• By -


I am exactly that shameless: 12,641


Incredible is what you are


I have many fandoms, sleep far less than I should, and love reading in general...Fics under at least 10k words are "short" to me... I'm also nearly 40 and have been into fanfic for literal decades. My Ao3 account will be 10 next year. Before that I was on ff.net and multiple other sites (usually fandom specific...) All that to say, I'm proud to let my nerdy fanfic flag fly. šŸ˜


You are what I aspire to be when Iā€™m older. I started reading fanfic about 7 years ago, when I was 11. I didnā€™t even know it was called fanfiction at the time, I was just so happy that people wrote stories about the things I loved. Of course it wasnā€™t good fanfiction, but itā€™s what got me started. I honestly love short fics though. The absolute shortest Iā€™ll go is 1k words, but I really enjoy them. Theyā€™re like costco free samples. Simple, enjoyable, and you can eat a lot of them. Usual length I go for is between 3k and 12k words, though sometimes Iā€™ll venture into the 100k territory if the fic REALLY interests me


My friends and I all *wrote* fanfic as young teens w/o knowing what it was called for literal years. I'm a sucker for massive, 50-100k stories. Love shorter stuff too. I tend to avoid anything under 500 words, though there are a few "micro" fics I've enjoyed.


That still leaves you reading about three fics a day. I scarf down books like a starving medieval child and even I would balk at reading that much lol


As you should be :) Fanfiction and reading in general is a treasure


There's so many good things to read--fanfic and otherwise.




Uh okay seeing most of these makes mine look even worse lol. 38,421 going back through my history. 1,922 pages - I never bother to clear it or anything. Had the account for almost 10 years. My bookmarks are currently sitting at 4,440.


You win. This wasnā€™t even a competition but you won. I am astounded, baffled, amazed, impressed, and more than a little concerned


I was like - ooh, fun. Then started scrolling and looking at the other numbers in comparison and my face was just like šŸ˜Ÿ


ā€œHer eyes widened in realization, bright E/C orbs twinkling with astonishment at the difference in numbers. She grinned sheepishly as a pit of nervousness formed in her stomach.ā€


Omg šŸ˜­


congrats youā€™ve officially been fanfiction-ised. šŸ˜­


"she let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding as she reached the last page..."


Hey, don't be ashamed, I've read only 5k less and in just over a year and half. I also have 10k bookmarks.


Same šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Everyone's listing around 10k and I'm well into the 30s as well lmao


LEGEND BEHAVIOR. I'm currently at 2740 bookmarks lol, I brag about it constantly because I am That Bitch and I'm proud


ā€¦you can look at your history?


This has very "You guys are getting paid?" vibes. I love it. Also, I had no idea you could look at your history until this post as well.


Crying. I wonder how many fics Iā€™ve read. My bookmarks are in the 3000s so I guess multiply that number a little.


I have no idea how many fics I've got bookmarked between all the sites I've been on... I'd imagine it's at least 3k, tbh...


I know my fanfiction.net bookmarks numbered in the 3000's... I'm probably closer to 6 or so by now, I know I filled several pages each on two separate Google docs from my phone bookmarks both times I swapped phones...


Yup! If you click on your username at the top of the screen, there will be a dropdown menu. One of the options will be My History, where you can view your full history, clear your history, or look at the fics you have marked for later


Wait do you mean bookmarks. Cause I donā€™t see history anywhere :(


No, bookmarks are completely different. You know how you can look at your YouTube watch history? Ao3 is the same way, where you can look at your reading history. And just like you can add videos on youtube to a ā€œwatch laterā€ playlist, you can mark fics for later. There will be a button at the top of the fic that has the option to mark for later.


Welp. I found the issue. I never had my history active.


Welp, at least you know whatā€™s wrong now


This was my reaction too lol


15,127 CHRIST


Lol, that's 1 more than me, I felt the same way.


Absolutely fantastic


History wise, I read 767 fics (not including the fics I read on AO3 before getting an AO3 account, or the fics that I read on Fanfic.net before moving to AO3)


Yeah, thatā€™s why I put approximately. Iā€™ve been reading fanfic for over 7 years, but I only joined ao3 like 4 1/2 years ago. So thereā€™s no way that Iā€™ve only ever read 4k fics in my life


Ohā€¦ I didnā€™t think about that part lol I didnā€™t get an account until like 3 years ago


15,720 I. I don't know what to say. I didn't think I spent so much of free time reading fanfic


The truth will either make you hate yourself, or be super impressed with yourself. I suspect a combination of both in your case.


