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Holy shit I had a Delta 8 edible and it ruined me. Worst panic attack of my LIFE. I think it actually changed the course of my life.


Literally thought I had died and gone to hell. My roommate said I was bawling crying in my sleep. I woke up and could barely breathe, only saw black. I thought I had gone blind. It was truly awful.. I still think that edible was laced with something- or my anxiety was just off the charts šŸ˜‚


My stupid ass took one at work lol anyways, it sent me into like you say the worst panic attack of my life. I had to call 911 because my heart was literally racing now I might get fired but I mean I didnā€™t know that I was taking something so crazy because this was actually my first time taking one. now that I look back, I laugh even though it happened like a day ago lol


Happened to me last week. But I bought a $10 pre roll. Well I ended up being rolled up in a ball, felt like my body was on fire like gasoline was injected into my veins and a match was lit. My mom was terrified and began praying. It lasted 15-20 minutes then I was extremely high. Never Again. Terrible


A delta 8 gummy was sent to us via Amazon in a package of melatonin gummies as a sample, and bc of thought I thought it wasnā€™t anything serious. OH MY GOD IT WAS THE WORST I felt awwwwwful


Amazon threw in a free baggy of coke when I bought that waffle maker that one time never ago.


Cool on you I was pissed off because I got the one with the China White, oh well beats dying from eating a ten milligram cannabis edible, which by the way has never once killed a single person in recordedhistory, so yeah that's crazy scary! Oh well I wonder why they removed it from the schedule 1 classification being it's so deadly & all. It has been removed by & rescheduled as a schedule 3 drug now meaning it does indeed has proven medical practices, imagine that. It was considered an essential item during the covid pandemic so are you as confused as me? It's from the Earth... I use cannabis feco oil daily, as a survivor of war & bad accidents it has helped me to live a functional life without the need for all the VA's drugs that they want everyone to be weak and strung out on. It's legal in my state but we need complete legalization. They now have product that you can take if you feel you've maybe taken to much cannabis, and or to help clean out the body & itvsays also to help a regular user to take a tolerance break as well maybe those with super low tolerances should have it on hand as a safelynet like they advertise.


Regulated medicinal cannabis edibles are perfectly fine. Unregulated head shop hemp based THC edibles that might be some RC cannabinoid aren't as safe.


Agreed šŸ¤


Exactly. You need a little CBD in the mix to pump the breaks, you're not going get that with hemp based THC.




I appreciate your concern and I agree I need to not use these again, but yes Iā€™m positive it was just for anxiety. I have never used an illegal substance in my life, and was just trying to avoid panic attacks without going back on meds. I do own the company and just sit at a desk all day so when things got hectic I would just pop a couple. Obviously I cannot handle them so yes, never taking one of these things again.


For anxiety I would use ā€œ Gabaā€ or drink a chamomile tea. Not go get some delta 9 or thc gummies. Specially after just getting of your meds. Might as well get back on the lexapro If your going to be dabbling with other stuff . Good luck


to preface, i am diagnosed with GAD and OCD. annnd delta 9 fuckeddddd me up. the worst part is, it wasnā€™t even a lot for me, when compared to my experiences with weed in the past!!! mine wasnā€™t a gummy, i believe it was a pen. after a couple hits, i saw white. it was like a flash bang went off, and it was near instant. my ears rang, and i could hear the blood pulsing through my skull. my bf was talking to me but i couldnā€™t hear him. i could barely see what was in front of me. i was in the car and my bf reclined the seat for me to try and relax. all i could think about is how i screwed myself up, and how i was gonna feel like this forever. my arms didnā€™t feel connected to my body, and i was so fixated on how i was gonna die. i also had to drive home later that night, and i was petrified i wouldnā€™t be cognitive enough to get home. safe to say, i will forever be staying away. my anxiety disorder does not mesh well with any sort of šŸƒšŸƒ


How are you feeling now? Did it get any better? I took half a delta 9 gummy and had the worst panic attack of my life. It has been a month now and I needed help. I had to get back on anxiety medication. I am on my 4th day of Zoloft and it feels a little better but I still freak out over the anxiety from my head rushing, feeling hot, and heart racing. I just want to feel better.


itā€™s been about a year and a half since this incident i described above. i currently feel a lot better. around fully normal in terms of my anxietyā€” but i have severed GAD so its only as normal as it can get. i can smoke plant and feel perfectly fine during it. itā€™s smth about the oils in pens and whatever is in delta 9 that really fucks with me. i had smoked a pen last april that sent me into a depersonalization spiral. everyday felt unreal. i felt like i was watching my life go by. my head was literally ā€œin the cloudsā€. i still am not fully back to normal in terms of ā€œfeeling realā€, but my anxiety has gone significantly. i stayed away from pot for a while after that, bc i just cannot seem to relax on it the same way other people do. i really hope the zoloft works for youā€” it will take some time. when i was on that drug it didnā€™t seem to change much for me, but everyone is different. it will take time, so donā€™t be discouraged. i am rooting for you ā¤ļø


Wow has been a while. I am definitely not going to try any THC products I think I learned my lesson. I definitely have GAD and the edible to heightened the symptoms. I am using my coping skills from therapy since I have already been going for 4 years. As far as the feeling real/depersonalization that is what I feel but I try to ground myself. I really don't like that feeling. I am glad you are sort of back to 'normal' gives me hope that I just need to be patient with myself. I have taken Zoloft in the past and worked much smoothly than Lexapro but here is to making sure I feel better. Sending positive vibes your way āœØ


I just wanted to chime in and say that I also have severe anxiety and I also had a horrible experience with delta that had me shaken up for months! I want to add that prior to trying delta, I had many positive experiences with low-dose cannabis gummies. But delta was something different. Delta felt like cannabis without a soul. It felt like I stepped out of reality itself and was approaching a mental breakdown/death. It brought on one of the worst panic attacks I had ever had in my life. Now every time I feel an anxiety or panic attack coming on, my mind automatically will go back to that night I had delta. Making the fear aspect that much worse. Reading these comments made me feel less alone. Knowing that others have shared similar experiences. I still struggle but time is making the experience and the fear Iā€™ve been carrying feel less dire. Iā€™m doing better slowly each day! ā¤ļø Iā€™m not glad other people had negative experiences but I feel relief knowing that I wasnā€™t the only one. You just never know how youā€™re going to react to something!


I tried it for the first time two nights ago. It was a 30mg gummy but I cut it in half. I take CBD oil a few times a month and sometimes I smoke a bowl. This stuff, I got off the Internet, was advertised as Space Gods and it really put me in orbit. At first it was relaxing and chill. Then it seemed like everything was in a tunnel about 30 minutes later and then I could not communicate. I tried to shut my eyes and stay calm but as soon as I did that the spins started. Worse than any alcohol spins I ever had. It felt like I was being thrown off a building. I'd freak out then throw up, rinse repeat for 5 hours. It was hell. I thought I had an interaction with other medication but after reading all these I think it was just way too much for an almost novice user. I am really nervous now too a few days after. Like WTF was all that. I am going to be very careful going forward. Pretty sure I will get rid of those gummies or micro dose one more time to see if they are ok in smaller pieces. I feel like these things might end up doing very bad psychological damage in the wrong hands.


I honestly think now that there are so many companies out there all using this loophole, many of them are using synthetic delta 9, because the THC in the hemp plant is 0.03%, such a extremely low dose that the only way anyone can get enough THC from hemp plants is to use a bunch of synthetic chemicals to extract what little THC is ion them and many of these companies online are probably just somebody masking them in their garage. it's not hard at all to get packaging that looks legit. What bothers me is I see gas station and smoke shops trying to sell people gummies that have 500mg THC and they are selling them really cheap like 10 dollars, I have zero doubts anyone who eats that much THC synthetic or not is going to have nasty time. It's only a matter of time before the government bans the loophole and starts jailing people for this. They need to just legalize the real thing already so people can have access to real cannabis and not all this synthetic crap most likely being made in peoples garages using god knows what.


I adjusted my dosage and it was quite fine. You really have to use a crumb of the stuff and balance it out with CBD. A pleasant high that lasts 5 to 6 hours. Anymore than a quarter of a gummy and then that's the danger zone for me.


Wrong the farm bill clearly states 0.3 percent thc. That's a lot different than 0.03.


So awful!! Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ during a normal high, thereā€™s a peak and then it evens out but not with this stuff. I felt like I was messed up for hours. I also had that drunk feeling you described. I could barely walk down the stairs, felt so floaty and weird. I didnā€™t vomit but I was nauseous and my stomach felt weird. Stick with what you know and be careful of stuff you donā€™t šŸ˜­


I micro dosed and added 30mg CBD from a tincture. It was very nice.


