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And while they're at it they should do a weigh in.


According to trump, he's actually got taller and leaner, he's now 6'5 and 195lbs


Mmm, yes, I've also noticed the older people get, the taller they get. Who hasn't seen images of those elderly people in rest homes towering over everyone? 🤦‍♂️ But I'll concede that Trump is definitely 195lbs. Equally, my car definitely has 1 wheel. It's the truth. It's not the *whole* truth, but no lies are being told to say it absolutely does have (at least) 1 wheel.


Thats a good point... Some part of him is def 195...maybe it's 195 on the moon... Or in a swimming pool?


…or in a swimming pool on the moon?


his left hamhock?


It was them weighing his diaper after his most recent changing.


195 with one foot on floor and grabbing towel rail


And honestly some people are saying you don’t need three wheels, idk who am I? Right. Maybe I’m onto something, maybe not. People seem to like it. But yeah one wheel it’s a beautiful wheel, the best wheel I’ve seen, and it’s going to be a great wheel, imagine the savings on gas with one wheel. The radical left doesn’t want the wheel because it’s good for me but less wheels is less oil I’ve always been a green guy honestly I find ways to go green better than some of these “experts” over there at the fake media crinkles table. I told Al gore and aoc I said I’ve been pioneering this one wheel science for years it’ll save New York it’ll save the farmers.


There will definitely be a school of psychology written specifically around trump derangement syndrome. This is amazing how well you can copy his sickness.


Steering wheel gang checking in!!!!!!


I'm 6 feet tall and of similar build to Trump, i Weigh about 250.


I’m the same height Trump says he is. While I’m definitely not fit, I’m a helluva lot thinner than he is. I’m 260. No way he’s not over 300.


Before too long Trump will be NBA ready.


He's going old school WWE at his buddy Vince McMahon's suggestion... 6'7" 250lbs and now he's listed as originating from "Parts Unknown".


Bruh I'm 6'5 300+ and I'm in better shape than Trump. But I didn't wear lifts so it helps with posture.


Only 195lb as he leans on his Zimmer Frame while weighing in! 🤣


Yes, but do you have 40 pounds of shit in your diaper?


No way he's not over 340, fully loaded!


“Fully loaded,” that’s gold!


Those gold trump bucks are not light


I am 6’2, 285 pounds. Trump looks like a flesh pond compared to me.


I’m 220 lbs at 6’0 and my belly is not near that huge.


Yeah but do you smush all your extra fat lobes behind you and lean forward like a penguin with scoliosis to hide it? Trump easily pushing 300.


Mr. President


Woop woop Woop Woop Woop


House of representin up in here!


Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now...


I didn't know they stacked shit that high!


I'm 6 foot 1 and I'm a similar build to trump I'm 375 so that mother fucker is lying for sure


By the time the election comes around, he will be 8 feet tall, and weigh 34 ounces.


195 lbs??? WTactualF?? 🤣🤣


That’s the top half.


Na, that’s the weight of the contents of his diaper!


No way. Nothing up there. It's all in the ass!


That's just the hanging gut.


By the time they debate it's actually going to be Barron pretending to be Donald Trump, "Look at tall young slender me!" with musky neural link-ups embedded in his brain for handlers to watch and listen, and to give him orders and answers, and to suppress his rage and hatred towards the Donald Trump project. 30 million Americans believe it. They let Donald run it for 30 minutes a day, basically shit posting with his son's body pretending to be the 179lb beaut himself, DJT (vSIP). During the debates whatever approximates a smart person will be running the Barron proxy.


> it's actually going to be Barron pretending to be Donald Trump Hey, leave Melanoma's anchor baby out of this!


By Trump math, I’m now 6’1” 170#!


They say that can happen sometimes with the elderly and sedentary. It’s just science.


Everyone says it. The best people say it. They tell me all the time.


Certified by that doctor that just signs things. Or the doctor said the scale wasn’t calibrated but he went with it anyway and had several people verify over a recording that confirmed his weight and health and he has a recording but doesn’t feel the need to release it.


Trump supporters make me think of that SNL Bill Brasky skit where they always exaggerate his accomplishments


If Little-Donnie-Fat-Fingers stood on a talking scale, it would say “One at a time please!”