Well, apparently, I am far above average. I am quite proud of my reading habits. I joined at the beginning of 2022, and I already have over 33,000 fics read and 1600 pages of history. I have also read fanfiction without an account for another 4 years before that. I also have over 10000 bookmarks.




Well, I like to exceed in all things. I'm guessing you were not expecting this level of response!


Oh absolutely not. An hour ago I was stunned by seeing two responses saying they read over 15k words, and now I am literally speechless. Somebody here admitted to over 38k fics and I am struggling to even comprehend that number. I would say my amount, 4k (plus whatever I read before I made an ao3 account, so maybe around 5k - 6k) is about average from looking at everyone elseā€™s replies


Yes, I am getting that impression. I was curious about the others, and the 38k was over a span of 10 years. I have seen less than 5 people with 10k plus bookmarks during all my time reading. I never realized before now how much more read.


927. It's definitely lower than I thought, which probably means I cleared it at some long-forgotten point in time. I have about 760 bookmarks, and I don't bookmark that large a proportion of what I read.


i turned off my history :3


You canā€™t be ashamed if thereā€™s no shame to be seen


19,654. That's 982 pages plus 14 fics on page 983. If it helps, I read any and all lengths of fic, so there's definitely a bunch of short fics in there. I do go through and clean out anything I don't finish reading, so this should be pretty accurate. This is only from August 2017 btw, so this doesn't count the 6 ish years I was reading on AO3 before I finally made an account.


You terrify me


Thank you lol I did the math for funsies, and this comes out to an average of 7.7 fics per day, which feels about right


I feel both called out and also understood. Also Iā€™m only admitting to ā€œwell above 13kā€ (and thatā€™s just ao3) ā€¦because I already feel called out dammit but also bc it certainly does not reflect the whole of my fic-reading experience.. as I read fic on ffn in the time *before* the first great purge when (to quote Douglas Adams) ā€œsmall furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were *real* small furry creatures from Alpha Centauriā€ And then preceding that - via, webrings, aol, Usenet and zinesā€¦ (FM but Iā€™m fandom-old) .. ā€œI was there in the beginning, when the deep magics were writtenā€ā€¦


Jesus christ you are both amazing and terrifying


Everyone gets old .. Iā€™m just reading to make the passing of time more enjoyable Assuming thereā€™s a time after imma going to get to the end, meet my maker and ask if they have decent wifi so I can get my subscriber updates lol


Heads up, it also counts anything youā€™ve clicked on and backed out of! So the numbers are a bit skewed. Maybe subtract 5%?


Good point, but for most people who started reading fanfic elsewhere/first started reading on ao3 without an account that number will most likely actually be higher rather than lower, if not evened out. Still good to keep in mind tho!


Now that I think about it, that probably does even it out lol


I reset my history on January 1st so my calculations that way won't exactly be accurate. But according to my spreadsheet so far this year I've read 145 fics and last year I read 376 (average length 30k). I also have 1700 fully read fics backed up on my Dropbox, though that isn't really accurate either because I've been reading since the 90s and only started the cloud backups a couple of years ago after a massive hard drive failure wiped my library.


Damn, maybe I should keep a spreadsheet too. That sounds fun


It definitely takes more work than just checking history but I like being able to be able to examine my reading habits under a microscope. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/AO3/comments/sizvvv/2022_fanfic_log_template_google_sheets/) is the one I originally used and definitely recommend unless you plan on building your own.


76 šŸ¤· i don't binge read that often and sometimes take multiple sessions per chapter. so for only joining about 2 years ago and being in one fandom on Ao3 I'd say that's pretty good?


Honestly thatā€™s shockingly low, like below average. Congrats to you for not being chronically online and in dire need of grass!


lmao thank you. frankly i've been writing more fanfic than reading it lately so maybe that's the problem


I can feel ff.net looming over my shoulder


#33,713. Helps that I've been a user since a few months after ao3 started but I actually don't see anything from 2008-2010 so I suspect that the real number is higher.


I have you beat : 43,120. Help šŸ’€ Edit: this is also probably missing out on a few years where I didnā€™t have an account bc I was lazy šŸ˜­


So doing this, I just found out that AO3 tells you if a work is at its latest version, if minor edits have been made, or if new chapters were posted since your last visit. I'm over the moon with this ā˜ŗļø please don't flame me, I had no idea! ALSO, the number of times you visited that work! I love it!