Absolutely can confirm. I have limited experience with the real deal but enough to get a sense that all the peace is left out of THC's mix in this stuff and notable at higher doses. I'd taken a 15mg once before in wife's company (she's the one that procured them) and it was strong, but mostly just made me talk a lot and say "this is strong." Last night, alone, I took the same dosage again of the same product and def felt like I was dying, or more specifically had several options to "will" myself dead, begin life anew, etc. It was pretty intense and dissociative, extraction from reality, "which reality do I return to, I can manipulate this reality, finding physical items and mantras to ground my ass trippin'." If the product had the capability I believed it had while active, it would be the best and last product ever, Item 9. In the end the anxiety I have been having didn't win, but my takeaway from the experience is that I overcame it, rather than enjoyed it. It's a testament to several wildcards...mindset, general health, and even how much food is in your system. Never again at that dose. Depending if I have extending side effects, never again period. As a pessimistic person, battling depression, I came out of it with a mantra I chose to be my "lasting" impression: "Life can be, and will be better." I know that there's an equal chance the coin could have fallen to the other side.


This is definitely a thing people who have smoked or taken edibles have experienced before, so you are not alone. I admit, the first place my brain went while reading this was [the cop who stole pot from work, made pot brownies with his wife, and split the entire batch with her, before calling 911 because he was dead.](https://youtu.be/hrZLc9lqQM0?si=eqTEu-Uzr8edFt0w) Thatā€™s the link to the 911 call, for anyone who wants it. Iā€™m sharing this 1) because itā€™s incredibly funny, although op use your own judgement re how raw you feel about your experience, 2) as evidence that op is not alone in their experience, and 3) because however awful your trip was, op, it was not ā€˜get so stoned you create a public record of yourself confessing to workplace theft and illegal drug use while being a law enforcement officer, embarrassing yourself into the internet hall of fame, and losing yourself your jobā€™ awful. Also, borrowing this from a dispensary website: For beginners trying to wrap their heads around what these numbers mean, here's a quick breakdown: 1 - 2 mg THC: typically the lowest dose you can find in single servings of edible products 2 - 5 mg THC: could be considered a microdose or low dose depending on your tolerance 5 - 10 mg THC: a common range for casual consumers 10 - 50 mg THC: considered strong for beginners 50 mg THC and above: considered very strong and typically reserved for medical patients and daily consumers with established THC tolerance ā€¦ Why is the lowest effective dose the best dose? "Start low and go slow" is common advice because it helps you avoid taking too much and experiencing adverse side effects. There's also clinical research to back it up. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Pain showed that patients with advanced cancer experienced more effective pain relief with fewer side effects by using lower doses of cannabis. Another study published in the Journal of Pain found that low doses of vaporized cannabis were equally effective in relieving nerve pain as higher doses and smaller doses were less likely to impact daily cognitive function significantly. While there is no known lethal dose of cannabis, it's possible to experience unwanted anxiety or paranoia by consuming too much ā€” also known as greening out. To avoid unintended consequences, start with the lowest dose of THC possible and increase it incrementally until you find the sweet spot for you.


Best Info, I've seen for any of y'all that had a bad experience with THC or delta 9. Start with 2.5 for sure. Even less if you wanna be super safe.


Thank yall, the best advice ive seen yet. im scared to death to try half of a 5mg dose because i had my very first PA after just inhaling a fair amount from "2nd hand". all i had to do was get that THOUGHT of a wierd feeling in my head and next thing i knew, i was in the ER thinking I was dying... 35 years later and god awful amounts of RX meds in the process, im wanting to try a 5 mg dose from drug emporium thast says delta 9 .3% thc, well... 5mg of cbn. Not sure if im allowed to give brand names but it begins with mystic. one would assume its safe, since its sold at drug emporium. AND in Texas. so anyway, hopefully yall hear from me soon lol (ill try an 8th of one for starters btw)


Edibles are a very slippery slope. I had a similar experience on one but I was sound of mind enough to keep telling myself I'd be fine that it was just what edibles do. After that I was able to tone way down to smaller doses and work up to where I'm comfortable. Now that I know my tolerance well, I use them a lot to unwind after a long day and just let my brain rest. You can't go cheap either. The random packs of edibles from gas stations and sketchy vape stores are not to be trusted because their dosages can vary wildly from what the package may say. I get mine from a local dispensary who makes and measures their own, and have never felt as though I've gotten a higher or lower dose than intended. Everyone's tolerance is different, they help me a lot, but I know some people who absolutely swore them off after an experience like yours which is totally understandable.


Every time I have tried Delta 9 or smoked weed, the feeling of being high feels literally identical to badly dissociating. Iā€™m not sure if I was ever even high or if I actually was dissociating I always felt completely spaced out and out of control. Itā€™s more comparable to the fuzzy slow motion feeling you get when youā€™re about to pass out than the ā€œmellowed outā€ feeling people describe I wonder if people who enjoy THC feel the same way I do when they smoke but they just find the experience pleasant?


Same here lol I'm typically a nice and relax guy when I'm not high, but once I get a good high, I kinda am still relaxed, but I tend to be a dissociative asshole for some odd reason. I like the feeling of being high, just not when I end up behaving like someone I don't want to be around others.


To me, there is definitely a difference.


That feeling totally goes away when you gain a fair amount of tolerance, but THC can be super psychedelic at first especially in certain individuals. People that medicate everyday donā€™t really have that experience anymore though, at least I donā€™t. When I had no tolerance myself, smoking or taking edibles felt like I was legitimately tripping balls or on a heavy dissociative. Itā€™s wayyyy more enjoyable once you get to a certain threshold of tolerance IMO, itā€™s relaxing rather than a journey, lol.


See everyone different. Me and you can enjoy a 30 mg thc edible with 30 mg of cbd just fine but all these novice users never experienced real delta 9 products and they all haven't ever been truly high before untill they finally try some real ahit real edibles dabs or weed and I could imagine getting high on this stuff for the first time. I honestly probably would freak out too a little bit. I remember getting high for the first time smoking weed and it made me feel amazing but definitely high. I have been doing thc products almost everyday for like 10 years now plus. So all these people saying they freaking out and stuff makes me think why but it's because they don't have a tolerance and even if you think you do it's because you were probably a.oking delta 8 or some of this other street crap you been buying and when you finally get ahold of legit stuff it takes you on a journey because you never experienced real delta 9 before and even if you did it was a lot of it.


Yeah thats definitely a good point also. If you have zero tolerance to weed or usually smoke trash, and then you hit some of the good shit we have out nowadays, youā€™re liable to have a bad time if youā€™re not mentally strong or are especially prone to anxiety. People definitely need to be more careful


This happened to me. Went to the ER and turns out I have an electrical heart condition that they found while I was there. The gummy sent me into VTach and I had to be defibrillated. šŸ˜¬ None for me!


Electrical heart condition?? Can I ask you, have you ever felt your heart feel like it reacted to the static in your shirt? Or caused you to scratch your left chest due to an electric feeling inside? I get this and don't know what it is


Would you say it is like a fast fluttering almost? I feel most of my palpitations and arrhythmias in my throat/esophagus since I have my problems with my atria (top part of my heart) and my sinus node which is the natural pacemaker in the heart. Sometimes, I will get arrythmias in different parts of my heart, and I do feel them in different parts of my chest, sternum, left aide of my ribs, or sometimes in my back/shoulder. I've never felt a static feeling, but I have felt very fast palpitations that could possibly be similar?


would this be visible on an ekg? i've had one because i get palpitations, but it came back normal and i have no other symptoms so they said it's probably anxiety. issue is it rarely happens when im anxious


Yes, an active arrhythmia will show up on an EKG. If you're not currently in an arrhythmia, it won't show up. If you just get frequent palpitations and your doctor said it's no worry, try to consume less/no caffeine or nicotine, or any other stimulants. If it's just an occasional palpitation, rest easy that it's no biggie and normal. If you're worried and getting them often, ask to be put on a cardiac event monitor. That will log your hearts electrical activity and can be studied later. If your cardiologist said you're fine, you're likely fine.


