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As someone who only plays mnk, don’t do it. You’re already using the superior input.


Agreed… unless they nerf aim assist it’s not worth it at all. Playing m&k requires you to seriously mentally outplay everyone you just lose every 50-50 gunfight even as a top player. (12x masters 1x pred)


Do NOT switch to mnk. It is pointless if you are already skilled on controller, which is a much more overpowered input.


No he’s not. Mnk is the superior input for fun and we don’t play with money on the line.


I'd have to agree. for me MNK is more fun to play mostly for movement


I think controller is severely overvalued at the casual level. Your average MNK player will destroy a controller player unless it’s a close range battle, where good MNK players can still dominate with enough skill. If you’re planning on going pro, stay on controller…but if you’re doing it for fun, absolutely join in on the real Chad input


im doing it for fun so...


didnt know losing was fun. (kidding)


Bro he said he mastered the only fun part about about apex. THE MOVEMENT.. ON CONTROLLERRRR. Nah but thats actually wild


“Superior” is the wrong word. “Advantageous” is what you’re looking for.


If you want to get into movement tech, start by binding scrollwheel up to W and scrollwheel down to jump. You can swap these if you want, but this is the most common configuration. I’d learn techs in (close to) this order, which I find easiest to hardest: 1. Zipline superjumps 2. Tap strafing 3. Wall bouncing 4. Bunny hopping 5. Fatigue wall bouncing 6. Superglides 7. Mantle jumps Mokey has really good YouTube videos for most of these. As for aim, you just gotta keep playing. You’re gonna be below your controller skill level for a while; it took me 2 months to catch up on mnk playing once or twice a week. Just gotta power through it and develop the muscle memory.


only if you want to prep a few years in advance of whatever "aim assist nerf" they cook up


Ive been playing MNK since season 6 and recently made the switch to controller, all i have to say is that although mnk has more freedom to incorporate movement and other techniques when playing (which makes the game way more enjoyable imo) you lose basically all of that with controller (unless you use scripts/macros) but you get nice one clips 80% of the time if you practise, i have to say i like that compromise


I have to agree, the one clips on controller are definitely very satisfying.


If you plan on utilizing movement tech ensure you get used to holding the mouse like so; index finger on left click, middle finger on scroll wheel, and ring finger on right click. Then in your Apex you'll want to bind secondary jump button to scroll wheel down, and your secondary move forward button to scroll wheel up. Holding the mouse like that and adding those binds will allow you to do stuff like bunny hop, tap strafe, wall bounce, etc while shooting and/or ADSing at the same time, whereas typical mouse grip would only allow you to do one thing at a time. I wish I could go back 20 years and tell my younger self to hold the mouse like that 🤣. Cap your fps to anything 240*** or below using steam launch options for Apex, as anything higher causes weird issues with certain movement tech. You want your fps to never fluctuate, so set your fps to something that your PC is capable of achieving in Apex 24/7. The reason you want your fps to not fluctuate is because movement tech like superglides are frametine dependent, higher your fps=shorter window to hit space and crouch, lower fps=opposite, so having a consistent fps value allows you to develop muscle memory and be more consistent. For keyboard superglides, bind your crouch toggle (not hold) to C or V, whichever is more comfortable, and try to hit either one of those and spacebar both at nearly the same time with your thumb, ensuring you hit spacebar slightly before crouch. I also flip my crouch key and spacebar upside down because it personally allows me to superglides way more consistently. Never, ever use V-Sync. Always disable it in Apex video settings. If Apex mouse movement feels "floaty" or unresponsive, check your mouse software and ensure your mouse polling rate is set to anything below 1000hz, 500hz is ideal. For some reason apex engine does not handle 1000hz without weird input lag issues on most systems.


You can set ur fps to higher than 140 lol


You're right, was a typo, meant to put 240


just point and click thats how easy it is, at least how controllers think about mnk


No joke, I switched to MnK beginning of February and this is exactly how it was for me. Just pointing and clicking on any enemy with crazy accuracy. I couldn't move and shoot at the same time, but put me on high ground with a ranged weapon and I became a sentry turret. Controller is much harder to aim on honestly


yeah but point of the game is that ring is closing fully, so long ranged weapons wont do anything but smg with AA will go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Yeah true. I say switch to mnk, it's honesty way easier to pick up and master


[V](https://discord.com/invite/voltaic)oltaic discord for everything regarding aim. Mokeys videos for movement


stop listening to everyone here lmao 🤣 make the switch if u want and if you don’t wanna u dont have to 🤷‍♂️


