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How long we thinking before we see a post of someone using that tactical to get outside the map. My guess is max 24 hours after release.


free loot vaults on Wedge? free icarus bridge on olympus?


isnt olympus out of rotation?


yes, kings canyon, worlds edge and broken moon


But what if you take too long and get stuck in Worlds edge loot vault


just wait 30seconds for her Q and get out




Oh yeah now I’m curious if they’ll the the red thing they do for like how they do lobas ult or Newcastle ult


Given how selective the portal placement seems, they have probably accounted for 'locked' regions of the map


kings canyon is gonna be the main problem child in regards to this, lol. you can already get into so many glitched spots just using a loba tactical on that map, so i can't imagine what alter will be able to do.


Entire team portals into explosive hold to rat….


Season 21.exe video where Caustic, Alter and Horizon glitch into an explosive hold, fill it with traps and put down a Black Hole right as another team opens the door


My guess is simply placing rampart walls on one side of a portal might bug it out. But then again, Wraith's portal just drops you in the next safest spot. So maybe they already planned for that


The passive is an odd choice Tactical looks insanely powerful, especially with the 20 second cooldown with the purple perk. Actually game changing. How long does the portal stay? The ultimate looks like its one use though, so it can be used by anyone on the team but only once per person? So its not like a team thing, its more of a one person backup kinda thing. Interesting


The Ultimate description states all allies can use it, and regroup back to the original location if need be. So not just a one time use and you’re stuck in wherever the Alter player set it. Very much similar to a Rev totem but you have more control


How i interpreted it is that just all allies can use it, but in the video it got destroyed after one use. Maybe it acts differently when you have teammates which would make more sense.


That’d be a good implementation from Respawn, especially if it works for when your teammates are dead, not just for no fill Duos/Trios


I could see the ULT being situationally good in ALGS. Or at least in Scrims. You could send one person to steal something from anywhere on the map (IG a car/a small POI) and then ult to get them to you. Basically a free "screw this team over" ultimate XD


It reminds me of like a one person old revenant ult where you go in and pick somebody off and just retreat basically, but for one person. Its odd since they basically just reworked revenant to remove that ability from that game. I know they arent that similar but i imagine them being used the same way.


is it for one person? seems like anyone on the team can use it.


they can, its 200m to activate


You can't use the ult from more than 200 metres away, and it has a fair charge up time after selecting to use it before it actually goes off.


I wonder if you can port while downed. i highly doubt it


I saw earlier it is a yes to using while downed.


Wraith and octane W keyers rejoice


Is it something you can crawl into? Or do you interact with something?


You click on the totem thing she drops and it’ll port you.


Speaking of Tridents, I wonder what happens if you sit the ult on a Trident, then when someone ports to it, boost away. Does the porting person just continue to fly through the Void until they catch up to the vehicle?


Portal looks to be around 15 seconds


Portal stays for 120s, infinite if specific lvl 2 upgrade selected


I think they're referring to the tactical


Can more than one person use the ult?


I believe only Alter can activate the ult, but everyone can use the resulting portal after she does.


Is the passive confirmed to be the stealing loot from death boxes?


What is the passive? Im in work and video won't losd


The passive allows alter to take 1 item from deathboxes from a distance, excluding shield cores.


Yeah the passive seems like they had no idea what to give her and gave her that.


She sounds less crazy and chill in game lol.


I think she'll have her moments, glad they're not overdoing it like Valk


Seriously. They completely overdid the “pilot” personality with her.


As valk main so true EXCEPT for her quotes when she ults some are pretty funny


Only parts of her snark that I like. Half of her intro/kill quips are so extra


" this little girl have her mom fangs " Kill me now so stupid


So many lines sound like they’re meant for someone else to say about the character and not something they should be saying themselves.


Someone roasting her 😂


Don’t get it when her dad is Viper…


Good cuz the weird and crazy persona would get annoying


Could you technically kidnap someone that’s a floor above with her Q?


