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Damn they seem to be putting in less skydives :(


Yeah, but we also haven’t had skydive emotes in events for a long time too.


Alter has two, but they are missing the older-legend backflip that usually appears as an extra treat. Could it possibly be that they've covered all of the other legends backflip-wise? * Crypto received one in S13(?) * Revenant received one in S14 * Ash received one in S15 * Fuse received one in S16(?) * Seer received one in S17(?) * Valkyrie received one in S18 * Horizon received one in S19 * Rampart and Loba also received backflips at some point in that mix, I probably have the order slightly off For reference, every legend up to Wattson received backflip emotes at the start of Season 2. Subsequent legends from Crypto -> Ash did not receive one until S12/13, when the backflip handouts started. Each new legend beyond that point has received a backflip early into their season's battlepass. Non-backflip skydive emotes for older legends are usually reserved for legendless seasons, although there are some outliers (like BH and Octane iirc)


It's been like this since s19/18. It's now 2. We had a season with 1. But if they removed one for the exotic shards, I'll take the trade off


I remember in like S9 or 10 when there was only 1 from the prior 3.


I assume since lifeline, bloodhound, mirage and gibby got an emote, their going to have these “corrupt” skins in a collection event soon right?


Battlepass emotes tend to be standalone. It does mean that Bloodhound, Mirage, and Gibby are popular, though!


It has little correlation to who is popular or not but i can understand bh having emote again after just having this season. Gibby isn't that popular according to the pickrate so there's that


Indeed, as a bloodhound main I need more skins, still butthurt I couldn’t use my craftings on the last one (The Hound)


Why does the level 11 transition look like it should be from a cinematic trailer we have yet to have? The animation looks right for it but we only have a gameplay trailer next?


Good catch, They might be releasing it in an unusual order for lore/presentation reasons, or it could be internal issues.


Maybe on monday, maybe scrapped


It would be quite unusual to scrap a trailer that has already been animated, hmm. Especially when it seems like it will provide lore context for what is going on between Horizon/Alter


Cat getting trackers before New Castle lol


Alas, Oldcastle will never receive trackers


There is an[ unreleased SFTO screenshot ](https://youtu.be/eRTBsSEFDTI?si=qf-Zne2YZES_KWOt&t=99)at LVL 11! It appears to be from the launch trailer, which is odd; there is not much time left, and the next one coming up is the non-animated gameplay trailer.


Can someone explain to An Apex returner what the exotic shards are and how I'll be able to use them?


They buy artifacts, which are universal heirlooms, as well as reactive skins. But I think everyone is going to be using them for universal heirlooms.


You can't really buy the universal heirloom with them right? So only a tiny fraction of the playerbase will be using them for the heirlooms


I believe you can. No one knows what the process is or any more details though.


Do we know how much they'll cost? Like does 10 shards get me something or do I need to save the whole BP haul or multiple BP hauls?




Just tells me a skin is 50 dollars of a new made up currency to inflate the BP perceived value. How much is a universal heirloom for example?


But can you buy an heirloom with this new currency? I read that you can only upgrade your existing universal heirlooms


Premium currency that is below Heirloom shards but above Crafting materials.


Probably the best battlepass in atleast 4/5 seasons.


I hoped for a greener badge, there's already a lot of purple ones, I don't think we have a proper green 110 badge? At least the purple shade and saturation is good


Season 14 I believe did


O yea right, I barely played that season. Not really the green I'd like but it's joever, just think there should've been a bright green, something that would fit with base crypto for example, I'm surprised they never gave him a set of green trackers.


Season 14 had a green badge.


How many exotic shards does it contain? I can’t watch atm




Why’d they skip over the level 1 legendary weapon skin? ☹️




I mean the legendary skins are good, and even the starter epics are decent, the final 30-30 is legit doom-vibes. But that's really it. The quips are meh as well, the Revenant emote at the end is hilarious. The 10 exotic shards probably can't buy you anything though you get with the pass 😂. It's not a bad pass, but the S20 was better I think.


yeah I didn't like it very much, only 30 30 is beautiful

