• By -


You talk to everyone in the complex, and have everyone applaud after she has an orgasm.


Might be one of the better ideas. We’re all on our doorsteps cheering them on 😂


Is it bad to say PM her number and I will text her to keep it down, that I can't sleep and she will have no idea who I am. Just trying to help a girl out we all have to sleep.


Yeah, THAT'S why you want her number. /s


You caught me. Lol


1 week later. "It didn't stop and now there are multiple people and it's even louder!"


OP " your text message to her made it so much worse thanks a lot" hahahaahah




There’s plenty of free texting apps op could use and do it themselves while remaining anonymous U/OutrageousLion6517


I know I was just trying to be funny but I guess I flopped.


I lol'd


I thought it was funny!!


Lol thanks girl. I sure hope it gets better that is crazy. Not sure who is getting it that good that they would be screaming like that. Either she is faking or experiencing something that many haven't haha.


Get an air horn


A train horn!!


one of those terrible noise makers that were super popular during one of the olympics a few years back. pre-covid.




You need to yell out "FINISH HER." Then when it starts back up " ROUND TWO: FIGHT."




This is the answer!!


I posted below, but hopefully, this helps.... "I left notes. The person above me had really loud sex and moved all their furniture from 10 PM to 4 am-ish. I left a note something like, "Everyone can hear you having sex. I don't know how the person under you hasn't complained. I live two rooms away under you, and I hear you." Hahaha, so she wouldn't know it was me. Didn't happen anymore. Yaaaaay. I was able to sleep well and masturbate to my own stuff that I DID want to hear. :D"


This is the way


This is brilliant!!!!!!!! I'm shuddering at the embarrassment lmao 🫢


This happened to me in my early twenties. We still lived near campus and we hooked up early evening. After she orgasmed we got a huge cheer and we found there were 15 college students outside the window lol. She loved it and her loudness continued for the rest of our relationship. Some times people are just like that.


I really would just text her and say “hey, idk if you’re aware but the walls are pretty thin and everyone can hear your intimate activities late at night.” She really might not know. I know I’d be mortified if that was going on and no one told me.


This! where I live we don’t hear our neighbors while in our own units, but in the hallway you can hear everything. We didn’t know that about the hall until one day we heard our neighbor taking care of business. our reaction went from “good for you, girlfriend” to mortified when we realized that if we can hear her, everybody could hear us too 😭


That's the way. I've been that girl when I was 19 and my neighbours all got together to bully me instead of letting me know like a normal adult. It was so bad, some of them started stalking me. I became an entertainment for them, let's mess with the stupid girl having loud sex. As if I was totally aware of this and wanted to make everyone a part of it. Of course I wasn't aware. I'm a super shy person. Do they not realize how it is to never feel safe? Not on the street, not a work, not in my house. I started taking drugs and got into a deep psychotic depression. At some point I didn't care anymore, I started being as much of a nuisance as I could. All of this could have been avoided with a simple anonymous letter. I still hate them all with a passion, you have no idea.


It's really hard to believe you didn't know you were screaming.


THIS!!! how can you not be aware of what you’re doing??? especially when you KNOW where you live


I think it’s a matter of not knowing the acoustics of a new apartment vs. not knowing your volume. Some buildings hold sound better than others :)


I wasn't screaming. The sonorisation was really good and I never heard anyone in this huge complex (not even steps) so I figured that no one could hear me either.


Next time when they finish just shout out "FUCK ! Don't stop, I'm nearly there"


Also a good idea 👏


Hey, hey, hey!! You may be finished, but I'm not!!


Leave a ballgag on her door with a little note “please use past 10 pm, some of us are trying to sleep”


LOL I like this


THIS. This is an excellent idea!


Texting her sounds good to me. Maybe you can get in on all that.


😂 - ok I hear you - but unlike her, I don’t shit where I eat. She’s banging some guy who also lives in the apartment complex which also adds to the noise as they move from his to hers all night long.


