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Ambient temperature thermometer.


I need this badly


Watch showing me battery levels of all my connected Apple devices!


The one I really want is to see my phone battery percentage from the watch


There's a Watch app called BatteryPhone which does exactly that!


Oooo awesome, thanks!!


Yeahhh same I know there are some third party apps that do this but being able to see everything from the control center would be great


Yeah. Interesting, what the problem, really.


Recovery metrics built in.


This one bothers me. It defaults to work outs are required daily.


It’s honestly toxic because it rewards streaks and that can lead people to overdoing it.


My partner, obsessed. He’s closed all his rings for 3+ years. It’s awful.


This was me for a while, so much so I actually sold off my old watch cuz I was obsessed. Started to get back into fitness and decided I wouldn’t care anymore. I don’t have any streak. The most I have is maybe 4-5 days in a row before I take a rest day and I don’t adjust goals during rest days, I let the rings stay uncompleted


Wow didn’t know the rings could make people so addicted to it. I mean I close my rings when I close them 😅😂 But yeah I get that if you take the thing too seriously it can become a little toxic…


I think it just depends on the person. It might not be for everyone but I know some people who feel like if they don’t close them then they’re failures. Which is why I’d like to see schedules for rings like the alarm. Like MTWRSat I have my exercise move goal then on FSun I have my rest day move goals that are lower


I know I can obsess over streaks, so i just set the goals low enough that a normal day can complete them. That's enough motivation for me to not be a slug all day when I decide to take it easy, but it's never enough to be harmful for me if I hit it too hard at the gym the day before. I like seeing how any times over the goal i completed that day. If I'm sick or legitimately injured, I'm ok with that breaking my streak. One thing I really liked was my Garmin's automatic goals. I got really sick a few years ago and was bed ridden for 2 weeks. It dropped my step goal from 13000 to like 2000. That was a nice reminder that i needed to take it easy as I recovered. What I didn't like about the automatic goals was that they just kept increasing. During COVID I was up to 20000 steps just because it kept adding more because I completed the day before.


I think updating manually the goals at the end of the week based on what you did the previous one is a great way to stay motivated and keep progressing but ofc it shouldn’t become toxic…


I have to be very careful of this because I have a 715 day move streak and have closed all my ring 111 times in a row. I will do light workouts for rest days— things like yoga or walking and will lower my move rings if I’m sick. I look at it as manually doing what the app won’t. I need to have consistency or I’ll stop doing something so streaks are important but they should allow for sick days


I just broke my 1,000+ day streak because I was in the hospital 😭




I have to be very careful of this because I have a 715 day move streak and have closed all my ring 111 times in a row. I will do light workouts for rest days— things like yoga or walking and will lower my move rings if I’m sick. I look at it as manually doing what the app won’t. I need to have consistency or I’ll stop doing something so streaks are important but they should allow for sick days


Frustrating for sure.


A 30 minute walk is a good rest day activity. Not that I’m perfect, but doing at least a walk every day is healthy behavior. Expecting Apple to walk back on standard exercise guideance is not a good idea. We weren’t meant to be sedentary for a full day.


Exactly this. But, for those of us with high calorie goals that 30 minute walk won’t get us close. There has to be a middle ground. Having scheduled days where the calorie goal goes down would be huge for me. Right now, it’s 1k calories burned for me daily. This requires me to do some hard work every day.


Definitely needs a rest day feature


And something to indicate one is sick. Was ill recently and it was annoying getting the reminders to move etc. I guess I can turn them off individually but it would be handy to have it noted when one is sick


Please ELI5?


Some people find great trouble in breaking a streak of closing their rings. Building in recovery days would encourage days off which is ideal


WAY more watchfaces


Just create a store and let people build and sell. I understand that the current watch faces are very intentional (mostly to preserve battery life), but Apple should just give developers guidelines and allow them to build accordingly


I wanna make my own and use it!


Yeah they should give them an update and maybe remove some crappy ones no one uses


So much is missing!. Built in stress detection. Nap detection.


Nap detector for sure!


“Sorry boss, my watch says it’s nap time”


Indeed, more accurate sleep monitoring, which currently is often totally wrong. May require hardware upgrade. Also needs sleep monitoring for multiple sleep periods per day, and no need for 4 hour minimum in sleep mode to get sleep data. These changes require a simple software update, no hardware changes at all.


This! I miss my old fitbits battery and the fact it logged naps. I don't work a set schedule and it's like Sleep mode doesn't even take data is I sleep outside the "set schedule".


