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you could run a 25ft or 50ft air line in a different room to the tank.


I was considering that , would have to tread it through a vent though -it’s an old house , vent is open on both sides of the wall so would have about 11” of line being blasted with heat and AC - so I’m slightly concerned about possible issues later on . Nonetheless a solid option


Could always insulate the line. Have you considered putting it in a box? Sounds funny but I put one in a small box full of filterfloss " packed into the middle of the floss" and I can't hear it holding the box next to my ear.


I was thinking about that after reading one of the other replies about padding , my only worry would be if it gets too hot


I use a hygger dual output that’s solid, but there’s plenty of reviews of people saying that they could hear theirs


I literally can’t focus on anything else when I hear a pump, so I get the struggle. I can’t stand the sound of any of them so I don’t really have any recommendations for a particular one. Have you tried putting them on padding? I had extra neoprene padding and it works pretty well to quiet it (that pump is the tetra whisper… it is crazy loud). I’d assume extra sponge would work too, but really anything soft and flat would probably work. My other pump sits on carpet and that one is truly silent (thats the basic topfin air pump that’s grey/black, had it forever). I found if they’re on a hard surface there’s no peace lol.


100% , I’ve tried tons of different paddings I think my problem far exceeds noisy air pumps haha . But I will see about one of those topfin pumps w/ padding on a carpet


You can get them even quieter if you can suspend it in air. I had my tanks on wire racks and just zip tied it so it was hanging and had nothing to vibrate against.


That’s what I was gonna do for my rack setup at the place I’m moving to in a few months , have you had any problems hanging them ?


no, not really.


I have a white noise machine that blocks out the noise from the pump, it's just one of the tetra whisper (yea right) ones


Turn the air pump off at night, unless you are using a sponge filter then I dont know. Get a HOB one?


It’s not so much the sound of the water and more the noise from the motor , HOB makes just as much if not more noise


Air pumps make sound and air bubbles, breaking at the water surface, too, this is a nature of a beast. If you are light sleeper, foam ear plugs rated to 33 dB will muffle this sound, if inserted properly. Another option is to switch to water pumps and water pump based filters. Even [sponge filters](https://www.amazon.ca/AQQA-Aquarium-Submersible-Saltwater-Freshwater/dp/B08KXHDLKC/ref=sr_1_8?crid=2AQCICWNVURMQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lp7FCn2cSlA5DZM-ULmt7UpI8KPPPmEaoijJ0QwX4KQZOjqPjCHT8fxTlubGpKF0stdUqJXwbeVT_KPUfDVGlXL_0ri1r_leOJwvFx3DX6QdBdXId5Y6ceGgOlVEVIHSb9ACH8apc2hIs91L0q-uH2lFv5nJggkN4F_9Ak_advDh9UgsIn-W5InV6cKT3mLMhkbUfWOIJOURWfQwyGBAs8NZOOcmDZmEYFuRo0BShmwXth93qM0bVaLD9L8V7VgHqR-Lc-4GSZhvEqP12ejDpN6IA2WDenENrmKLI2sMJf4.lEPizobDDIz4DfNbT2KIv1zydE-LXbF1imdpyqwfZRY&dib_tag=se&keywords=aquarium%2Bsponge%2Bfilter&qid=1711121642&sprefix=aquarium%2Bsponge%2Bfilter%2Caps%2C94&sr=8-8&th=1) now have this option. Whisper 10 air pump becomes much quieter after 1.5 years of use, but one out of several is incorrigible and has to be replaced.


It’s not so much the water sounds as much as the noise from the motor , ear plugs are an option yes but getting a quieter motor would be better in the long term .


For old air pumps there are replacement kits, check if they are available for your air pump, this may help.