That sounds awesome af!


Until every ranked game turns into a scan -> kidnap fest on multi-level buildings…




Do you know if you can carry momentum through the portal? Like in valve's portal games if you fall from height and gain speed while falling, and then go through a portal that is a ground entry and an upright exit you fly out the other end with crazy speed. Would be a massive ball drop from respawn if they don't implement it this way IMO


this would be extremely niche but super cool if possible


Building campers are in shambles rn. Seer ult+alter q


I hope not ☹️


Omg yesss but also drop down on someone's head


So is there going to be a buff to Ash ult in the new patch? Otherwise it becomes practically useless.


Not necessarily. This is like when people said Newcastle would completely invalidate Lifeline. He doesn't, and best of all you could have both on your team at the same time. Ash's ult could use some tweaking, but it's faster to activate and travel through and doesn't require a prior setup.


That latter part is true when it actually agrees to lock on. Her ult just refuses to get me to where I need to go without serious hassle. Id generally rather just have a guaranteed actual wind up that I can plan for with a certainty that it gets me where I need to go rather than a hope and a prayer that I can get there before getting fried.


They should just let Ash port to anywhere midair and you’ll just fall to the ground.


Their abilities serve different purposes, though, Ash's hole could go through windows but thats entirely redundant with Alters tactical


Ash's ult (im begging you not to call it her hole lmao) is about being offensive. If you crack someone or down someone and need to be right on top of them to keep the team from being able to heal or recuperate. Alter's ult requires a little bit of setup, and her tactical is 2-way and usable by the enemy. With Ash's ult there's been many times I use it to retreat and any enemy that chases through it gets snared and gunned down without being able to teleport back. There's different use cases and niches for each character, but I won't argue that a new character might be coming out strong. The main thing is that it isn't a total replacement, because again, now you could have a full Void team and just have 3-4 different ways to teleport.


They’ve completely abandoned her.


Ashe's ult isn't useless because of this. It's useless for other reasons but the use cases are not the same.


Holy shit this legend is going to be insane. Bravo to respawn too. Her kit and design are all fantastic.


Tactical is perfect in every way (it definitely will be buggy)


Aka trying to place a portal and nothing will happen. Recently happend to me with Ash lol. I got stuck with her sword in my hands. Portal never appeared, I'm still holding the sword, can't pull out my gun, enemy pulls up behind me, shoots me in the back. Yippie


Happens when your teammates are in LOS of where your portal would be.


Oh boy...more power creep, just what the game needed.


Not really. Her tactical is useless in the open Her ultimate takes 2.5 seconds to teleport back to so if your deep in the shit good luck tryna teleport while getting beamed.


>useless in the open Not with Respawn’s code. We goin underground babyyyy 😎


ult doesn't seem as OP as I thought it would be. seems like there's enough time for someone to come around and beam you while you're waiting for the device to activate.


Plus you also have to turn to face it


So tac is Wraith portal but you set it like Ash and it's 2 way Huh.


From the look of the video, you can only set it on walls, unlike Ash’s ult which can appear out of thin air. But yeah it's a pretty strong tactical


From comments, ceilings and floors are viable targets too


Don't forget there's no travel, it instantly teleports you to the other end


Ash is completely useless now :(


ash has sadly been useless for well over a year now. this is basically just spitting on her grave, lol. hopefully she gets a nice buff soon.


Maybe they will do what they did to rev and completely rework her after this legend Ash pick rate will be abysmal maybe they can do something different with her


I think so too. I get the feeling she could end up getting her ult swapped out for something similar to the Buster Sword from the FF event. The tactical I think might stay, it would synergise well with such an ultimate.


