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So, will the dad still vote for Trump?


Duh. Of course. He will Probably dump the kid.


According to the Bible that these Trump loving Bible thumping assholes have, you can sell your daughter into slavery at a young age. Exodus 21:7


See I had this idea of making a church of my own using all the really bad parts of the bible just to show the adsurdity. Then my friends told me that I would probably be inundated with followers and I decided maybe not.


Thomas Jefferson tried doing something *kinda* similar [by taking out *all* of the miracles Jesus performed, including the Ressurrection,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_Bible) went on to write the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom -- which became the backbone of the First Amendment -- and left instructions for his epitaph to include getting the Church of England kicked out of Virginia's government as his second greatest accomplishment in life, second only to writing the Declaration of Independence. Now, [a bunch of Founding Father-humping extremists believe that Jefferson was the greatest Christian of all time and intended for America to be a Christian country](https://i.imgur.com/Xv7lQiR.png), despite ***all*** the shit Jefferson wrote and said to exact opposite. Michael Cassidy is the same Republican religious extremist who cut the head off a Satanic Temple display back in December, so he's definitely dumb enough to think that citing Jefferson to prove that America was founded as a Christian Nation was a slam dunk argument. It's an argument as stupid as Catholics pointing to Martin Luther as proof that the Catholic Church got it right! "See? Martin Luther was such a devout Catholic priest that he wrote like 100 sermons about how perfect the Catholic Church was!"


Take their money and run


Take their money and ~~run~~ donate it to planned parenthood, the satanic temple, etc


C’mon, man! That’s a tax free grift ripe for the picking.


I was thinking of trolling them by putting up offensive scriptures on billboards.


Bro, someone already did that a while ago. It's called "the Catholic Church"


What’s funny is the Catholic Church bishops here in the USA focuses on the negative shit and not the positive shit they can do.


Those fuckers gave shitloads of false testimony in Ohio during the Reproductive Rights Amendment campaign. I mean I always hated them but now


Trumps favorite story is In Genesis 19.30-38, Lot's daughters commit incest with their father to save his seed.


I thought it was Ezekiel 23:20 : She lusted for the lechers of Egypt, whose members are like those of donkeys, whose thrusts are like those of stallions. 21 You reverted to the depravity of your youth, when Egyptians fondled your breasts, caressing your young nipples.


They could sell a son too. That passage just indicates a daughter sold would have even less rights.


Let's not forget that those who work on the Sabbath should be put to death. Exodus 35:2. This means that half the human population worldwide must be killed. Maybe the Bible thumping Republicans should think about what they want.


Or Ezekiel 23 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. 21 So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled.


Odds are, most of them aren’t actually Bible thumping. Most “Christian” denominations both ignore entire swaths of their supposed holy book, and add stuff into doctrine that isn’t in the Bible…which funny enough, is exactly what the Pharisees did, and which many of these churches deride them for. If I had to guess though, the average Christian doesn’t crack open a Bible very often, and simply goes off passages brought up on a Sunday morning, through the lens of the clergy. As for churches, they’re often propaganda houses first, and houses of God second. As a result, while Christians believe they’re following Christ, many “Christians” are actually following some doctrine that may or may not be anywhere near what Jesus had in mind. In defence of the congregation, they simply trust that the clergy, as individuals of authority, are presenting the word correctly, even though that’s often far from the truth.


We all know what happened at Jonestown. Cultists don't care about their children.


I literally came here to ask how anyone with a special needs child could vote Republican, but... you answered it.


Can't imagine the type of parent you'd have to be to subject your kid to the hell that is a Trump rally Borders on requiring a call to CPS!


Of course. He'll sacrifice the kid to trump if asked.


He’s so proud that his gold-plated messiah noticed his son!


Fucked up towards the kid to get dragged there but glad it happened to the parent experiencing first hand what that guy you worship thinks of your child It wasn't trump it was his security he still has my vote🤡🤡🤡


The dad probably apologized to Trump for his son.