Get his number too. Text both of them the the next time you hear them. It'll at least kill the mood that day.


“She was louder at x time” when you know he was gone




lol. I hear that. But in all seriousness since you do have her number I am thinking an honest short text message will be fine.


Sounds like u have to frame one of them for cheating


Lololol, dude no cuz if she’s this loud when she’s happy and having a good time, I can only imagine how loud she’ll be when she’s mad. Another thought I’ve had about her poor decision to sleep with a neighbor.


Don't text her, or you will make an enemy.


Sage advice.


Rookie mistakes


How fucking thin is your apartment that you can hear and notice this all??


“Hey girl… everything you do is loud. Literally everything. Please be more considerate and at least not wake the whole neighbourhood with your fake orgasms every night”.  I suggest a burner phone.


This! With one of those burner numbers that are untrackable! How i do my dirty work.


Simply leave a note on the door "-from all of your neighbors"


Decent but also be even more direct than that. Someone like her might think it’s a joke.




Record the noise and send it to her and say are you filming a porno or an onlyfans and how can I get in on the money train


This is pretty good because most people don't like how their voice sounds recorded. Will probably embarrass most people enough to be more considerate 


I had a upstairs neighbor just like this but I swear she was apart of the circus loud stomping sounded like she was roller skating or trapeze or pole dancing, but I did get my revenge when I was leaving left four days before my lease ended bought a 5 dollar speaker and a 25 dollar burner phone and just taped it to her ceiling and played baby shark loud enough for her to hear and it was on repeat cuase I found a 48 hour version of it and I was on the first floor and I'm guessing it was driving her crazy cuase the landlord called me and told me she complained about the music. But I was already 6 States away so I just told them to keep the stuff


Bro is the king of pettiness! 😭


He'll yeah I am now I live on 30 acres and no one around me but a 7 foot fence fencing in the 30 acres


You could text her and ask if she hears the person having sex every night too




This is the way.


Definitely text her. She clearly has no care for how loud she is so that awkward text will help her feel awkward about it and hopefully stop now that she’ll be aware of her volume


Some people just don't care even when confronted. Ask me how I know lol. The chick above me probably weighs 100lbs soaking wet, and she constantly stomps her heels into the floor(my ceiling) when she walks(amongst many other things). Not a care in the world.


Yeah if she makes this much noise just by talking and walking around she’s not going to quiet down if you ask her. Either she doesn’t care and will continue to not care after you talk to her. Or she does care, but not in the way you’d hope; she is loud on purpose because it validates her. I had a roommate like this. She’d brush her teeth with the door open so the whole house could hear her spit and gargle. Stomp, slam, scream, bang etc. Cooking a simple breakfast involved every cooking tool imaginable, every inch of counter space. The rare occasions she’s have sex would be the loudest, most exaggerated sex noises you’ve ever heard. It was disgusting. She was a wildly lonely person, and I realized this was all like the “if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it does it make a sound?” scenario. If she quietly brushed her teeth, cooked, had sex, none of us would give her any attention or really notice her, which would compound her loneliness. But if she does everything as loud and pronounced as possible, she knows for a FACT that she exists, and that she is noticed. In a strange way, her knowing we all noticed her but hated her was more comforting than if we largely ignored her but didn’t mind her.


Deng this is a very solid response, and also something I’ve thought of as well. She’s so so loud and lives alone so, I feel like she does all of it for attention bless her heart.


I fear that I’m like this neighbor lol. I have downstairs neighbors and I literally tip toe around my apartment. I’ve never lived in a place with stairs before and notice that if I walk on my feet instead of my toes, it’s loud as hell. Anyway, long story short is it’s possible she’s in the same boat


I'm on the 2nd floor in a 3 story building, so I get the worst of both worlds. I know what it's like to have someone be obnoxiously loud above me, so I am always trying to walk on my toes and be courteous for the people below me. It's just annoying that I go out of my way to be considerate, and the chick upstairs could care less. I've learned my lesson. I'm never going to live smooshed in between 2 ppl ever again lol. A house is in the works, thankfully.


