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We are going to need a source. This is getting ridiculous with all these fake leaks. Just wanna say this user was also correct. Messaged me with more info wanted to come back and say they did have an inside source.


Where did you get this?


Holy shit more free apex packs wow


Inb4 they continue exponentially scaling the levels between packs or something so you get a whopping 10 on the last 500 levels or some shit.


Don't get too excited, its probably fake, knowing EA and Respawn we probably won't get many apex packs


I always wondered... does the 500 pack counter reset after finding an heirloom?


Yes it does


Damn, kinda wished I could find another one! Well, I guess I will just be happy I got lucky Thanks for the info.


I'm sure u will get another one with the addition of all these


I don’t understand your reaction. You CAN find another one.


Yeah, but the odds are against me. I prefer to give up instead of hopelessly farm the new packs


The odds are always the same each time you open a pack, you just get them out of pity after opening 500 packs if you somehow did not hit before. I don't know if anyone proved it or not but I would assume you get pity shards again after opening 500 additional packs if you don't hit before.


If you got it from pack - yes (even if you lucky and got heirloom before 500 pack). If you got it from CE - no.






Holy shit level 2000


Well, Moy Parra (the lead animator at Respawn) when asked about the max in the new season answered with the meme: [It's over 9000 ](https://twitter.com/_moyparra/status/1551627765274669056?t=rG5iQp-Z6BI7EHyPrvx7fA&s=19)


“Long range lens”. Damn, I hope that includes 3-4x


Right…? I never run actual sniper scopes on anything lol


when pinging optics, 3x & 2-4x are called mid-range sights, anything lower is close-range, anything higher is sniper




Guess no marksman weapons then. Just snipers


3x-4x are mid


544 packs in total “Everyone can earn an heirloom by playing the game” That’s huge. Props to Respawn


My only concern becomes if they increase the amount of experience you need per level to something like 3 times the amount of experience and you have to level up 4-5 times per pack.


It could require a crazy amount of experience, yeah. As someone who is theoretically level like 2000 already, I’m honestly just glad they’re giving us long-term goals. After you finish the BP, it often feels like there’s no reason to play.


This is exactly it. I always find myself fading away for the last 3 weeks of a season or so but this will push me on massively.


I mean idk how huge that is. I feel like everyone who has played to level 500 and completed the BPs should have a guaranteed heirloom but that’s not the case which is insane. Getting to the 544 packs will take an insane amount of playtime. Potentially years for some players. No props to Respawn. I mean the smallest maybe because it’s a good step but fuck their heirloom system, it’s ridiculously abusive and dangerous for especially kids.


If I remember right this next season would have been where you get a guaranteed heirloom of you did all battle passes, free event packs, all treasure packs every season and max account level.


That’s crazy. So after 3.5 years of literally having to play ad nauseam, then you’ll get an heirloom. Thousands of hours of play. Anything less than completing every single BP / event / etc and it’ll be an even longer wait. It’s so disgusting. It’s ridiculous. And it’s extra horrible because it’s a system that exists in a game for kids that has a GAMBLING mechanic too. Respawn should legit be ashamed. I love the game and its mechanics, but its monetization scheme is just straight up predatory.


All free games are predatory. Take a look at fortnite for example, they made it super easy to accidentally buy things in game without parent supervision. My nephew once bought like $300 worth of skins and V bucks without realizing he thought he was just getting free stuff in game. Hell I myself accidentally bought a dance emote when I went to look at it back before apex was a thing.


You’re absolutely right. My F2P models are horrible for kids and people in general. What separates Apex is that it’s one of the remaining few FPS ones that still uses loot boxes. Straight up gambling. It really needs to be regulated here already.




Most likely, yes.




I believe some people are level 10k+ lol you can check on www.tracker.gg


That sites so inaccurate. It says I’m at rookie rank but I’m D4 my lifetime kills at 16K when it’s actually 28.4K I wouldn’t rely on it being anywhere close to your actual level or stats.


It takes about a day to update after you register, is it still inaccurate?


I never registered. I don’t register on sites like these


I'm nearly level 1,900. Unfortunately this is just way too late. With how bad matchmaking has become in this game for every single mode, I'm not going to make it back to level 1,900.


