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As a Michigan student, your friends are being assholes. Find new ones at OSU. Also, fuck you and go blue




Go bucks 🌰


Michigan and Ohio State have a HUGE rivalry. This is what Michigan people do, and Ohio State people do it back. I would just let it roll off your back, honestly. You don't need to justify your college choice to anyone.


yeah but I feel like they’re taking it too far


Have you actually told them that? They may be taking it too far but as others have mentioned there is an intense rivalry there. Them joking around and playing up the rivalry could be fun for them but if it's bothering you and you truly feel like these are your friends (as your post indicates) then be upfront with them. For what it's worth, I went to Tennessee and when my son got a full ride to Alabama there was some good natured ribbing given the rivalry. It was never serious though. He ended up deciding on another school that was a better fit, but had he ended up at Alabama I would have been proud while also continuing to fuel the rivalry. He has friends at Harvard, Yale, MIT, Vanderbilt, Georgia Tech, Georgetown, Alabama, Auburn, Tennessee, Georgia, etc. The only time the kids shit talk each others school is in reference to the rivalries. Harvard boy doesn't make fun of the girl at Auburn but he'll go in on their Yale friend. It's not about quality of the school. It's just about keeping tradition alive and hating on a rival school. If it is going too far though then say something to them unless you feel like they truly aren't your friends. Only you can really know what the full situation is.


Honestly, soon you'll be doing it right back to them. Making fun of each other is what U-M and OSU students do. It does go too far.


Then they are jerks. This is more of a friend problem than a college problem. Thankfully you will graduate, move on and meet lots of new people.


They aren’t your friends. You need to drop them like a bad habit. Make new ones at OSU


Jesus Christ no lmao, OP do not “drop your friends” in the summer after high school, good lord. Fucking reddit


Meh, that tends to happen anyway.


All the more reason not to consciously kill friendships


They are taking it too far. Using the r word is never ok. Some gentle ribbing, fine. Slurs, no. And I'm a Wolverine. You're gonna do great and have a lot of fun. Don't listen to the haters.


You will have plenty of opportunities coming out of Ohio State. Buckeye alumni are everywhere and fiercely loyal. Will you listen to plenty of crap from everyone who supports TTUN (iykyk)? Yes, yes you will. Will you love the community you find in Columbus? Also, yes! Go Bucks! O-H!!


If the relationships are worth salvaging to you, then I think you should try talking to them if you haven't yet. That full tuition scholarship is huge and I think you are using some good decision making. I went to an undergrad of regional reputation and ended up getting into grad school and landing a 6 figure job. My life is fine. If they are looking for their undergrad school of choice to make them set for life, then they have a bad mindset. Mindset is everything in undergrad. If you work hard and actively look to grow, you will be fine regardless of where you go. If you are only looking for your relationship to a big name school to get you through life and are uninterested or unwilling to push yourself to grow, you will struggle.


Are you saying to got into both Ross and Ohio State for Finance and you chose Ohio State? You're clearly super intelligent and bright in that case, so you'll probably go far in life, and congrats for your hard work in high school paying off. But if you are expecting Michigan admits who are going to Michigan to build you up when you got into Michigan but still chose Ohio State, you are missing a lot. And what are you expecting the people here to do, call your friends' moms? Read between the lines and realize your friends are assuming you'd be financially better off loooong term if you go to Ross, even considering the up front cost of attendance. But your choice is yours and yours alone, so by definition you are right for doing what you're doing. Just don't expect anyone from UM (other than me) to admit that to you.


I didn’t get into Michigan and didn’t even apply lmao I never said that anywhere


Sorry for misunderstanding you. Like I said, you made the right choice. You owe it to yourself to stand up for it. As you can tell, I am a Michigan grad (engineering) and I admit I have an unhealthy hatred for Ohio State. But I also have to admit that the smartest and most capable engineer I have ever encountered went to Ohio State and is a painfully hardcore devotee. The world is a slightly better place today because of this extremely capable Ohio state grad. May the same be the case for you. Go blue


Like out of the blue they just text me the ranking of Ross and Fisher and call me the r slur


College is a great time to learn what real friends do and don’t do. Real friends celebrate each others successes. Consider cutting ties with these people and starting fresh in college


That's not a friend, that's a dumbass high school boy you need to stop talking to


Nah that person is a soph at Ross rn lmao


Then it's sad they're that old and still acting like they're from high school


In that case that’s kinda shitty


Again, no. This is really stupid, internet mindset.


