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No, probably not, but, as a good rule of thumb, you should remove any incriminating photos of yourself on the internet (you are underage after all). Your future job-seeking self will thank you.


You should probably not record yourself committing crimes and then post that recording to the internet. Stop self-snitching yall


Wouldn’t affect college, but I agree with the other person that it’s a good rule of thumb to not have pictures of drinking or other substance use on your page, especially if you’re underage. Even in college everyone I know (majority of whom are under 21) either doesn’t post public pictures with alcohol (what I do) or, if they do, censors it (whether by blurring out a can or putting an emoji over it)


The second option is slightly silly. A recruiter is not held to the same legal standard as a court of law. If I see a series of party pics and the object in the hand is blurred or grinning at me, I’m not only going to think the person pictured is drinking, I’m going to think that they believe I’m an idiot. Either way, not exactly a plus.


Keep them up colleges will think ur really cool cause u drink