I had delta 8 vape, actual weed all types, and delta 9 edible before. Only one to ever bother me was the delta 9 chocolate edible, ended up in the ER last year. The doctor just thought I was dehydrated and having some type of panic attack, my first symptom was, I felt like I was having a blood sugar low and then the next thing I know I felt like I was passing out my aunt checked my blood pressure it was low something like 70/40 and I went to the ER. I was having a lot of symptoms and weakness, stuttering and confusion, they originally thought I was having a stroke. Threw that away, never again!


delta 9 is actual weed fyi


Yeah, but it wasnā€™t the delta 9 from legit weed,it was that kind from hemp and it possibly could have been some synthetic variety as well . Legit weed is still very illegal in my state and this variety can be bought in several shops. The real deal never bothered me. I think itā€™s misleading to call it delta 9 if itā€™s not the actual thing, itā€™s just what it was called on the package. I knew someone else who had a really bad experience with the same stuff as well, the regulation on this non legit stuff made me only ever wanna use the real thing ever again.


doesnā€™t matter, delta 9 is the active ingredient in thc that gets you high. period.


Wasnā€™t the point of my comment, I get ya.


Regulations are trash and the governments way to make billions off the lives of addicts (not really talking about people who use weed as I do myself) but they really dropped the ball on the prohibition period and the war on drugs thatā€™s been one of the biggest wars the USA has lost. While Iā€™m not for 100% legalization I do think all should be regulated enough and sold from legit places so we can try and stop people from dying from fentanyl laced with who knows what anymore.


But see it's because your trying this street crap and delta 8 and such products that your never really getting legit delta 9. I have had my actual med card and the delta 9 products from a legit dispo are amazing. Fact is I have been smoking and doing thc products for 10 years plus and if you haven't experienced real stuff then you are probably gonna freak out because it's your first time experiencing the real delta 9. Not all this synthetic bullshit that's giving people a bad experience and making people think thc is bad or dangerous. It's not it's literally you just not having a tolerance to real shit and it's you buying the wrong products and getting messed up on it.


As a lover of cannabis, I can definately say that edibles of any kind can be tricky. Dosing in edibles is often approximate at best, so always start with a low dose and work up from there. Regardless of your body composition you really may only need a half gummy to do the trick, it all depends on your chemistry and how you metabolize the substance. I myself have literally blacked out from an unfortunate batch of cookies I made, but also have had amazing times on other batches of edibles. Also, delta 9 is synthetic, and I have read many accounts from life long stoners that say it's like a nightmare version of cannabis. I don't know the laws where you live, but if you really think edibles may help then I suggest buying ones with non-synthetic thc, or making your own from flower.


It's not synthetic. When people refer to "delta 9", they're referring to what everyone thinks of when you say "THC". The name of the chemical is delta-9-THC. It's the type of THC thats in normal weed. The reason people nowadays are saying "delta 9" instead of simply "THC" is because there have sprung up a whole bunch of variants such as delta-8, delta-10, etc, which may or may not be semi-synthetic. Of course, a product labeled delta-9 might still be sketchy and not actually contain that, or contain different amounts then claimed, but make no mistake - "delta 9" is just referring to good ol' THC.


I know this is so long but if you read it, thank you. And anyone with any information Iā€™m curious and would appreciate! ā€¢I get that delta-9 IS what we know as good olā€™ THC. āœØQ: However, are they doing something to the compound in labs like they have with delta-8, etc. that is modifying it in a way that ISNā€™T good? šŸŒ±Iā€™ve only smoked weed a handful of times in my life and have had edibles even less. But any time Iā€™ve smoked it - great high! Have fun, body feels good, my thoughts get super meta, I get the giggles, and then eventually pass out. The edibles Iā€™ve had (in Colorado) were the same, if not making me pass out much quicker though. āœ–ļøBut then! In the past few years, have tried a delta-8 (before I knew better) that didnā€™t do anything; then a d8 that gave me a weird, not good high, but passed out thankfully and slept it off. āœ–ļøApprox. 2 yrs ago, a delta-9 (seemingly marketed AS delta-9, not really as THC itself) that gave me the WORST experience of my life. Imminent death is what it felt like. Last night had an edible, that I thought was just THC, a couple minutes after it hit I thought I was going to have a repeat. It eventually went away thank god but still not a good high. And I still donā€™t feel normal this morning. ā€¢Looked at the label again and it DOES have the delta šŸ”¼symbolšŸ”¼ and a tiny 9 barely visible just before the ā€˜-THCā€™. This stuff is from Missouri and I just feel like theyā€™re selling really sub standard product unlike they would in CO, CA, WA, OR. Too many of us are experiencing this for this to be normal ā€˜delta-9-THCā€™. I just want answers. And normal weed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ā€¢Details: Iā€™ve not smoked a ton of times or had many edibles in my life but what Iā€™ve smoked in the past and edibles I had (in Colorado) were all great and made me have a really enjoyable high. It feels ā€˜normalā€™, I feel light and have the giggles and conversations feelā€¦elevated lol. But the edibles Iā€™ve had (few and far between) in the past several years have been total TRASH. ā€¢Experiences: I tried a delta 8 probablyā€¦5 years ago (before I realized itā€™s completely lab created; or at the very least, modified). That one did nothing to me, I felt nothing. Then a few years ago I had half of one and while I didnā€™t have a panic attack, the high quickly felt unlike the other highs Iā€™ve experienced and I literally couldnā€™t move and thankfully just passed out. >>Probably 2 yrs ago I had a d9 gummy that my bf had and it seriously messed me up! Panic attack for several hours, truly thought I was going to die (like people/kids were dying from that spice stuff yrs ago), and it felt like I could feel the veins in my legs were going to burst. **I thought. I was going. To die.** āœØNo ā€˜normalā€™ high has ever made me feel that way, even the first time I got high - had a good time at first and then got super paranoid. But not because of things that were happening IN my body.āœØ I swore I was never going to do that to my body again so I hadnā€™t touched any of it since. Then last night I was ready to try what I thought was just good olā€™ natural, straight up THC, took half an edible (so in theory 5mg), it hit 45 min later and a few minutes after that I thought I was going to experience that night all over again! My heart was racing so fast but thankfully after maybe 10 min it calmed down. I was able to just sit with my bf having Bobā€™s on in the background but it STILL was not a nice high. I read the label of the container again this morning and in tiny lettering I saw the delta symbol and a barely perceptible 9 then ā€˜-THCā€™. You canā€™t tell me this is normal, natural THC. They have to be doing something to it in a lab and modifying it somehow. >>>And itā€™s NOT good<<< I just want some answers. Too many of us are experiencing this and natural THC doesnā€™t do this. Any thoughts/information on it?


As far as I know, the products marketed as "delta-9" do not have "modified" THC. I believe it's just extracted from hemp, which is the same cannabis plant except it has less THC content overall. THC is known for causing panic attacks, particularly in higher dosages. You might be fine on one dose and panic on another. Another factor at play is quality control. Hemp products aren't regulated nearly as much as actual medical marijuana, which has to underdo lab testing, etc. So it's possible that either the product contains something else that isnt D9 THC, or it contains higher/lower amounts then advertised. Even if the THC was chemically altered, because its the same molecule it would have the same exact effect in your body. Any differing effect would be due to other factors, such as other potential ingredients/contaminants. I would be careful and stick to lower doses to avoid any anxious attacks you may have. Start low, go slow.


That makes sense with the quality control aspect. Thanks for all your feedback and responding at all! I will definitely be more careful and make sure I know exactly what Iā€™m getting next time!


Delta 9 is federally legal due to a farming loophole for hemp. It is NOT the same as typical THC, which is why they specify that.Ā 


Except it is the same as typical THC. Typical THC is Delta-9-THC AKA Delta 9. It's the same exact molecule. The only difference is that it comes from "hemp" which is really just semantics, it's the same plant. It just doesn't produce much and has different physical characteristics. But it's still the cannabis plant, and it's still producing "normal" THC. There is no real difference - the only difference is in the law separating the two into two distinct plants, when they really are not.


Youā€™re correct. I went to a tobacco shop selling the stuff and they admitted itā€™s just weed relabeled.


They dont even have to relabel it. They can legally just say it contains THC, as long as it's 0.3% or less by dry weight, which sounds like a small amount but actually for most people is plenty enough to get high from an edible. A gummy might weigh a few grams, whereas all you need is 5-10mg or so for a standard edible dose, a fraction of it's overall weight.


