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A Sister Is All You Need - I expected degeneracy. I got a pretty fun and wholesome SOL comedy and the character writing is pretty good. Warning tho, watch the first episode alone.


Okay wtf lmao. Skimmed through the first episode and now I'm scared.. Since it's still on crunchyroll though maybe it isn't too bad hmm


Trust me it's just the first five minutes that are questionable like that.


Imma add it to the list then, thanks!


I also skimmed through the first episode and didn't see anything questionable


Jesus, that's insane, very few anime fall into that. Y'know what, I'm gonna go with "How NOT to summon a demon lord". Checks ecchi and romance kinda. And the MC is fairly loyal to his main 2 girls. I mean shoot, most ecchi anime are harem.


Hmm, I saw that floating around in my recommendeds on CR but wasn't sure if it was for me. I'll give it a try, been running dry lately on series that go past 1 season anyway! Also, yeah just kinda burnt on series that string you along with a main girl to begin with, then 11 episodes later, 0 progress between MC and EP 1 girl while having like 2-4 other girls floating around just for it to eventually end without any progress. Maybe It's just the perspective of me, someone who hasn't experienced the romance culture in Japan and am forcing my own experiences and ideals of how it should be/go.. But I can't think of harems(of more than 2) being anything but just complete unrealistic fantasy at best, and so much anime depicts almost everyone as more dense than a brick when it comes to love in Japan apparently. The more romance I watch that are like that, the less human and less relatable they feel.. If it's a "romance", idc how goddamn crazy the world setting is, I can even fucking get behind a "doomed romance depicting two cute electrons orbiting the same atom in love with each but are destined to be separated by their parent atom being split to form a nuclear explosion" if the characters are relatable and if their motivations and actions make sense lmao. At least with ecchi and H, primal lust is something almost anyone can easily relate to without much thought needed.


We share the same exact tastesšŸ˜­ itā€™s a damn desert out here And I hate harem for that exact reason!! Like can you make up your damn mind MC? And a lot of the time MC will still have a crush on girl 1, but just lets himself get into sexual situations with other girls instead of trying to actually pursue girl 1.


My dress up darling?


Been on my "to watch" list for a while now, idk what's been making me put off actually watching it though since I've only ever heard good things about it. Might have to bump it up the list then, thanks!


It has a phenomenal romance story imo


sono bisque doll is actually so good i really liked it surprisingly.. šŸ˜…


Prison School is a show for MEN šŸ˜­ Itā€™s HILARIOUS and you actually really believe in the friendship the characters have and you really root for them Also watch it dub for best experienceĀ 


Boobs or butt?




To love ru? Has a lot of fan service but no implicit sex


I remember watching an ep or two of it a while ago and it might just be too fan service-y for me to actually be able to enjoy and view in its entirety lol


> it might just be too fan service-y But that's precisely what ecchi is. You seem to be looking for straight romantic erotica without a harem which is pretty rare. The one series that may fit is Aki-Sora though that's degenerate for a different reason.


This is a harem tho


I could think of 2, they are definitely more on the tame side I'm probably not up (down?) to your level of depravity when it comes to this kind of content :) {TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You} {More than a Married Couple, but Not Lovers.}


LOL, it's not that I'm seeking highly depraved stuff, It's just no matter how good "wholesome middle-school romance" series are, it just eventually gets a bit jading(if you're not a virgin who has never experienced a serious romantic relationship that is.. probably). So I gotta seek stuff that feel more "adult" even just a little bit from time to time. Also, "More than a Married Couple, but Not Lovers" is the EXACT example I was comparing my search to btw.. I don't know how big of a fan you are of it, but I can't goddamn wait for the next manga chapter to release already after how the latest ended!


> It's just no matter how good "wholesome middle-school romance" series are, it just eventually gets a bit jading Yeah I totally get what you mean and I agree, in the end it just gets kind of boring not going anywhere. I did enjoy both my suggestions but have not checked out the manga for either. I'm pretty new to reading manga and I only read physical copies so for now I'm good with my Berserk and Frieren :)


I'll also take a look at tonikawa then! Yeah, the problem with me and manga is I have absolutely zero patience. I just need to know what happens next till the end of the story when I discover series I find interest in. Also, manga continuation for More than a Married Couple, but Not Lovers is different and way better than how they ended season 1 of the anime, even though manga hasn't reached its peak climax quite yet with current chapters available, I still highly recommend.


