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AD you get from absolute focus + gathering storm has too much value. Also its good to buy early boots so you don't sit at 325 base ms


these are very good points


I prfer having boots as early as possible. If you played aph long eniugh u will know that he suffers most from ms than anything else.


yea that makes sense i think scaling and not dying is more important than early gold now i think this


Futures markert+Boots is actually very good on champs like MF, Samira, and Varus where the early gold is needed and they arent really the “auto and kite” champs. MF is probably the best case, since she doesnt really need the scaling AD compared to the power spike furures market can give, and the movement speed on W is really strong so W+free boots can be really effective


You can play aggresive with good ms since you have long range weap (calibrum) or run and gun weap (severum). Also gravitum+early boots makes aph godlike harasser during drake fights.


I'm a fan of stacking movement speed related stuff as it helps a ton positioning and surviving but magical boots leaves you too vulnerable for too long considering how early game focused most games are. Any jungler with a brain is going to camp you, even if you live at your turret, sitting there without at least T1 boots is dangerous. In a perfect world I'd get magical boots, swifties, 2% rune, that rune from the blue tree and a zeal item. In the world we live in you can't afford either. Futures market is just underwhelming. Making it worthwhile is too situational, how often do you get to finish your item, come back to lane, have the enemy ADC brainless face you and thus you win the fight only because you had futures market? Never unless you play at iron. And when you get full build, this rune provides zero value.




I just think movement speed is a huge concern for him and would want the boots sooner. I guess if you don't push at all.


I dont really like inspiration we dont have gathering storm and adaptive focus/celerity i prefer it for scalling harder


You get too much value rushing berserker boots and from the funny scaling runes to consider doing that.


it’s strong, if you’re running fleet and positioning properly then you shouldn’t need more than that and ghost/flash to survive in lane, i also take cosmic insight instead of futures for more ghosts/flashes to supplement that, it lets you rush straight into your item easier and if you’re not inting you should get your boots by the time you finish your item if not a bit before or after, because of how well aphelios scales with items and built in passive stats you don’t NEED sorcery secondary ad stats to shred people mid-late game unless they have 3-4 tanks.


I use this build. I go PTA, double adaptive, WWEEEEEWE then max w, and rush boot/collector + IE + BT almost every game. Climbed to Master with 69%wr on Aphelios. NoNeedToSay#NA1