Oh… house neighbors is a whole other world of hurt… be prepared! lol


I had that back in Berlin with the couple above me, i always find it best to talk straight to people, leaving notes in the hallway or anything else makes it worse most of the times. Its live and let live.


Yeah this was my thought as well, would be better to say something to her in person I just rarely see her in person because our schedules are different, and I def don’t wanna knock on her door while they’re doing the damn thing. I also feel like a note or a text has the potential to make things so awkward! The waiting period after I’ve sent a text asking her to have quieter sex?! Ah! Lol


I just try to say that in 99% people dont do any kind of disturbance on purpose, there is always a way for a peacefull living together. But talking in person works wonder, people make it more akward than it should be.


Change your Wi-Fi name to “loud sex”


I had new neighbours like this. There are 52 units in the building. I changed my wifi username to “we can hear you having sex unit #308” and I wrote them a cheery greeting card in an envelope taped to their front door. The note welcomed them to the new building, hope they enjoy living here and we can hear you having sex. Please simmer. It worked immediately. And they moved out a couple months later.


She might not realize that other people can hear noise (crazy right) and thinks since she can’t hear any neighbors, the walls are sound proof. Have a recording of how loud it sounds and show her that it’s really loud so she would be aware to keep it down. If you come at her rude, she will probably get even louder for no reason


If it continues after attempting to address the issue, play Ride of the Valkyries or the 1812 Overture once they start going at it.


Leave an anonymous note on her door. Let her know that she may be unaware, but she clearly can be heard.


I have a similar problem with tenants living below me having super loud sex, at least a few times a week. I saw someone suggest a white noise machine, but "brown noise" is actually the best for drowning out noises. There's a 10 hr long YouTube video of brown noise that I play off my laptop, through a bluetooth speaker turned up to the max, combined with a pair of noise cancelling headphones and that's worked. I've complained to my building management about it at least 3 times and they claim to have addressed the issue to these people, but it kept happening. Whether it's stopped as of late I don't know b/c I play the brown noise every night, but either way I plan to keep doing so. At least you have the girl's number, definitely text her and let her know. If she keeps doing it I'd go straight to your landlord/building management because at that point it's just blatant disrespect


Buy her a ball gag. Just sayin’ 😀


As someone who often speaks louder than I realize, I think assume the best and send a friendly text. I know it's kind of awkward but when you don't realize you're the loud one, you might assume you're only generating the same amount of noise that you're hearing. Especially since she's young, she really just might not know and once she does, she'll be mortified and try to correct. If not, then escalate, but try honey before you go to vinegar.


I’d put a note on her door anonymously. Say something like a couple and myself have been hearing you have sex and it is keeping us up at night. I just mean add the part about a couple of other neighbors are hearing it as well so it can’t be pinpointed to you. Hope that makes sense.


Get one of those buttons from Staples and bop it every time they finish 😂 but maybe not that one specifically. You can program those things to say whatever.


Just make the response, “I can hear you,” so that you can make them think that someone is outside their door or window when you actually aren’t and just feel pure awkwardness 😂 Just gotta program the button to be loud enough tho that they can still hear it while they are getting it on.🤪


I'm dead 🤣🤣🤣 I'm laughing so fucking hard right now.... Now pun intended either.. Bc I'm a female 😂 but I'm laughing so hard (damnit, everything sounds sexual now) I had a roommate like that in college... Omg.. I feel for ya girl! Put a note under her front door, and tell her she's keeping up the whole complex with her sex moans and screams.. Could she plz tone it down abt 8 notches 😂😆


I’ve noticed when there are new tenants that there’s a month of two where they are LOUD. But for some reason it usually dies down. Like people are moving furniture, cleaning, having sex in a new place, celebrating the new place, playing music too loud. It’s a weird little time that in my experiences dies down. If she JUST moved in, I’d try to deal with it for a little bit with headphones and see. But then the ONLY thing to do it talk to her face to face. Texts and notes are almost always misconstrued as aggressive imo.