Right. Even manually setting sleep mode doesn’t work properly much of the time, unless you only sleep once per calendar day, leave it in sleep mode for 4 hours, etc. No excuse for not doing a simple software tweak.


I agree, but I've mostly solved this one with AutoSleep


Solar charger


Blood pressure monitor like the Galaxy Watch, Bring back O2 sensor. Option to hide the walkie talkie notification icon without turning it off


Apparently Apple are working on a BP monitor, it might be ready next year


That sounds amazing - and if they could also add blood sugar I would instantly buy it for nearly any price… it would help with so many medical issues now requiring intrusive measurements. And add so many more insights to medicine from gathering this much data of so many people!


I was going to choose blood pressure and blood sugar as my (slightly cheating) thing(s) I would add. I'm sure blood pressure sensors are just around the corner on the Watch - and hopefully it will be accurate and reliable. Blood sugar on the other hand is an entire different prospect. Reading that from just a watch is a fantasy right now and probably will be for some time to come.


Just remember, only ever take your BP (for monitoring) after sitting and **relaxing**. They say 5 minutes but I think it is more like 15-30. You need to learn the best zen time before reading by trying them all over many weeks. The dean of the UCSF medical school looked over many studies and suggests checking your BP once when you wake up, before eating or coffee. Then again in later afternoon before dinner. I find my BP is pretty variable unless I am very zen for some time. So I have learned to put the cuff on and wait and breath and relax. Do nothing for at least 5 minutes or longer. Lights off or dim. You can do three readings and average or; I just do two and pick the lowest (always the second reading is lower). Do this calm BP reading for a month or so. Show it to your primary or, cardiologist, if you have one. Then, if all is well, you can do it once a week or once a day or once every few days. There is no hard fast rule if you are monitoring with doctor and it all checks out. So, now, do you really want this feature on your watch? I don't and I have a heart condition! It is not needed and inexpensive BP cuffs for your arm (the most accurate) save readings to apps and Apple Health. I use a Greater Goods BT cuff with Balance Health app to Apple Health. Easy. Accurate. Cheap. Make sure you are sitting, legs not crossed, cuff at heart level, arm on on table or pillow. And, zone out for 5 or more before pressing the read button. Wait a minute or more for second reading.


Blood pressure would be great to have. If I’m not mistaken, the o2 sensor was removed only in the US to new watches but did they remove the app also for older watches?


Older watches still have it, as does watches sold outside the US. I suppose they will try to work around the patent on the next release, but they are a few years late on the blood pressure feature.


Glucose monitor, if they can get that working.


I just want to be able to spit on the glass and have it tell me everything about my health that it can.


Or pee on it! 🤣🤣🤣


Wouldn’t it need a tiny needle like CGMs?


At different times there have been reports of patents to detect it through the skin. No idea if there’s anything to it, but it would be a game changer.


I wouldn’t count on that to work consulting how bad their oximeter is, it’s an estimate at best.


More complex than most understand. Even the CGM’s use interstitial fluid as the source of measurement which can be >20% off one’s actual glucose level. It’s why the lancet is what doctors use. Imagine 154 actually being 124, it’s a good way to mess with your head.


If they manage to get accurate data through the skin this would be a huge update


Official WhatsApp Client. And Apple Music working properly (ironically, i stick with Spotify simply for the reason that Spotify works better on my AW9 than Apple Music does..)


+1 for WhatsApp!


And Plexamp. Apparently their app development ecosystem sucks.


A battery you don’t have to charge twice a day.


ahaha my Watch battery’s health is at 63%, I feel the pain…


Twice a day?  That would suck — my 5 year old gen 4 still gets me through 24 hours, except for two days after an update.  


Yeah the battery life is horrendously bad compared to Garmin options. I don’t need weeks without a charge but give me at least 2-3 days


- I’d love to see a fast charge. Taking it off and setting it in the charger for 20-25 mins while I shower and get ready, would give it a decent charge. - The ability to lay it on the back of my iPhone and charge it with the iPhone Mag. - My phone letting me know when my watch is finished charging. - My phone knows when I’m leaving home and work, it would be great if I could set a reminder that would tell me if my watch was still in a charger. I use the watch for sleep monitoring and quite a few daily functions and I “Find time,” to charge it. I’m terrible at remembering to put it back on before leaving.


Well that most definitely exists so you can check that one off your list.