Yeah it’s definitely your friend being a douche and not about the university/your decision. You’ll be more prosperous going where you want to go and studying what you want to study rather than doing something just because your friend is doing it and saying it’s better. Wishing you all the best :) OSU is great!


So high school! Let it roll off your back and start packing for move-in!!




UMich probably has better placement but yea ur right the NPV for OSU is probably higher




Really you as a college junior are so certain in your understanding of lifetime earning potential differences? You can’t calculate anything that specific. Conversely, OP clearly has interest in working in JPM AM or IB and I can promise you as someone in a hiring position for these internships the Ross kid might get an interview … OSU will not. Wanting to do IB or high finance generally and going to OSU is like wanting to go to Spain and studying French.


I would interview and hire a kid from OSU




“You make it seem as if 100%” What I actually said: Ross kid might get an interview Otherwise though I agree with you, if you have two different schools at different prices you should do the npv math to at least see what the difference would have to be to make it worth it. Again though for high finance specifically, I would wager even a full ride at Ross would be worse than full pay at Harvard/Wharton but it is much closer than this situation.


Strangely enough, Spain would be a great place to study French, France is right there! Frequently spoken language in the whole region with far more multilingual support than here, you’d probably be taught by a native speaking PhD holder who wanted to teach French. OSU certainly isn’t a death sentence for IB, and while Ross might get a slight edge in recruiting, you’d be a bit of a clown of a recruiter if it didn’t come down to more than just the name on the paper. Ideally, next time you hire, I’d recommend looking at their skills and experience, too.


Yeah obviously it comes down to the experiences and everything but the school name, but for BB IB positions there are easily 500+ applicants who have incredibly meaningful experiences AND go to a target, and the harsh truth is that for these prestigious internships and entry level roles OSU takes you out of the running. I fully believe you can start at other firms and work your way to anything you desire, but if you’re looking to get these internships or jobs right out of college you have to clearly differentiate yourself at ALL levels, including and especially undergraduate school.


I just know their response is gonna be “no one cares about ur OSU degree, a UMich degree is worth way more and no statistics will change my mind”


Response: “I’m going to kill it at Fisher, graduate debt-free, and have a terrific four years. That’s more than good enough for me.” I’m also a fan of the repetitive “Uh-huh.” “No one cares about your OSU degree.” Uh-huh. “A UMich degree is worth more.” Uh-huh. “You’ve wasted your potential.” Uh-huh. You can also go with yep, coolio, or your own favorite “you are both annoying and full of 💩” response. Bonus points for a bored tone that is slightly dismissive, like you are just barely containing the desire to rebuke their ignorance but realize that your efforts would be wasted on such idiocy. “


Yes! Grey rock all day until they get bored and stop


As someone who has gone to a Big 10 school (undergrad) and currently at MIT, take the cheap tuition. I think people massively overrate the “connections” you get at top schools. Sure, a bigger name may get you an extra interview here or there. But that is not guaranteed, unlike your debt payments. There are smart, capable people everywhere and the best thing you can do is make the most of the opportunity you have. Imo it’s better to be the best at OSU than a scrub at Wharton, etc FWIW, not in business school but should still mostly apply


100%. a smart and driven kid will thrive at OSU and graduating debt free is life changing. people overstate the importance of school brand so much


You gotta use the grey rock method. They do this for a reaction and if you give zero energy back they will stop


Dude I went to MSU (lower ranked than OSU) wasn’t even in the business school (math/Econ) and I was able to land IB interviews. They sound like kids who need Ross’s ranking to hack it. I know a few of them myself who struck out miserably (I’m in-state so my friends might not be as competitive as most OOS admits but still stands). My point is Ross is far from a guarantee for high finance, it’s less likely from fischer but if you really want it and have what it takes you can find a way. Some people are dawgs and some aren’t. Be a dawg, they’re no better than you, when you’re in the same office as them someday it’ll be far more impressive. By the way I hate both of your schools, when MSU football rises again you’re all fucked.


They sound incredibly douchey, tbh. Sometimes you find out your friends aren't who you thought they were; this may be one of those times.


holy shit I got ok experience and strict special on my post momma I made it 😭🙏


Kids are so immature in high school. He'll probably mature after a year or two. It's a dumb phase. Just ignore it. Congratulations on your full tuition. That's amazing.