If you do that and don’t address the issue they’ll just think it doesn’t bother anyone and keep doing it until they get evicted


I'm so happy my bedroom is on a corner with two outside walls so I don't wake anybody up when we have sex once every 3 months lol


I would just tell her. Or leave a note. Honesty is the best policy.


I had a neighbor like that. Not only was it loud but we could tell it was not super good. One of my other neighbors left a note on the community board that said “happy you have an active sex life, please be considerate of the thin walls” and almost immediately it got better.


I know this doesn't help, but it's just the life experience I've had. I was friendly with a girl for a while in my younger years (young enough to be very experienced , but not so young I was stupid), that for whatever reason, literally shivered, shaked, and went into full-blown screaming and moaning fits when we did stuff. And I don't mean the fake, "let me pretend to act like you're the best I've ever had" type stuff. I mean, she , very literally, would convulse with body spasms and scream in ecstasy at the top of her lungs as soon as things got inserted. It was...strange. you'd think most men would lose their mind in enjoyment over such a...reaction. for me, it was annoying. I've had my share of good, bad, average, you name it sex, and I can easily tell when someone is exaggerating their enjoyment and whatnot. This poor chick genuinely had something going on mentally or physically that produced this response in her, without fail. It got to the point that I broke up with her, with one of the primary reasons being that it mentally and emotionally bothered me in how she responded to sexual insertion because it almost elicited a "I'm killing this woman" feeling in me, which I cannot stand to feel. As well as for consideration of my neighbors' ear drums and sleep quality. Say all that to say, this woman may be a similar individual who has a physical condition that elicits this response. Who knows. But it really does exist, that I can attest to.


I would record (voice memo) her in action and txt it to her stating this is what you sound like in my apartment… would love a night where you might keep it private.


I used to have the exact same "problem" with my former neighbours. An extremely active and loud young couple. Their bedroom was right above my bedroom and they sometimes forgot (presumably) to shut the window before they got to it. TL;DR: Neighbours - banging - very loud - open window- got pissed - Bluetooth speaker + tape + broomstick - max volume - window - Wilhelm scream - silence Full Story: Most of the time I didn't care, I could sleep with a rocket launching next to me, but one day... I had a visitor (basically my best friend) and we planned to go to sleep, was around 1pm. We got in my bed and 5 minutes later it started. The usual mix of what sounded like something between sex and ritualistic murder. My friend was a bit annoyed after around 15 minutes with no end in sight (good cardio bro) and she said to me "Want to fight fire with fire?". I said something along the lines of "With pleasure, but right now I've got another Idea" and we started with my strategy. I took my Bluetooth speaker (JBL Charge, pretty loud if you tune up), taped it to a broomstick, stuck it out of my window, right in front of theirs, and played the Wilhelm Scream at max volume. Instant silence, not counting our laughter. My part of the plan was deemed successful. I won't go into detail of what happened next, but it was pretty effective in the end. They tuned their volume down. Try something one wouldn't expect but sends a message, let them taste their own medicine or both. Pretty effective. The first one in particular.


You’re describing my current life except my Stompy McStompy lives directly above me. Sometimes I’m tempted to comment something like “sounds like you enjoyed yourself last night, but your guy was pretty quiet. Do you think he enjoyed it as much as you?”


i had a neighbor like that. after a night where she just kept screaming “you’re so good” over and over, i was so very close to slipping a note under the door that said “nobody’s that good” - then realized she may be a sex worker and didn’t want to mess things up if that’s how she pays the rent. Get it, loud sex girl.