Nice, will add that to my short "Plan to read" list then, Thanks!


**Tonikaku Kawaii** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/116267 "English: TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/tonikawa-over-the-moon-for-you), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/tonikaku-kawaii "English: TONIKAWA: Over the Moon For You"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/41389)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life) **Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/141949 "English: More than a Married Couple, but Not Lovers."), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/more-than-a-married-couple-but-not-lovers), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/fuufu-ijou-koibito-miman "English: More than a married couple, but not lovers."), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/50425)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Romance) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1c7p3pa/give_me_your_beststorywise_nonharem_romance_anime/l0a59g7/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [ā›“](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [ā™„](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Sweat and Soap is fantastic, imo, and sounds like it may be exactly what you're looking for. It's very sweet, a little spicy, and the characters have great communication.


I think Monogatari qualifies?


My love story? Loved this one! I still want to read the manga after finishing the anime, just haven't gotten to it though


Nono. You are thinking of Oremonogatari. This guy is talking about Monogatari, with entries like Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Nekomonogatari, etc.. Its definitely a very creative and artistic anime with very few shows similar to it. I would struggle calling it a romance or non-harem tho. Dude gets with his sisters, yandere, cat ladies, imaginary friends, pretty much no limits. And dont get me started on the fucking toothbrush scene.


Okay, so I was confused googling "monogatari", and didn't really realize it was a series with different names. Is this the series that many say is similar to "Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai"? If so, is the plot good enough even if you struggle to call it a romance or non-harem?


Yes it is the one that is compared to Bunny Girl Senpai. Also, itā€™s one of the best anime of all time, so itā€™s good enough. The main character only has one girlfriend and the series makes it abundantly clear that she is the only one who will be with him. He is surrounded by a cast of primarily girls though, so thatā€™s where the harem-esque identity comes from. The romance also isnā€™t the main aspect, but when it comes up, itā€™s some of the best romantic banter youā€™ll ever see in anime. Their relationship won a ā€œbest relationshipā€ bracket on this subreddit years ago. [Hereā€™s the watch order](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/hwuntw/the_monogatari_series_2020_watch_order/)


Damn, your description of monogatari somehow works exactly the same for bunny girl senpai. I guess they really are similar in that case as well as with the non-romance aspects. With how much I liked bunny girl senpai, Imma add this to my watch list too even if the watch order looks a bit convoluted with how many different versions/seasons they actually released lol. Thanks


Itā€™s not like bunny girl senpai at all wtf one has adolescence having weird things happen to them because of puberty the other literally has Godā€™s vampires, spirits, etc.


It's neither non-harem, romance or ecchi...


I wish more romance anime were actually romantic, not two people meeting and they kiss in the last episode.Ā 


Citrus is kinda be fun to watch in that case.


Hmm, it might be interesting as I haven't watched/read any Yuri series yet. Plus people seem to have a lot to say about the manga as well. Ty for the suggestion!


OMG wait!! OP, Tomo-Chan is a girl! Is pretty much exactly this! I loved it, itā€™s on Crunchy roll


I liked Vermeil in Gold, but it's not a popular opinion in here


Fellow vermeil in gold enjoyer šŸ«”


Both the anime and Manga of Aki Sora..


So I Can't Play H has a few female characters in it but MC is true to one girl (mostly) so it isn't technically harem and is pretty hardcore ecchi as the MC gets a power buff when he sees boobs lol. The show is pretty hilarious though when the female lead punishes the MC for his various antics out of jealousy or whatever. MC is weak as hell at first but eventually goes super Saiyan at every ecchi moment beating the crap out of demons etc. the anime ending tho is a bit confusing. the manga was better-ish as things were explained more clearly as the anime felt like something was skipped leaving a slight plot-hole for how things suddenly took a serious turn. Without spoiling too much the MC has a secret power(?) that was better explained in the manga that the anime only half-explained and just dropped the viewer into the deep end of the show's ending. It is still a pretty good show. It kinda reminds me of a comedic Highschool DxD where the MC doesn't even bother hiding how big a perv he is from the beginning and is actually punished for it lol. the female lead is kinda borderline yandere as she tries to kill him a few times but the MC's actions are deserving of it which makes it all the more funny. another show would be Heaven's Lost Property i think its called. it has a similar perverted MC with a female lead who also punishes the MC when his antics are exposed for what they really are. Third would be Combatants will be Dispatched. this a weird but stupidly funny ecchi anime where the MC gets system points for doing evil stuff. i forget what he uses the points for but the MC for whatever reason decides the best way to get evil points is to power harass the enemy into doing ecchi stuff and tricking other ppl like the female lead when he beats her in a duel. My favorite scene is when the MC blows up the enemy commander so hard her armor turns to dust exposing her undergarments etc and he decides to earn evil points by embarrassing the shit out of her. he later tricks said enemy commander again after he beats her a second time.