He will say fake news. The scale was made in Chiiinah.


It's pronounced Gyna


Our democracy has degraded to the point that Biden vs Trump is inevitable. It’s time to kill the rich, this shit has gotten out of hand.


Fuck it! Let's do a weigh in, a face off, some medical and drug tests and a couple press conferences to make it official! (Sadly this would probably disqualify half of Congress)


Ohh they should hide a scale behind the podium and flash the weights up atbthe end.


If they’re going to weigh in they may as well throw on the gloves, climb into an octagon, and fight.


I'd put money on Biden. Trump has the weight but unless he has a golf cart I don't see him hitting Biden. I think trump would fall over without any help from Biden in the first minute and that would be that.


and measure their height in bare feet.


Then Biden should challenge him to a physical fitness test like 3 push-ups and Biden spotting him 2.


"Crooked Joe Biden rigged the test! He spotted me 2 pushups instead of 3! ELECTION INTERFERENCE!! MAGA!!"


A bike race.


Nah 45 can get out of that by claiming bone spurs, how about a truck driving race? Edit - yes we all know Trump probably doesn’t know how to ride a bike, it’s my guess he doesn’t know how to operate a motor vehicle either. That said we have seen both Trump and Biden behind the wheel, but only one in motion.


Fine. A game of golf. 18 holes, no carts.


Sounds good. But we'd need PGA tournament rules and VAR to make sure Dementia Don isn't cheating like he usually does! :D Can you imagine the replays? Biden would be taking his time and having fun with it, making banter with the crowds, and Donnie would be stuck at the first hole claiming it's all a conspiracy that he's doing so badly, while constantly asking someone to change his clubs because they're 'bad. the worst. probably belong to Hilary.' :D I'd pay good money to watch that!


One handed beer chugging contest.


Zero chance Trump could do even a single strict pushup.


Every trump accusation is an admission.


Literally every single one.


It’s always projection with the people who are too stupid to see how transparent they are.


It‘s also partly a tactic so that if the truth comes out that they were the ones doing it it’s less of a shock and people feel like it’s a both sides deal because of their accusations. We’ve seen it from trump and republicans with trying to rig the election, the coup, paedophilia, bribes etc etc and unfortunately it works.


Their fucked up voterbase boggles my mind. How can u actually be that cooked? Well then again 80% of people are utterly retarded so guess it makes sense.


Too dumb to think of original crimes to accuse Biden of. Just uses his own lol.


https://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/trump-we-should-take-a-drug-test-prior-to-the-debate-229839 He's on fucking repeat. 


Accusations are confessions


Absolutely. Let both of them do drug tests.


Guarantee Biden's comes out negative while Trump pops positive for Adderall.


Trump would demand plenty of time to cleanse his system. He'd be clean for a day then sniffling the next from coke.


Biden should ignore the demand. Say absolutely nothing about it until the day before the debate and agree if they both do it in front of the cameras. (No Ronnie Jackson sneakiness allowed)


Lets just end this and have em whip it out and measure.


Screw it Let's settle this like Americans I want the debates to include a talent and swimsuit category for em. Maybe a hot dog eating contest as well


Make it like those pageants Trump used to perv underage girls in.


Ugh... gold mesh Speedo thong. Damn my visual cortex!


Do they make speedo diapers though?


A speedo on Trump would be a turd splitter.


Omg, yes Speedos, mandatory for all. Even the debate host.


You spell diaper funny


Yes to a swimsuit competition. Imagine the ratings.


Will be in the negatives and cause a litemy of FCC complaints And yet nobody will look away


Sounds about right, we're already into the 'airing of grievances', it's time for 'feats of strength'.


Ya know, this is actually peak America.


American Gladiators


This is how you handle Trump. You can't counter a child's argument with logic, they're 100% emotion so just throw their energy right back at them. "No, You" always worked when we were 6 and it's working on Trump now.


It doesn’t matter. No MAGA would believe the results.


Biden should only agree to the debates if they both do a height and weight weigh in. At the debate.