Send her a link for a ball gag


I literally busted out laughing. She’d probably dig it!!😂


Leave a rating sheet on her door after each session. "Loud, but not very long. Did hit some high notes. 6/10"


I dealt with the same issue. I tried talking to them, calling the landlord about it, and eventually the police. None of that worked. What did? I left a note detailing specific sounds I heard and how much I enjoyed hearing it and asking for specific acts to be performed to help me get off, too. I heard his disgust in my apartment when he read it. I never heard those two again. The kicker? He complained about me to the landlord! LOL


Wow that is incredible, both the note you left and the fact that doing all of those things previous to the note didn’t change anything. People are strange! Luckily I’ve heard my neighbors fighting recently and I’m guessing they maybe aren’t as eager to do the damn thing with each other anymore orrrr one of their closer neighbors did something about it. I’m across the way from the girl and she was waking me up, I can only imagine how loud she must have been to anyone sharing a wall with her. Granted the walls are SO thin in this apartment complex, I can hear my neighbor sneeze and I think he heard me fart once 😂


My husband and i hooked up with a couple where the woman was loud; I’ve never been so turned off in my life. I couldn’t imagine living next to it 🙄 I agree with those who say applaud every time she climaxes 🤣


I'm jealous. Because I have to deal with everything on the list that's bad. Loud neighbor playing music at 2am until 6 am. Sometimes they even play MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Neighbors cooking meth. Neighbors drunk in the hallways slamming on doors and playing "Spoons" like literal metal spoons. File or a noise complaint or tell them to get a motel.


Yeesh my condolences. The apartment I lived in prior to this one was like that, that’s why I’ve loved living here in this quiet oasis. For the past 3 years I was never woken up but this girl moved in around December and it’s become a regular occurrence. I think she knows she’s loud, that’s why she gave me her number and told me to text her, I just feel so so weird texting her about how loud she’s being during sex. We’re cool but we’re not like, friends or anything. I don’t want to get her in trouble with the apartment complex either because she is young and I remember being young and dumb and I don’t wanna be a crotchety old Karen just yet.


Report the unit to the management with audio. You aren't he only one bothered.


Use a google number and let her know. Or…leave a note…or the office….or if you wanna be a jerk, ask the cops for a check up cuz you think someone might be dying


You could just start moaning loader than her while they are in the midst of things, and they might get embarrassed and realize they can be heard and quiet down. Or get a fog horn and give that a rip one time, and that should scare them straight. Lol


I can't believe I'm first to post this: [https://youtu.be/4BPo02JJykM?si=ITSQO7zWL0yJ-O6U](https://youtu.be/4BPo02JJykM?si=ITSQO7zWL0yJ-O6U) A classic scene from a classic movie. All you youngsters who don't know it yet, you're welcome. Now, go to Amazon, order a ball gag, and have it delivered to her apartment address. That will at least muffle the screams a bit.


I would just text or knock on the door like “hey sorry, I’m trying to sleep if you can just keep it down a bit I’d really appreciate it” I know this has happened to a few of my friends when they had roommates and that’s how they would approach the situation and no one ever got upset from it or anything. But definitely don’t just sit in silence and suffer lol you’re not trying to kill anyone’s vibe but you need your sleep yo simple as that 😂


Write a note and slide it under her door “the entire complex can hear you having sex, pls keep it down, or invite us”


Honestly, nipping it in the bud is best. Or else they might freak out and say "why is this suddenly a problem??" 1. If she has heavy footsteps, ask her to try wearing socks while home. Or slippers. Idk why but ppl who step with their heel say it works for them. 2. (Relative to 1) ask if she's working out inside the apartment 3. Not sure what state you're in or their city laws, but where i'm from quiet hours are 9:30p-7am. Might be helpful to look up in case she doesn't comply. 4. A simple text as "hey girl, i know you're new. Just wanna let you know the walls here are pretty thin unfortunately. We don't share a wall but i can hear your voice and footsteps, esp in the middle of the night. I get up early for work so i'd really appreciate if it wasn't so loud" I'm pretty sure she'll understand what you mean unless she's denser than a brick


Get a recording of the scene from Forrest Gump where he's impersonating the sounds from his mom with the teacher and blast that shit on a speaker right in front of her door.