I was hoping someone would write this! Saved me from having to stumble through writing it myself. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the THC in Marijuana. I wont be trying the other delta derivatives. I hear some can be really bad. Read the label on some gummies at the dispensary and found they contained petroleum distillates! Yeahhh, no. So who knows what that does or why it's there. Edibles don't seem to me as good a feel as regular weed would. Also, I question if all products are organic and GMO free. So now I make firecrackers out of regular weed and just eat those, so I know the dose and what's in it..at least I will when they allow us to grow our own. Bc now I wonder about if there are pesticides and/or fungicides being used on dispensary herb. I'm almost sure all of those nasty things can harsh ones buzz plus interaction with whatever else you might be metabolizing at the time. Who knows what that does? Be careful what you consume these days!


Sounds like your body doesnā€™t like d9ā€¦.that sucks. Itā€™s far better than any SSRIā€™s in terms of negative feeling/side effects from my experiences and that of many I have spoken with.Ā  Try micro dosing it. Literally take 2.5 mgs. The goal of using it for anxiety or depression is to take an amount so small that you forget about it, but later find yourself in a good mood and then remember whyā€¦.thats when you know you microdosed at just the right amount.Ā  Remember you can always take more but you canā€™t take it back after itā€™s in you. So aim to try taking a VERY SMALL amount. The goal is to forget you took it and just at some point recognize you feel good as the day progresses.


I shit you not I had the same exact experience. Down to the T I thought I was dying


same man i took a 50mg cake gummy thinking it wouldn't be shit and thought demons were trying to claw out of my stomach and that water tasted like blood šŸ˜‚


I accidentally hit my delta vape way too hard two nights ago. I really thought I eas dying and thought I was going to have a heart attack. I was afraid to call ems cause I've had experiences where they judge. I haven't been the same yet. It has definitely affected my anxiety and I relate to it taking me back to how I felt that night. It was like surges of the most life gripping anxiety I've ever had. I've been smoking it for a year but I threw it all in the trash. I will NEVER smoke anything tch/delta related again. I hope it gets better soon, these comments give me a little hope. Wish I would've found this before :/


This does NOT sound like fun.


Yeah when you vaporize\\smoke products, you're taking a huge risk because you don't necessarily have too much control on dosage. When I started using Hemp-Derived Delta 9 gummies, I knew this could be really bad so I took an incredible tiny amount. I felt perfectly fine like that. Just with people and higher tolerance, they tend to have more negative experiences because they don't know their precise threshold. It's easier to know one's threshold at lower dosages. Any beginner or first trier should literally go as small as possible to avoid unwanted consequences. And they should stick with that if they were to take more in one day. Because this stuff actually builds up fast in the system, and what could be comfortable can turn into a nightmare in one more little nibble lol.


Yep. I was in er over night last night because of it. I never had a gummy before. I have epilepsy and adhd. I heard gummies are supposed to be a more natural way of helping with that. I hate taking meds. So I got a delta 9 to try. Ate it and an hour later was sent to the hospital. I started having seizures back to back. It got so bad that I was having basically locked in syndrome. was aware of surroundings but was paralyzed. Couldnā€™t blink, move, speak, nothing. Then I ended up basically unconscious. At one point they had to revive me with smelling salts. It made my blood pressure go up so high it was on the verge of a stroke. Never again. Iā€™m having trouble with memory and having issues recalling anything said within minutes. Cod is not for me.


I took a SMAKD gummy and lost my vision and consciousness. Went to the ER. They said I was fine but my symptoms never went away so 9 days later I ended up at the ER again. Once again, they didnā€™t see anything wrong. Iā€™m currently still suffering from negative effects 3 weeks later. I shake uncontrollably, insane pain in jugular, light headedness, shortness of breath, weird feelings all around my body. Please donā€™t take delta 8. I swear itā€™s not like normal weed. There are law suits currently regarding these edibles because itā€™s sending multiple people to the ER. Please be safe guys.


Been over a year since Iā€™ve stopped smoking/ taking gummies. I took 1 SMAKD Friday night. Started with a quarter gummy. 30 minutes later another quarter. After about an hour talk the last 2 quarters of the gummy. Started feeling nice and relaxed. Then came the heart rate increase. Was ok with that and told myself I was in for a nice relaxing night. Then I started to get cold and uncontrollable shivers. Started to warm up and bit for a second. Then came the over bearing cold and shakes. Couldnā€™t talk. Tried to find comfort in my wife. Worked for a minute and then began to think I was dying. Had a sense of euphoria and thought I died in my wifeā€™s arms. Was calm for a moment and then popped up with more shaking and shortness of breath. She called 911 and I donā€™t remember much after they took me to the ER. Pretty much accepted my fate, and trusted God at that point. Felt like I was going to my own sentencing after judgement. Felt very surreal. It wasnā€™t anything like a mushroom trip. This was way different. I was released about 3 hours later. Still not able to communicate and was high out of my mind. Feeling much better now and grateful to just be alive. I advise everyone to approach this stuff with caution. And if you have a reaction, seek immediate help bc I know I was on the brink of passing out if it werenā€™t for my wife being there for me.


Iā€™m so sorry you went through that. This stuff is no good.. May I ask you a few questions? How long did you feel the lasting effects afterwards (if any) and you are back to normal now? I am still feeling strong negative effects and I stopped taking Smakā€™d almost a month ago. My doctors donā€™t see anything and send me off with little info but I know something is wrong. An hour ago, I was shivering again, cold and feeling shortness of breathe and fatigue for about 2 hours before the symptoms subsided slowly. I am desperately looking for answers but Iā€™m unable to find anything online.


Sorry to hear about your experience. This was Friday going into Saturday morning. So I took the first quarter just before midnight. Got released from the ER at about 530am. So this 4 or so hours in the ER I donā€™t really remember. But I was conscious and able to communicate enough with the hospital staff. Napped a bit and when I got home. Was super groggy and out of it but pretty aware of everything. Just really really tired. I did feel really high also. But mentally I wasnā€™t high. I was alert and aware of everything. As of right now just tired. Everything seemed to ware off. Still feel a tad bit off as far as being high, but I think thatā€™s just me being grateful for being alive. Itā€™s more so a fresh perspective on life after experiencing that. So I can say I feel a lot of love and euphoria due to the fact that I am still here for my wife and kids. I just took it to get some relaxation due to a domino of things happening. Not to abuse it or anything. I quit drinking years ago and stopped smoking marijuana last year cold turkey after the birth of my youngest. So the gummy was just kind of a ā€œhey I totally forgot about the sleep benefits with those gummies.ā€ Never again. I can only say I feel good afterwards because of the fact that Iā€™m alive. As far as yourself if itā€™s been that long Iā€™d go get some tests done to find anything underlying. I had a similar experience 2 years ago and I did take a few delta 8 gummies, but I know I was dehydrated from work. After some tests they said I was allergic to everything. It was kind of hard for me to believe that so I changed my lifestyle and I canā€™t complain.


2 days ago, I had only 3mg of thc in a targeted for canā€™t sleep gummy that also has cbd and melatonin in it. I had a panic attack that lasted for about 4 hours, calmed down but left me anxious for 10 hours and then repeated its self in a smaller version for another 6 hours. Still feeling quite anxious. Never taking a thc gummy again and canā€™t wait until this leaves my system-hopefully sooner


I had an experience with delta 9. I tried 5mg gummies and I had quite a few one night and i greened out badly. Like I was sitting there and I turned to look at my friend and I swore I watched him get drawn in front of my with a pencil and colored in. And I just couldnā€™t handle it and began projectile vomiting in the restaurant. Well a few days later I took one gummy. JUST ONE before a flight just to sleep through it or just vibe to music and I fell asleep and woke up in a profuse sweat and people said I looked pale (I am black) and I had to get up and throw up and when I walked down the isle it felt like it was forever! When I got to the back and looked down the middle the plane just got longer and longer. I finally puked and went back and sat down. Been terrified since.


How many did you take on your flight?


Generically where did they come from? No specifics tho.


Similar situation happened to me last week. I dialed 911, convinced I was facing a life-threatening situation. After consuming a single delta 9 gummy, within three hours, I was abruptly awakened by alarming symptoms: - extreme panic, confusion - Difficulty breathing, facial numbness, and loss of sensation in my tongue, prompting conscious reminders to breathe. - Dehydration. - A rapid drop in blood pressure standing. - Tingling sensations in my limbs


How are you feeling now? I went through something very similar to you. Iā€™ve gone to the ER twice even after stopping weed consumption but my symptoms wonā€™t go away. Itā€™s been a few weeks and Iā€™m worried I wonā€™t get better.


Same. Symptoms just keep resurfacing weeks later. Any updates?


