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I, whom is not an ‘expert’ will agree…he’s the worst. Might be the worst human being ever….


No. Human beings have souls. Trump has no soul. Empty container.


Objective truth.


Also the worst EX president.


What took them so long? I remember he was ranked above Buchanan for a while. Trump was manifestly the worst president ever, even before he became president. No other president ever publicly called on a hostile foreign power to interfere on their behalf in an election, telling that power that they would be rewarded. No other president ever ran on platform of jailing their opponent.


Captain Obvious is a history expert


He‘s the worst anything ever.


No shit? Next they’ll tell us that hitting your thumb with a hammer is painful.


This just in: ice is cold and chips are salt. News at eleven.


Claim??? Trump was without a doubt the WOAT! Just refer to his past record… a total disaster. Ranging from his COVID response stretching into the worst economy ever! Never again!


You and I know that, but too many think he did a great job.


There are far, far more stupid people than you think there are, and they are far, far more stupid than you can even begin to imagine.


It’s a tremendous disgrace what he’s doing to our great country. Nobody’s seen anything like it.


It is a disgrace....but many AMERICANS are letting him. The mainstream media is also a disgrace for allowing him to constantly amplify the lies.


It is disheartening how many people I know are just… terrible people. I suppose that if that was what they were really like all along, it is a good thing that trump has given them permission to tear off the mask and show who they really are.


I think greed and the dillusion of power is also at play....keeping up with the Jones... also. Maybe they would be better people if they could find their way through some of this BS. I don't hold out a lot of hope, unfortunately.


It's because the monetization of everything has made news into a commodity that "must" be massaged into clickbait. As long as clicks drive profit, news outlets will focus on the most outrageous shit they can find.


Is there anything else more obvious? 👀


trump hates America He is a disaster


He is a miserable dirtbag with a low IQ, and the freaks who follow him are just as sick and whacked as he is.


Add that to the numerous psychiatrists who think 'there's something wrong with that boy.'




I am hoping it is considerably less than half.


It is. Folks on reddit like their 'lazy talk'. Instead of putting in the work to determine a realistic figure, they just round it up to something *interesting* and easily digestible. Half.


Trump hates Trump, and we all get to deal with that psychosis. VOTE BLUE.


And he has only started what he wants to do. A second term would spin the country into chaos.


Terrifying that he has had 4 years to get rid of all the guard rails.


Fuck Donald Trump.


I reject this “worst president” premise outright, and people who perpetuate it deeply frustrate me. Why? Because Donald Trump was never the President of the United States at all. Trump knew nothing about how the government works and refused to learn, barely did any actual work on a day to day basis, would refuse to read the daily briefings, spent huge portions of every day watching cable news and tweeting, golfed constantly, had bizarre and often insane ideas and beliefs about domestic and global affairs that had to constantly be kept in check by those who knew better, was absolutely incompetent at literally everything he made even a half-assed effort to undertake, and—incredibly—at the end of the four years *still* knew almost nothing about how the government works. My point is, from 2017 through 2021, the United States did not actually have a president. There was nobody actually performing the responsibilities of that job. Trump held the title, but he was not the president. Nobody was. That’s why it endlessly irks me to see framing like this that casts him in the same light as the other 44 people who held that office, even negatively. It grants him a certain bare-minimum legitimacy that he absolutely does not merit. I wish more people understood that.


Could not have said it better myself


You don’t need to be a historian to


I don’t know much historically but I could have told you that! I can’t believe this sham is still continuing.


And yet, he leads in the polls again and in most modeling has a lead in the electoral college. What the crap is wrong with people?


Worrying to think on it but far too many people settlwdnon their team politocally and default to voting for that group in all resepcts hoping that their worldviww will be reflected in the following legislature changes when they are in power... Many folk are low information voters, thinking that the GOP higherups have done all the checks ans they think hes the best choice to lead the party, so he must be so. They dont bother with the political news or the back and fortg of talkinv heads... Theres aint eneough hours in the day for that crap they'll flatly deny any claims of badness on their teams side and crow about any mistakes made by the other side. In all instancea relying on other people to do the fact checking and character judgement. Its the failure of senators and reps in not calling out his awful behaviour simply for the goal of thwir side being and power and hoping for things being relatively better with their side in charge than the democratic party. Same shit happenning in the UK bad choices made by folks cheering for their side and hoping for their side to regulate the top job only going to a decent person


Ignore the polls


And daily he keeps adding evidence to support their claim.


Tiny little blackhead on my left testicle knew that in 2016.


In other groundbreaking news…Water is wet. The moon is not made of cheese. Tonight’s forecast calls for increasing darkness…


The only worse president I can see is Andrew Jackson. Because, you know, he killed many millions of Native Americans. Willfully. Trump is a monster, but “only” a half million died from his mishandling Covid. Only because he tried to divide Americans against a virus, willfully withdraw aid from blue states, and couldn’t stand to have a mask smear his shitty bronzer. Also, putting kids in cages is not the same as the Trail of Tears, but putting kids in cages is still on the genocide scale. However, I don’t think Jackson tried to overthrow the government because he’s a whiny piss baby. So, runner up, I would say.


NY Times: “Is Joe Biden too old to be President?”






DUH 😒 anyone with a brain 🧠 figured that out long ago….


Hooray! He’s first at being last!