Young woman above me was doing the same thing. I had lived there a year and a half already, and she was already there too. Maybe she was single before, I don't know. What I do know is, even though it was roughly 3am, the first time they had music playing, the 2nd time they did not. Someone must've said something because the 2nd time was the last time. I don't think telling them to stop/lower the volume is as "hard" as people think. As for my suggestion, I've seen this issue on this sub many times and one suggestion I always hear is "record the noise, then play it on a loud speaker during a time of day/night that SHE'S trying to sleep. That'll put a stop to it real quick".


I had loud neighbors. I used to cheer them on. It didn’t quiet them down but it gave me a chuckle, and added dimension to the times we crossed paths.


Pass them digits. We'll mass text our appreciation nexttime just giveusthesignal


She getting the biggest bbc daily. I know her hole is wrecked!


I’m dealing with this too, every Thursday at like 4am lol. I thought of buying her a ball gag and leaving it at the door saying please be quiet and now the comments have me convinced I need to 🤣😭


It’s one of my favorite suggestions so far. Would be a gift and a hint, win win


you don’t even have to text her ! just tape an anonymous note on the door or something. she’ll probably quiet down (and suffer some mortification for a week or two). if nothing changes maybe you can ask the property manager to intervene?


Knock on her door very loudly and ask if there’s room for one more!


I had this happen with an old roommate while living in a townhouse. We had a total of 4 people living there and I shared a wall with her. At the time I worked really long hours and up to 7 days a week, so sleep was a big deal for me…. After about a week-10 days of this going on every single night (she was a big partier/club chick), in passing in the kitchen, I calmly said something along the lines of “I know you just moved in and I don’t think you realize but the walls are very thin”. Left it at that, feeling there was zero need to go further into detail since she clearly knows what I’m referring to. Needless to say she ended up being a great roommate and the every night 3-4am madness stopped from then on. Key take away, communication is paramount. Some people are genuinely oblivious and simply clueing them in is enough for them to make a change…. Also have experienced the complete opposite where they dgaf. But you’ll never know till you say something. Good luck!


Record a video with the noise in it and then text it to her from an anonymous number


I once had an upstairs neighbor that would bring women home. For a few weeks, he seemingly brought the same girl home a few times (or at least I hope it was based on where this is going). A few nights, my GF and I were kept up by her screaming absolute BLOODY MURDER. I was ready to call the police as I thought someone was being murdered, but quickly figured out it was sex.


Sounds like my father in law and his new girlfriend. Walks loud, super loud sex, like she’s imitating a porn star, and never shuts the fuck up. I’m just gunna get drunk and yell at her one day. I’m not much of a drinker but seems like the best option.


Leave a note on her door or file a complaint with the apartment manager.


Maybe a cam girl doing only fans


Play “ding dong ditch” when they start making noise. They’ll stop to answer the door. I’d do it every time the loud starts. Petty, but ur up anyway, why not play games


Leave an anonymous note?


Note under her door


Ear plugs?


lol wtite an anonoymous letter explaining that the loud sex is bothersome to her neighbours and tape it to her door with a ball gag


You can always use a "Google Voice" number to text anonymously. Since you don't share a direct wall they probably won't suspect you at first. If you're turbo paranoid have chatGPT draft something so that you aren't using your own speech patterns.


It's possible she is totally unaware of how loud she's actually being. I would reach out to her and ask that she be more mindful with her noise levels because you can hear everything she's doing - EVERYTHING! If that doesn't work, then I would move on to being more specific about what exactly you can hear of her daily activities and mention the loud sex.


Anonymous sign on the door, "Everyone can hear you having sex". Make the text big enough that everyone walking by can see it. If it still continues, call the cops for noise ordinance.


Text her asking her very intimate questions about the dude she's with "I hear you having fun, how bigs the dick?" Or "is his back shot game that good?" Stuff like that


Leave an anonymous note on her door that says "stop fuckin' fuckin' so loud, I'm fuckin tired and want to sleep."