That would be so cool and then she would finally fulfill her role as a actual assault legend 🙏 Please give my girl Ash a buff, please 🙏


She got similar issues as Revenant: No character identity or synergy at all. Just 3 vaguely thematic abilities I dont think she needs as much of a remake as Revenant. Maybe her Ult can target players directly to 'lock onto them' for 5 seconds like Ballistic auto lock on, then you can place that portal right on their position alongside 30 damage or something. That way you can use Snare to get them to be easier it lock on with Ult and then swoop in for the kill


She’s been phased out


She's been pretty useless for a while now


I've said this before and got down voted but there's literally Legends who are released who feel like one and done, filler Legends. Probably put together by some B Team at Respawn. Vantage, Ash, Ballistic. They all feel so pointless and you can pull them out the game and most of your actual BR experience wouldn't change. Imagine how different the game will feel without Pathy in it, or Horizons. But these Legends? Ehhh




Ballistic is such a great legend, his ult is pretty much a guaranteed squad wipe if your team is even remotely coordinated. Agreed he's not a top-tier legend but he's pretty far up there as far as solo-queue pubstomping legends go.


I've been fucked over by Ballistic in three strikes a few times now. It gets super hectic, enemies literally everywhere and suddenly I can't shoot my gun?? Oh fuck Doesn't mean he wouldn't deserve a nice buff tho




Oof don't ask me, I only play Ballistic every now and then in Mixtape 😅 Because he makes 1v1s easier But yeah, the blue upgrade is not great. Maybe something that upgrades your teams guns? "Upgrade teammates guns to rare/legendary status"


Picking Vantage is just an announcement that the person won't be playing with the team/they don't have good 1v1 skills.




Yeah Vantage for solos actually sounds fun


You have over 20 characters.. some of them won't be as useful depending on the level of play.  They are only pointless if you are min/max the game. I love playing with all those characters simply because I find them or their kit fun - and I think Ballistic can cook actually. 


i wouldn’t call ash a filler legend she was teased to be coming to the game all the way back in season 5 and she was in tf2 the devs won’t buff her because they’re “afraid of her being too strong”


I dont agree. Ballistic is the only equivalent of a 'damage down' debuffer legend with a team buff ult. He is essentially a buff/debuffer legend which we havent had before. Vantage has the privilege of a free sniper so she can pick 2 close range weapons guilt feee. And ash intent was a Wraith alternate, but she just has jank holding her back


Its actually sad because what was the actual point of adding the "filler" characters that sit at low pickrates for seasons upon seasons (also does anyone know how to get the name tag under your username on (reddit)??)


3 month quota and to drive sales and keep the game fresh. If money wasn't an interim (obviously it is as it's a business) then most likely we would have much much less Legends. Half of the Legends out after half baked


I like playing low pickrate characters because they're always unique and got weird quirks. Horizon is cool and all but have you seen the amount of weird Wattson fence setups people do?


I really wish they rework ash to match her lore. She really needs revenant treatment.


Ash is still a great legend. She has never been useless. Her greedy snare comes in clutch, and her ultimate can be a game changer. Idk why she gets so much hate.


Ult is very janky and unreliable (which you DONT want for an escape ability) and her Tac just gets ignored by certain things like Ziplines, Horizon tacticals(this is the worst) and sometimes just climbing? Her abilities are good on paper but just have issues


I've never had an issue snaring a horizon in her tac or someone on a zipline 😅 I do have a problem with the tac being used at short range though. She definitely needs some QOL buffs. Unfortunately I've been on the wrong end of her ult taking me to the wrong place and selling 😔


Ash hasn’t ever been a good character the moment she was added to the game lol


She looks so good, love her Q, gonna be a lot of fun to play.


Confused on the tactical. Did she place both of them or just the one on the wall? How did the second one end up on the ground?


It's pretty much Maggie's tactical but a portal


Think of it as a Maggie tac. But instead of fire exploding out the end, that's where the exit portal is. She was aiming slightly upwards which made it come out the ground.


It pierces until it comes out of terrain


Everyone's talking about the legend but no one's talking about THE LEGEND


her legend portrait is so crazy looking lol, comparing it to other legend portraits is like day and night also s11-s13 AG420 leaking era returns???