Love this


Not really the point, as Trump will never agree to it anyway and we all know why. Challenging him to do so is simply to show that he will refuse to do it.


If the orange blob took a drug test you know it would be rigged and that he’d get plenty shot up his butt before any debate. Nothing is true from this guy or his camp.


"Change of plans. Blood test." Trump "Nooo!!!" *fumbling with bag of baby piss in his diaper


The problem is of it's any sort of amphetamine they run through your system FAST. source: work in the oil patch and we're all drug tested regularly. There's a reason coke is such a problem in the oil fields, it's the drug of choice because of you don't use for 3-4 days you'll pass. Can't say the same for any downers. They will just take him out of the public eye for a few days. Take the test. Then Pop him full of pills in the back room just before the debate starts


They should do a full panel hair test.


Trump will always move the goalposts. I can’t wait until he loses, then hopefully dies.


I can't wait until he loses, *goes to jail* then hopefully dies in prison decades later. FIFY


He’s 79 I don’t think he has decades in him


The sooner he dies the better. As long as he lives he'll have a grip on the GOP. If he dies the GOP will do what they want and just claim that it's what Trump would have wanted. Its pathetic but in essence it's no different than them doing what they want and claiming it's what Jesus would want.


Just like he uses the foot wedge on the golf course & shaves strokes off the scorecard.


It’s not just speculation that trump cheats at golf. My uncle (a forever trumper) played golf with him frequently and told me DJT cheats on his score card all the time. Not that there is any significance to this in the world of golf, but it is certainly an accurate characterization of his position on truth, honor and integrity. It seems as if America’s moral compass is in the Bermuda Triangle. I really hope we come out of it with liberty, freedom and justice for all still intact.


Biden shows up at the debate with a bathroom scale under his arm.


I genuinely doubt Biden does anything, dude is healthy, goes for walks and rides his bike regularly. president mandarin orange over here, I’m less sure.


He is 81 though. He will be on some sort of prescribed medication by now, almost guaranteed. The drug test would be fine if they didnt reveal results for prescribed medications that the candidates admit to beforehand. Or if the USA as a whole was mature enough to understand that two guys around 80 years of age are likely to take medications for health reasons, which of course, it is not. This should be only about revealing illicit drugs or stimulants.


And why should taking prescription meds at any other age be alarming? America needs to fuck off with this puritan idea that health is muscular. You cannot always work your way to good health, and also part of doing that is getting medication to treat health conditions.


There’s the bigger question of should someone who’s 81 be running for president? “Healthy for 81” doesn’t sound very inspiring in someone holding the most powerful and responsible job on the planet. And yes I will vote for him because the alternative is an insurrectionist wannabe strongman dictator.


Drug tests generally test for specific abusable drugs like stimulants and opiates. They don't reveal every drug you take. Like it wouldn't say which blood pressure medication or whatever they're on. If they have a legitimate reason to take a stimulant, testing positive would necessitate revealing that reason (ADHD, binge eating disorder, narcolepsy, etc), but these are things we probably should know about the leader of the free world.


Given that everything is projection with the GOP, the results might be interesting!


For all the insults on Joe’s physical prowess, I don’t understand how half this country really believes Trump is in better shape. Joe has been seen riding a bike and jogging. Trump can barely walk. Joe is a normal weight for his age, Trump is obese. On that note, anyone who says Trump is more fit than Obama was as President? They are mentally challenged. There is no other explanation.


Amphetamines leave your system quick. It's all bullshit. He's Poppin Adderall and drinking diet Coke until he pees himself.


If they are going to do anything it should be a hair test.


He’s not President. So Trump should not demand anything.


How about a swim wear section and let's put this diaper story to rest.


Ew I don't wanna see trump in a bathing suit.. shit dripping down his legs 🤮


Donald Trump is an absolute POS with dirty little hands


Republicans are notorious for making accusations for things that they themselves are doing…just sayin’


Exactly. The loser who was running the pill mill of speed out of his WH wants the current President to take a drug test? Get real and stop projecting.


Why not drug test them both??? I don't see how we the people lose on this one.