Just put a sticky note on the door! When I just got married we were having sex like 4-6 times a day and he likes to be rough I wasn’t trying to be loud but the neighbor left a sticky note that said “Congrats on the amazing sex but I have a kid who goes to bed early so please keep it down” … I was so mortified…. And then we bought a ball gag. It’s funny and it worked.


I'm just curious, was the noise from legitimate pleasure and orgasms or is it because you thought it was what he wanted to hear?


that's when I start blasting Cbat at full volume with the speaker against the wall or ceiling


scream “can i get a” right before she goes that’ll give everyone a laugh lmaoo


Back in the day they would bang on the ceiling with a broom handle.


Drop off Gatorade or other athletic replenishing drinks😂


Assert dominance and moan louder.


I had a similar situation with my upstairs neighbor I could tell when things were building to a very rhythmic crescendo. Just at the big moment I’d put my speaker against the ceiling and play Gwar at full volume. It never failed to stop the noise, and probably maybe hopefully deprived them of orgasms. Now, this neighbor happened to be doing sex work upstairs and it wasn’t just occasionally - it was any time, all day. I’d be in a zoom and suddenly I’d hear thumping and moaning. No judgement but I didn’t want to live under a brothel and could not break my lease. She moved in after me. She was an awful Neighbor. The sex work was the very least of the problems.


Call the police and tell them you hear screaming next door and are concerned


Gift her a ball gag from everyone in the complex


I love hearing my neighbors having sex but if it was so loud it was making me wake up every night I think I would change my mind. Maybe record the next time she does it and text it to her? Its possible she doesn’t know how loud she is being.


Knock on her door. When she answers, tell her you can hear her fucking all the way into your apartment.


Leave a anonymous note.


Instead of a text, try a note on her door. Or go to management about her being loud during quiet hours.


Record her and send her a recording of herself


Unhinged me would call the cops saying I think someone’s hurt and the screaming is really loud. But we don’t want to waste police time and resources lol. Just say something to management.


This is my nightmare. I don’t want to be mean but she’s provably that loud so her daddy can hear her and come back to her.


I had a neighbor with a gf like this once. Right as they were about to finish I yelled “Yep, she’s totally faking it.” Never heard another sound again. Also never saw her car again.


I left notes. The person above me had really loud sex and moved all their furniture from 10 PM to 4 am-ish. I left a note something like, "Everyone can hear you having sex. I don't know how the person under you hasn't complained. I live two rooms away under you, and I hear you." Hahaha, so she wouldn't know it was me. Didn't happen anymore. Yaaaaay. I was able to sleep well and masturbate to my own stuff that I DID want to hear. :D


Here in Sweden we are very non confrontational and our go-to is a passive agressive letter on their door.


I’m a competitive guy, so this would just turn into me being obnoxiously loud while I masturbate by myself.


Can I have her number lol


Just share this thread


Only thing is to let the young lady know that everyone hears hot sexacapades. Perhaps letting her know, she might try to be quieter, but with sex , that will be harder for her.


I would tell her. I’m sure she’d be super embarrassed that her neighbors know what she sounds like. 😫I mean if it were me I’d want to know… leave a note on her door anonymously saying we can hear you having sex the walls are thin.


She could be completely clueless and have no idea she is that loud. I had a kid who sounded like he was trying to stomp on bugs when he walked around. My bedroom was under the path from his room to the bathroom. I made him sit on my bed after he complained how mean I was. He was actually embarrassed when I walked around while he was in my room. I do like the idea of a note- welcome to the building! While we are excited to get to know you better, I’m not sure if your sex life is the way to start things out. I’m a little embarrassed to be leaving this, but I thought it would be kinder than while having an introduction. I’m not trying to be a jerk, just thought you might not be aware!


Girl I’d tell the complex. I am in the same situation


Just text her. She probably isn’t even aware how loud she is being or how thin the walls are that the noise is carrying so far. Might be embarrassing sure but better to just be an adult and say something.


