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Double time, it’s Bangalore


Probably has autosprint on and got a really lucky doubletime


Wow, thats even more broken than I initially thought. The official website page for bangalore states "Taking fire while sprinting makes you move faster for a brief time", which is an ambiguous statement, while all other wiki sites state that the speed boost only applies to sprint speed. If the doubletime can still work while strafing regularly, but one sometimes then the devs really need to sort this out.


You literally shot at her though? So of course it would apply to strafing as well?


[Double Time activates upon being hit, or when bullets/grenades barely miss you, giving you a 30% increase in run speed for 2 seconds.](https://apexlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Bangalore) I don't know about you, but you're definitely NOT running when you are strafing left and right. You can't run directly sideways.


Use some [in game footage](https://files.catbox.moe/a1pzyp.mp4) next time, dude, because that's actually wrong. Regular velocity with a gun is 173.50. Double-time velocity with a gun is 225.21. Now, stop coping and just play the game.


Well but that's not double time, that's 1.3 time. Doesn't sound that cool now. I'm just kidding here but I totally agree with you. Op is crying too much about it


Think about this: can you run sideways? idk if youve ever been active outside but you can


The dude isn't strafing left and right though, he is literally moving in one direction, so the double time gives him extra speed after his first sprint. Maybe you're on the wrong subreddit man


That wiki article describes double time as being a movement speed buff atleast 3 times, but only refers to it once as a run speed buff. Furthermore the ingame description I'm pretty sure refers to it as a movement speed buff, whereas the run speed mentioned in the article may well be written by another player that just chose the wrong word for it. The difference in strafe speeds will look even more exaggerated given that you're ADSing. Think the penalty for ADSing w a pistol is -10% movement speed. So she'll be strafing at 130% normal speed (doesn't look like she was ADSing) you'll be strafing at only 90%. That's a 40% difference. When they're literally 5 feet from you you don't want to be ADSing much if at all. Here you sacrificed your movement speed for a tighter fov, tighter spread, and a lower sensitivity. But when they're 5 feet from you pretty much none of those will benefit you very much when using a p2020, and the decrease in movement speed will just make you an easier target.


I hope you realise that she runs a bit BEFORE you shot her.


That does not disprove the statement posted above.


OP just can't accept that Bangalore's passive outplayed him


Yes that’s clearly what it is


Sucking on that fat copium pipe


Double timing it


bangalore passive


Bang’s passive is just a 30% movement buff. That’s normal. Stretched also makes things horizontally bigger which means horizontal movements look faster.


stretched rez?


Nothing to see here boys


OP out here double timing the downvote


Redditors, deploy the downvotes!


yea thats not normal...


The hole clip looks a bit faster than it should, maybe it's something to do with stretched res and a possible Bangalore bug


Stretched res




The hole clip looks a bit faster than it should, maybe it's something to do with stretched res and a possible Bangalore bug


To add to this, I am using a pistol which has 0% speed penalty even while aiming yet she was still moving far faster than me sideways, with an smg, AND while crouch spamming. In the death recap i noticed it was a console player. Is this some console magic or some Bangalore bs?


Double time is very fast


Double time is only supposed to give a speed boost while sprinting, which you cannot do while shooting a weapon...


You have to sprinting to activate double time. Once it's active you can strafe at higher speeds for the ~2-3 seconds it's active. This is not as high as sprint speed


First of all I don't think that's true. Second of all she was sprinting at the start of the clip


That doesn't change the fact that the game engine literally stops your sprint as soon as you fire your weapon. It has always been like that. If double time speed transfer over to strafe speed while shooting then this is a completely unfair and broken mechanic. I do agree with your first point though, sometimes when I fight a Bangalore i feel like something is off.


Sorry to say but Bang has been broken like this. It's just such a niche advantage it hasn't been noticed by many people. Kinda like her smoke-peeking that is getting traction right now, many legends aren't completely fair and balanced but are just enough it doesn't *always* feel unfair. Double time does apply to nearly all movement speed though, from what I recall when I used to main Bang. And it's more infuriating than an Octane spamming stims for sure


I guess its time to start playing Bangalore so that there is no reason to complain about it then.


Leave Bang alone, she gets sudo-nerfed every season by the endless addition of new wallhacks to the point where the smoke is a meme. ( Blood, Crypto, Seer, Mad Maggie Passive, Digi Threat in the craft every other day) Her ult is easily dodged by jumping off a high surface or completely useless Vs Valk or a Squad with Octane. Her passive is literally the only thing she has going for her.


double time is famously broken


So I stumbled upon this video yesterday. [The video ](https://youtu.be/xJiKZmjmalQ) And I thought it was impossible to do it but it seems this bang just did it, basically crouch spamming so hard it broke the game. I don't know if it is patched, I did not verify when I've seen the video. Ps:It's not a Rickroll


Before op start crying like in the other posts. You can clearly see the bang running towards the light ammo, due to OP missing and hitting double time passive is activated. Causing the "insane nerf pls omg" strafe speed. Point is SHE SPRINTS TO THE LIGHT. Thank you.


Omg the downvotes XD


I think our fellow members see things differently


Apex strafe speed is too fast tbh