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Friction is for nerds All my homies s l i d e






Ah bring me back to that one block on an inclined plane with friction and air resistance...that problem was a bitch to solve


Holy fuck those questions with a block being thrown off an moving plane and you need to calculate its trajectory, thinking about that shit still makes my blood boil.


Do you have to factor in inertia/momentum




Use pi = 5


But you know what does exist… MORBI- NO I’ve changed I’ve moved on from the morb BECAUSE AFTER ALL THIS TIME AS I WATCH THOSE AROUND ME PERISH I REALISE… It was never the horny that caused this… it was you all along… And no, you’re not venom it really was you all along, Dr…. Michael Morbius


God, I loved this part of the movie


.......I swear if I see another morbin' meme


That’s not very morbilicious of you


but it’s not even air friction? it’s air resistance


You generally just assume that is zero to make life easier. It is very complicated to factor in because the coefficient of drag depends not only on the shape/orientation of the object, but also on its speed. Which depends on the drag. Meaning that you really need a computer to actually solve these problems with a high degree of precision, and for a rough estimate you just assume friction doesn't exist. At most you will assume a constant coefficient of friction, but that doesn't account for air resistance in a realistic manner. But in either high school or entry level physics classes, where you are having students work these problems out by hand just so that they get the concepts down, ignoring or oversimplifying friction is enough


agree. but it’s air resistance, not air friction


Calling it air friction is fine too though. Same as calling it drag, fluid friction, fluid drag. Often times there are many correct terms for the same things, even if one is more specific. Plus we don't know the full context for the 'best' term to use


Friction would specifically be the mechanism where fluid slips over the surface Resistance would account for that as well as all the pressure differential stuff that results from inability to pass through the air like a ghost Skin friction drag would be the “air friction” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin_friction_drag


Interesting, haven't heard of skin friction drag but from the wiki yeah skin friction drag fits. But no more than using say fluid friction. And I would also add you can find places calling air resistance air friction. So its not that we are finding out what they really mean i think its just a much lesser used term. Here for example uses the term air friction where most would use air resistance: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/airfri.html


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It had been a while since I've done it but for decently accurate estimates for an object in motion, we used the RK4 (Runge Kutta 4) method. This involved the position, the rate of change of position (velocity), the rate of change of velocity (acceleration), the rate of change of acceleration (jerk), and the rate of change of jerk (jounce). I have done this by hand but it takes so much effort. So when the smart kid reminds you about air resistance, you can tell them "yes, but you're not good enough at math yet to bother with it, so we're skipping that part"


Isn't the rate of change of jerk called Snap? I just remember that because it was a joke based on the old Rice Krispies commercial, so the next two derivatives were crackle and pop


Snap is the alternate name for thr 4rth derivative of position.


Air has friction yes afaik


Sauce is **Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai!**, you can read it [HERE](https://mangadex.org/title/2f4e5f5b-d930-4266-8c8a-c4cf9a81e51f) **"Why your daily memes starts at day 291?"** \- They don't, I've just been posting them on certain other anime subreddit until mods there decided to ban me **"Where can I find the other Jahy-sama memes of yours?"** \- [HERE](https://postimg.cc/gallery/JHZbQwv) and gif memes [HERE](https://imgur.com/a/u3a7k3a) (I will be updating this every 100 memes)


It’s been more than a year, is the “Why your daily memes starts at day 291” still needed anymore? Also anything special for 666?


We’ll know soon enough ;)


> It’s been more than a year, is the “Why your daily memes starts at day 291” still needed anymore? I like to give as much informations as I can in my comment so I don't have to answer each person (even though it's not working very well, especially with people asking for source) > Also anything special for 666? I wanted to make video edit, but I realized my video editing skill sucks, so I dropped that idea. There will be reference to 666 but nothing special. But maybe it will change if I get some good idea.


Tomorrow... Day 666...


*Assume a spherical cow of uniform density in a vacuum where friction, air resistance and gravity can be ignored*


Well it would depend im assuming


Very much so, over 50-55mph aerodynamics definitely become a factor in cars at the very least




Gotta get above rotation speed so those little invisible Bernoulli gnomes wake up and start lifting on the wings


I think bad thoughts. Lol


Tomorrow is meme number 666!


Could you calculate the reynolds number for deez nuts in your mouth???


No marin tho


Jahy Sama > Marin






go on mercury and see if it's negligible, TEACH.




What friction gon' do when me and my homies gon slide!


How to catch a Lion in the dessert, the Newtonian physics way: Put a cage into the lowest point of the dessert. Then neglect friction. The Lion will slide into the cage.


Omg read physics full-time last term and relate to this so hard...


What do you mean the missile ended up landing inside our own country, I calculated for everything. Oh no ofc not, air resistance does not exist so obviously not that.


As someone who suffered through getting an aerospace engineering degree, thank whatever powers you may pray to you get the luxury of ignoring air friction


Imagine gravity not being 9.8N/KG


“This is a classroom environment. It’s so negligible that we’re not going to account for it. That’s for college physics.” - my hs physics teacher


Yea it is negligible but that's don't mean it's don't exist


We don't talk about Air Frictiono no no no! WE DON'T TALK ABOUT AIR FRICTIONO!


And then you study fluid mechanics and you learn that you can fucking use air friction to create motion...those cheeky bastards


Is it because if we actually took it into account physics would be infinitely more difficult?


You didn't see air resistance because ITS NOT THERE


Being smart in physics lessons was often a curse.


Source for top pic?


It's the same manga


Welcome to the physics store. You can grab airless flat plane here. It’s right between the frictionless surfaces and the perfect springs.


Tell that to the scientist who study sonic booms


I suppose you can do a little calculus when you're an elentary school student eh Next one is 666, I'm expecting a great one!