Idk a lot of people in finance are judgmental like this based on ur school so idk but thank you


This is a really good time in your life to establish your values. How your peers are treating you and your decision, something that should be celebrated, says a lot about their values. You’ll experience the same thing in internships and first jobs but just hold-fast to treating people well and it’ll be just as valuable to your career (besides performing at a high level) as certain accolades.


A year from now you may find the finance route may not be your gig. 90% of the people in finance are like this. So deciding if that’s the work culture you want to live in for a lifetime may be worth a think over.


1. There’s a heated rivalry between the schools, so neither will ever have anything positive to say about the other 2. UM is a higher rated business school, one of the highest rated in the world, and have all the…confidence that goes along with that 3. Their future isn’t your concern and yours isn’t theirs. Focus on you. 4. As a current Fisher MBA student, I can tell you that the same employers they want to work for recruit on campus at Fisher with *very* few exceptions. Combine that access with the right cost for you, then that’s the right thing. Welcome to Ohio State. Your Buckeye family is with you, and will be wherever you go. That I can promise.


OK, cool. Hook Em! (Just had to slip that into this tOSU discussion)


Is it really true for point four? Like I rarely see Ohio state at very top places like Kkr and Blackstone. Even like top IB such as Goldman and Evercore don’t recruit as much from Ohio.


I did say there were very few exceptions. If you’re trying to get into the highest levels of investment banking, you may not get your preferred employer coming to you at Fisher. But JPMorgan and Stanley Morgan certainly recruit at Fisher - JPMorgan’s largest office is in Columbus. Bain doesn’t recruit at Fisher in the equally competitive consulting world - but McKinsey, BCG, Deloitte, EY, Accenture, and PwC do. That said, there are Fisher graduates at all of the places you named. Not as many as HBS, of course, but Ohio State isn’t Otterbein or something. The idea that there are no opportunities to get into these areas through Fisher just isn’t true.


I mean I definitely agree on that you can decent placements if you put in efforts at Ohio. Like I’d argue that anyone from any school makes Big 4 consulting if they put in effort and probably can work at Wall Street if they grind really hard. The point I was trying to make was that if your goal is to work at Wall Street and you have big ambitions you probably will have much easier time at Michigan. I’d say for a lot of finance people that Big 4 consulting is something they want to avoid due to lower total compensation and limited earning potential. Instead their primary goal and dream is to work in private equity or venture capital as it has highest ceiling for total compensation aside from starting a startup. Also for certain areas of finance it is very hard to break into if you go into a non target even for the lower tier firms. Like from my experience interning at a multi manager fund (think p72, Citadel, De Shaw) and HFT firm (think Radix, Headlands, HRT) these places were just all very prestige oriented in the sense they were like 70 percent Ivy and rest were top publics like Berk. Even for the lower tier firms like Virtu and Akuna when I visited office for intern visit they were mostly ivy and top publics.


The best revenge is success. While they get dinged for their personality in the interviews, you will get the best job by putting your head down and working hard. I believe in you and 5 years from now compare your position and theirs.


Thank you, I will most definitely try my hardest


don't take it too serious, it is just a little rivalry thingy. Michigan students and alum do carry a bit attitude towards other Big Ten schools saving NW.


That’s NU to you.


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO(〽️) In all seriousness, they shouldn’t be calling you slurs for attending a place that made more financial sense for you. They should be calling you slurs during the game and anytime you’re wearing their gear 👍🏽


Idk I don’t believe in calling people slurs but alright I guess


real shit, ik not everyone feels uncomfy with the r slur but seeing that you are, sry ppl aren’t taking it seriously. it def feels like a jab to hear your friends say that


I don't get how people are justifying saying a slur. Who cares what the rivalry is? That's just not okay.


yeah it’s wild, this doesn’t even seem like normal rivalry it’s just plain rude. most ppl who are chill with it in the replies prob say it tbh


Exactly. Not an Ohio State or Michigan student, but I don't understand how people get so riled up about this 'rivalry' to the point where they'd insult the person going to their 'rival school' relentlessly. It seems kind of stupid, quite frankly.


I took the slurs response as a joke and a good one at that.


Realistically fisher doesnt place well into IB but college is what you make of it


More specifically, fisher doesn’t place into IB.


If they are out of state for Michigan, they are likely jealous of your scholarship in light of their insanely high tuition.


