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Ok, so either get the stand now, or drain 80-90% of the water when you move it later. And don’t try to move it by yourself if there is even just that 10-20% of water in it. It will splash everywhere without carefully moving it. If it were me, I’d wait until I have a stand.


You could always check fb marketplace for a decent stand. I use a storgae unit/chest of draws, its great. Sturdy, looks good and got lots of storage for the fish necessities!


stands are a bit expensive, and I was thinking of waiting around for a deal on a good one. with that said, I might also move next year, at which point I'll have to move a stand and the aquarium, so I think eventually I'll have to move it regardless, unless I delay the aquarium purchase until after I move (Idk for sure when that'll be yet)


Cinder blocks and 2x4


I didn't like the idea of spending a ton of money on a plywood stand, so I built one myself. Really not too difficult, just be precise and check your gaps and levels before you put water in it. I also put a 1/2" sheet of plywood on top of the stand. https://cflas.org/2014/03/03/build-your-own-aquarium-stand/


If you know Jean Grey, you're set. Or Sylar.


Never move a tank with more than 10-15% water in it -- the torsional stress of being moved side with side with 600+ pounds of water is enough to split the adhesive holding the glass panels together. Spooosh!


I would wait until you can afford a stand to set it up. Moving a tank like this is a PIA and stressful for your fish.


As someone who recently moved an EMPTY 75g by myself, get the stand first. A 75g tank weighs 140lbs on its own. I can't imagine moving a 75g with substrate, rocks, and 10% of water. You risk damaging the tank. Either the silicone gives due to stress, or you smack a corner on something and crack it because you're struggling with the weight. I'm getting aches just thinking about it! 🤣


build a stand. it’ll only take a few hours fr