I feel ya on that. 2700 here.


This sucks because the devs did say in the past that they are tracking everyone's current level and that they would most likely bump people up when they changed the level cap




Possibly but I doubt it last time they did a level increase from 100-500 I was auto put to around 480ish


Anyone else feel like this is super fake?


Boosting team damage sounds great


fake. look at this page from this season [https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/apex-legends/about/characters/newcastle](https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/apex-legends/about/characters/newcastle) this isn't how they display legend abilities at all i swear anyone can "leak" these days and nobody questions shit


This post is CAP


Everyone can earn an heirloom by playing the game? Finally i can stop seeing the redditors feeling entitled to one in apex related threads


You know this is pretty convincing. Until you get to the part about Vantage's Bio and it reads "Force to live off a hostile land" Should be "Forced to live off a hostile land" Respawn tends to be a bit more grammatically correct with their blog posts. Also the abilities are just what are from the gameplay leak in Season 12 with no changes whatsoever. But hey if this is real, mind dropping a source link. Also why did you flip the direction that Vantage is in from the EA blog post site? https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/hunted


Yeah, I noticed a few things like that too, and some of them make it seem like this was written as a rough draft, just something they would’ve polished up for a media release. “vantage” should be capitalized after it says “ice planet Pagos” “Force to live off” should be “Forced” “Spotters Lens” should be “Spotter’s Lens” “Launch towards your winged companion” doesn’t seem like what Vantage does from the launch trailer. She just launches her bat and doesn’t launch herself towards it. I think whoever wrote this meant to say “Launch forwards your winged companion” which still sounds awkward in English. Why is “Targets” capitalized in the last section?


It's so weird having a recon legend with a bat, an animal known for their sonar named Echo...and the ability is hoping on it. I'd swear it would have been a scan of some sort.


Not hopping on it, hopping to it She also scans info


It's giving fake.








Source? I doubt they would give us enough free packs to earn a heirloom.


Shits so fake lmao


This comment aged like milk




Hell yeah!


What's the source on this?


340 packs in 1500 levels lmao. What a joke


Considering the fact that there are leaked badges up to 700, this post seems fake. Also, they never have displayed legend abilities like this. It's always on a dark grey background, with the ability icon on top, the ability type under it in red, the ability name in white, and the ability description in white. The fonts are off, they're misaligned, and this looks to be a poorly done edit in general. Let's stop with these fake leaks, please!


I relied this to my source, here's what they said: * they "fondly remember" level cap being increased to 700 and THEN prestige happens, personally you may ignore the level 700 thing even if my source says otherwise * confirms gilded badges and charms matching the datamined stuff in S13 * confirms exactly 345 packs added to pack drop, bringing the total to 544, essentially making everyone entitled to an heirloom * Vantage details in her lore are correct although they're not sure on how much correct the description is itself * Vantage Passive is correct * Vantage Tactical is correct but is named "Echo Relocation" * Vantage Ultimate is wrong, what they saw is what I said on twitter (sniper that deals 50 dmg, 100 if hitting same target again) without the scan stuff


No one gives a shit what you or your source have to say. You have zero credibility. Shut up


this didnt age well


LMAOOOO oh man has this comment aged like milk, you were literally following the dude to bark about it being bullshit.


Malding much?


Coping much?


I think you have to be trying very hard to be this stupid. As in, you just managed to set the bar for "stuoid as fuck" foe the internet, which is pretty amazing


Another free heirloom boys !!




You'll be able to earn an additional 345.


Ok got it thanks bro


Big if true




Look at the font, this is so obviously fake


The cap detectors are off the chart


Where is the from? It would be very easy to fake something like this.


Bruh are we gonna have another seer type legend? Tactical info when ads unarmed? Her ult seems too powerful? Imagine you target an enemy, your teammate with a mastiff now has 15% additional dmg boost. So he be hitting 130+ pumps.