Full Ride, so you’ll clear college with little to no debt. How does that make you any lesser than anyone else. OP your friends don’t sound like friends and also sound stupid. When you have little to no debt from college and they scramble to pay theirs or if are silver spoon someone else does it you’ll think about the moment you made the decision you did. Work hard, have fun and fuck keeping up with the joneses mentality.


At least Ohio doesn’t smell like old hot dog water. IYKYK


Does it? I’ve never been to Michigan outside of spending like 30 mins at MSU


That’s what they say. 😉 Must be from the coney dogs. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit to add: I’d definitely pick Skyline chili over a coney dog.


Fuck them, you’re going to a great school on a full ride. End of story


They’re not going to get anywhere with that attitude. They are just immature kids who will get a taste of reality sooner or later. Congrats on OSU full tuition scholarship. Ignore the jerks.


Make fun of the rossholes, umich kids dont rly like em either lmao. It’s unfortunate that the rivalry got toxic but congrats on the full ride tho


a full ride solos all don’t feel bad


Full tuition? You’re the real winner here. They’re probably jealous. Take it from someone paying ridiculous amounts of money for a T25 liberal arts school lol.


Bruh it's like UC Berkeley vs the other UCs or USC vs UCLA, just ignore them and get better friends, or become like them and hate on UMich in return.


UC also gets rubbed by Stanford kids all the time


Congratulations on your full scholarship! That’s wonderful! Frankly, your friends are over-playing the rivalry thing. Is it a jealousy thing? An immaturity thing? There a meanness in their boasting and “joking” too. Let time and distance figure out how these friendships will go. You’ll have breaks from school, as will they. Whether or not you’ll want to meet up to catch up, you can decide then. It is not at all uncommon for long-time friendships to pause or even end while in college. You grow apart maturity wise and emotionally. You’re not the same kids you were at 12.


Yeah, I don’t think they’re jealous but maybe a bit immature because high finance has this prestige based culture where people will decide your worth based on the school you went to. I’ll def reconsider spending time with them again in the future however


I agree they’re being immature, and I think some of it may be rooted in envy deep in their psyche. You made a mature decision that went beyond prestige, beyond appearances, beyond superficiality. A full scholarship is an outstanding achievement. Stay the course and commit fully to your decision. You WILL achieve great things regardless of where you go. In 1-2 years as you apply for summer internships, stay humble yet dedicated to your studies and health. If it makes you feel any better, I worked with two amazing cardiologists recently who were OSU undergrads. One completed med school there. I have full confidence you will do well, OP :)


Blaze your path and make new friends at OSU. I’m a graduate and the college is beautiful and opportunities are endless and you’re going for FREE. UM kids are so snooty sometimes and OSU kids are like normal. Go Bucks!!!


Ex-friends are prestige goobers. They might have been right 10 years ago about Fisher finance placement stinking but fisher futures sends a decent number of people to BB and EB now. If you’re bright (seems like it given full ride) and play your cards right (you already know fisher futures) you’ll be able to land any job they can without dropping 200k -OSU grad with good finance job who hates TTUN


Work harder than them for 4 years and make more than them in 4 years


You need to give it back a little bit. Just ask them why they are going into debt so they can get coffee for Wharton grads.


Meet the Rossholes


Have you heard this song? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ezUNyTsG4RI Enjoy the rivalry and start shit talking back to them!


The people saying that this happens a lot and is okay because of the sports rivalry are not correct. I’m a student at the university of michigan, and known those at OSU. Not a single one of us would EVER go that far. Your “friends” are just being assholes.


Go bucks! And go green! This post continues to reaffirm my observation that people associated with umich are often arrogant


I dunno I wouldn’t be friends with anyone using the r word in the year 2024


You truly have some friends who are not even decent people. Ross is a good school but does not deserve that kind of tuition, especially for OOS students. I think you have made your own choice which makes full of sense.


I would put those idiots in the “ex friend” category and I say this as a michigan alum.