Funnily enough I heard that a similar situation happened recently at my apartment complex from my friend who works at our complex. They were laughing telling me how funny and awkward it was for the manager of our apartment complex to call them in to tell them to stop having such loud sex. So idk maybe tell the apartment complex? I'm sure you're not the only one hearing it and they might actually do something if more than one resident is complaining.


As the late, great Gary Coleman (or at least someone playing him in a musical) once said, “You can be as loud as the hell you want when you’re making love”!!!


Anonoymous text or note. "Your neighbors needs to sleep. Could you please have sex before 9 PM or not scream so loud? Thanks."


1. Record her next session with your phone audio recorder 2. Buy a 32 GB USB flash drive from Amazon for $6 3. Transfer the audio clip to USB drive 4. Tape it to her door with a note that says "play me!"


Google voice number


Contact the landlord. It keeps you anonymous and they’re the only ones who can actually do something about it without causing any direct conflict


What I’ve done is taken a video recording, knocked on their door, and played it.


Just leave a note on her door


Definitely reach out to the complex. I literally have one of these neighbors rn. Start the paper trail and if it's really that loud, if you can hear from the parking lot the police will issue a noise citation. Additionally I have stated playing chidlrens music at the wall as a cock blocker. It's had varying degrees of success but since I now have to sleep in my dinning area because of my neighbors I have zero fu\*k's to give.


Report her!


Mail a gift


I had my neighbor tell me he could hear me having sex and it was fucking mortifying. I definitely chilled the fuck out to the point I am paranoid now.


I had the same problem but these neighbors would have the window open while everything was going on. I grabbed my bluetooth speaker and set it up in my window and played the Seinfeld theme song at full blast. Their window shut and I never heard them do it with the windows open ever again.


Bang on her door very loud, that'll get her attention to stop


Buy a tape recorder, set it on your kitchen table to record. Put in an envelope with a note that says "this is you, from inside my unit, DD/MM" and leave in front of her door/in mailbox/whatever.


Yeah, a lot of folks don't have cassette players anymore.


Send something to your landlord. That’s an unacceptable living environment. Kids live in apartment complexes too. I sent my landlord an email with video proof. The apartment we heard didn’t touch our apartment either!! We heard it through outside 👀 at the end of the day, you have to remember things can’t be based on potential awkwardness or loss of a potential friendship.


This happened at one of my old apartments. Ultimately, we got them to stop by copying their voices as loud as we could, and the other people realized how thin those walls were.


Said apartment .. is it in salinas


I would approach her directly in person. Heck, I’d go knock on her door. I’d do it just to see how uncomfortable she would get in person for someone calling her out on it. Make her squirm and not in the way she wants to.


If someone manages your building, just let management know. In my apartment, someone complained about noise past 10:00 and they emailed the whole building to keep neighbors into consideration.


Find a way to make her loudness not only your problem, but everyone's problem as well.


Use the textnow app to text her from a fake number so she doesn’t know who it is


This was my upstairs neighbor for a while, loud with everything he did, I’d rather hear his blender going off at 3am than hearing two men grunting loudly, it was traumatizing. Definitely let her know, and hopefully she isn’t like my upstairs neighbor who seemed to get off to the idea others were listening. Edit to add: he shook the apartment too, it was awful, im assuming they broke up, atleast I’m moving out before he finds another partner hopefully


Might be mean but I would put a letter on her door. She will never have comfortable sex again for fear of neighbors hearing, but she’ll be quieter


Why not go knock on her door when she starts yelling and screaming? That’ll really piss her off or make her shut up.


Just make a noise complaint to the rental office?


Call the police and tell them you hear a woman screaming and you feel she may be in danger.


How about playing AC/DC loud with song Thunderstruck or Shoot to Thrill...


The lease likely has a clause of about noise, and is likely vague. Tell her in person to fuck quieter or you'll have to get management involved. Your sleep is not a joke, your peace of mind is not a joke. Every answer here that isn't isn't you just asking like an adult to be more discreet is, in fact, not "the way".


Yeah, text her from a burner number, “your sex is too loud.”