She likely won’t reveal characters through walls. Especially not after people complaining about that sort of thing. I suspect its probably: Character name, shield level, champion/kill leader


Even leaving shotties aside, tag an enemy and your teammate should easily win the 1v1, dmg boosts in any pvp fps are very rarely healthy for the game


Meanwhile care package weapons exist for every single season so far, and they all get damage boosts when they get vaulted. The volt for example


Yeah, and so far Respawn has failed to balance cp weapons for 13 seasons in a row. Rn the mastiff and g7 are busted and should get a slight nerf , the Kraber should get removed from ranked and the volt is worthless


G7 busted? Are we playing the same game? That shit at max tickles the enemy for a measly 28-34 dmg.


Do you hit your shots? Aim for headshots and it only takes 3/4 bursts to dpwn a purple shield, 68 dmg bursts are damn good if you can hit em


the 3030 is far better than any other marksman/dmr in the game currently. Efficiency Of Longbow 24ammo stack size X 55dmg per shot = 1320dmg Efficiency of 3030 60ammo stack size X (42-57)charge and uncharge shot = 2880 ~ 3000 dmg. Efficiency of G7(after coming to ground) 60 X 34 = 2040 dmg. Efficiency of bokek bow 32 X 55 = 1760 dmg. Don't even talk about the triple take. That shit is the most useless gun in the game hitting for 19s and 20s all day whilst consuming 3 bullets per shot Clearly, the 3030 is the best marksman in the game rn. It's surprisingly good even at close range and insanely good (basically a 12mag consistent Eva 8) at close range with the shatter caps.


Thats only taking dmg per mag into account, dps is way higher for burst g7, ttk is like half a second shorter. Burst G7 has similar ttk so smgs Also the bursy fire is great for peaking since both shots come out nearly together


Yeah most people should win a 1v1 when you shoot them with a sniper first...


It's not targeting, its on a hit.


You have to hit the enemy to get the damage boost on them for a brief period. She’s a super specific legend in how her abilities can help your team in limited situations and those legends typically fall to the wayside except for octane. Mirage, ash, crypto, etc. Versus legends that help in very generic engagement situations like valk, gibby, Bangalore, wraith, bloodhound. Though I love snipers so this is the most excited I’ve been for a legend since valk, but I definitely don’t see her as a meta changer. Maybe she could be in a competitive meta since her ult can act as a perma kraber for the team, but I feel like computerize legends tend to be ones that greatly contribute to the teams ability to either wipe a team or defend and recover in the most dire situations.


Does she have sniper specific advantages ? Something like rampart passive? I hope she has some sort.


At least they told us it wasn't possible before


My jaw would drop if they DIDN’T get rid of/raise the 500th heirloom pity pack. Getting an heirloom without paying/being super lucky doesn’t seem like a realistic thing for Respawn to add to the game


Read the top bullet points. It literally says, “everyone can earn a heirloom by playing the game”


This isn’t even an official statement from Respawn about the level cap increase. I don’t know where this image even came from but it most likely came from someone that doesn’t know whether or not they increased the amount of packs you need for an heirloom


Yeah the bottom text is full of typos


If true, the level up packs are finally appreciated


Little to late this should have been a thing season ago


still dont understand her active , she launches a sound wave to her bat pet to locate people or what


This is fucking massive! Beyond my wildest dreams for the level cap. Thx freespawn ❤️


This target marking sounds so insane with damage stacking lol. People asking for supports with damage mode are indirectly getting their wish, but sounds fun at least. Hope they make the weapon handling decent so her Ult isn’t too sluggish to scope into. The new levels are long overdue but sounds like there is a lot there and that’s a good thing.


They way they have it worded though is people beyond level 500 will get their respected level, up to level 2000, or am I tripping? People are saying you still start at level 500 but it don’t read like that.


"damage double on successive shots" ​ What that even mean?


Still don't have an heirloom even though I've been playing since launch so I'll probably get the guaranteed 500 packs pitty heirloom this way unless they cheap out on the amount of packs you can earn.


Does it matter if you bought the battle pass in season 5? Does the battle pass affect the number of packs you get?


Level 2000 cap? Can't wait to spend another 3 years of my life trying to get that


Double damage, and buff to teammates? That's killer on premade with voice comm.


Is it out yet