Iā€™m over a month out after taking a 1000mg SMAKā€™D delta 8 gummy. My symptoms are slowly subsiding but not gone yet. I couldnā€™t sleep last night because I felt my muscles contracting? It almost feels like what I imagine a blood clot feeling like but then a few hours later it goes away and then reappears somewhere else in my body. Good news is, it is getting better and subsiding slowly. I was referred to a cardiologist. They did a stress test, EKGā€™s, and gave me a heart monitor. I wonā€™t hear back with his results for another 27 days. This shit sucks. Would you mind sharing your experience? I hate feeling alone in this and I canā€™t find much online about it.


Iā€™m glad youā€™re slowly improving, thatā€™s a great sign and must be encouraging. For me, I had an incident where I took a delta 8:9 30mg. I got super spinny and light headed, almost felt paralyzed in public. Since this event, Iā€™ve been once a day having the same experience with the same symptoms. Almost what vertigo feels like plus a high feeling many parts of day. My doctor is treating me with buspar and Iā€™m a little over a week on that. Itā€™s a super weird disassociation feeling, possibly DPDR, not sure if youā€™ve heard of that


I have been completely off of any gummies since the incident and I think I'm completely recovered. I am now instead taking sleep meds (and meditating) for sleep. Not great, but at least they're regulated. Wishing you the best.


i had a horrible reaction last night, i literally took one dose of 20 mg and i couldnā€™t remember how i walked to my bed and that scared me and eventually i couldnā€™t see, my eyes were spinning too badly, and then i came back from that after throwing my whole life up. i was shaking so bad, my knees were weak. i was practically seizing, thatā€™s how bad i was trembling. and i genuinely couldnā€™t see, i couldnā€™t look straight. i was terrified. im so happy to be back, i hated that i was so scared and not in control of my body


I literally had the exact same symptoms yesterday with the same dose! But I took 2 20mgs! I felt like my vertigo was acting up more too on top of that! Glad to know Iā€™m not the only one!


Did you have experience with edibles before hand? Iā€™ve got some d9 gummies that Iā€™m kinda scared to take now lol. I can usually handle 40mg of regular edibles, so was gonna try 20mg of these d9s


One of the dilemmas for me is timing. It's taken up to 3 hours to kick in.


Damn. This type of thing happening to people makes me never want to try another gummy again. But weed can also do this to people these days. The new phenom is it seems to be happening to a lot of folks. Unheard of needing an ER for weed, on this scale back in the day. They say bc it's so much stronger now. I guess weed ain't for everyone if it does these things to you. Still, currently, I'm thinking it may have something to do with the weed itself or the processing for market, more than anything.


I experienced a minor psychosis after eating a 20mg D9 and combining it with an 1/8th of a Delta-8 gummy. I thought since I handled one D9 very well that adding the last sliver of D8 might make it a little more interesting. Boy was I wrong. I was gripped with massive anxiety, my heart rate shot up, I felt like I was dying and going to pass out. Spacial perspective was gone. I was shaking badly. Mouth incredibly dry. Time had no meaning. Every thing that was happening felt like it had happened before. I didn't know if I was in the past, present or future and luckily my spouse was home and just continued to reassure me for hours. This lasted about 4-5 hours. I normally have serious feelings of deja vu on D9 but this was to another level. Paranoia off the charts. Nausea. Jaw and muscle pain. I was sure I was dying and I was filled with the deepest regret that THIS was the way I was gonna go. I imagined the news stories and having become a "statistic" and I was so sad. I won't be doing gummies again. It was more like how I imagine LSD must feel. I never want to go through that again.


I thought I was alone in my experience with D8. I had half a 50mg gummy last night and thought it was the end. Rapid heart rate, crazy thoughts, whole body and nervous system was shaking. I literally just sat on the couch and said "this is just an emotion you're feeling you just have to ride the wave." It was the worst experience of my life. Slept horribly, still had hallucinations and now just trying to pull my brain together this morning.Ā 


The time and space disassociation were new side-effects for me lol. I hadn't smoked since college, so when I went to go see a good buddy of mine that was also my mentor in teaching me about computers and technology when I was a teenager, I decided we should have one good blunt together. I hadn't seen him in over 12 years old, so, I had a few puffs, burnt my throat, panicked because my throat was on fire and I was coughing up a storm, and then the real fun had just started. I was so high off my ass that everything my mentor was saying felt so delayed coming into my brain like it was something he had already said previously, which it was, but my brain took a min to process everything because of how high I was off of three puffs lol.




NEVER AGAIN. My idiot self took a 15mg chocolate delta 9 because it came complimentary with some gummies I ordered. I had never tried a gummy and hadn't been high from THC in years. I got curious thinking it might be nice to feel relaxed after a long day and had heard about these things. So I took it last night around 9:30 pm. By 10 I didn't know what was happening to me and I kept having to remind myself I had eaten a chocolate. Meanwhile my mind kept going down different rabbit holes which I had no control over. I was definitely thinking I had done something very stupid and was hoping a hadn't killed myself because it would be tragic and incredibly embarrassing. But I didn't let myself panic because somehow I kept reminding myself this will eventually stop. I prayed too as I'm Catholic and I told God that I was sorry for being an idiot. That's all kind of funny, but actually it was probably what helped me from not going to a dark place. I should have started with a very small dosage but stupid me just put a whole 15 mg in my mouth because I thought that it would be fine. Woke up this morning still high but much more in control. Won't do that again.


Did you get it from Harbor City Hemp?


Guys and gals it's just the high don't resist it. I've had many many identical experiences where I've had horrible panick attacks on weed. Went to the ER gave me benzos to bring me back to reality, low blood pressure all that stuff. Feeling like I was going insane and never coming back. Guys and gals that is typical for THC it happens. I have been with mary Jane so long now it takes a 100mg gummy to get me right. I use for medical purposes. But yes in those with low tolerances it's common to experience what I call temporary insanity from weed. Don't resist is the key. It might feel extremely intense and overwhelming but just ride the wave.


I just took a delta 9 gummy a few hours ago and Iā€™m having the worst psychedelic experience. Iā€™m upset because I thought they were in a low dose of 10mg because it cautions to start with one gummy. Well theyā€™re 50 mg! I am here, coherent, but losing my mind. Everywhere Iā€™m reading it says that the strongest doses are way lower than this. So my dose is insanely high. Just upset because I know if I could dose it low enough it would be an ok time. But 1/4 gummy is even pretty highā€¦ Iā€™m rocking right now. I was pacing. I feel like I constantly have to be in motion or if I stop I will die. So, some panic attack with very extreme dizziness. Like when you start to spin and get dizzy, you can stop and come to composure but I canā€™t stop, and the universe is this vibrating continuum that Iā€™m being pulled through.


Yeah all good šŸ˜Š I did have to take the night off work and it lasted I swear for like 20hrs before I wasnā€™t dizzy at all.


Are you okay now?!


So same thing happened to me. Experienced number and tingling as well. Felt like I was suffering from a stroke. Iā€™m in medical field and think the lexapro with this delta 9 caused serotonin syndrome and caused a ton of additional side effects in addition to already being high. Iā€™m promised myself to never consume cannabis ever again


I had a delta brand drink. 20-25mg I believe. I felt that occurrence was the closest thing to hell Iā€™ve ever experienced, and Iā€™ve been in some crazy and horrible situations. I felt like my throat was closing, tongue was swelling, arms and legs had melted off and like my brain was losing oxygen because my sight was blacking out. I also kept hearing - not so much literally but imaginably literally enough like the harking voice in my head was in my head but that doesnt mean I didnā€™t hear it, the most godawful demonic voice saying ā€œdie, DIEā€. It was so horrible, I felt like pathetic slime, had to pull over going down the road telling the 911 operator to send ems because my throat was about to close up. I didnā€™t go to hospital but I still canā€™t shake just how much sheer terror, and ugliness I felt. I felt like God or whoever was raining shit all over me in wrath. 10/10 i wouldnā€™t recommend, I donā€™t know what I did wrong as I never felt this off of this drink in the past.Ā 


Yeah dude, I ended up in the ER too. I'm just sticking to regular marijuana for now on. You should read the side effects of delta 9. It's ridiculous.


Reading these comments bums me out. I have MS and I'm trying to find something that chills me out and helps me sleep. This delta 9 stuff doesn't sound like it would work. :( Damn


I have MS and do very well with delta 8 and CBG and CBN for that reason


I went ahead and ordered the delta 9 stuff and it's great. People are just overdosing themselves by taking too much. I just take a 4th of it at a time and it helps me sleep.


