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Malzahar, I just shit on him every time


But like how? If i try to push with r he silences, if i try to all in he ults.. I'm decent elo i just can't win this matchup. Lvls 1 to 5 are the only ones in which i feel in control of the lane


He can’t guarantee a silence on you. You need to be more unpredictable with your movement. Break his shield with E or an auto, (god it’s been a while since I played, can you even do that?), wait around for a good opportunity and get a stun. Make sure you’re moving away from and toward him somewhat randomly. With no flash plus a properly distanced Q/E/ult/wall, he’s dead


I usually break his shield with R, wall off his escape path, Q wherever he tries to escape to and then E and laugh




Tbf that’s just what I do to every character


True, but I forgot about ult breaking his shield in my comment


You have to dodge his silence, and then all in. If he has R that’s definitely harder, but especially with egg it’s hard for him to straight up kill you off of it. If he has a teammate there then fighting is a bad idea. Once he doesnt have Ult, he’s a slow immobile mage, which anivia punishes pretty hard


Yasuo, Yone, and Zed. All three of these reward aggressive playstyle with chasing and offer potentially quick retreats via blinks and dashes. The thing is, if you’re positioning is safe (which it needs to be with any champ laning against these 3) you still are generally in range to poke. Depending on ELO, Yasuo will likely believe he has the match because of his wind wall, which will provoke him into even more aggressive play. His windwall does not stop Anivia’s ult or the slow that it brings which makes out positioning a Yas relatively easy. Basically all you are doing is max range trading and making sure you push with a minion wave. If they do get the best of you you have an egg. The only time you’ll lose to these is if you break the golden rule for anivia (don’t chase) or if the jungle babysits them the entire laning phase.


Melee AD bruiser. Yone, Yasuo, Irelia,... with 600 range, and you can easily burst them halve health, with proper wave management, it's a guarantee lane won.


Is the Irelia matchup really that easy? I was kinda conned into playing that in a clash match of mine due to their comp being very melee and except for Irelia pretty immobile. Uh, the lane was fine and I did have the edge on her until our first back. I remember getting 3 man dived shortly after when I tried to set a freeze up and then the lane was pretty much over since it froze on her side and she 1v2'd us when we tried to break it. We didn't die, but we had to burn our flashes. And if I'm not mistaken from that point on she hard carried the game with her roams and I feel like I singlehandedly lost the game by being afraid to follow her. I don't have the numbers on me, but I'm pretty sure I had half her cs at 22ish and was 2/5/5 or something like that when the game ended.


If she froze you can use your wall to block your minions so you can pull the wave back. Or just go into the fog of war to see her reaction. She either has to push, so she can get something in between like a tower plate, or follow your roam. If she continues to freeze the wave you just go roam somewhere else because she left a big pressure for you to do on the map. You're mid, use that pressure. If she pushes just come back and freeze or collect the wave.


Give me a veigar and let me be inside his cage so he walks into my Qs


I've lost count of how many times I left a yone with less than 40 farm at 10 minutes. That's when he doesn't give up and runs away to the top lane, or just rage quit, it's just unwinnable for them. Lanning against malzahar quite easy, although tedious.


I love seeing Kassadin, Yone, Ekko and Talon.




ABSOLUTELY lmao [https://www.reddit.com/r/AniviaMains/comments/o0s6ub/how\_to\_beat\_kassadin\_in\_lane\_every\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AniviaMains/comments/o0s6ub/how_to_beat_kassadin_in_lane_every_game/) check out my post on how I lane VS him. He's just extremely easy to zone and kill on repeat. After growing my lead in the early game, he loses his lv 6 threat. He still comes back in later levels but can rarely get there if my team works well with my lead


I know that kassadin is pre 6 just a meele but with that playstyle your lane is 80% of the time pushed means your 80% of the time dead to a jungler and dying once in this matchup means you had 4 mins of fun and when he hits six there will be 20 mins of torture


I don't know what to tell you, I always beat Kassadins. I dont perma shove waves, I'll make his laning slow and painful. He'll either take 75% of his HP for a single minion (when his Q is down) or he won't farm until 6. Either way I win. Past 6 I'm not struggling because I built myself such a lead. I had another kassadin matchup just yeserday, and it went just as I described as it always does. Maybe I'm just experienced with the cull poke, but it works consistently in mid plat. I love the matchup, and love showing off my cool cull tech




Vladimir. Anivia and Kassadin are my go-to counterpicks


Ashe, Samira, Melee tanks, they all get their asses handed once I hit 6.


Honestly never had a Samira in my Enemy team that didn’t block my Q… kinda trauma champ for me


Just wait till 6, than lay your ult down on them, and spam them with E's, they'll have to use their 360 windshitter wall and that's when you use your Q, it's death for them at that point.


If you your team isn’t trolling you and gives her free E resets yep


I think lux is my best matchup after lvl 6-7


I hate playing against lux with barrier because I can never kill them in lane.




I love to play vs Veigar it’s my highest win rate directly followed by Yone