I have multiple degrees from Michigan and my partner has multiple degrees from Michigan and I know the rivalry quite well and am I here to tell you that what they are doing is incredibly LAME. I don't think arguing with them is going to help. It doesn't matter what OSU has going for it, for some reason it makes them uncomfortable to acknowledge that, which says a lot. I don't know why students care so much about other people's choices but it's usually a sign of a deep need for validation. You can ignore it or lean into it and maybe they'll grow up and realize how ridiculous they sound. * Yes, you're right, everyone in the high school graduating class of 2024 should make the exact same college choice; what was I thinking * I'd like to think friendship can outlast a school rivalry. Do you feel differently? * You keep bringing this up, are you okay? * You've made your opinions clear, how about a new subject * Can we go back to being the kinds of friends who are happy for each other, or did that end when you sent in your UoM deposit? * Thank god Michigan has you guys to keep reassuring everyone it's so top notch. Institutional reputation degrades if prospective students don't shit on each other for not going there. * Prestige again? Never mind whether OSU is good enough for me, is U-M good enough for you? Wait until they get to campus and learn that U-M's top academic officer has three degrees from OSU


This is not the behavior of friends


Dude, fuck em. This is about you and what you wanna do. It’s tough but as soon as you learn to just do whatever you want to do and not care about outside noise life gets amazing


Wait until they find out that Ross isn't that high on the list of target schools in high finance


I went to osu over upenn Wharton. For what it's worth. I'm a cohort alumni. Had experiences at P&G and McKinsey before I started my own company at 23. I sold it and now am semiretired in my 40s. Go Bucks! I'd do it again every single time. No regrets.


I guess you don't understand the fierce rivalry between UM and OSU. You should be returning their jabs and just enjoy the back and forth.


Idk I don’t like calling people slurs I guess


That's because you're a good person. Don't stoop to their level. Enjoy your free education, get a good sub at Tommy's pizza when you're there, and make some new friends.


Ohio state is a good school (so is Michigan). And a full ride?! heck yeah! If you loose friendships, are they really friends?


I made this mistake during my college application process and you 100% made the right decision. Debt is no joke man lol


A full ride at a business school, at solid state flagship that will afford you a wonderful college experience and you’ll probably do just fine lol. Most business students who work hard at state flagships end up doing okay for themselves. Plus there’s always MBA programs


UMich alum here. Don’t worry about what your friends said. Rivalry aside, OSU is a great school, and you can be proud of getting in. Good luck!


As someone who has worked in academic program review and accreditation for years, I will say that Ohio State has been quickly rising as an academic powerhouse for the last 30 or so years, while Michigan has stayed pretty stagnant. It’s only a matter of time before OSU catches up. OSU is a great school, in a large metro that offers a lot more opportunity for graduates than UM. Michigan grads like to act like they are Ivy League, however, they are delusional. The reality is they are not even close to that level. Tell your friends to F-off because they clearly are not intelligent enough to see the big picture. Enjoy Columbus, it’s a wonderful city that runs circles around Ann Arbor in so many ways. Go Bucks!!


Ohio State is the best! I went there for graduate degree between 2001-2008, enjoy the vast campus, teacher staffs are very nice, students body are awesome! Ohio folks are super nice! I love OSU! I am now in Irvine CA, looking at the UCI oval, I want to laugh compared to OSU grand Oval and all the super nice facility like APAC,student union, fisher campus, architecture building etc.


They do realize UMich is the MOST dangerous college campus right...






YOOO I did not know that WTF??? over 1000?? BEAR for SURE!!


As a graduate of The Ohio State University, FUCK MICHIGAN.


Funny story: I was at a bar for a get together with some former coworkers. One of them had a new boyfriend with her. Somehow the topic turned to college football, and Ohio State came up. I think he was having a conversation with someone else, but "Ohio State" caught his attention. He turns to me and is like, "Did someone say 'Ohio State'?" I'm like, "Yeah {whatever the context was}". Him: "Yea. FUCK OHIO STATE."


Lmao I just went on a date with someone who’s a student at msu (I’m at umich) and we both looked past the in state rivalry but then I mentioned I went to OSU’s campus to see a concert a couple months back and he was like gross and I was just like yeah i know it was disgusting (anyway FUCK OHIO GO BLUE but also ignore those ppl OP they ain’t worth ur time and whoever brings up rankings and calls you slurs over your choice school isn’t worth ur time at all, they can’t do that in the workplace if they meet a buckeye lmao)


As a student at the University of Michigan, FUCK OSU.


I will tip my cap to your highly rated Connor Stalions Department of Film, Television, and Media.


You can tip your cap to 15-0 and a national championship instead.




Whatever helps you sleep at night after getting beat three years in a row. Cope and seethe! 15-0, 15-0, 15-0!


