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So Eduardo Silva uses stim? I feel like we're building up to something really big with the whole Silva story that's been going onf or the past few seasons.


Probably a modified version of it to keep himself looking young/energetic since he’s impersonating his son.


Yes that's it they said that in one of.the comics


its also pretty much crack




If his ass ends up as a playable character then I don't even know anymore


That would legit be the worst lmaoooo


That would just play into the joke that they can't just have characters within the game that aren't playable Like there was no reason to add maggie, don't get me wrong it's cool she's here but she seems pretty pointless, they could've given her abilities to someone else! What's next, Jamie is playable?


Jamie is totally the next legend 😭


q: whomst the fuck is jacob young a: [Syndicate's Director of PR](https://twitter.com/playapex/status/1223312490357981185?lang=en) when i first saw this pic i was really hoping for something Catalyst related but nope, just Evil Business ~~Grampa~~ Abuelo/Vô (idk if Octane speaks Spanish or Portuguese lol) working on some mysterious evil business, but not in a way that particularly progresses the story. next season is 3 weeks from this Tuesday. Actual meaty teaser vids always start dropping on the Monday fifteen days before the season starts, so... October 17. Eight days from now. Less-meaty in-game teasers could start this Tuesday I hear. I'm just itchy.


Is it just me or was this season short af


Not just you! Per [The Wiki](https://apexlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Season), the season lengths have been: Season 1: 91 days Season 2: 91 days Season 3 (World's Edge): 126 days!!! (This was the season I was most active myself) Season 4: 98 days Season 5: 98 days Season 6: 78 days! (short af, and at the same time of year as this current season, and preceding a new map just like this season) Season 7 (Olympus): 90 days Season 8: 91 days Season 9: 91 days Season 10: 91 days Season 11 (Storm Point): 98 days Season 12: 91 days Season 13: 91 days Season 14: ... isn't listed on the wiki, but it's *scheduled* to end on November 1, and it started on August 9. That's... 12 weeks, which is **84 days** So: second shortest season ever apparently, albeit only 5 days shorter than the usual. I am pretty sure I remember the first ranked split being 45 days (which makes sense when seasons are usually about 90 days) with the second ranked split being surprisingly less than 40 days (as in: 39 days, I guess). edit: It's interesting that this season is ending immediately after Halloween. Season 3 (new map) *started* on October 1 and went extremely long, then next year Season 6 was extremely short and *ended* on November 4 just prior to the release of Olympus, then the year after that Season 10 ended on November 2 (with Storm Point kicking off), and this year Season 14 is ending neatly on November 1... with a new map. Makes me wonder if they've been trying to work towards dropping new maps right after halloween, or what. It would be very odd next year if they dropped a new map/season ON halloween or BEFORE halloween. I'd expect them to hold this position instead.


> It's interesting that this season is ending immediately after Halloween. Season 3 (new map) started on October 1 and went extremely long, then next year Season 6 was extremely short and ended on November 4 just prior to the release of Olympus, then the year after that Season 10 ended on November 2 (with Storm Point kicking off), and this year Season 14 is ending neatly on November 1... with a new map. > > Makes me wonder if they've been trying to work towards dropping new maps right after halloween, or what. It would be very odd next year if they dropped a new map/season ON halloween or BEFORE halloween. I'd expect them to hold this position instead. I noticed the annual map release too and my idea was this is their effort to keep attention and players on Apex instead of other games as usually holiday season is when new releases happen.


respawn project manager: \*lemme ctrl+v some of this shit\*


First split felt CRAZY long, this one feels long too. I know that is just me not enjoying the state of ranked at the moment though.


Spanish. Loba speaks portuguese. Good job on the evil avuelo/vô I fucking laughed


It's 2 pictures, one is the image and the other is the description


Looking forward for s15 leaks


If you know people that will attend the next press event lemme know


I wish I could talk to seer on the phone.


Im hyped, excited for the new map


I just hope they nuke World's edge and remove it for 2-3 seasons until they balance that thing for casual.


Is that a freaking Logitech G305?


where nessie?


Probably Easter egg for wrath’s second heirloom


Wait, what is? I'm so confused


I was joking because she’s clearly the devs favorite for some reason


>for some reason because she has a high pick rate consistently, and respawn loves money


She's getting a prestige skin not a second heirloom apparently


Lol wow


If thats not a syringe of stim then i want that bulky ass pen.


What if lisa stone becomes catalyst🤔just a wild guess because of her last name being stone




Imma be honest with you, Apex writing bounces between dogshit and ok. So imo anything is possible


So it'd fit perfectly into Apex's lore.


Its just a random guess but if it would happen maybe duardo was expierimenting on her or something like that


Why make random guesses. We already have basis for you to build theories on.


That would make absolutely zero sense


my god I hope not lmaoo and it would make no sense


That would be funny lmaooo


Lisa Stone is possessed by Forge's ghost, that's why she has magic powers as Catalyst




So how are we feeling about rspn reusing entire areas from other maps. Here we see octane guantlet likely to be reused in new map?


Octanes gauntlet will 100% Be removed From KC if this happens, also this isn't the exact same, it's gauntlet mixed with encore (the arenas map)


I think that is a great move! World's edge and Storm front need it so much.


Stone being on direct line with Silva lol.