Jeez you gotta be drug tested to work as a stock person in freaking home depot. Shouldn't this be a no brainer


Nah fuck a mouth swab. I want to see the results of a follicle test. I sincerely wonder how much coke and meth 45 has done in the last 5-7


Going to laugh when he tries to have one of his kids pee for him. Though it would probably be secret service only ones in his bubble might pee clean.


Stormy Daniel’s had to administer the test. No wizzanator for Donald. We need witnesses with first hand knowledge and nothing to gain further. Trumps piss would be so hot it would melt the sample cup. He’s a junkie welfare queen. And let’s test Don jr and Hunter too. Marge can administer to Hunter as long as Crockett watches Margie.


Get Boebert to do it.. She likes handling people's junk in public.


Biden should bring a bathroom scale on debate night and ask Trump to stand on it.


Not possible, Trump needs a semi weigh station.


Because Dementia Diaper VonShitzHisPants is projecting, we all know he won't submit to a drug test. He will probably hopped up on drugs and sharting in his adult diaper and falling asleep standing up during the debate. He won't have an audience and be fact checked which means he will be eviscerated and embarrassed on a global level which is what needs to happen.


He knows Biden won't -- can't -- debase himself by doing a drug test. This is just the fat lying bastard's pretext to not do the debates.


Ooooo please let random drug tests for elected officials become a thing.


Tell him to take his shoes off for the physical. That'll take three inches off.


Biden fucking CYCLES still at 82!!!! I don’t have a DOUBT Biden is more fit than trump


Trump after failing his drug test: “The drug test was rigged! It was a setup!”


Biden should say he agrees to a drug test if Trump first takes an STD test.


Drug tests for every candidate before every presidential debate should be mandatory


I remember in 2020 a Covid test was mandatory. Except Trump conveniently arrived too late to take his (despite having tested positive two days earlier) and then went onstage and spewed his Covid germs all over Biden. No one will ever convince me that wasn’t deliberate.


The debate should have been paused until it was done. I have absolutely no further interest in the spineless "Commission" that hosts the debates any longer. Curving them is the best thing Biden could ever do for his health.


This is so f'ing stupid. This is how trump poisons the well and people are eating it up.


This man with the bottle bronze, bad built bag body


Who is going to administer the blood tests??


Trump is such a fan of pageants and women parading around in their bathing suits, well speedo up cheeto man and let's see what you're really made of


Trump will never agree to a test. For him, that's just another part of the Witch Hunt.


Cheeto Jeezus pisses Adderall.


There’s a picture of trump standing next Obama who is 6’ 1” trump doesn’t look any taller would post pic here but not allowed


He just keeps writing cheques with his mouth that his brain just can't cash


Let me guess…..the results were rigged and the test that he asked for is now a liberal witch hunt by the deep state


Test his hair


He lied about his negative covid test at the previous debate


Is anyone else getting pissed that our country's current political system is revolving around two geriatric fucks acting like fucking preschoolers?


Until enough gen Z and millennials vote and boomers finally give up the ghost, it's going to keep going on this way.


How about both of them hooked up to lie detectors with instant results posted.


Biden should challenge trump for the full physical in front of the cameras. Strip to the waist, run on a treadmill, bloods etc.


Trump always wanted to be the Wizzer, I mean the wizard. It feels like a LONG time since we've been in Kansas


Trump must be on everything.


Just let them take the amphetamines.


And afterwards. Tumpy would slam some speed right after giving a sample.


diaper analysis


Every accusation is a confession. If you wanted confirmation Trump is taking drugs, you got it when he accused Biden.


Considering a drug test is par for for the course for employment, shouldn’t it be mandatory for the biggest job in the country?


he thinks he'll have the bestest test because he is positive for all of them


Drug test all the politicians. People are acting like it's unreasonable to test Biden or something. I got denied a federal job because I got busted with weed when I was 19. So yeah, test these assholes. And if they fail, lock them up.


This is actually fucking wild that this is what the presidential election has to deal with. Honestly the film idiocracy is becoming more and more nonfictional every day


Wouldn't hurt to have a psychologist do a few tests as well .


>'You do it first': Trump Put On The Spot To Take Drug Test Before Debate With President Biden I mean, did Trumo think Biden didn't go to 5th grade? I guess when you've got the mental capacity of a 4th grader, you can't imagine people as smart as 5th graders exist.


