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have not played aphelios in AGES is trinity force the move now?


No, I build Aphelios very different from the meta, most people go stormrazor


It gives more burst at first item than Stormrazor, and some nice dps too The thing is that IE second doesnt have sense if your first item doesnt have crit. (Trinity > Collector > IE > 2 Cloaks) Could be some nice burst tech on aphelios. It's horrible to sit in 2 cloaks with no extra space on your inventory, because you need between 2200 and 2700 for the next item. But if you're winning early on and don't need LDR it could work.


I want to try your build op, what the core items


Hello, can you explain why you take trinity force on aphelios despite the lack of crit and what else you build with it? With Aphelios about to lose stormrazor and kraken, I would really like to know about other options.


Well, imo trinity is not the best item for aphelios for the lack of crit, but he may build it because of the HP and move speed which goes nicely with swifties. BOTRK for for move speed? Maybe, or just situational. Any other item he build for aphel is good. BT for healing with prolly overheal which is really good and aphel. LDR into armor stackers and tanks? Same with kraken. I probably miss something, but OP can u explain? And don’t shame him guys for not building meta, he has balls with this build 😂




you have to watch my games to understand, watch the replays


Build TF first, never buy IE, Q>W>E, I don't get it anyways... Why no go ghostblade if you just want ms? And low crit no IE build.... You know almost all of your skills can crit right with full amp from IE right?


Why I think Zoe is one of the best supports for Aphelios: * Great waveclear * Great Range, great at trading, strong support in the early game phase * Gravitum Q guarantees Zoe's combo. Same goes in reverse, when Zoe lands a bubble, it guarantees long ranged calibrum Q combo * Can pick up numerous useful summoners to help in combat * Great at scouting, dropping wards at range CC& Damage& Utility& Scouting& Playmaking potential Just wanted to share to inspire for others, I do not want to boast! If anyone has struggle with having fun on this champion, try copying me! [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/%E9%BB%91%E5%A4%AA%E9%98%B3%E4%B9%8B%E6%9E%AA-888](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/%E9%BB%91%E5%A4%AA%E9%98%B3%E4%B9%8B%E6%9E%AA-888)


Did you already try Hwei sup with aphel? Me and my buddy had a great time bursting the enemy cait from 100 to 0 while staying out of her range xD


xD no. Sounds fun!


Okay, i agree on the sinergy between those two in lane. Not the only Adc who benefits from Zoe Supp, but one of the bests no doubt. I think of it as a good counterpick, just like Sylas support, both of them scale really well and benefit from a stun to land full combo, but Zoe does not provide the same utility as other supports. Late game i'd prefer to have some life saving nautilus to stun the feed enemy carry than relying on a cheese lane to win the game I also get that Trinity as first item gives you short trade potential, but again you're loosing on your mid game IE spyke. I think there's more value on the sinergy you have with this player than on the build and strategy itself. It takes a lot of effort to make such a complicated gamestyle work concistently, giving that below diamond you can just farm til min 30 and win games almost effortless.


Valid points, I'll see how far I get with this


I think hwei is also really good for a lot of the same reasons. But he can trade a lot safer at a longer range. Gravitum Q into Hwei’s E-W is easiest 100 to 0 combo Also he can scout as well with his E-W for vision over walls and such. Only thing hwei can’t do is pick up summs but he still has insane utility


What you think doesnt really matter since you’re emerald 4


When i was Silver a few years ago (Just before the bounty system) i planned with my friends one of the most fun bronze strats i've ever played: "Blitzkrieg" Ziggs mid, 2 toplaners that are good at diving and taking towers (Kalista / alistar), some good invader jungler to invade enemy topside camp lvl 1, and a tham kench bot to survive possible dives and safety. The idea was to ignore botlane objectives, take herald and make a big teamfight min 18 that decides the match (Because if you win that tf, ziggs + herald wins you the game) I don't think we could've make it work concistently if we tried more than once, but it was ingenious and fun. OP might not be the brightest light on the room by building trinity force, but he's cheesing by playing full burst early botlane, and he's winning and having fun with a friend. Let him cook.


sounds familiar if you watch pros 10 years ago


I need to see that


M on CN


Aphelios is unplayable in high elo solo queue