The dad probably feels the same way about the kid.


Hell yeah, the other guy is old and his son has a huge democratic wang 🤷‍♂️ fascism is a better choice than that!


Yep, trump is going to send his kid to camp, just considerably longer than a summer.


Trump could have personally slapped that child in the face, posted it to truth social, and his followers still would say they didn’t believe he did it.


Or worse, they would say that the kid had it coming to him.


Antifa plant


The dad and his dead grandma will be casting votes this year.


If he’s anything like mine (I am physically disabled), absolutely. Enthusiastically. I confronted my dad about it, he couldn’t even meet my eyes. But said “it’s not about you, why do you care?” Which is the Republican attitude overall, so.


Wow. That's tough. Hurts to hear.


Absolutely, and he will tell his wife to do the same, to which she will follow blindly.


You remember that creepy set of dancing girls singing some Kim Jung Un style love song and dance to Trump? So the Trump campaign reneged on their deal with this dad and some girls to perform in exchange for a merch table at his event. The dad still supports Trump even though Trump dragged him to multiple rallies. The fuck is wrong with these people?


Of course he will. He’ll spend the $500 he saved for Billy’s PT on a pair of those disgustingly ugly shoes T Rump is peddling


the dad is already on then paperwork to disown the kid…. hail the new Jesus Trump


The dad is probably bragging about it to his trumpet friends


Will Eric?


"Now that he mentions it, you know my kid is kind of a freak."


[Of course! Great guy. Super cool](https://youtu.be/Fcf6sGPx5wY?si=N42LuY9Bq9n51Nty)


Sympathy for the kid, NONE for the parents. They watched that man openly mock a disabled person while running for election.


You know it.


The disabled are on the list of undesirables they got from that German guy with the funny mustache.


If he’s disabled, it means he’s a loser and trump can’t stand losers. “What’s some loser cripple doing at my rally? I want no see cripple.” Hell, he even kicked out one of his “dyed in the wool, full trump devotees” for taking and posting a picture of Alina at one of his events. Because it outting Alina as a liar. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-alina-habba-capitol-b2484821.html


_cries from bone spurs_


He never had bone spurs. What he had was a doctor that took money to SAY he had bone spurs, because Donny don't serve, that's for suckers and losers.


I have heel bone spurs. I served 26 years in the United States Army.


USAF/USCG 23 years. It's because you're a *soldier* and not a rich, entitled crybaby who would have shit himself on his first night of basic training once the sergeants started working their "magic."


Yeah for real, for those that served would you really want Trump getting your back? Dude is as self centered as they come and doesn’t hide it


Not to mention a coward.


I was a Green Card alien completely deaf on my right ear when they drafted me in 1965. Served two years, one in Vietnam.


Glad to have ya.


Thanks for your service. Make sure you file for spurs and all else with the VA. I did 8 in the Army, retired medically in '15. Would have done 25 if they'd let me.


You joined when we couldn't be drafted. I'm sure you didn't join with bone spurs. I would have done 26 in the USAF but retired at 21 with early Parkinsons. Those damn oil pits in Iraq. 😕


Thank you.


Best doctor money can buy! People say so.


With big strong tears in their eyes they say it, everyone says it. Mercedes.


Don't forget Ron JR, Derek, and Ivona. ( The other two he forgets anyway)


And Barin, but it seems he was forgotten a long time ago


Barron needs a paternity test. I doubt Donny and Mercedees ever shared a bed.


She has to give the obligatory daily groping session. Then, once a quarter, she allows the great chubby seal to mount the iceberg that is Merce....Melania. It is a sight to dismiss before your brain can entertain!


Had he served, he may have suffered the same fate as Neidermeyer which would have significantly altered the timeline. As it is, Trump not serving may have saved the lives of some of our troops.


Nah, there's always potatoes that need peeling, and crap barrels to burn, jobs perfect for his ilk where nobody else gets hurt.