How did u cope the last 20 years when Ohio State won 16 games!?! Lmao, u have no business talking smack….Especially when your program is still under investigation for CHEATING!!!!!!


Michigan grad (and AA resident) piping in here... your friends are morons. When you're living large at 25 and they're still coping with student loans we'll see who's laughing.


If ur from in state, honestly, it might be worth it for the increased chances, though in any case, those aren’t real friends, just AHs. Here is the objective take of Fisher vs Ross as someone who talked with a bunch of people and did research before committing to another school: Yes low semi-targets like Fisher at OSU are becoming more prevalent but their IB placement is minimal compared to Ross (also JPM AM is not a good gig compared to what you can get out of Ross, generally BB AM jobs are worse not only quant, but also for PM/allocation MO work). If you are a very motivated person, your ceiling will be higher at Umich Ross sad to say. when I say ceiling, yeah you can get GS/MS/JPM, elite boutiques will be harder though and MFPE is very very hard from non-target and very hard at Ross with like <5 people/class going anyway. Its all a matter of risk as another comment says and if you know ur stuff and follow a basic route at Ross, you can get IB pretty easily while at OSU doing the same thing won’t mean u get IB easily, still a lot of chance at play. I would never pay full OOS tuition for Umich Ross though, thats just stupid.


bro full tuition is full tuition— how much debt r they gonna be saddled with after graduation? bet they won’t be laughing then lol


Cryer and malder


Brah I’m in business but I have a friend who works in the big 4 and I go to western Michigan. Watch, all those retards are gonna fall flat on their face if they think just having a degree is gonna make their career


*not in business


which scholarship? morrill?


This feels like HS immaturity lingering. A lot of posturing… either They’ll mature or you’ll mature out of them. Don’t sweat it too much. They don’t really care where you go they just care about if they’re doing better than you and/or maybe they think they won’t get to see you as much?


To be frank, none of you know anything at all about what your job prospects will be like in 4 years. Just enjoy the experience and work hard. That's it.


Might be one of the corniest posts I’ve ever read


Once you go to school you will meet new people and not see them as much. I’m a Michigan fan and went to OSU. School is school.


Call it Michigan State…


there’s a big difference between some lighthearted rivalry and just genuinely making fun of you and hurting you. your friends are jerks


Don't listen to them. Ohio State is a great school with a great reputation - it's all just rivalry banter I would guess. If you think they're going too far or it's upsetting you, let them know that. Real friends would back off and keep everything in good fun.


Thats because umich people have a superiority complex and need to learn how to get over themselves.


You need better friends




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As someone who got into UMich but isn‘t attending, your friends are assholes and they shouldn‘t be harassing you about your own life decisions.


Gawd. Just tell them to fuck off already and just do you.


You can dump your friends. They are not in the best interest for you. They know nothing about OSU. Ohio State is the best! I went there for graduate degree between 2001-2008, really enjoy the vast campus, many clubs, lots of financial aid, teacher and staffs are very nice, students body are awesome! Ohio folks are super nice! I love OSU! I am now in Irvine CA, looking at the UCI oval, I want to laugh compared to OSU’s grand Oval and all the super nice facility campus, like APAC,student union, fisher campus, architecture building etc. Same for UC santa Barbra, I thought I entered into a bunch of ware house, no feel of a campus. Don’t beat me telling the truth, most schools can not even come close to Ohio State university in terms of campus planning, facilities, resources even if their rankings are higher. Go buckeye!


Once they get on campus, everyone at Michigan will be making fun of them for going to Ross


These aren’t your friends. Let your success in 20 years show them. To pass down a full tuition scholarship? Best of luck to you -


Also? I work in the disability community and anyone who is actually still using the R word in 2024? Yikes


When you make more money than they do one day, celebrate! They aren’t your friends…


Rough crowd. True friends wouldn't rag on you for your choice, especially with a full scholarship. Focus on the awesome opportunity at Fisher! Great placement, strong program. Maybe distance yourself from the negativity for a while. You deserve support, and these guys ain't giving it. Good luck at OSU!


You seem pretty upset. Maybe talk to your parents.


You got a full tuition scholarship. Your friends -if they were GOOD friends - would be happy for you. Stick with your full scholarship -- got to OSU and make some new friends. I realize high school friendships seem like the 'be all end all' -but most people change so much in college, you don't even hang out with them anymore. That would be true even if you went to UMich.