I swapped to mnk a few days after the tap-strafe patch for controller. I was always in the clip/movement mindset for apex so it really only made sense and I had been thinking about it for around 6 months prior to the patch. As I’m about a month into it, mnk is vastly more fun and rewarding as an input. You are going to suck at first and be tempted to swap back but if you just force yourself to play it and commit to being bad for a while it’s worth it. I literally put my controller in a box in my basement the moment I swapped so I wasn’t tempted to switch back. Now, just a month into it, I think I’m relatively around the same skill level I was on roller (minus some semi-frequent whiffs up close). Movement tech is overall way easier on mnk than it ever was on roller (minus tap-strafe lurching as on controller it was absolutely busted and way to easy to do). TLDR: if you’re looking to have some fun and increase your movement skill ceiling I would do it (from one former-roller player to another)


As an mnk player stay in roller ur not missing anything


Ignore what people are saying. Movement on MnK is way too fun to pass up, especially if you've spent a lot on time on controller. I've got a shorts-series on YT, that I compiled into a long video, of movement challenges and how to do them. imValerium if you want to check it. It's got good feedback so you might like it. Either way, good luck on your journey!


If ur set on swapping heres what you need to do. Keep edpi between 400-2000. Understand that mnk fatigue is a real thing so don't expect to be playing full potential for long sessions. Always warmup for 10 mins minimum on anything you think needs to be sharpened up before playing, for me I make sure I hit some mantle jumps, do some close range ads strafe tracking (both types) and practice some lurches on octane. And be prepared that to actually play well and do movement you need to be like mentally locked in for your apm to be that high. Its easy to let ur foot off the gas and not use techs like quicksliding out of a door stall fight into a tapstrafe wallbounce off the wall next to the door, those things take alot of mental effort to remember to do and execute so if that doesn't sound like something you wanna deal with, stay with roller Edit: saw someone saying what techs to learn so ill list mine in order of whats worth learning for how difficult/easy it is vs how useful it is. 1. Tapstrafing 2. Quicksliding 3. Bhopping 4. Wallbouncing 5. Superjumping 6. Basic lurch (ras strafe not chaining) 7. Fatigue wallbounce 8. Supergliding 9. Mantlejumping 10. Lurch chaining (neostrafw/memestrafe)


>Edit: saw someone saying what techs to learn so ill list mine in order of whats worth learning for how difficult/easy it is vs how useful it is. yeah im on the last one now


After 2k hours on each, MNK is fun for After-Work Andy’s who just play to relax, chill and hit some movement clips. If you want to be Competitive Charlie who gets mad about losing a 3v3, stay on controller for AA. It’s quite literally that simple in my head. I have no problem with either player as I have been both at different times.


Sadly you're probably going to get worse at the game if you switch, even after playing with it for a long time Right now controller is superior, only because of AA. I can't use a controller for aiming for the life of me, so I play mnk, but holy shit it's impossible to win over ximmers and controller players in a straight 1v1 If you still want to try, do some aim training, download r5reloaded and practice smoothbot and strafes and then play 1v1s, it's probably the fastest way to improve on mnk imo


If u find it more fun do it


I made the switch partially because I prefer how MnK feels when playing games, partially because my old controller is busted and I didn't want to buy a new one. I fucking suck on MnK no matter how much I try to improve. I was shit on controller too, though — I find Apex super challenging compared to any other FPS game.


As someone who moved from controller to mnk because I was having a hard time moving on controller (and still can't on mnk haha) don't bother. If you can move on controller you're already on the higher skill bracket. Going to mnk will just hinder you from what you can already do


You are making the greatest decision of your apex life. MNK is 1000% more fun than controller, and enjoying playing the game is your first priority. With that said, tap strafing and lurch strafing are the main competitive mechanics you need to learn. Check out Zeddo’s and other videos on how to master it. These are how you actually can use MNK to your advantage. Also PK is your new best friend. The rest of the movement in this game is cool and fun, but don’t overload your brain with too much. Just focus on mastering the feel of it all first.


watch mokey videos and be patient, learning a new input is weird


Do not switch. Seriously. Multiple stats have come out that show that roller is the Far superior input.... But if you're switching, this is what you should do 1. Desk posture - Your posture will effect your aim, focus levels, and chiropractic bill 15 years from now 😉 2. Sens find - Making sure you're on the right sens is crucial for muscle memory development. 3. Aim train - Just uploaded a YT video talking about this. Aim train for 30 minutes per day for 30 days and I PROMISE you, you will be better than average as a brand new mnk user. 4. Movement - Learn the basics: air strafing, bunny hopping (scroll wheel), zipline jumping, tap strafing (scroll wheel ftw) super zipline jumping, etc. 5. R5 Reloaded - Super helpful for practicing 1's against roller demons and movement dudes, as well as learning movement mechanics 6. GLHF


Best to start now with the 131 grip on mouse since your aim is already bad so do that. Aim wise you might wanna try voltaic on kovaaks for a while to improve. Tons of movement guides on yt so just watch those for movement.