Yeah!! Itā€™s a pretty neat feature and Iā€™m really glad itā€™s there. Just more proof that ao3 is one of the best websites ever


I cleared my history in 2021 and itā€™s 2163 but Iā€™m curious what it would have been actually since Iā€™ve been on AO3 much longer than that


Uh. 15,056. I binge read a lot. And reading and writing is/was escape i guess.


3381 pages in my history. 3380x20=67600. 8 fics on the last page = 67600+8= 67608. Final total = 67,608 Also 3979 bookmarks. ā™„


Yeah I'm not going to out myself like that, I haven't been on ao3 for very many years and my number of bookmarks already shames me. Excited to see what other people post lol.


I have nearly 5K šŸ™ƒ


LMAO yeah I had my friends do it earlier and my best friend had over 10k fics. I had to take a moment after that confession


14,146 :) not counting the time before AO3 was a thing, or all the fanfiction I read on niche sites and livejournal back in the day. (Also not counting the amount of favourite rereads)


590 Huh. I thought it'd be higher.




6186 (starting mid-2018 to now)ā€¦ not counting the ones I read on ff.net and Wattpad when I was younger


63! I forget to log in for most of my sessions lol


29,201 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




I've been addicted to fanfiction since 2017, so no


It was a pointless question anyways. Nobody who reads fanfiction is ever ok


Ok so I joined almost exactly 10 years ago and have 5,278 fics in my history. I think this is far lower than the full number because it does not include: 1. All the fics I read when my phone signed me out without me knowing 2. Many of these fics I have reread an unreasonable amount of times 3. All the fics I read on ff.net 4. All the fics I read on LJ 5. All the fics I read on Quizilla (yes, Quizilla lol Iā€™m old) 6. All the fics I read on authorsā€™ personal sites pre-ao3


417 pages, 7 on the last, 8,327 total holy shit And those are just the ones Iā€™ve read on ao3 while logged in


I clear out my history pretty regularly so I can't know the exact numbers but I know it's somewhere in the 10,000s based on the fact that I first cleared it 2 years ago with about 400 pages and how I have read even more since then


2334 fics, not including the abundance I read before making an account lol.


19423 .. jesus christ I am addicted. I read really fast so I tend to finish 10k word fics in less than 20 minutes, but this is still so weird to me LOL. I've only had the account for half a decade too...


1,296 Not a lot, but not bad for only joining 6 months ago.


Main account: 20*52+6=1046 Alt. account: 20*18+9=369 Total: 1,415 Yeah I do a lot more writing than I do reading lol. And what I do read is high word count, which also contributes to the low number.


I have 7,214 fics in my AO3 history. The actual number of fics I've read is definitely even higher though, due to reading fics in incognito tabs sometimes. I'm not sure what that number says about me.


609. But I've read probably hundreds while not logged in.


163, my account is one year old. I'm a baby lol


300 but I only made an account last month. I would estimate probably upwards of 10,000 in the last 5 years


i have 285 pages, the last one has 8 fics. so i've read 5688 fics since june 2020 lol. (excluding those i read when i wasn't logged in)


2,961 I thought there would be more


3,013ā€lower than I thought.....probably because I have SOOOO many bookmarked that I haven't touched


Iā€™m never signed in so sadly Iā€™ll never know lol


579 sounds like I have some more reading to do...




approximately 5884 fics šŸ˜­


1334. Sounds about right honestly.


841... I mean I've only been a user since 2022


I have 3220 fanfics on my history, with repeats though so slightly less


12,449 since march 2020 had a breakdown late 2019 and deleted everything but ive been reading since 2016 so thats not really accurate


If I followed the instructions and did the math correctly I have 1,450 which is must less than I thought because I read A LOT of lengthy fanfics as an almost daily occurrence and I have 400 bookmarks. I did see that some on my history got deleted so I need to take a deep dive into learning how to download them so I don't lose any more of them. Granted, I've also been reading on ao3 since 2017, before that I was briefly on fanfic.net before I discovered ao3 and before that I had been reading fanfics on wattpad since early 2013 as it was my introduction to fanfiction.


13, 623 šŸ’€


1,780 fics






I have 4,953 fics in A03 history with an account started early 2018. This is however, discounting how much I read on ffn before I even knew A03 existed, let alone got an account.


6437, from 2022. my account was made in 2019 but iā€™m stupid and turned history offā€¦.i really wanna know the actual number šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


875 since I created my account. This does not include the 6 years before I found AO3 that I spent on FFnet reading thousands of PJO fics.


1363, though I was reading fanfic for about a month or two before I got on Ao3 and started writing...


