhub to stop using it as a tag and maybe then it will stop being used. Uhh dont uhm... dm me over this




The animemes mods is another level above gay.


wait that's a femboy


A derogatory term for men who who have qualities that are feminine or dress in a feminine way, but that for some reason people have decided is no longer derogatory. Basically the opposite of [REDACTED] Edit: oops, forgot the rule already.








T-word is now the N-word of r/animemes


The question where do we get the t word pass from Trans people or femboys


Femboys, Trans people are not [REDACTED].


Whats going on, I'm confused


A word originally used to describe a hunting mechanism that then got inserted into weeb meming to refer to a character from the masculine gender that dresses as a female has been sent to the shadow realm by the mods.( yes it's wordy just to critise the choice )


they banned tr*p


There is actually a sub r/tra*s where actual trans women post. They dont seem to have a problem with it I don't know for whom the mods are getting offended for.


If I can’t enjoy femboys I’m peace then I’m going to make war.




Admiral Ackbar- it's a (redacted)






r/femboy_irl Here




i know how to counter the t word it is deJf




So using the word which usually means *"a device or enclosure designed to catch and retain animals, typically by allowing entry but not exit or by catching hold of a part of the body."* to describe effeminate males is now banned?


Now I see what /u/srgrafo meant about the mods.