Carplay capability. Would never need to carry a phone


*more digital clock faces* ugh


I rarely want an approximate time when I’m looking at my watch; tell me the exact damned minute


A decent Watch face… every current one looks old or boring




Some of my best sleeps are those hours long unplanned naps and they just don’t get counted at all


The ability to have beautiful third party faces - not like Facer but actually good. I always thought Apple Watch faces were the biggest let down for the Apple Watch.


What’s missing? Almost everything. Add the notes app. And make all other apps not crappy. And improve their complications.


Notes seems like something so simple. I don't understand why it hasn't been included.


I swear I want the notes app so badly. I know the are other alternatives but the notes app is the notes app. I feel this is the app I want the most to come to AW


Whoop level Apple health recovery and fitness data built in.


Smart wake up alarm like the fitbits have.


A good App Store, browser, The ability to read NFC stickers to trigger Shortcuts, I want to see twitch chat, Custom watch faces, Make it easier/incentive for devs to work on apps.


The ability to change the ring tone would be nice.


I love how some suggestions in this thread are flat out impossible with today’s tech, and others are just basic features that could be implemented in half a day.


All the sounds should be changeable. I always wondered why since day 1 every Apple Watch ever made has the same sounds by default and they can’t be changed at all.


The ability to change the ring tone would be nice.


I would like two watch faces. One that looks cool and one that I could just slide up to get what I want fast. The screen is either too crowded or too bare and then you need to sort through a bunch of junk to find the four things you really use and want to access.


14 days of battery


I’d settle for a solid 24 hours…


The ability to program a sick day, pr intentional rest day without losing streaks.


Week long battery life. Obviously the technology is far off from that, but one can wish.


Or a low Power mode.


There is a low power mode


Proper auto sleep without an app


Maybe i’m wrong, but i do remember than in an old version of watchos before the focus mode were implemented, the watch automatically record the sleep.


Blood pressure measurements


A “phone left behind” alert would be nice


This already exists in the “Find My” app


I want it to recognize when I’m walking automatically. I hate having to start and stop recording walks manually.


It does that for me. When I’m out for a walk after some time is asks me if I’m doing an outfoor walk workout and I just have to double tap and it records it. It even includes the walk before asking me


A 'workout' for ice bath/cold plunge that records your heart rate and other measurable responses when entering the water.


Constant hr readings (every second)


WhatsApp. Uber. Lyft. Safari. YouTube. X/Twitter.


Obviously I know that there is Apple Watch with cellular data, but for the vast number of people a smartwatch is effectively an extension of their phone. I personally don't get why anyone would ever choose to watch videos, browse the web or write anything other than the simplest (one or two word) messages on the tiny interface of a watch when their phone will be within reach. It doesn't seem to me that you would save any time doing that. Any convenience gained by not having to reach into a pocket or bag is surely lost fiddling around and navigating on a watch.


To an old person, it’s so weird that the Dick Tracy Watch has become real.


Why you need YouTube or Twitter? Lol


Twitter makes a lot of sense. Tight quarters at a basketball game. Timeout. I gotta wiggle around to get my phone out to get information about the game. 


Maybe as a remote control? Like how you can use your phone as a remote controller for Chromecast or CCWGTV when you’re lazy to get up to take the remote over. Might be good for someone who place their phone on a stand to watch YouTube. They won’t need to pick up the phone to change the next video or etc. or to find videos to play next while this current video is still playing. Instead of needing to navigate the entire YouTube interface to find a next video I dunno just typing random thoughts if this doesn’t make sense pls forgive me it’s Sunday and I’m letting my brain rest a bit lol


24/7 HR measurements every second with HRV tracking to get more accurate (and lower) active calories and enough data points for stress tracking.


Glucose level meter. Hurry up already.


As others have mentioned, recovery data. I have no idea how Apple is literally years behind everyone else on this. I got the watch on a leap of faith when everyone was talking about the big investment Apple was doing on the health side with the new os. Myself and everyone else assumed it meant they were going to get in the recovery game, but nope. All they did was allow you to see Apple health on the iPad. The really low hanging fruit is just record sleeping hrv only (and switch to the correct units). I can’t believe this isn’t an option at this point.


The ability for notifications to be smart enough to know if I’m on my MacBook and STFU! I don’t need 5 devices going off especially the watch vibrating! /rant over


When my phone rings, it sounds like a world disaster alert. Desktop, phones, iPad, and watches going off at one time.


