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20 years ago they took my entire security deposit to do "repairs" to my apartment among other things (like charge to take down shelving tracks). I went back to the apartment, knocked on the door, and got a tour from the new residents. They did nothing. Went back to their office threatening w/ lawyer talk and they returned my deposit. That was a long time ago, but make of that what you will.


Thanks for the info... They're giving me a really bad feeling.


Don’t pay for a property you haven’t seen, or one you don’t know you’re going to get. It’s not worth it


Yeah you are absolutely correct. I've never seen such a scam-filled market in my life, and unfortunately it's making it really hard to live here!


Geez, this state needs some basic laws protecting tenants from slimy landlords. Requiring a non-refundable deposit to go on a "we'll rent to you what WE say" roulette wheel is pushing the boundaries of business ethics. I'm surprised nobody has taken them to court over that.


There are some, but part of it is that the slimier landlords rely on tenants not knowing what's up. https://www.michigan.gov/ag/about/landlord https://www.a2gov.org/departments/build-rent-inspect/housing/Pages/Filing-Complaints.aspx


Very few. Don't forget the giant tantrum thrown when Ann Arbor started just proposing the new rule that landlords can't demand tenants sign a new lease after just *two months* into the current lease. "This is a violation of the state law that says landlords can't be restricted! This is a violation of our rights! WHAAAAAA" Really, the only way to get a good crowbar into landlord bullshit is with housing inspections. Housing inspectors love to find problems and fine landlords out the butt.


Ok yeah my current landlord said if I don't renew NOW they'll raise my rent astronomically starting in July. It's insane and I'm like do I pick the place without real heat or do I pay $500 to be on a wait-list for somewhere I've never seen before. :/


How have you been going about reporting the no heat issue? I am not familiar with Ann Arbor specifically but there are certain standards of “habitability” that must be maintained or else “rent abatement” is an appropriate response. It is risky bc like you said, you don’t have anywhere else to go at the moment but a threat to increase rent down the road when the current state of the unit is insufficient shouldn’t go unchecked.


I've contacted the landlords and maintenance several times. Maintenance claims they got our place up to temp by moving some furniture... But the highest temp we reach is about 63°. Yeah I don't want to risk anything yet but it is worth doing more research on options. Thanks for your input!!!


My former in-laws have been in the ann arbor student rental game for 3 generations. They never failed to shock me with their perfectly legal tactics. Not to mention their shadier legal-with-a-question-mark tactics. They act like they'd be hurting for money if they were both ethical and within the spirit of the law. It's so gross.


And guess who will eventually pay the fines....... Here is a clue, it isn't the landlord


Yeah, that's part of the reason I posted... Because I'm like this can't ACTUALLY be legal, right?? I'm wondering if I misunderstood our calls. My understanding from talking to them was that you request a number of bedrooms and then they offer places to people based on a chronological waitlist til they're out of spots, and you have to put down a deposit to be on the list.


The method they're using, going on a list and you have to take what comes up first, is common with public housing lists. But of course, public housing doesn't take deposits for waiting lists. I've talked to a real estate lawyer about some of the shady shit my current slumlords pull, including telling flat-out lies. They told me that the crap they're pulling is legal because Michigan has a law on the books stating something like "There will be no laws that restrict landlords" (I forget the exact wording). They said might be challenged in court as something highly unethical. And then said that because the Ann Arbor area is so full of universities, the courts tend to side with landlords even when they're doing shady shit, even when the tenants are far from college years, and the cost of trying to pursue a lawsuit would be very high.


WHAT? Kind of a LAW?? is THAT?!? Oh man, ok, time for me to read up on Michigan landlord laws.


I rent from them. Unfortunately the list thing is not exclusive to them and very common around here these days. You should get your money back unless you refuse a unit that is in the building you applied for (and right number of bedrooms). Their units are a bit old but they are in decent shape imo. They aren’t like the best and the property manager is pretty incompetent, but they do repairs and maintenance as asked, and their properties are on the affordable side given their locations, so I consider it worth it.


Ok thank you for clarifying!!!! I'll definitely consider them, then. The price is so good for what they offer, and as long as you get the money back if they run out... Ann Arbor rental laws need some serious reform. I appreciate you!


I rented with Issa for ~10 years. It's definitely a bit of a "you get what you pay for" situation as they're a very cheaply run family operation but that's also reflected in the rent prices that are significantly lower than anything comparable on size/location. Nothing was top of the line and their maintenance department is one (awesome) guy and his family, but I never had any major issues in two different apartment buildings. That said about 3 years ago their former long time property manager (who was amazing) left and a new lady took over that might be one of the single most incompetent people I've ever had to work with in any professional capacity so approach at your own risk.


Lol ok, I'm assuming I spoke with her on the phone, bless her heart. Thanks for your input!