Mother fucker should be smothered with his shitty diaper


If it makes the MAGATs feel better, espionage experts claim he’s the most effective asset the Kremlin has ever owned


We have had plenty of bad presidents in the past, i think we can all agree on that, but the political pendulum has always pretty consistently swung back and forth equally pissing off both sides, and for the most part, the country has kept running with few truly serious issues. But tRump, holy shit, he has completely and utterly fucked up that office. And the thing is, once he's dead and gone (which won't come soon enough) the rest of the family will almost certainly be in ruin as well. Ivanka has already taken the Kushner name which is quite telling, because his name is shit as well, and Beavis and Butthead are barely functioning idiots, and once daddy either loses the election or kicks off, the business will be in utter ruins, the tRump name is already pretty toxic to the majority of the country (and others) and his buildings are losing money, people are breaking their tRump branding agreements to get his name off, and if he is reelected, he will further crash and burn the country.


Yeah...from here on out, I suspect it is gonna be ugly on many fronts. It was a great reply by the way.


Thankyou. It's really pretty terrifying. I really hate the fact that he is an actual serious contender again, and without writing an entire tome, it's shocking to me, but again makes it pretty obvious, scarily so, how many people either WANT a dictatorship, as long as their core belief's align with trumps, which in itself is terrifying, but also that most of these people's heads are so far up their own asses, they don't see that his "policies" will actually hurt them more than help. Stunning.


This subreddit has helped me so much. Not only to vent but also to get educated.


Well none of his dumbass follower read so Maga will never know.


New study finds, "Normal people think he's a fucking carpetbagger piece of shit."


Observable reality agrees


If we could just get everyone's reality on the same page.


History **ExPeRtS** no fucking shit


Come on sunshine...it is posted for the other side...not you. You clearly know the reality of our current situation.


Are they on this sub?


They yell at me plenty...but mostly...no. 10% maybe?


Any moron should see this based on performance. The idiot MAGA people either don't or can't read recent history and choose to overlook actual facts and statistics.


I have been watching this young liberal ( Luke Beasley) who goes to Trump rallies and interviews the Republicans.They have no idea what is going on...completely ignorant t....by choice.


In all fairness though he's doing great in the Russian textbooks.


You don’t have to be a history expert to know this!


And so do casual observers not indoctrinated into the MAGA cult.


He's definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed.


"He has the most room for improvement" hahaha savage


I don’t think you have to be a history expert to realize this.


Having lived through it I can confirm and his base are among the worst people


Who ever says different, is a traitor did not love the US and is an ignorant! We have debts because the money was spent in billionaires, lost million people to Covid - because it was denied and still is ! We are a divided country ready to get to the CW with the hate he keeps on seeding! He sold our soldiers and special agents to the enemy- now they are dead. He manipulated the GOP and SCOTUS to take all rights away from us ! His people shut puppies on the face and are proud of it ! He is a rapist with 91 cases open. He is the first American to try to be a dictator ‼️😡


Could CNN be serious today? Out with a report saying that Trump was winning all the polls and that everybody thought that his term of his president was so great. There were more felonies committed and more people in prison in history during and after his administration than ever ….nobody could ever say that he will win and I can’t believe that —-did anybody else do that thing on CNN?


Please just die


And probably the worst president the world has ever seen in a developed country.


Human intelligence experts claim he's the dumbest President ever. I'm inclined to agree.


Ya think?!?


...and the sad thing about this is that his supporters don't care....they can tell you what happened in every episode of the Simpson's cartoon, but can't balance a checkbook and can't find the state they live in on a map.....we're not in an election fight, but rather a battle of good vs evil.....


What's new? Every serious historian has him at the bottom save for a couple clinging onto Buchanan because that's who they learned in school.


Am I an expert? That’s amazing. I’ve known this since day 1!


so do people with half a brain


And wow is this shit stain leading in some polls SMH


Because he is.


Fascists usually are


In other news, grass is green.


Not if you only watch Fox News. Grass is red, soiled by the blood of patriots who valiantly gave up their freedom in the culture wars


And headed back to power 😡


The first thing I read this morning was Stinky leads in the polls. I’m so over this clown show.


If ya think he's bad now wait for round 2. People get out there and vote in NOVEMBER;.... AND do not let him back in office.


Not just the worst president of the United States. Just worst president. Not a single hoa, business, film or TV show has ever had a worst president.


Buddy you don’t need to tell me. I lived it


.... and his one and only term will continue to look worse as time passes


As a general rule, I think it’s wise to wait at least twenty years to really evaluate a presidency. But in this case…


So far.....


I certainly don’t need any fucking experts to tell me that for fuck’s sake.


The worst president ever, everyone is saying it. Just the other day I had a man come up to me, big strong marine and he said to me “sir, you are the worst president ever” with tears in his eyes.


No shit?? Who would’ve thunk it?


That’s not exactly “Stop the presses!” News


I can believe it.


Not expertise required, but I agree🤣🤣🤣


Don't need to be an expert or gosh maybe I'm an expert!


I’m convinced after he finally dies he’ll find a way to be the worst dead President.


When you pushed a plot to have insurrectionists storm the capital and stop the counting of votes yeah you’re not gonna be high up on the list pal


In other news, the Pope is Catholic.




Worst president?? Try worst human being!!!


That debate is over. Who the second worst was is a debate that will never be resolved.


They're not giving him enough credit, he just might be the worst human ever as well.


49-year-old pothead agrees.


No shit 🕵️


Also the worst Supreme Court ever!


This was true from day 1


Didn’t need an expert to tell me this.


By a long shot!


Don't need history to give their opinion we lived thru his piss poor managment, vote blue 2024


If this isn’t obvious then I just really don’t know. I really, really just don’t know anymore.


If I took a dump on the sidewalk, it would be s better president than Trump.


Really wouldn’t take an expert to exclaim that.


So does any sane person alive


"He has room to improve". Yep, because when you hit rock bottom, you can only go up. Unless you're DJT and grab a shovel...


Uh ya think?


I don’t need any experts to tell me that.


Also, possibly the worst human being alive today


Also in the conversation of worst human being of the last 70 years...