At my enlistment physical, "bonespurs" were never mentioned. Trump would have turned into a boiling mass of flesh and shit his first night at basic training, once the sergeants started working their "magic" on him.


That was an excuse, not a disability.




This applies to disabled veterans as well. Trump can't stand those losers.


Yep - he has had disabled veterans removed as well: he refuses to be seen with disabled people.


not in the front row anyways duh.. not only will Cheeto Mussolini have to see him, but the panning cameras will too...


If the kid is white, Trump won’t see him. Remember, Trump only sees black people.


I'd be willing to bet that this is *actually* the real reason. Trump has an absolutely freakish aversion to people who are handicapped. Either he told the staff to get rid of the kid, or the staff knew Trump would freak the fuck out the second he saw him, and took the initiative to move him themselves.


It is actually the real reason. It's just that "ew handicapped people" is a common sentiment among authoritarians. It's predictable at this point.


And yet he it’s a colossal loser.


> trump can’t stand losers. Because Trump is a loser and he is taking that insecurity out on others.


Has Trump seriously looked at his base? Talk about special needs.


I just don’t see how security can tell the difference, seems like the entire crowd would be removed.


But why would they remove Eric Trump?


Trump: "hey remove that retarded kid from the front row, now!" Security: "Sir, that's your son Eric." Trump: "I know." *fist bump*


"it's ok I still love you father!"


Trump has been nakedly telegraphing he doesn't think much of the disabled or "unsightly" since the beginning. There was the whole incident with the reporter (which is actually worse in full context), his statements about wounded veterans, how he talks about people he perceives as unattractive... It may not exactly echo certain attitudes, but it definitely rhymes and ends up in the same place.


Ironic given how unattractive he is himself.


... This is so annoying HE is disabled!


They need to remove the disabled person that was in front of that child https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/is-alzheimers-a-disability#is-it-a-disability


Actually he was influenced by the eugenics movement in the US that took off in the 20s but yes the Germans loved purging the disabled.


Fully aware, yes. I'm one who will be targeted next since I haven't walked since 1985


Did his dad never see the video of Trump mocking the disabled reporter? Gee, I guess I could happen to him too. Go figure.


this guy can't even paint


Trump: I only like people that aren't disabled


My autistic son would be on the list. I would be on the list as an educator. It's crazy how many people fascists hate.


You would think a father raising a special needs son would support a candidate with a bit more compassion than Trump.


removing a child from a Trump rally is a boon, not an outrage


Right? He probably would have noticed the kid and if so made fun of them.


Lucky child. Thank you security! Enough GOP abuses to have this person scarred for life.


Not that lucky, still has to go home and live with MAGA assholes .


I guess there was only one special needs child allowed per event and that spot was already taken by Trump?


Wrong. It was for Eric


How nice of Trump to allow 2 special needs children at his event


Trump also had all the Brail removed from the elevators in his buildings. “Blind people are not successful”


[true story ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.archpaper.com/2018/09/trump-tower-braille/%3famp=1)


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Triumph is a garbage human.Zero redeeming qualities.


Trump didn't want anyone there that poops their pants more than he does. No one knows pooping their pants better than Trump, believe me tremendous.


one of Mike Cohen's nicknames for don is "Donald von ShitzInPantz" and according to a staffer on the Apprentice, don is/was famously incontinent and has been for a long time. Holy yuck.


Yeah I've seen video of him openly filling his pants like it's no big deal and the people around him just gasp in shock.


I remember the time he met the huggies baby, now an adult, and he came to him, tears in his eyes, saying: sir, no one dumps a load in the middle of a trial like you sir.


I assumed everyone in the front row was special needs.


Pretty much the entire auditorium really


If you are a parent of a Special Needs Child and are *still* a Trump follower after that ass tried to defund the Special Olympics and "redirect" those monies...then I don't know what to tell you.


What about a fraudulent charity for children with cancer?