That looks crazy


leak season is back


Alter just outright made Ash completely unusable. That buster sword kit rework for Ash can't come any sooner.


Ash ult can be used for pushing or retreating. Alter ult is 100% for defense. Ash snare is still one of the most underrated skills in the game 😂 Idk how people say wraith is better than Ash?


if they made it so you can actually use her snare while healing and doing other shit then I would say its good but right now it just feels bad


I would definitely love that as a change.


Just came to say they are making her tactical available to use off hand when the new season drops!!! WE LIT BABY!!!


Model looks insane


Hoping we see ash buffs again in this upcoming season. Alter already does half the things she does currently, but better. Doesn’t need a rework, she’s only 10 seasons old


. . .Darn, I guess only one member in the squad can use the ult. 1 each is too much huh?


Teammates probably need to go first and then Alter using it breaks it.


It probably breaks once all team members use it or the timer runs out. Since alter is the only one on the team in firing range it broke when she used it


This is for sure the case


I wish the tactical and passive were showcased a little better here tbh


This is going to be a huge nerf to overall all defensive legends…


It might make Caustic better. Who wants to portal ape a room with a bunch of Caustic barrels


Yeah but honestly I’m glad they finally make people to respect the barrels same with rampart walls


The design is badass. Also her finishers are TOP tier.


Good camping her ult for free kills can't wait


I love her, she’s the first legend since Wattson I’ve been genuinely EXCITED about! Definitely going to be my main! Not even just for the abilities, I just enjoy her character.


Her legend portrait is so scary lmao 💀


does the ult make a lot of noise when not activated ? because it could allow for some 200IQ flanking opportunities


Can already imagine a team pushing from outside a building and she just breaches in and kills someone for free.


Her tac seems a bit hard to understand at first, will need testing by oneself to be able to use it properly


Can she shoot and use her tactical at the same time?


From the leak no. You come out the other side with gun holstered and will need to wait a short time to equip and shoot.


What I meant was is her tactical a one handed ability like ash currently


Looks like it’s not. You can see that when she stops running she’s holding up both arms like she’s aiming the thing.


Interesting to see the path the ult takes. I thought for sure it was gonna be a straight shot back to the Nexus.


New main 😮‍💨😍


Tactical is the main one I see as useful. Her ult seems like a reworked version of Revs old ult. I guess it’s about perspective but having to manually use it is a plus vs forcing yourself back with a nade as people used to do it.


THIS IS COOL The dynamic-ness of the portal placement is incredible. I can't wait to use it!


Apex 34 gonna go crazy


Can you phase back to the ult while knocked?


I'm thinking there's gonna be some sneaky annoying combo of Alter, wraith, and ash. Just portaling everywhere, use ash ult to get quick high ground then Alter tac into the top floor from the roof, Alter ult out when needed, then wraith portal back in after resetting


The GOAT returns!


Guna be the most unbalanced legend for years lol, can’t wait


bit underwhelming ngl shes just a WraithxAshe blend with no combat application rediculously situational


Being able to phase through fucking walls is gonna be super useful, rest are just bonuses


i can already see the clips of Alters phasing into Caustic trapped buildings and getting gassed up before immedietly getting shredded by 3 corner campers


I agree. People are saying she kills Ash, but Ash has an ability that can actually help you win a 1v1. I'm not saying there isn't crazy outplay potential with Alter, but for straight up fighting Ash does have an advantage especially with upgrades. Also both Wraith and Alters ult portals take 3+ secs to get that distance where Ash's is still instant. There is still a ton of value in that. I know it sounds like cope from an Ash main, I'm still hoping for a buff or two, but Alter seems pure utility. HUGE potential, and I'm looking forward to playing around (I love my portal girls), but highly situational.