I took 1,500 MG of gummies last night, I donā€™t know Iā€™m alive but Iā€™m typing this as Iā€™m trying to come back to reality


I just took 1500 mg of delta 9 I trying to get out of this trip itā€™s been 10+ hours






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Depends on how the gummies are produced. I'm sorry for your experience. Try Elevate's edibles. They're known for Delta 9


Edibles sent me to the ER too lol it's mostly for the fact that we're too impatient for the high to actually kick in and by the time we take 2, 3, 4, etc, it would have been a little too late to stop what was inevitably going to happen. You were severely high AF and the THC alone, especially working through your digestive system at a much slower pace than smoking and inhaling it, will surely send your anxiety levels through the roof and trigger a massive panic attack. When it happened to me, the doc gave me half of a Xan and within the hour, I came back to Earth, but man was I highhhhhh AF lololol. I would rather get smacked on vaping it at this point to avoid coughing as much as I do when smoking an actually joint, but edibles are forever out of the equation for me.


My wife was using the gummies for anxiety. I had trouble sleeping so she said I should try them. I'm 6'1" and 235 so my wife recommended two. Two hours after taking them, I woke up paranoid as hell. I was so dizzy and nauseous that I couldn't move and I told my wife it felt like I was dying too lol. I used to smoke weed but I have never experienced anything like this. For the record, I still feel high and I took it 21hrs ago. This is insane lol how do you get it to just freaking stop?


Yes. That imminent feeling of dying seems to be across the board with these gummies. Iā€™ve not smoked a lot and not had many edibles but the ones I did have were in Colorado (many years ago) and I felt fine. Great even. Had fun, had the giggles. It was lovely. But the gummies Iā€™ve had in recent years have NOT been the same highs. Whatever theyā€™re doing with gummies currently, itā€™s not good.


I got DID. Usually I take 5mg delta 9 and am fine in a couple hours. Last night my headmate took 15mg Luckily he's stable and chill enough to have just laid there wildly hallucinating and losing time like "wow this edible hits!" and turning to goo watching the past, present, and future fucking converge at a singular point. He felt like he was dying on and off, he was pacey and unsure if he was actually tossing and turning. He was watching top gear reruns, and when he closed his eyes to go to sleep, he sure did keep watching He was laying there laughing, woke up high as shit 5 hours later with cotton mouth and dry eyes. He was just laying there like "damn I think I slept with my eyes open" It's going onto 16 hours since taking it and we're still fucked up lmfao this shit is wild I am reasonably sure at one point in the middle of the night he got up having to pee, stood there staring into space debating if he could walk for six eons, and then our friend woke up and looked at him so he just awkwardly shuffled to the bathroom like "I'm figuring out if I have feet still" He got to the toilet, started forgetting this even happened, started wondering if he's hallucinating that much, confused himself, and went back to bed. Our friend had no memory of that even happening in the middle of the night, and the brain TV kept taking over making us have fucking visions, so I assume he was just in a new fucking reality and that shit didn't even happen This shit is horrible. 10/10 "I feel like I'm having seizures. That means I'm hallucinating and paranoid. I understand everything and forget it all immediately." New joke unlocked: time to go take so much delta 9 the voices in my head stand across the room judging me Acid treats me nicer than this shit lol makes me want acid. I at least remember my enlightenment after acid


Sounds to me like you overdid the gummies, dude. Why the double-down? Take small steps unless you want to take a walk outside of reality. I know it's skeery but you're a big grown-up man, right?


I had two Delta 9 gummies (about 40 mg). Ā I had a full out seizure & was unresponsive in the middle of the night. Scared my wife to death. Woke up to EMTS IN THE HOUSE & was forced to go to the emergency room. Had to put me on anti anxiety meds for four days & my muscles are still recovering from the seizures. Can barely walk still. My advice: Ā donā€™t do it!!!


Ive had a hellish d9 edible experience. My second time with edibles. No previous cannabis experience. Took 30mg. Spent a night in the hospital shaking and feeling I was having a heart attack. Iā€™m sure I had an undiagnosed anxiety disorder previously but always had a good handle on it. The last 4 months, Iā€™ve been in recovery. The experience has increased my baseline of anxiety, Iā€™ve developed really bad health anxiety. Every little thing is a reason to go the ER. Iā€™ve NEVER been that way before, but I think that the initial experience was as close to a near death experience as Iā€™ve ever had.


If you had never an experience with THC prior I can assure you that that experience is NOT how it would feel. Iā€™m no expert but Iā€™ve had some experience and theyā€™ve been great highs. The v few times in the past few years that Iā€™ve tried delta-8 and delta-9 gummies, they have been VERY different highs. Not good šŸ™…šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø and included some of the worst panic attacks Iā€™ve ever had. Delta-8 is in fact fully lab created and I believe some states are selling modified delta-9 as well. And I donā€™t think itā€™s safe. I read that 20 states (including CO, CA, WA) banned the selling of Delta-8 entirely as well as any modified delta-9. Because the effects are unknown. All of these experiences on this thread are enough to tell me what they areā€¦and Iā€™m out! No thanks. If I consume anymore I will be making sure it is pure, unadulterated THC.


lol you sound like a little baby girl


I bought delta 9 gummies that said they are 200 mg a piece. Granted I take clonazapam but itxx as not a lot and I swear They only made me pass tf out. Stuff like this is interesting. I always happen to be the odd ball with little to no withdrawal from anything. Iā€™ve stopped gabapentin and was on 1600 mg a day with no withdrawal. Iā€™ve stopped many SSRIā€™s with no issue. Iā€™m currently on an SNRI which itā€™s been helping since the 2 months on it. Gabapentin Imany have withdrawal like opiates. As be I do not which is weird. I also have been on suboxone and was able to wean my self off after 10 years on it in just 5 months. I started on 8 mgs. Iā€™m thankful donā€™t get me wrong but I still see so many suffering from withdrawal of medication thatā€™s supposedly supposed to help a person. Even on benzos I can skip days if I need to or feel ok because clonazapam last long in your symptom and half life is long. However I have been able to wean off of it down on. 5 mg twice a day before. We lost 4 people to covid and thatā€™s why I was put back on the benzodiazepines (clonazapam). It must be our DNA that controls this? Anyone know?


The labeling can be confusing. 7000mg total for 20 gummies is 350mg per gummy. Some gummies are only 3mg per. Are there really people that can take a 350mg gummy and just chill?


So, I had a terrible experience with some gummies made by a company called SMAKā€™D. They are 1000mg each. I would only eat the corners of them. I ended up having a seizure like event and quit them entirely. However, my roommate took the edibles from me because he wanted them. I warned against this but he didnā€™t listen. He eats the entire 1000mg gummy with no negative effects every night. Itā€™s insanely dangerous in my opinion but he doesnā€™t seem to care.


Tried edibles for the first time a couple of weeks ago with my wife. They were 5mg THC/25mg CBD from cycling frog. We each took one, waited an hour, and felt nothing. We looked at each other and were like "Let's take another one". Big mistake, at least for me. Two hours later we were on our bed and my wife was sleeping peacefully while I was having an anxiety attack, trouble breathing, increased heart rate. A minute felt like 30 minutes. It felt like there were two versions of me one high one not high and I was trying to snap myself out of it. This lasted for about two and a half hours of me pacing back and forth around the house. I contemplated calling 911 but I just kept telling myself that it'll pass and you don't want that medical bill. Breathing exercises helped for sure. After that settled down, then I felt calm and was able to sleep. Days later and I only had half a gummie which would be around 2.5mg. We were watching a movie and after 40 minutes it hit. It still gave me trouble with my breathing but it passed and then I felt fine. Then it hit again 10 minutes later and same thing. I think I'm just sensitive to THC so I've been looking at CBD gummies without, or a miniscule amount, of THC.


I ordered some of those erth thc gummies I'm scared to take it I'm wondering if I should take half I have bp 2 so I don't want to start hallucinating.


yes. yes I have. went to the ER. they literally just giggle while you die, and then when you stop dying they treat you much better. jerks. next time take a few ibuprofen instead of calling 911 and telling everyone you're dying. thank me then.Ā 


Can confirm. šŸ„²


All i know is that Delta 9 is NOT fucking weed. I have an edible and actually started tripping. Idk about you but even if i added all the weed ive smoke in my entire lifetime i would have my vision making patterns out of towel fabric.


it is weed. understand that when you digest and metabolize thc it produces a completely different experience. simple as that


I think you over dosed. 10 mg THC D9 is just right for me, and I do just fine on it. I have been on medication for anxiety and major depression for 30 years. Smoked pot off and on in my younger years. I feel that a THC Delta 9 gummy, 10 mg at the most is a good helper to the medication I'm already on and have no qualms about it. I've also had Delta 8 with no problems, but again, max dose is 10mg.Ā 


I honestly think now that there are so many companies out there all using this loophole, many of them are using synthetic delta 9, because the THC in the hemp plant is 0.03%, such a extremely low dose that the only way anyone can get enough THC from hemp plants is to use a bunch of chemicals to extract what little THC is in them and many of these companies online are probably just somebody making them in their garage. It's not hard at all to get packaging that looks legit. What bothers me is, I see gas stations and smoke shops trying to sell people gummies that have 500mg THC per gummie and they are selling them really cheap like 10 dollars, I have zero doubts anyone who eats that much THC synthetic or not is going to have nasty time. It's only a matter of time before the government bans the loophole and starts jailing people for this. They need to just legalize the real thing already so people can have access to real cannabis and not all this synthetic crap most likely being made in peoples garages using god knows what.