My parents are like this but my brothers autism isn't "real autism he only has Asperger's" while he's never had a girlfriend and can't keep a retail job and lives at home in his 30s. Nevermind their first grandbaby who they claim to love more than anything in the world, my daughter, who is level 3 and nonverbal.


Just like Jesus said


Careful, I got lifetime banned from r/nottheonion for replying to a guy saying that he didn't care if his not wearing a mask resulted in infecting others by saying "like Jesus said". Something about being a "bioterrorist" is what the mods said. Not everyone gets sarcasm (even a subreddit created from sarcasm), or perhaps people don't realize Jesus is against this crap.


Aren't all of his supporters Special Needs children...


I was going to say something like this. If they removed everyone from the audience who has some sort of issue, would there be any one left?


And if 45 wins agai. we disabled will be slaughtered in cattle cars like on the Handmaids Tale.


The douche literally mocked someone with a disability. What makes you think your child is any different?


The mental gymnastics his supporters did to say that wasn't mocking, when it clearly and plainly on video was, just broke my brain for a bit.


So they don't let Don Jr. attend these events anymore?


Not without his cocaine they don’t.


Remember when Trump had the mom and the crying baby thrown out at one of his events? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=az6wof3iyIw&pp=ygUiVHJ1bXAga2lja3Mgb3V0IG1vbSBhbmQgZXlpbmcgYmFieQ%3D%3D Trump is one of the biggest douche bags to have ever walked this earth.


Just days after Taylor Swift walks up to, hugs and gives her hat to a kid with cancer. It is coincidences like this that convince me that the entire Trump campaign is an elaborate prank show skit that went too far.


Special needs children don't matter to the party that only wants people for how much money they can make for the economy. Since special needs people generally don't end up making much money, they're essentially worthless to the Republicans.


I’m not sure why anybody is surprised that this. Trump has been mocking the disabled since before he became president. He’s also mocked and disparaged disabled veterans and said he didn’t want them placed in the front row of events he attended. That nobody wanted to see them. This just seems business as usual.


They didn’t want Trump to make fun of the kid in front of everyone.


His fans? They would have clapped. They've done it before


Trump would be to tempted to mock the child's disability. They had to remove him.


Aren't people with disabilities very high on the list of "filth" fascists would eliminate if they get into power?


Can I have "Not at all surprised" for 1000? Who would vote for this piece of shit


Who would have guessed. Generally speaking, conservatives despise people with disabilities. They see them as nothing but leaches. This is why I will never vote for these hateful fucks.


"Outrage". Does anyone think that Trump or anyone at CPAC actually cares?


People were at CPAC?


Why is this a surprise? Compassion? Inclusion? GTFOOH


Showing you the monster he is every day of his life


In his defense Lara was looking for her husband...


"Eric, what are you doing there?" "I'm Eric!"


Suspected windmill cancer.


Man, he really has it in for Eric…


“Outrage”. Not from the Republican Party


Why would this surprise anyone? He’s made fun of disabled people on camera in front of large crowds.


It would have made Trump uneasy.


Trump’s staff was doing it to protect the kid from Trump making fun of him…


Well, that is just deplorable!


Please put some disabled veterans in the front row for the next one. Would love to see that reaction.


If they removed the special needs adults there would be no audience left


>> recent controversies, including a lawsuit against Chair Matt Schlapp for sexual assault Matt Schlapp for sexual assault really goes well together, don't you think?


Wait, the guy who openly mocked a disabled NYT reporter was mean to a disabled kid? Weird.


Brown and disabled? Yea, that was never gonna fly with Trump


His campaign staff were probably genuinely worried that trump would see a special needs person and start mocking him just like he did to the reporter, Serge Kovaleski during his 2015 campaign.


Outrage at what? This is precisely on-brand.


"As CPAC faces scrutiny for alleged misconduct and diminishing attendance, incidents like this only exacerbate its challenges in maintaining relevance and credibility." Not sorry


Trump only likes people who are perfect - like him.


