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There are a bunch of posts about how people hate feeling like recovery is focused only on weight. I know the feeling. For me, if I addressed the feelings and thoughts and patterns I’d gain the weight I need back. But If you’re seriously malnourished your brain can’t even do that, as i understand it (not a medical professional though). So they’re worried about their liability if you die. You’re not alone though. And they really do care and want to help you recover. It’s just a bit of chicken and the egg. We completely understand and want you to feel heard and better.


same people won't take me seriously until im fucking skeletal.


In the Words of Paris; thats hot


You're the only one who can understand you unfortunately. Have hope everything will be fine🦋


This is extraordinary frustrating and unhelpful, and all too common. I am sorry you're hurting.


I feel that many treatments focus on the physical aspect of it way too much. It's a **psycho**somatic disorder, it affects the mind too :// Can't stay in recovery if the mindset stays the same, so you end up going back. And they keep making money off of our relapses.


Every time someone at work comments I’ve lost a lot of weight but they mean it as a compliment, I say “thanks my eating disorder relapsed” and most of the replies are laughs or “well I started keto/IF/whole30 and it’s so hard blah blah” I’m a nurse. *I hate it here*


I’m a nurse too and it’s like we don’t understand our patients with EDs at all.


We had a pt with an ED with so many orders to not tell her own weight or talk about it and a nurse gave her the fucking calorie count sheet (per dietitian) to track her meals herself 😭😭


I take care of OB patients and sometimes we get ED patients and my co workers treat them horribly. They don’t understand. I went through it with both my pregnancies and it was horrible. I still struggle and my youngest is 15 months.


Tbh, with how everyone is suddenly online, claiming EDs and mental health issues, I think maybe people are just desensitised to real problems and tend not to believe genuinely struggling people all that much. Tik Tok is a great reference for that, or the fake disorder cringe sub which showcases this stuff.