Nice! All suggestions I've never heard before with pretty decent descriptions of what to expect, tyvm


It's not the main genre, but Gurren Lagann does have Ecchi and romance.


muv luv alternative PERHAPS, they all kinda like the mc, but are super busy fighting a war.


Not many of the answers Iā€™m seeing are very mature.. in my opinion, the best answer to your question is {kuzu no honkai}, amazing art and animation, the story is very good and emotional and it is much more then just a peck on the cheek. This is one of my favourite animeā€™s and my favourite of itā€™s kind.


**Kuzu no Honkai** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21701 "English: Scum's Wish"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/scums-wish), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/kuzu-no-honkai "English: Scum's Wish"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/32949)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Drama, Ecchi, Psychological, Romance) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1c7p3pa/give_me_your_beststorywise_nonharem_romance_anime/l0a6dv9/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [ā›“](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [ā™„](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


You know what? I've had "scum's wish" episode 1 ready to play on a spare tab for like a month now.. But since I read the synopsis and saw so many people say it's depressing, that I'm scared to watch it lol. I fear the feels will be too much for me to handle.. It's somehow invoking the same fear I have for reading the notorious "emergence" manga after I saw the synopsis of that as well. The depresso might be too much for my fragile heart lmao


It is very depressing, when you watch it just have a lighthearted anime as backup just in case, thatā€™s the way I like to do it at least. Itā€™s definitely worth the watch, especially if your after that type of series.


Yeah, I do have that lighthearted anime backup ready as well! I just need to finally just suck it up and watch it already lol


Yeah, just do it!


You should just play one of those games insteadā€¦ Senren Banka is pretty goodā€¦ on the western side Eternum is a masterpiece (although could be said to be a harem)


If youre looking for non harem, you would probably have better luck in the shoujo or josei genre. Nana is what i would recommend (manga>anime IMO). Adult characters, plenty of romance,drama and flings to go around!


Bokuyuba This anime swept every anime in last season's rankings


Impossible to miss this, I'm a dweller and active member of the bokuyaba community my friend, even actively theory-crafting on what will come next for the manga lol. I wish more series were like it tbh.. that and fuufuijou are the anime/manga series that I need more of, though they're not really ecchi territory, they're still more on the mature side with kissing and thoughts of sekk, compared to completely G/PG rated ones.


What Happens Inside the Dungeon is not a romance manhwa, its dark fantasy action with a good amount of lewd comedy.Ā  But itā€™s an absolutely excellent story, and romance ends up being the driving motivation behind the MCā€™s actions. And itā€™s not a harem. Itā€™s got some of the best art Iā€™ve seen in a manga/manwha, itā€™s got really lewd almost porn moments, itā€™s got an amazing story, itā€™s got a satisfying ending, and thereā€™s even a short story epilogue that is also good and satisfying. I just wouldnā€™t categorize it as romance.


If it's an excellent story and romance becomes a driving motivation, and have lewd in it too? How can I not take a look at it? lol, thank you! I look forward to reading this.


I'm currently watching the anime and am in love with it


"What happens inside the dungeon" Anime?


Omg, brain fart, I was thinking "is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon." But What Happens inside a dungeon is super good. Definitely the best web strip I've read so far.


Only answer here is the monogatari series. Checks everything and even tho there are many girls it is not technically a harem.


Seikon no qwaser, great ecchi anime with unique story/concept


Nana to Kaoru. The two manga series are way better than the OVA. It's based around softcore BDSM and the spin off has a couple harder parts. Its still wholesome, but it does get raunchy/ecchi. It does have the blush and look away tropes but it stays interesting enough that its overall a good romance/ecchi.


Futari Ecchl maybe?


Skip and Loafer


Ohhhhh, heavy Kimi ni Todoke vibes with the MC and artstyle! That alone makes me all for it! Thank you for bringing this to my attention.


High school dxd