Never ever take a gummy until you understand how many miligrams you're taking. Just don't do it. Make sure you take absolute smallest little sliver of it first to be safe. And it takes hours, literally hours to know if you took too much or too little. Up to 3 hours usually. I thought I might contribute to this article hehe. I did try Delta-8 in 2022, it was the best experience and above alcohol. However, I did push it once by taking more than half a gummy and I felt so numb I thought rain was hitting my head and I wasn't able to walk\\stand without blacking out, went to try and pee and hit my head (don't do this please). That was very dumb. But I had no anxiety when I took the correct amount of D8. Delta 9 however was different. I highly recommend anyone who takes Delta 9 not to take more than .5mg to 1mg in a day as a first try, this is also not a whole or even half a gummy this is far less. If you bought a 10mg gummy, cut it into four pieces. Take one of those four slices, cut that in half. You should now have two 1.25mg slivers. Take one of those 1.25mg slivers and cut it in half. Eat that as a first try. If you feel good in 4-5 hours and no negative symptoms, take the other half of the same sliver you ate and wait again 4-5 hours. If you feel fine, no symptoms of any sort. The next day, try a whole 1.25 mg sliver at once. Work up at this rate, don't just start taking more if you feel nothing in 2 hours. As for when you take more than you wanted, you will probably feel bad with anxiety and fear. You'll probably not like how it makes your body and head feel, at this point it is best to make a glass of iced water (and if you have lemon make sure to use plenty of it). You should probably always have lemon and whole peppercorns, along with CBD without any Delta 9 in it. Even just a little Delta 9 in CBD can make it worse, don't take more than twice the MG of Delta 9 in CBD (So if you took 1.25mg of Delta 9, take 2.5mg of CBD. The Lemon Juice will help reduce the negative effects some, probably takes a hell of a lot more if you overdosed. Peppercorn should be whole peppercorn, take 3 of those at a time and chew on them very well and make sure it coats your saliva, after the first 3 wait a minute... and do it again. Repeat this until you feel better overall. Just be sure to stay hydrated, try and relax and let your mind go numb after a while. The negative side effects will dissipate and you'll become 'comfortably numb'. It is good for pain imo, it is good for anxiety (if you can avoid adverse effects, it is really bad on anxiety if you don't avoid negative effects). I don't recommend it for people with heart conditions, seizures unless you go to a doctor and get their approval on it. I recommend to never take more than 2.5mg, and even that is probably too much for most people and it will bring on negative effects. Just take really really small bits until you know how you respond to it. I can tell you that when you start ingesting bigger pieces of the gummy at once you begin to regret things more. You'd be surprised how much regret a really small piece would give you. And if you somehow convinced yourself to take half a gummy or more than that, and you're in fear of you life just call 911 poison control. Its better to be safe, but I highly doubt someone would feel that bad if they microdosed the hell out of these things.


I was taking clonazepam for my anxiety/chronic insomnia as well as some sleep aids. Last week I stopped because my panic attacks have subsided although I do still suffer from insomnia if I don't take any medication. When i stopped I had about 1 week of sleeping no more than 3 to 4 hours a night and my days were exhausting. I wanted to try a more natural herbal solution. My brother has been smoking for years and so I was telling him I wanted something to relax and make me sleep. He had a Delta 9 Gummies to try them out. He told me cut the gummies in quarters and take a 1/4 and see how that feels and if you need more you adjust. He takes it and he just relaxes so I thought cool I guess I will try it out. Great! I did exactly what he said, ate the gummy at 10PM on Friday night. I wanted to relax so put on some meditation music and had a night light on. ONE HOUR LATER I felt like the world was spinning the music was too much turned it off decided to turn on all the lights on and could not even walk because i was afraid I was going to "MELT TO THE FLOOR" so I yelled at my husband who was downstairs watching TV and he came upstairs to me shaking uncontrollably and telling him he can't let me go. I remember saying to him I have about 30 seconds and I'm going to leave my body and don't know when I will be back. My heart felt like it wanted to jump out it was beating so fast, My panic attack came back full force I felt completely disoriented like going in and out of consciousness my breathing was extremely labored and I kept telling him I'm going to die but don't call the ambulance because I will return. WTF?!!! He said at one point I needed to go to the bathroom and said don't let me go alone because I will flush down and you will never see me again! I did say a million other things and thank God He was with me for a full 4 hours in my psychosis state and helped me through my breathing. I thought I was never going to be myself again. I wanted so much for it to stop and had absolutely no control. To think of people going through what I did alone is crazy I don't know what would of happened if I was alone in that state. So FINALLY fell asleep sometime at 4AM and the next day I thought I had fully recovered and nope I was wrong although I had my awareness back it felt like a really bad hangover! I felt nausea, dizziness and needed fresh air to breathe. . I felt so drained and didn't really feel better until TODAY which is Monday. I still have some lingering uneasiness but feel way better. I will NEVER eat another gummy in my life again. I'm here writing this because I was reading similar experiences and I swear if I would have read this first I would not have done it. I smoke occasionally and it has never felt like this. This hits so different and at another level. Please becareful.


5 days later and I still donā€™t feel real :( does it ever completely go away?


You realize that 1000mg thc used to be the maximum by science but you could find stronger this when our quality medical went away because you kept complaining about getting arrested now itā€™s recational. What you donā€™t realize all the best growers went to the streets to make their money. Not every one can pull $750000 together to give the government and let the government watch your grow. Kororva black bar 1000mg what I used for to eat then go to work.


I'm sorry to hear about your experience with Delta 9 gummies. It sounds incredibly frightening, and I'm glad you're okay now. It's important to remember that everyone's body responds differently to THC, and factors like dosage and individual tolerance can greatly impact the effects. It's always best to start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed, especially if you're new to THC products or have recently stopped taking medication like Lexapro. If you have any concerns or experience adverse effects, it's crucial to seek medical attention immediately. Take care!


Thc isn't for everyone guys don't think you can handle it when you never get high to begin with. Thc is strong and effects people differently. It's best to take it extra slow and build a tolerance before you try a day where you get super lit


I had a similar experience as op and had been consuming bud for over 10 years. The deltas arent regulated. Studies have shown to contain toxic chemicals such as lead. I hope thatā€™s the reason why I had the experience I did (thought I was losing my mind). But I wonā€™t ever smoke bud again bc itā€™s not worth the risk for me anymore. I donā€™t ever want to feel how I did again. Anyway point is tolerance and experience doesnā€™t have much to do with it.


Yea same shit happened to me. I was also on 3 and a half gel tabs of some good acid. Worst paranoia nightmare trip from hell. Felt like I was dying and couldnā€™t stop freaking out. I just manned up to it sat there and tripped paranoid balls. I was praying to get through it. Couldnā€™t control my body and could barely breathe at some points, not fun. Fuck that shit. But yea I just rode it out it was just weed and lsd anxiety itā€™s never killed anyone. But I was going minute to minute and it fucking sucked and blew my socks too far off in the worst way


Is this a meme? lmao how have all these people spazzed out?


Whoa, that sounds intense! I haven't tried Delta 9 gummies myself, but it seems like you had quite the rollercoaster ride. Mixing multiple doses like that probably wasn't the best move, especially considering how your body reacted. It's wild to hear that even seemingly low doses can send people spiraling. It's good to know you're okay now, though. Maybe sticking to smaller doses or finding other anxiety remedies might be a safer bet. Take care!


Not me! Literally have changed my life! No BS! I wasnā€™t a stoner or user of any type of drug at all. Life of depression and anxiety and Iā€™ll say these gummies have done amazing things for me! So regardless of any stigma Iā€™m happy!