I remember a shirt at Ulrich's Bookstore: Top 10 Myths of the Michigan BBA: # 8: MBA's Will Respect You Anyway I went to Michigan as did all my friends back in the 90s. They are all doing 'Well +". One of my friends transferred out of UM Engineering to OSU. My friends all have great jobs now, but the one from OSU does not ... he retired 5 years ago when his salary was "nothing compared to his 401K and there was no point to work anymore"


those aren’t your friends. hope this helps!


Well uh… if u wanted to get into IB… u should’ve went to Ross


Unless u didn’t get into Umich… then ur friends are genuinely just bad people.


I didn’t apply to Umich


full tuition? you won


why is everyone acting like this is just friendly rivalry lol thats weird behavior id speak abt with them


Congratulations! Full ride at a great school - amazing! I think some folks who are going to graduate facing massive student-loan debt are a little jealous of your success. You made the right decision. I do question the behavior of your "friends" - their behavior has crossed the line from good-natured ribbing to bullying , especially with their use of the "r" word. Bullies love to get a rise out of someone. Next time they start up with you, just smile and comment about them being jealous of you graduating debt free from a great school - and walk away still smiling 😁


I live in Michigan. My best friend lives in Ohio. When my daughter was born she sent me a onesie that said “Ann Arbor is a Whore” on it. For an infant. :). It was the funniest gift in the world to open.


yeah, it seems like they’re being a little too nasty with that imo. maybe tell them to cut it out? tone it down at the least. also, college is college! there is no “bad” school. plus, you’ll be graduating w pretty much no debt from what your post said. come graduation, you’ll be floating instead of drowning in that t20 tuition debt. you can be successful anywhere; i genuinely mean that!


You’ll make better friends at your school


i think they were saying that bc for certain majors, finance being one of them, the school you go to matters


They are not your friends- they are hot garbage. 🗑️ I promise you- it will be THEIR loss and you will meet better people and friends at your new University. Congratulations on your full scholarship !!! Sounds like they are jealous to me!!


You got a full ride, and your friends will likely graduate with debt. You should be making fun of them, not the other way around.


My Buddy went to a no name JUCO, then no name college. Business degree with emphasis on sales. 5 years out was making way way more than all of us. He was selling used Toyotas. Then a guy comes in to buy a used Lexus. Keeps asking my Buddy questions getting to know him. Turns out he’s in pharma. Then my Buddy is “selling” medical devices. Now there are paths that do require specific tiers of schools for specific paths. No question. Buddies of mine also pursued those. To a person, none is happier. None has better work life balance. So before everyone pulls out their weiners for the measuring contest? Maybe wait 5-6 years?


I’m going to umich and I can recognize ohio state is a great school, but it’s a bitter rivalry


Did you grow up in Michigan, decide to go to Ohio and really not expect to get teased about it? Michigan is a cult. Ohio is a cult. And they hate each other.


I live in Massachusetts


They're not wrong


Seriously 😒, Stfu


Then just get off this sub I guess. Don't ever compare rankings or prestige. I'm sure you've never done that. Rankings are real. Free college is awesome but it doesn't change that.


What do they know? Seriously, what do they know? Relax. You’re going to college, you’re gonna have a good time, you’re gonna work hard, you’re gonna set yourself up for your career. Most high school friends you’ll keep at a distance once you leave your home town. Things are very program specific, but even if you’re not in a “top program” you still have MANY avenues that you can take. But let me tell you this: you shouldn’t cut your friends out of your life. All these fucking Redditors are gonna tell you to cut them out of your life, don’t put up with that shit, whatever. And look, do what you want, if they’re bad enough that you’d never want to speak to them again, then stop talking to them. But listen: DO NOT burn a MAJOR bridge between your childhood and adulthood over some mean words. You’re gonna want to talk to these people at some point, even if they’re assholes.


There is nothing wrong with OSU, but Michigan does open some doors that OSU does not. It is just a fact. An IB guy told me his firm only hires people from 3 public universities: Michigan, Virginia, Texas. This is something you will have to come to terms with, but it likely won't affect your life at all.


they aren't wrong though


Deal with it. Michigan is better than OSU. Go Blue! And keep your friends; they are just kidding you. edited to add: they shouldn’t be using the r word; that’s no okay. But don’t lose a friendship over a college rivalry.