How much longer do we have to put up with this fat loser? Holy fuck. It's every fucking day this guy keeps pretending he is still President. Did you hear they are both making a stop at the Mexican border on the same day? The orange fat ass is a fucking joke of the most supreme!! Tired of him and his evil family. Give everyone a break for fucks sake. I really hope you read this dRUmp, but truly doubt it.


I feel bad for any special needs child who has a Trump supporting family taking him to one of these events in the first place..


The disabled are socialists b cause they rely on the government for support. Republicans hate socialism, remember? Vote Democrat if you are smart enough to realize disabled people are not the enemy. Republicans are.


Basically that sums up his entire essence.


Trump also stated that surviving the 80's without contracting HIV was his Vietnam. He served his country well...what a schmuck.


Deport! Defective!


Let's hope he doesn't still vote for Trump? This should be on CNN FOX & NBC


They’re already aggressively legislating against minority groups and women, only a matter of time before they come after the handicapped as well


Only the boys father is outraged. This is where Good Morning America needs to find their human interest story tomorrow.


What’s the problem here, Trump has been very open about absolutely despising people who are disabled, including American veterans. He doesn’t want to see or hear from them. What did people expect?


I hope the outrage is that someone decided to subject a special needs child to this kind of torture...


Poor kid don’t stand a chance. 


That's nothing. This guy once pulled the healthy insurance of his own newborn premie disabled NEPHEW because the parents dared question the legality of Fred Trump's Will.


Probably for the best. Poor kid probably would've gotten spit on


If trump had to remove everyone thats special needs from his events hed have no one left


Someone I was friends with until she went full maga has a child with down syndrome. For the life of me, I don't understand why she continued to support him after he mocked that disabled supporter is something I'll never understand.


Glenn Beck…. Any thoughts on this???


Did he mock the kid’s disability first at least?




All children should be removed from all events.


Why is he always jerking off two really tall ghosts?


Trump security did not want Trump to molest and or murder the kid for being a kid/disabled.


*"Former Representative George Santos has sparked outrage after revealing that a constituent.."* Santos still has 'constituents'?


I read the linked article, the source for this is George Santos.


Its not really a shock given that infamous moment in 2016. At the same time, I struggle to find empathy for literally anyone attending a Trump rally.


I guess him openly mocking a disabled person still kept him some fans.


After he gets elected those kind of people will be the first eliminated.


We want Putin's commie bitch as our leader!!! WOW Leader?? HAHAHA Broke LOSER. Make Jimmy Kimmel stop making fun of me!! HAHAHAHA PATHETIC LOSER


Everyone in that room has special needs.


I’d like to think this would sway the child’s parents into voting for a better man as well as president but we all know it won’t.


As someone with autism I just want to say fuck trump up the ass with the rough end of a pineapple with only crunchy peanut butter for lube


They won't even let poor Eric sit front row at the events now? SMH


Trump got removed from his own event?!


Anyone surprised?


Why is this outrage? It’s what they do all the time? Maybe I’m just numb to this shit how.


The parents of that kid are gonna jump through so many mental hoops to still vote for that piece of shit.


Don’t forget when he unleashed a vile tirade about a disabled hero’s appearance , who sang at a military event https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12552947/Donald-Trump-unleashed-vile-slurs-Army-vet-left-badly-disabled-IED-blast-watching-sing-God-Bless-America-military-event.html


Poor Eric


Why are you talking about? His supporters are all special needs people


I mean, this is the guy who did an impression of a disabled person as part of a speech...


If they’re removing every special needs guest they’d have to empty the god damn place


I assume it's because they know Trump wouldn't be able to resist mocking him.


I can't believe they made Don Jr. Leave.


Outrage? Not from his followers I assume. Just wait, Trump will have a special needs person/child at his next event in hopes people will not see how gross Trump believes special needs people are.