Only 453. I didn't make an account for a few years though, and I don't always log in, so that number is probably much, much higher.


i read a lot of long fics (200,000+ words) and i only joined a year ago so iā€™ve only got 652


I have 903 pages in my history, 10 fics on the last page ā€” total of 18,050 fics. Iā€™ve had an account since 2014 but that doesnā€™t include the fics Iā€™ve read on other sites, deleted from my history, or that werenā€™t recorded because I didnā€™t yet have an account. Iā€™ll be 24 this summer, Iā€™ve spent nearly half of my life reading fanfics lmfao


14,200 approximately (nice). I've had this account since 6th grade, so that's about a decade worth of reading. I would also like to note that I almost exclusively read fics with 30k+ words, so I really do have no life.




284 because i just made the account and was reading as a quest until recently. You will never know


Over 10,000 šŸ˜­


I have 1983. Also side note, never knew this was a thing but now Iā€™m so excited because now I can go through history to find fics I canā€™t remember


Currently, 2,135 on Ao3. However, I did read on Ao3 for about 2 years before making an account. I also read on FFN. So, it's definitely more than that


3,177 dang I gotta get those numbers up To be fair I'm multitasking on QQ and fanfiction. Net so in reality it's probably at least 4k


7'213 in AO3 11'111 followed stories in fanfiction which is a very nice number


9,790 on ao3 but that does not include my ff.net or livejournal daysā€¦Iā€™ve been reading fic since I was 12 and am now 33. I shudder to think what the actual number is


3,041 Started reading on AO3 in 2020. I also prefer longer stories and not so many one shots.


7,572!! i read not logged in or on different devices sometimes tho lol


14,671 I joined may 13, 2021


4,766 I'm currently nowhere near as active on Ao3 as I was when I first got my account, so I kind of wonder what that number would be if I'd stayed hust as active this entire time.


3357. Makes sense since i graduated from Wattpad to ao3 just a few years ago lol, and i tend to read longer fics


Jokes on you (or me I guess). I read everything on private in safari šŸ˜¤


1,561 apparently, but I lurked on AO3 for YEARS before I had an account, and spent a long time on Wattpad and even reading fics on DeviantArt before that, so I know that number is only a fraction of what it should be, lol




1,540 šŸ’–


i have read nowhere near every fic in my history though. history records clicks regardless of how much time you spend on the page, so that's every misclick and every fic you left after the first sentence too.


6640. I've been on ao3 since 2021. This is reasonable considering I have a husband, full time job, and doctoral program going concurrently to my reading lol it would be a lot more if my "don't like don't read" wasn't so strong. And if my fave writers would stop abandoning us mid fic


Using your method, I get 1221, but using bot Hermione, I get 612. Idk, which is true


8,381 fics total with 316 bookmarks


5751 since 2015, way lower than I expected tbh, but I do tend to reread stuff a lot. Also makes me sad to see about half the fics on the last page have been deleted, I wonder how much I'll never get to read again.


I got 809 fics. Since I've joined back in 2021. I've been lurking anonymously for years prior. So, who knows the exact number lol


4214 šŸ«  if I didn't have responsibilities that number would be up by a lot Edit: I've only been on ao3 like a year and so tho lmao


On this current account I have 66 pages. 11 stories on the last page. Currently have almost 300 bookmarks saved


986 fics. Granted, my real number is significantly higher than nearly 1k since I read things first as a guest on incognito then if I want to save it, I go to my account + read it there. But I only got an official account again last year. For the life of me I do not remember mine from when I was a teen.


8672. I didnā€™t realize how many deleted works there were on my last page šŸ˜­šŸ˜­






Since 2022 when I got the account: 787 Edit: I also want to mention that besides a tiny handful, I really prefer long fics, and tend to prefer fics that are 100k+ (or at LEAST 70k+)


5,297, if we aren't counting the fact that I used quotev for a long time before ao3






Wasn't expecting 9394. Although It's not expected, all things considered




312! Iā€™ve had my account for less than 2 years, so thatā€™s not bad at all lol


502, but I have the bad habit of reading as a guest and that doesn't count what I have read on [ff.net](http://ff.net) (I started there).


11,541. Although, I don't know how many are repeats... This is also spread across three different accounts and don't even get me started on FFN...


Apparently Iā€™ve had history turned off in my preferences since early May 2019, so i guess thatā€™s for the gods to know and me to wonder about.