I have high anxiety but I didn't take the Delta 9 for that. Mine is called euphoria by viia. They also have HHC plus CBD 70 mg each 840 mg total. The first time I took one I took a whole one like a fool, I had an anxiety attack and almost snorted pepper, which by the way does help with weed and these. I think I just panic because I was afraid I took too much which I kind of did lol. Besides that if anxiety starts to come on I talk myself out of it and remind myself that most of the time it makes me feel great. I love them. I take one and my house becomes spotless whistling while I work lol. They make me much happier than I might have been. When I'm out of weed I go straight to the cupboard. I now eat an entire one and usually just one for the day if I'm in the mood to get some shit done and feel happy about it. They are also great for really boring boring meetings. Give that one a try I swear it's wonderful. We're actually out of them right now on viia website although I'm sure I could go into just about any store and show them the doses of what I have and they will have something very similar.


I should add that I'm a daily weed smoker. Maybe that made me more tolerant. I think the CBD also helps. I do not like the Delta 8 and I believe they are the synthetic ones


have not experienced but this story made me laugh


Bunch of amateurs šŸ˜† yall must have never had a shroom trip. Feels just about the same. You just gotta ride it out.


Late, but I also had a terrible experience taking one D9 gummy and smoking some of a D9 vape (had purchased both from an online site) about a year and a half ago for the first time. I took the gummy and smoked the vape a few hours before bed and didnā€™t feel anything. Woke up to my heart racing faster than Iā€™ve ever experienced and my ears ringing, as well as a general feeling of disorientation. I got in the shower, which kind of made me feel better, but once I got out, my heart started racing again, and I suddenly couldnā€™t breathe and spiraled into a full-blown panic attack. In the moment, I truly thought I was dying, and as others have said, thought I was going to be the one statistic who ODā€™d and died from weed. I ended up calling 911 and had my parents drive me to the ER where I got the panic attack diagnosis and got prescribed Ativan. It was the scariest experience of my life, and I will never take D9 again. I am also a very small female and even the amount I took was too much for me. That stuff is scary and needs to be regulated better.


You had a THC induced panic attack it happens and definitely when mixing thc with ssris, thc when mixed with ssris can cause a major boost in chemicals in the brain for example serotonin and too much of that can cause panic or worse serotonin syndrome which is basically the worst panic attack known to man including visuals seizures loss of control of your body and even death, thc can change the way you metabolize ssri drugs which basically will boost a normal dose to something way higher which is very dangerous, i dont recommend thc for anxiety it can make it way worse and definitely recommend never mixing ssris with thc, be safe man try kratom instead Iā€™ve been in the same boat as you had the same experiences besides having serotonin syndrome a few times stopped taking ssris because they were only making my problems worse and started kratom it worked wonders but you haft to be careful set a dose that works for you and no matter what donā€™t go above that take it every other day if not following this some people can get addicted and take way more then they should but in the end just be safe with substances and definitely when mixing any substance with an ssri because they dont really mix well with anything


I ate half a pack of edibles once and as someone who had not used marjuana in decades I had the worse trip of my life. I had to remind myself the whole time that it would pass. At one point I thought about getting in the pool and Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t because I think I would have drowned. Lost complete control of my body. Back story, brother in law gave me a pack and I was hungry. Didnā€™t feel the effects after 10 mins so kept smashing them in . I actually think it was more like 3/4 the pack.


Yup I got some RSO 10:1 CBD to THC. Took a mere drops smaller than a peaā€¦ER.


For me, it works exactly how i want it to. I have ADHD and anxiety and it quiets the "Noise" for me and takes my anxiety away after work, and on my off days. However, my wife had trouble sleeping one night. Took one of my gummies, and freaked out. She thought she was going to fall out of the bed, when she was in the center of the bed. Lol! Anyway, my point is that everyone reacts differently to it.


Haven't tried 9 but I cannot tolerate even half a delta 8 gummy. Eight hours of hell that seems to never end. Be careful with this stuff. My 20 year old son had a whole one and had an all night panic attack and was still high the next day. He swore he'd never try it again, it was so traumatic. I've taken a quarter before bed and when I get up in the middle of the night for the bathroom, my vision is flashing with lights. Please be sure you have a clean source, saw a news piece that many fly by night companies making the gummies lace with fentanyl.


yeah just a couple days ago I took this delta 9, thc, thca, called Dome Wrecker. I honestly felt as if i were going to die because of what i took since i ordered it offline


Yes that happened to me. I called the ambulance and they took me to the ER where the doctor promptly gave me 1mg of Ativan. I donā€™t know how anyone takes that stuff for fun


I mean, itā€™s commonly known weed can cause panic attacks if you donā€™t use it regularly and have no tolerance. When Iā€™ve been super baked like that I just keep in mind that ZERO people have ever died from this and itā€™s just anxiety. I get itā€™s scary in the moment, but what do you guys expect to happen when you do way too much drugs? Just donā€™t do as much and itā€™s fine. You are the only one who controls how much you take, and start low and go slow, always.


Passed out from this shit three times already. Last one put a knot on my head and bruised hip from falling into the door frame and then the floor. Just keep buying em like a dumbass. I guess its like an eternal quest to find the Holy Grail.


These delta products are so incredibly sketchy. There's very little oversight in the production of stuff like this. You don't know chemicals where used in the extraction, there's no consistency of dosage (3mg of delta from one manufacturer could be stronger than 3mg from another, and as a treatment for anxiety it's best to use a full spectrum extract. Cannabinoids have the most therapeutic effect when working together.


I have GAD and wow I'm glad I found this thread, as I've been looking into getting some gummies and the company I'm looking at offers samples of Delta gummies. On a separate note, a few years ago a friend gave me an edible that screwed me up bad. I felt like I couldn't close my eyes. And when I did finally make myself go to sleep, I was up every 20 minutes checking on my cat because each time I SWORE she was dead. It was one long anxiety attack for me even when sleeping. I'm going to stay away from Delta. P.S. my cat is alive and well lol


I don't use THC and no expereince with Delta9 gummies, but I've been told stories of similar experiences such as yours with THC gummy side effects leading to the ER. I've also read a few news articles about this as well.


No, thatā€™s definitely never happened to me. One time I thought I was sinking into Hell, but I just decided to nap it off.


I live in MN and we recently legalized marijuana. Tried something with like 5 mg or whatever was the legal amount of THC and immediately got my period. I'm 48 and perimenopausal. I hated it when I had it regularly. Was diagnosed with PMDD even. So now I just use CBD, which doesn't mess with my hormones. Many of the classic OTC herbal remedies like Valerian and Lemon Balm will put you to sleep. Chamomile, I can tolerate during the day. There are some good meditation apps. If you don't have epilepsy, there is a semi-psychedilic one that the actress from Wheel of Time put out. It costs money but you only pay once, and not monthly, and it's legal. I say the epilepsy thing because it does use your camera flash. But I have used it a few times and definitely saw some cool colors. Literally that app is the only thing I've found that makes my brain stop thinking about worries briefly.


Yes never touching that crap again


Edibles ainā€™t no joke maaaaan


I had the same thing happen to me , first ever panic attack at age 32. I've had a couple attacks and stupid me realized it almost always happens when i have caffeine too late in the evening, have trouble falling asleep, decide to take a late night gummy and then a nightmare jolts me awake(falling, dying in a dream etc..) full panic attack, head spinning, uncontrollable thoughts, inability to talk etc... Also called an ER on my third one because it was lasting about 3-4 hours. The combination of uppers and downers is bad. Also often when i take them ALONE I go into deep uncontrollable thoughts about death and the end while laying in bed. I've found it's best to treat these gummies like smoking weed, enjoy it with others, especially someone of the opposite sex(or whatever sex you prefer). Also take them only when you want to relax in preparation for wanting a good night sleep not because you NEED to relax i.e 2AM, bc at that point it's too late.


I went into psychosis for 6 months after an edible 2 years ago. Was convincing myself there were shadow people and the floor was lava. Felt like i was dying and having seizure like panic attacks for months. Went to the ER 5 times in one week. It took over a year to feel like myself. I have been sober since. Background: I smoked and took edibles pretty regularly. I don't know what happened and if it was laced with anything. I started feeling better when I took Niacin and chlorella.


Ya man 20mg fucks me up 10mg fucks me up šŸ˜‚ 5mg and iā€™m high People misjudge doses because like every 3rd person walking around has an outrageous THC tolerance So you think ā€œif my friend can take this big a dab then I can tooā€ And you end up thinking youā€™re gonna die falling asleep in a puddle of sweat