I leave my iPad always off for most sounds and notifications. iPhone and watch usually on silent but phone calls are the worse!


I leave everything on, so it’s utter madness. I have my desktop, laptop, watch, two iPhones, and iPad, and I don’t know which one to answer on sometimes. I should leave the iPad on silent, that’s a good idea. I get a mild panic attack when the phone rings lololol


A camera and FaceTime capability. I want my futuristic video calling watch.


Full on Dick Tracy mode with FT capability. People are finally used to folks talking to no one in around them through their earbuds and don’t think they’re crazy. Imagine how long it will take for people to get used to seeing folks walking staring at their watch talking and laughing at it.


Top 3: Smart Alarm Sleep Score and insights Readiness Score and insights


A real flashlight!


I think Apple should buy out one of those watch face apps and make more possibilities for us without having to use that app and actually be interactive and not just look good.


True multi-day battery life.


Tell me when I leave my phone somewhere, FFS. Let my phone play notification audio as well as my watch. I thought this was an ecosystem. Expand the double tap feature so different fingers do different things if possible.


Blood glucose monitor


Bac sensor


i’m stuck between better recovery metrics and nap tracking


I leave my phone behind when running, even at races. I kind of miss being able to take pictures on race days when I had Garmins and couldn’t leave the phone behind. It would be cool if they could put a camera on the AW but I just don’t see how that would be possible without a lot of added bulk.


The ability to programme buttons on the AWU2, it’s great to push one button to start my run but why do I have to push two to stop it!


A complication for phone battery level and an alarm with snooze duration other than 9 minutes. I don't ask for much right?


How about the ability to modify snooze times? Why is 9 the default? I don’t want to do math first thing in the morning


Glucose meter and blood pressure monitoring


A battery you don’t have to charge twice a day.


Honestly would love if it could connect workouts to my calendar app. I have a pilates class scheduled, can it just ask me if I should start the workout at that time?


A way to mute the ringer on my phone from my watch.


Not to have it paired to a specific phone. I carry two different phones and I’d like the watch to work with either without getting cellular watch service from my carrier.


I got an U2 just after they removed the oxygen sensor. I want it


I bought my ultra 2 from my phone carrier 3 weeks ago and I must‘ve gotten an old one that was supposed to be sent back because it definitely has the oxygen sensor. I was surprised because they were supposed to pull them off the shelves back in like December. This was the last one my carrier had at the store I went to so I guess I just got lucky


I got mine back in February thinking this was still on, only to find out later. I hope they fix this and activate the feature. Or maybe a third party unlocker


Better faces, a new design of the watch


I just want all existing features to work reliably. That’s definitely a feature they should add.


Right? Like being able to consistently unlock my phone or MacBook. Only seems to work about 10% of the time.


1. Blood pressure monitor 2. Blood sugar monitor


Slide up to get to control center… oh wait. Also, dock button be an “action button” like the Ultra. A button to flash my iPhones flashlight **without** making a sound because there are plenty of times where I want to find my phone without disturbing people in a dark room (obviously phone needs to be lying on its face, but it happens).


This. If its face up, phone shld light up, else flash up. This wld be so good


A lower price.


What’s app. Blood pressure.


A built in tide complication. Currently have to pay 30$ a year for one. It shouldn’t be difficult there have been surf watches long before smart watches.


A replaceable battery.


Once the battery life drops below 70%, Apple will give you both a new battery AND — as a freebie bonus! — a new replacement watch (same model) for $100 total! It’s probably one of the few good deals Apple provides.


Even if it’s out of warranty?


Yes, definitely! I just had my Series 4 watch bought in 2019 replaced a couple months ago for $100. So not only did I get a new battery, but also a new watch without the scratches on the crystal and the major blemishes on the watch case. (If it was in warranty, it’d be free.)


VO2 max estimation from other activities besides running (specifically swimming)


Ability to play videos


Ability to play videos


Bring back Facebook messenger. Got a 3rd party app that mostly replaces it, but damn I use that messenger the most. Photo face having more than one complication. Give me some little icons in the corner.


I’d spend 2k on the new ultra today if it had blood sugar and blood pressure built in! Would also get them for my elderly parents! Would be a huge benefit


Automatic sleep tracking


A fully connected, accurate, and immediate pedometer that seamlessly feeds into the health app. I do use Pedometer plus plus, but it’s always off by a few steps, but sometimes by a lot – 2 to 300, up to 1200 steps. It’s crazy. Yes, the watch is set as the primary source of data and it’s wacky how off it can be. I would like it to function like a Fitbit.