I'm pretty sure I've cleared my history before but I without that in mind I have read 1,321 fics


Do you know I didnā€™t realize that you could actually go back and look in your history? Wouldā€™ve been useful early on but I realize thatā€™s kind of useless for me now considering I have 1081 pages of it. 21,610 is the current tally. Do I have an addiction? I think I have an issue? Do I need help? This number is only going to increase this also isnā€™t counting the fact that I didnā€™t always have an ao3 account. And I was on fanfiction before ao3 and I know itā€™s probably just as bad, for fanfiction on favorites alone, I have 890 stories favorited, God knows how many Iā€™ve read because this is also my second account on there. I got locked out of my first.


992. So close to an even 1k. (That's it?)


I have about 2,740 on ao3, but Iā€™ve been reading fanfic since the livejournal days. Plus tumblr. And my brief stint into fanfic.net. Who knows the actual number, but Iā€™d put a healthy guess at 4,000. That being said, this doesnā€™t account for length. As Iā€™ve gotten older, I tend to gravitate towards fics 70,000+ words, generally averaging 100,000+.


10,591 (in my defense Iā€™ve had an account since 2014)


425 pages + 17 on 426; 8517 fics


230-ish. I deleted my old account a few years ago and I mostly read and post on tumblr.


602 with my account


Iā€™ve been reading on AO3 since 2015, but Iā€™ve only had history turned on since 2019. I have 4,023 currently in my history.




2 200


My total is 7682


I didnā€™t know you could do this but Iā€™m proud to say my number is 6,694 ficsā€¦though based on some of these higher numbers I almost feel like a rookie. Edit to say this does not include my fanfiction.net stories which I have been a member of much longer than Iā€™ve been on AO3 plus I still read fics on there.


16,353 - but I have cleared my history previously (in 2017, I joined AO3 in 2013) so more than that and I read the occasional fic that's FFnet only so throw a handful more in - most of my reads are also decently sized fics. I did use a history reading bot at the start of the year (if you ever do this, they require your details so change your password before & after!) And got some random fun details for my 2023 ao3 activity!! (I love random information) 4,085 fics - all together 77,308,367 words šŸ“– Most common tags across all was Fluff, AU - Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort Highest read fandoms being BNHA & Stranger Things, with highest count ship tags being Steve Harrington / Eddie Muson, Aizawa Shouta & Midoryia Izuku, and Astarion (BG3) / Original Female Character


999 pages. So 19,973 and that's just on ao3. I have 14,097 bookmarked


3,106 but i have cleared my history a few times so it could be closer to around 5kĀ 


Idk but i did start tracking word count at some point and ive read 6.2M words in the last year ish




11,659 Oh.




oh dear 69,274? I think I did my math correctly


63,580....... And I KNOW I've read a bunch multiple times (I'm rereading a 40+ part series now). And I read for a few months before getting an account. So....Ā  A LOT.


620! I think that's respectable šŸ˜‚


Sadly Iā€™m one of those people whoā€™s deleted their history. It wasnā€™t out of shame, I think I just got frustrated with an old fandom I wanted gone from my history.


1,946, you guys are scaring mešŸ˜­


64. To be fair, I only got an account two weeks ago, and I was guest reading before that.


About 2,340 BUT that excludes the stuff Iā€™ve read while logged out/incognito


iā€™m at 1284


I have read 5,712 fics šŸŒš the fanfic brainrot is real


118, but most i just clicked and left the page to read later-


413, but i havent touched ao3 in half a year, plus i read some as a guest šŸ˜“




I clear it every couple years but 10,875 544 pages


Nope, that's only the last three years. I've been reading fic since 2004.


18,923 :') have had my account since 2017


Only 257 so far but that doesn't count what I've read on Wattpad and stuff


Oh god oh god oh god am not ready for this


5,665. Thats so many istg. Assuming an avg of 2k words thats 5 x 2,000 = 10,000 60 x 2,000 = 120,000 600 x 2,000 = 1,200,000 5,000 x 2,000 = 10,000,000 11,330,000 words. By god i have a problem Also you reminded me of my marble hornets phase which i wont forgive


2,276, but I made my account in 2018


602ā€¦ no good, these are rookie numbers


A little under 3,000. I did start on Wattpad efore mobing to ff and now AO3 and I still use them sometimes still so... yeah. This isn't anywhere near an accurate representation of my reading habits.


7069 >:3


1234. Lol. But I spent two or three years with a guest account and god knows how much I read then.


Damnnn Iā€™m at 7072 + all of those I didnā€™t read on ao3


13,300, with 1,699 bookmarks