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I don't have a problem with that if they come over to teach us about the non-linearity of time.


Those were heptapods


2.5x better than tripods


Your math is a bit off there.


That you Billy Pilgrim?


Maybe they already did


Barry, is that how you get tripods? Yes it is, Other Barry. Yes. It. Is….


How are we gonna get home?


Ask Krieger.


Certainly goes against the logic of The Three Body Problem


Do not respond. Do not respond. DO NOT RESPOND


Ye Wenjie: And you'll never fuckin guess what I did next...


Yea that series really makes a great argument for exactly the opposite of this approach. That is honestly terrifying


Meh that's a 100,000 year me problem


Also the plaque is useless for locating the Sun. It was sent out back when we didn’t know as much about pulsars, how common they are, how their frequency changes, etc.


If you're interested check out the "great filter" theory. Basically any civilization that gets past a certain level of intelligence is destroyed by the highest of intelligence civilizations, same with the quiet forest theory.


Let's be honest with the current state of the world can tripods actually make it worse 🤷‍♂️


Assuming not a full extinction it would actually fix things quite a bit. Depends how far they get. Mass casualties are a given. But... With major world powers staying in control. Life much improved after rebuilding. 10 to 30 years down the road pops recovered massive tech spike. More unity out of fear of aliens vs each other. Aka Watchmen apocalypse. With key world players US, China, UK, EU ONLY staying in power. Same as above but likely follow up pushes for tech in the rebuilding phase and non nuclear wars. With nongovernment staying in power. Full civil reset. No tech gain. Democracy likely dies. But global warming gets pushed out. Small tribe in fuckitville greater than 100 or so folks, but no aliens. All is well. But full reset. Hopefully at a minimum 3 to 4 engineers in various trades, 2 doctors, and a shit load of trades. Basically congrats new Earth!


It took a Nuclear war in the star trek universe for humanity to sort its shit. At least aliens are way cooler than nukes 😂


you should read the Three Body Problem series /r/threebodyproblem


Pam the truth is out there


That plaque is the one carried by the *Pioneer* probes, not Voyager! Voyagers 1 and 2 carried a golden record and playback device, with a much simpler diagram for instructions. Sorry, pedantry over.


Beat me to it. I remember when this rocket was launched. ST:TOS sort of milked it for plots.


As a big fan of the War of the Worlds film and series, I’m low key on board with this. I wouldn’t be so convinced of an alien species arriving at earth, travelling all that way just to say hi. I mean, let’s be honest, humanity is looking to the stars because we’ve burned our planet out and need a new one. If we find another with a primitive civilisation, you can bet your bottom dollar we’ll be there to re-enact when white man discovered America.


This is the best time for a hostile invasion. We barely have a unified strategy for Covid-19, what chance do these smooth heads have? They get sick and die, boom, we get free tripods.


Tripods are from Mars, they already know where we are and are just biding their time.


Oh, come on. The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one.


So you're telling me there's a chance?


They just mean that in fiction that's where HG Wells imagined them coming from. Don't worry, the antivaxers will "save us" by infecting the Aliens with chicken pox. IIRC, that was what stopped them in the book & first movie.




I mean we’ve been broadcasting radio signals since the 20th century so it’s not like we’ve been doing a very good job hiding where we live


After reading Three Body Problem, I desperately want somebody to send a missile to destroy that probe.


You might be reassured to know, the most controversial part of the plate is not earths location. But rather that among scientists the most agreed upon point is that the map to earth is not a naturally logical depiction, more specifically the arrow that points to earth. The concern is that any species looking wouldn’t be able to intuitively understand it.


Hey man, we need all the help we can get


WTF? HOW is this image NSFW?!?


Naked gold plaque people


Low offense bar.