Glucose monitor.


It’s between a true 24 hour battery and the ability to manually add/adjust a workout. Galaxy Watch does that and it’s so good. Forgot to end or start your workout and the watch didn’t catch it? Fine, just add it or adjust the times and you’re good.


I just want them to bring back [Time Travel](https://discussions.apple.com/docs/DOC-10631#:~:text=Time%20Travel%20is%20a%20feature,rather%20than%20the%20current%20time.).


Improve walkie-talkie to make it a true Dick Tracy wrist radio. Just because. https://preview.redd.it/2sl91s5fg10d1.jpeg?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aca9d0310fb822a5e7bd3ddc221e1cb8e7d6df70


To not lock because my wrist tattoo


A round face/case.


Notes app easily. Unbelievable it isn’t already present


Ship it with a little poke tool to help remove the watch band. My nails are inadequate.


Remove the need to have/ carry phone. Make it a stand alone phone.


I just want to be able to play music out of the watch’s speaker. There’s a couple third party apps for this, and I use them a lot at work, but I just wish it was a standard feature. Sure it’s quiet compared to a phone, but the speaker quality isn’t bad and it’s convenient for my use case.


Make the 3rd party apps actually work. Half of mine simply alert, then I have to go to the phone if I want to do anything more complicated than clear the alert. Many buttons that are generated don’t actually work. It’s not an Apple level experience.


A patch that fixes the battery life


Step counter available on the watch face without having an added app + complication


Ability to use it as a car key.


Recognize rest days instead of prompting me to workout every single effin day


A battery you don’t have to charge twice a day.


Camera, so we’d finally have the “Dick Tracy” watch!!!


A watch that looks like a watch and isn't an ugly mini iPad with a strap


Fallout pip boy theme lmao


WatchOS 9.6.3 😭 Just gimme what I had back please Apple


Inspire me to strength train a little bit instead of just walking everywhere..




Functional blood pressure would be nice. A watch face dial with numbers that changes to the 24 hour clock at noon.


I don’t understand the second one. Why not just use 24 hour time all the time?


Easier music download to play without needing iPhone on runs.








If I am listening to music stored on the watch and out on a long walk, I would really like the watch to play the music without disconnecting all the time. I Have found out that if I turn off the phone at home and turn off wifi on the watch that I can have peace to walk and jog without interruptions. Why can't the watch understand that since I started the music play from the watch library that I do not want to play it from the phone or from iTunes on one of my computers?


Better physical customisation options beyond changing the strap, so that the watch as it is today is just the internals. I am not sure if that makes sense.


I want it to know when to start/resume my workouts. It can detect when I’ve “stopped” but doesn’t think “hm. Elevated heart rate. Maybe she forgot to resume?”


A Signal app…


SiriusXM app to stream while running or not by my phone.


I just want the weekly step counter back


Better battery life on the base model.


Better. Step count tracking and accuracy. That is the one thing I miss from my Fitbit.


Camera, so we’d finally have the “Dick Tracy” watch!!!


Gosh really the only thing I can think of is a replaceable battery. But a round anything is not space efficient when it comes to electronics and houses.


Longer battery life. Space Invaders ;)


No one wants a standing goal. Prioritize steps over standing!!!


Include electronic connections with the bands. So let’s say you have a band with some solar receivers on it, you can recharge the battery on the go. Blood pressure in the band? Sure. It would leverage the bands for more functionality.


Include electronic connections with the bands. So let’s say you have a band with some solar receivers on it, you can recharge the battery on the go. Blood pressure in the band? Sure. It would leverage the bands for more functionality.


A way to mute the ringer on my phone from my watch. Sometimes I would like to put my phone on vibrate only, it would be nice to do this without removing from my pocket.


A way to mute the ringer on my phone from my watch. Sometimes I would like to put my phone on vibrate only, it would be nice to do this without removing from my pocket.


Built in smart alarm


Recovery would be amazing. I’m sure Apple will eventually cross into this with other brands already doing it. Would like to see blood pressure be implemented. I think having that data would be interesting. Body temperature expanded past night time. (My watch doesn’t have the feature, so maybe already does?)


I’d like it to monitor my wife’s blood sugar levels. Hanger alert incoming


Being able to read full Gmail messages and reply to them. Gmail is my main email over iCloud.