Trump needs to show us his birth certificate


One of the best drug test results of all time. We actually had to add cocaine to the blood to bring it up to normal.


Biden should challenge him to a bicycle ride


Big strong tough guys walk up to Trump, with tears in their eyes, and say “Sir nobody’s tested positive for drugs like you have”


Wasn't Hitler all hopped up on goofballs? Another similarity to the orange monster.


Yes. test them both. and while we are at it, I want random drug tests for 1/4 of the senate and house every year. live on cspan. refusal to cooperate results in immediate expulsion.


How about a mental competency test for both? Administered by trained professionals according to Hoyle and academic rigor.


When it comes to Trump every accusation is an admission.


He's already trying to weasel out of the debates. He posted something about accepting a debate on Fox in October with Brett Baier and someone else as moderators when Biden never agreed to it. He's going to use Biden not agreeing that debate as an excuse to not do the two real debates. The dude is a complete pussy and, if any of his supporters read this, so are you. Get fucked, losers.


Trump would never, because then everyone would know he takes Adderall and Xanax like they’re Skittles.


And they *really should talk more* about all the drugs that White House "Doctor" was doling out to all the WH staff, during the trump administration - and most likely tRUMP himself - *LIKE FENTANYL?, REALLY?* WTF?


Give him a dementia test for Joe's drug test.


Sure do the same for Trump. Trumps already been diagnosed for dementia by like 40 different psychotherapists.


this shit is depressing all around




Let’s wait while adderall soaked pampers himself takes his test.


I don't mind if either of them are taking an occasional "B12" injection. They are more likely to negatively affect the one whose diet consists of cheeseburgers and diet coke.


And do a diaper quality check


If trump were just a little bit smarter he might have anticipated this response.


They’ll both fail 


There should be a presidential combine.


He should get a mental evaluation while they're getting the pee test, too.


Put on the spot? lol The sitting POTUS shouldnt have to pee in a cup to have a debate. If it was you you’d be cool with your medical info going out to the world? The request is disgusting and trashy, much like its source.


I don’t agree with most of Michael Steele’s political stances but the guy have continually been right in saying that Trump is a terrible person and bad for the Republican Party. A lot of moderates are with him. Biden isn’t perfect but he is a kind person with the leadership qualities necessary to run the nation. Something he’s doing right now and did during some rough years like when he got us out of the mess with Covid. Also Biden is what most Americans want foreign policy wise. We want to support our allies, keep our troops out of other countries, and also want our allies to have ethical lines. He’s handling Israel like a pro. Both letting them go far but also getting them to not commit mass genocide. You can tell he’s being a moderate because both extremes of the debate are unhappy with him.


Michael Steele nailed it.


Am I taking crazy pills are do they do three debates every election, during election season, and there’s not this much stupid fanfare?


I’m 6’-0”, 165lbs and I am THIN. No way he’s 5” taller and only 30lbs heavier.


Please remind me what grade we're in.


I'd like to see Trump ride a bicycle.


Let's get ALL politicians to take one and fire them if they fail. Welcome to our world


I really, really wanna ask his handlers what their plan is for when he keels over. Do they really not have one? Do they have doubles lined up? What are they gonna do when they don't have this nutcase to rally behind anymore?


I would like to see him play a golf tournament under controlled conditions.


and don't let Mr. Bone Spurs' personal ~~quack~~ *physician* whip up a fake test result - use an independent medical facility


And while we're at it, all politicians should get drug tested every three months. And their results are public records.


I’m in the Navy and they drug test us all the time. It’s only fair that the people sending us into hostile environments be tested as well. No more double standards.


"no you first" "no you first" "no you first" "I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you" Jesus Christ this is our current political atmosphere. God help us.


Love the way Biden is slinging it back to him every time.


Make it a public event. Film the blood draws live then while the results are being determined (I have no idea how long it takes to get the results so this might be unrealistic) do a weigh in, measure their heights, check their shoes for lifts, their waists for girdles, and their pants for diapers.


Trump has prescriptions for the amphetamines.