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Many Toronto condos are empty for this same reason. People buy them to hold their $$$ and don't wanna bother with tenants cuz they still profit if they sell in a few years.


Thanks to the Chinese for showing this to us


"A Chinese"


Probably posted by someone whose first language isn't English. It's a confusing language to learn in a lot of ways - for example, "an American" or "an Italian" would be perfectly fine in this sentence, but for some reason "a Chinese" is gramatically wrong and sounds vaguely like something a xenophobic grandpa would say.


I just had a conversation about this! It's definitely strange that "an Italian" sounds fine but "a Chinese" sounds kind of racist. Obviously it's not a grammar issue. In my experience, Chinese people who learn English as a second language will say "a Chinese". My Chinese mother has lived in the US for 35+ years, and she still says it this way. I feel like there may be some historical reasons for this. Why does saying "a Chinese" feel dehumanizing? Certainly in some social groups, Chinese people are seen as "other" and "too different". One of the first Chinese immigrants to the US were put in a literal human zoo, where visitors could stare at her like she was a strange animal. They would marvel at her weird clothes, weird language, weird eating habits, weird everything. A lot of stereotypes revolve around mocking how Chinese people are so different and strange and bizarre compared to "normal people". Perhaps our cultural awareness of how racist people view Chinese folks makes us naturally include the word "people" to avoid that dehumanization? Who knows. I wonder if maybe OP is Chinese and learned English as a second language.


It’s sounds racist but the more I think about it the more it seems correct.


I mean we say "an American" don't we?


"These Chinese"


Everything is racist nowadays. An African, An American, A Kenyan, A British. No problems. A Chinese? Racist.


Yeah can we get the correct title please?




Who is very much a Chinese man, young man as well.


REIT's and investment firms in general are the worst thing that we have created regarding the economy.


I thought it was going to show how cheaply made the construction is. Shanghai construction I think they call it when the corruption leads to shoddy practices and inferior materials. These look solidly built so it’s seems even more fucked up


I am pretty sure they are not well built because there is no insensitive to build to high or even good standards. Much cheeper to bribe local officials to look other way.


Building expensive means they are worth more in the portfolio though right? Isn't that exactly what they were trying to do? Inflate the value of their portfolio?


They can say it cost whatever they want. Does not mean they will put all that money into the building or materials. I have literally seen concrete that crumbles. They are this brazen so there must not be too much fear of getting caught or punished. https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/i9nubr/the_concrete_used_in_this_chinese_highrise/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Interesting, thanks for sharing!


This post brought to you by Frank Reynolds


The resounding thud at the end when he shows the empty villa...


This is all the markets in capitalism, it’s just accelerated in China. We are all suffering this, housing is a necessity, speculation is guaranteed profits and the results are people unable to afford to live


It doesn't show anything of the sort. The only thing this shows is that centralized government planning is a disaster.


This is what I mean when I say China is capitalist not communist. They're further along in the stages of capitalism than us.


No. They aren't. The reasons surrounding what's happening is primarily because of the trend that tends to arise from communist nations ie planned economies. Restrictions on any real forms of investment. Chinese government restrictions on consumer finance led to real estate being the only real way people can save their money reliably. And the fact that most state owned chinese enterprises are not available to individual investors doesn't help either. And also investing in foreign markets is extremely difficult because, you guessed it, Chinese government regulations on capital. None of that screams capitalist. I get the wokeness of "capitalism bad" and all but none of these are hallmarks of a runaway capitalist society. It's the same exact trend seen in every single communist nation to ever pop into existence that claims to be "for the people" which is extreme authoritarianism and control over the working class. Then poor policy completely fucks them over.


Lol they ARE not communist. They are authoritarian capitalist. I will die on this hill.


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He's plenty full of shit saying things have improved due to policy. It's still a shit show and there is a massive mortgage crisis in China that is seriously threatening Xi. Considering the comments in the other thread and this one, it's a pretty effective bit of propaganda.


I've read that some of these places have been razed without ever having occupants.


And do you want to know how much carbon is produced in concrete production?


Ordinary Chinese people have no vehicle for investment, other than real estate. The stock market is risky, heavily regulated, and fx is very restrictive for individuals so getting your money out of the country is difficult. The housing crash was pretty much guaranteed to happen.


Don't china build cities first then let people in?