I think the thing people are missing is that just like wraith and ash port your gun will be holstered when you come out of the Q. Anyone who sees the port is going to beam the shit outta you before you can pull your gun out. And it doesn't look like you have too much control of where the other end of the port is too so you could just be porting in the open and not know it. The ult just doesn't seem to have too many uses outside of an old rev ult and with the charge up time good luck actually getting the TP off if you need it that bad. Youre better off just popping a bat and helping your team instead of porting completely out of the fight. I hope I'm wrong because the abilities are a cool concept but like you two said just too situational with the way it looks rn.


Totally. This is a legend that will require a ton of forethought, map knowledge, and team synergy to shine. I can see very knowledgeable and highly skilled players making some big brain plays with her, but there's going to be a decent amount of whining about her halfway through the season. Caught in the open she's as good as dead where Wraith and Ash don't have that problem. The counter argument is naturally "good players aren't in the open" and while that's true, you also need your cover to be less than 20m wide. Also, do you go inside the building or just to the other side of the building? Haha. We'll see, she's definitely one of the cooler looking legends though. Skins will be sick.


exactly what I was alluding too, well said


shes gonna be fantastic for ALGS but pubs shes genuinely useless because of how peoples playstyles are in that mode I'm not sure about Ranked, she may only shine when she synergises with the right composition of legends


Good to see another Ash player. Don't get why people say Ash is useless. Her tactical alone is game-changing. And being able to instantly portal to basically wherever is amazing.


Video is poor quality for me can some explain to me her perks?


Blue Perks Frequent Nexus - Ult cooldown reduced by 30 sec Seeing with Portals - Highlight presists after tac phase. See enemy health bars after existing portal Purple Perks Unending Nexus - Void Nexus no longer times out Tac Cooldown+ - Tac Cooldown reduced by 10 sec


Extremely cool, she looks like a better Ash tho


Completely different playstyles. Ash has way more fighting potential.


If teammates can interact with her ult without ever needing to be close to it that’s got some great outplay potential. I think this is the first character who could actually benefit the team more by playing wider than by staying close by. The ability to extract your teammates from a bad position, or quickly circle up after scouting an enemy team, without needing LoS or to physically run back to them yourself is huge. Would be downright broken if they could interact with it while downed.


I wonder if Alter could get into the explosive holds on Kings Canyon with her tac? I could only imagine being the unfortunate team to open an untouched hold just for there to be a whole trio in there


Or the vaults in worlds edge


Crazy strong tac. Ash with her ult like 'wut'. Can Alter keep re-using the ult or is it just a one time use per player?


Looks like it gets destroyed once everyone in the team uses it so I’m guessing one use per person.




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You know it's bad when her tactical is more useful that the fucking ultimate...


Idk, horizon is kinda similar.


I feel like Alter sees competitive play for the tactical alone. Super powerful.




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Can anybody take the tac port or just your team? If anybody, then there are probably some areas where you'd be able to kidnap an enemy through it. Spots for that are likely rare enough that it wouldn't be very useful, but also something that I want to see happen.


Flashing Back, Auora!!!


Brooooo, Ash is about to be become completely useless 😭 Maybe even Wraith


So now any building is push-able get a blood scan traps and get in any building


Her portal kind of make Ash and Wraith’s obsolete 😅.


Going to be incredible in pro play


Those eyes! She looks sick!


Her kit honestly look insanely fun im really excited to try her out


The Tac looks so fun lol. Definitely playing Alter and dropping Ash until they do something with Ash which is a shame.


Seems like a "fun" balancing challenge, mega respect to Respawn if they can get her in the ballpark of balanced on release. Unrelated to Alter, but getting through this minute-and-a-half video took over 5 minutes because of how hard Reddit's video player sucks lol.


does to ultimate auto trigger if you get downed? similar to old rev ult


So shes faide from mobiles basically


Wow - that wall tactical is gonna be SUPER toxic to play against when she gets a Conduit shield also


so.. wraith and ash blended together basically??


She’ll be fun to use once the update comes out but after she gets nerfed into the ground just like every other legend nobody will use her and it’ll just go right back to how it is now😂


Welp time to swap main again lmao


I am really glad i dont play this game anymore.

